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PM 1986-034
`. Recording Requested City of.La.Quinta When Recorded, Return La- inta Com iunity Development -P: 0. Box 1504 78'-'105 Calle Estado La Qui ta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta Community • Develoxxnent Department 0 ` cr 02 c v c W4 o� CrU CA CrCD U OO U CQOo ®0 c V U p W O LU Q � w EXHIBIT A V CERTIFIC"ATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO, Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers DAB Got#EN 7& - L61- -02.o-3 Legal Description of Merged Parcel. 5,cko40 DFSCRI&�b RE-19L FRoPr-- Loc47C-D /*�o 7tf4-- S-1,q7,C OF C,41-iFo,pIv/14 CvvivT,! of /��V�f�sloC� c/7-/ of Lo7s 4 LI 45- q6 117 1-4vD Ile of L, t, 8 %R A cT Ok) FF V0, 4�, A S F /R o�� FN 13 K al pqC- /a OF AlAPS REco,�!?� l�(Vc-ipSF/J-C G©aAvT -1 S7,qTE7 oF G/��iFoRuIA. RECEIVED' AU C i 1933 COMMUNITY DEOF VELOUTA PMENT DEPT RECEIVE JUL i6 19B6 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L Recording Requeste City of La Quinta When Recorded, Return To: La Quetta Camunity Developnezt Department P. O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA- 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code i Benefit of -La Quinta Community Development Depaxtznent EXHIBITO CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER N0. To TAAKC0 N- �%o �N . j ExisT. 2/w . 23 1Goa O Z;"Sac .¢[ 70. (2� sl;ev 0 .. RECEIVE® JUL L 16 1986 CITY OF LA UINTA COMMUNITY DEVEL PM NT DEPT SOS . I� tb.QoLp g Q -- S DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner ! � �.T 1�l�rrF This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. &G-o34( is 2�al�vu ��o c Y, &? % a 92'Zc. y hereby approved. Address J'Z"18v A&0e. '44-00Iq. 4.0L60, 2-7--7 a3 Map Prepared By �rzto ,�Pc• BY M.c2 Address ;;3 -96s IA$4y !!1. '6 ,o� Ca 9'21, G-e Title /mac -�.r,.- z 41rs=r Area/District Date l061 4 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 August 1, 1986 Mr. Dan Cohen 2000 Lagarto Way Palm Springs,,CA 92264 SUBJECT: Parcel Merger No. 86-034_ Dear Sir: Attached please find a copy of the recorded Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 86-034, Exhibits A and B. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION Wallace Nesbit Planning.Assistant IJT1 -T,I Atchs: Cert. of Parcel Merger No. 86-034 W/Exhibits A and B (Recorded Copies) cc: CDD, Building Division Jim Wiltse, Applicant James R. Fetridge, Applicant's Repr. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 way 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 July 21, 1986. County Recorder County of Riverside P. O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: Parcel.Merger No. 86-034 Dear Sir: Attached please find Certificates of Parcel Merger No. 86-034', Exhibits A and B. Please record and return these'documents tothis office. Thank - you. Very truly yours, COMMUNITY.DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION Wallace Nesbit Planning Assistant WHN:dmv Atchs: Cert. of Parcel Merger No. 86-034 W/Exhibits A and B MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4n E%1 57 - Rl -- "---�' '� i P. Ue YV - R/vV P• %� T I 24' ` ? J � •Q c ((i►ISEC WALK a v�rt I � � ' 9e_Ni•'Bt�.KY4Ve��.. I 'tl1' - CI l0 J 9 to- 10 17 9' 14 +x _ Pp.- IZ.K t- .6 . ; t•T�GAfz:.S. _ -_ _._ � X N • it r �(v 14 ar3 _ 3 " wi F>L.V.. WAU �S CT E _P L�►tJ_ _ • - - .. co c'al AC7PtJIEy'FUPT AN Gol•�EN. Record Owner . 2000 LAGAr;_To Wa`l - PAL-N\ SfI?_ktAGS G4l 1'F. �22G4 �r t9�323 5258 Address JIK W ILT5E 52 d.SCo ANeI4(QA Ar-_ IDOZA -L'A QULWTA+t CALIF, aj2253 5&4.4%118 Map Prepared By JAtAES R. PmTRloca Address Z3.965 "kYWr. tt% - SutTe -� PAt-M Scale Assessors Parcel No. -" T69-2e-.t_cAL_IF, -C &t C� OF THg9wS r RECEIVED J U L 13 1686 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER S OAtit 4-0Ke1-4-200o I-^C%AR-ro ,WAI-po,t„'„\ sFfLtNcov c4wr, g2z64 0i9j3a3-5z98 Wtt_-c5o - 52 48& Ay6waa N&Eµooaa-�.A• GtviN-rs, CAt_t6, °t z,.753 (Gtg)9644`4tU Record Owner Nance (s ) Address Phone Representative �ta,Nte s g • FE-srzt c�� Name 73-�t�S AYwY.ut4,SuIze J�, 17ILLAK 0155 4T, CAL(le, '1z2"0B 60)g0 568-5635 Address Phone PROPERTY DATA: Assessor Parcel Nos.: Parcel'l Parcel 2 Parcel 3 76 q - 2G l - 619 - 020 dz( Parcel 4 - - 0 z 2 pA ee4r- c- 5 o z.- 3 Street Address of Property: REQUEST: (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested) ��5) ZoN`ttC,UoVS PaRceC.S AQR.t= To bt MEl 4CO TO PFZDKipd AGE A-D15XJ4,-CG adtIL D(ge-, St-rE FOR. taryg-rAt�. IO�FW_6 P�UIt--�tetC 16�6TN C2�ucmep 0rF-yCA&&T PAaL4)46, APPLICATION FEE: $175.00 in cash or check .payable to City of La Quinta. (I /We) hereby certify that; 1. (I .a-Vwe are) the record owner (s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this application; 2. (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application.and, 3. The information submitted in connection with this.applica- tion is true and correct. Date Representative Signature: OFFICE USE ONLY DATE STAMP Case No. Zoning ,C 1.2S-It Related Cases '11e�W g & -as,? " 95�4 6 6— - 5rl 9 P. 0. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564-2 5 9 9 2 7 1 8 175,0.0 Tl J RECORDING REQUESTED BY rob AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: ' NAME 7 STREET ADDRESS CITY. STAT •.r ZIPE L Title Order Nc........................... Escrow No ......................... 1 Grant Deed THE UNDERSIGNED CRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) This space for Recorder's use DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ p unincorporated area p City of Parcel No. p computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JAMES WILTSE, a single man and DANIEL F. COHEN and MAE COHEN, husband and wife hereby GRANT(S) to JAMES WILTSE, a single man as to an undivided one third interest; DANIEL F. COHEN and MAE COHEN, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undividE one third interest and HERSHEL WEINROTT and RUTH WEINROTT, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undivided one third interest the following3escribed real property in the County of Riverside , State of California: Lots 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 of Desert Club Tract Unit No. 4 as per Map on file in Book 21, Page 60 of Maps, Records of said County Dated August 10, 1981 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF Riverside' } SS. On August 21, 1981 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared James Wiltse and Daniel F. Cohen --------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------- known to me to he this peru»`whose n e s a re subscribed to tho within instrulTuart nd ckuti Icdt-A thaw they executed the Nauw. i Launa Nelson Name, ( Typed or Printed) Notary Public in and for said County and State 1d34 1N3 T3 dU Allt tlWWt99 gB64 T :l 0:3 A Mae Cohen OFFICIA1, SEAL LALINA NEI.:ON °trYn NOTARY PUBLIC11LI1TJR�IIA RIVERSIDE COUNTY �i My Comm. expires DEC 1, 1964 ( Space above for official notarial sea]) 'ice J1Arr;MP;NTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name Street Address : At ;c.E