Pitney Bowes/Lease Agree 06 Your Business Information: Full Legal Name of essee CITY OF LA DINT A Billing Address 78495 CALLE T AMPICO Ph9ne # ~ ," =rnñ= Pitney Bowes DB r;j"coun. Number 60 I I I ame of Lessee 14 State Zip+4 CA 92253 State Zip+4 CA 92253 ype Customer P.O. # 90909 Credit Card # Bill Loc. 1.0. City LA UINTA Install Loc. 1.0. 00451380000 Expire Date ame On Card T ax Exempt # Sales Tax (if applicable) Fiscal Period , I From: vu To: -:1) Renter PO# Your Business Needs: (X) Items to .bejncluded in your Total Quarterly Payment. ,c,i,c,: iu! i ¡ ! ¡ æ Equipment Maintenance - Provides full service cove~age ïdci¿~~ aI} .~~rts\ aJd l~bJr. æ Soft-Guard - Provides necessary carrier rate update. X Software Maintenance - Provides revision upgrades and technical ~s~ta~c~. !" ! 'X . Meter on Lease - Provides simplified billing and includes _ reset(s) per year. Qty Item Equipment Description ,. ,';.' ,; ---- -. -.'j . ,': r Mail Stream Solution - 1 l " .. I . , I SBNW DMIOOO System - WOW wi 300Dept Acctg P¡wkage -, l' IAOO IntelhLmk Interface 1 PSD for DM500-DMIOOO . ,...-.- ,- I IDOO IntelhLmk SubscnptlOn with Value Based ServIces I IFW5 IS lb Interfaced Welgl11ng I U7DS Drop Stacker tor DM900, DMI 000 I IFSI USPS ConfirmatIon ServIces Software (DM8001900/1 000) I F8DA ConftrmatlOn Services Trammg (DM8001900/1000) , I F9DD ConfirmatlOn ServIces Welcome KIt I MP30 15/30 lb Scale Platform, I IFWI DIfferentIal Welglllng I ATRI VBS Postage Pass Your Payment Plan: Rental Terms and Conditions . . '. . ¡ '¡ ¿i3ýyoW; '~ignatÛre as "Renter" bel;)\~', you request that we rent to you the equipment described above or on any schedule Initial Lease Term (In Months) 48 \ . ,; , .: '4ttac'hedhéretD(the"Equlp~";)foress~ntialgovemmentalpurposesinconsideration of your payment to us of the (Begin after any applicable interim usage period)iti( ),1' J¡I~~~1~fÓí1hin the P~k~c'ht!dble, subj'èct to the terms and conditions provided in this Agreement. For , ' pþrposes of this AgreementrMI<t\!Yments set forth in the Payment Schedule shall be referred to as the "Total ,.~1~ayments." The p~ents {efbrrè'd it1 in tJie~Payment Sched~le other than the "Final PllYß.\ent" ~all. be referred to Monthly Amount· smgularly as a "Penod Paymèn~tl'ÔÒlIèêbvely as the "Penod Payments." Your offer will be bmdmgon us when we (Applicable taxes not included) . .H .!K:fficept ~~~l.~.~i1?-gd~ au~~~.~~...:~p.!.~y"~..,j~!!: .~II payments hereunder shall be payable only to us at. ~ur executive o Ices wuess we II"cct you owerwlSe I~:~f~' $ t-f3tf - # of Months First (,ð ~ -- ..··l~:l'-lON.ÀPPRÒPRIATIbN. 'Y'öü'wartant thåtyou have funds available to pay the Total Payments untiìihe end of' . your current fiscal period, and shall use your best efforts to obtain funds to pay the Total Payments in each subsequent. 'flScalperiod through the end of your Initial Term, If your appropriation request to your legislative body, or funding authority ("Governing Body") for funds to pay the Total Payments is denied, you may terminate this Agreement oil"the" last day of the fiscal period for which funds have been appropriated, upon (i) submission of documentation reasonably satisfactory to us evidencing the Governing Body's denial of an appropriation sufficient to continue this Agreement for 1he next succeeding fiscal period, and (ii) satisfaction of all charges and obligations under this Agreement incurred through the end of the fiscal period for which funds have been appropriated, including the return of the Equipment at your expense. This lease is billed quarterly, your Total auarterly Payment is three times the Monthly Amount. [J Required Advanced Quarterly Lease Check of $0.00 [J Received. Tax Exempt (certificate attached) [J Support Services' Payment of iQ, To be paid to vendor pursuant to section 21. Sign~-ØQ~ lj Pri .' afl1e une Greek Date 4-.2.Þ-øt.~ Title City Clerk This lease and other agreements may only be changed by the parties in writing. i,· Your Business Information: Full Lega ame of Lessee CITY OF LA DINT A Billing Address 78495 CALLE T AMPICO Phone # ;;!Ill,!;; ~~ccctJn. Number =rnñ= Pitney Bowes ~ I 1 I DB~ Name of Lessee City LA UINTA essee Contact Name nvolce Attn. of Customer P.O. # 90909 Credit Car # Bill Loc. I.D. xplre Date T ax Exempt # Fiscal Period From: To: Renter Po# \4 State CA Zip+4 92253 State CA IP+ 92253 ype -r-u\-vP-L ~òc.0-2 ~"'ì.~ o,("~e..r -k ~ \~\-I ~ - ~''''r' ~ ~ ~<O¿). ;rç _··'"·..,..·.,·:-;.oor~~ë--:'ë~ë~~-'-·- ,...--.. ~t]ri*.·,: .~~ \ ,i ~+ Account Rep. Mary Bohen Title: PB Accepted By: Tenn Rental (Rev. 3/2004) Equipment Vendor: Pitney Bowes For Sales and Service Call 1-800-322-8000