PM 1990-215=l RECORDING REQUESTED BY 0 �r£. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL ED AND UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW MAIL TAX STATEMENT T . Name rai-fy of La Quinta , Street (' P . 0. Box 1504 Address La Quinta, CA 92253 City a State L r MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO y �� rr �•�z ,Q� .Hp, r LL. I M Name F— � r • � �• � n Janilee A. Saw t. i Address P.O. Box 1422 icity La Quinta, CA 92253 State L O i TITLE ORDER N0. ESCROW M0. p .4 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT, DEED, - THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) - DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ -07 , ® computed on full value of property conveyed, or, p computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. " p unincorporated area p city of LA QUINTA AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JANILEE A. SAW, an unmarried woman hereby GRANT(s) to,.; JANILEE A. SAW, an unmarried woman ' - tiX the following described real property in the ` County of Riverside , State of California: ' ' r In the city fo La Quinta, Lots 9 and 10, Block 225, Unit 21 i Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, as per map recorded in Book 20, Page 22, official Records`of Riverside County,, Calif.'" This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. 90' as approved by the City of La,Quinta. Date —�� % �l ) 6YXI't bt- UAL ivlA COUNTY OF L L) ' On this _'�© day of ' —'a L) OL in the year before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pu lic in and for said State, personally appearedes f Ie e A, QCA) , ❑ personally known to me gilobved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. r Sign j NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR D STATE OFFICIAL SEAL SAUNDRA L.1UH01A m NOTARY PUEUC • CALWORN14 RIVERSIDE COUNTY My Comm. Expires Dec. 18,1992 (This area for official notarial seat) 0 R,ecoringes .. City of. La _Quinta 63143 Mien Recorded, Return Zb: La Quinta Planning and Development Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 government Code Benefit of La Quinta Community Development Department E A" lin I B I T A E T I F I T E 0 FHIImr AGEl E R 0.9o-aa,� Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers J I e ca w 7 —U tJ � -cam -7 -7 — cv cc-) - . 2 Legal Description of Merged Parcel I-ot� ��� �01 �vt b�o�k. ass �-� u��,+ Nd.:�i �+C. '-,j V�I� �.a Q�,,.k� 0.S Z5 >✓y ,MCA C�'l, lti �oc)k �O ,(�q � �� d-f- ►'r1`� S 1�\iv-erS��2 C 1 , n LA„�-y Recording Requested .By,. I City of La Quini� 63143 When Recorded,, Return To: La Quinta Planning and DeV61bpTmehr Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee,, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta CanTiLmity Development Deparbnent M H5mfVt_"0, I 40 C, A i-, t- F_ GU L I M A% , 20 1 W Z N0m?0-,Z/S- DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner S KL IL6-r- _oPcg_-' _s6,w This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 10- 215 is Address '.;3-445 /W - hereby approved Map Prepared By L-,'N- f? I A rt By Address q zazs; zz Title Area/District LA= Date CPk_�>/^JTA- T-itT 4 4a 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 February 14, 1990 Ms. Janice A. Saw P. 0. Box 1422 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER NO. 90-215 Dear Sirs: Your Parcel Merger has been approved by the Planning Department. Attached are copies of the letter, approved Exhibits, and unrecorded Deeds, sent to the Recorder's Office for recordation. Please note NO ACTION IS REQUIRED FROM YOU at this stage. The Deeds will be mailed to you once they have been recorded. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, _- JERKY HERMAN . PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ct �lJ�l,�u'M's Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL:bja Attachments BJ/FORMPMLL.002 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1604 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4(4j 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 February 14, 1990 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER NO. 90-215 Dear Sir: Attached please find a Grant Deed for Parcel Merger 90-215, with Exhibits A and B. Recordation is requested by and for the City of La Quinta, in accordance with Government Code Section 6103, to insure compliance with zoning requirements prior to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of these documents to this office so our records can be updated. Thank you. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Gi �'rm's Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL/bja Attachments cc: Property Owner PM File BJ/FORMLFTNrL9Qa ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1604 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I _ . • SITE PLANIO OF PARCEL MERGER NO.Po-21.5- �I Z w 04LLE OOLI M A Record Owner TfM i L-FE A. -SI-Y -) Address 63- HAS H v� �H- �.lt Qvt��Jice} QaL2j3 Map Prepared By ao+f U Q1$LKLv00_D Address 53Qu V J-7 4 Hf g� 3 Scale i'e — y o' Assessors Parcel Na ?7'Y- C783 --020 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO 4 r LA QUINTA,,CALIFORNIA 92253 4t APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER w.a ----------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY u: Zoning: s� PM No.: 90 -Z/S Related Cases: Nam_ u Reviewed By: �/l/i,(�, Date Received: /��� 9� II ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER: , Name: AAi IIep- Ai Ice a� oh K - s64-Sy�l Address: 53- `t `t 5 Ave a -eY,rerc, (NwuN6) L CA- ui kifi-� 92253 Phone: Ho1�np-5.6q-,5q.,-g (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: Address: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Daytime Phone: Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 Parcel 2 7-7 _-083 -Gl6'� o Parcel 3 - - Parcel 4 - - Street Address of Property: Jc`�_ `f`i5 Aenlda. jjerr2r-C_ REQUEST (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) j wQ lots — +<3 5av z- lt� .C)n r -e___ MR/FORMPM.001 �,` hvus Q- REMY J Ail 3 0 1990 CITY OF LA'( UINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWINGS. 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits. A . and B and Site Plan. The location of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following noted on the Deed: - Correct legal description, showing all involved properties for which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit "A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. , AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Parcel Merger number will be filled in by this office.) 4 .. This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. IN C4r->YE G Q164) The Planning and Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application;' 2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 1) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner(s) Signature: Date Date Date Representative Signature: Date (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) MR/FORMPM.001 APRIL 1988 CI?;-0`t �- -- CASEINFORMATIO 'ase No. Application Received'by LA3 Date . 1 Application Checked by Date applicant: aA'ct_- w one: io sc su-q-i lddress: 53 H 3 Y, s�4 scr2a Street city 5tate Zip Cc )wngr:. Phone: Ilddress: Late treet ty Zepresentative: Ilddress: 1. 2. 3. ree Subject: c Location: Environmental Information E.A. No. E.I.R.No. Notice of Declaration 4. Related Files: 5. Parcel Size/Acreage Q-x SRO 9. 6. General Plan Designation- 10. 1. Zoning S lz 11. 8. Surrounding Zoning S 2- 12. 13. Tentative Hearing Date 14. Agency.Deadline Date 15. Plot Plan Checked 16. Legal Description 17. Transmittals r.. It A" ►1,.♦ i �s 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Phone: P p coae Fee Information Filing Fee $ E.A. Fee $ — Total S Additional Fees S Receipts for Fees: Circulation Element Ay H d Housing Element Council District Assessor's -02-6> Hearing Information ,Date Action CC -EA PC CC enonr FY "A" Not' M cll "Y Genera e e one Road Department Cit o Ca Trans CountPlanning Water Quality CVCWD Home Owners Parks Building Dept. Hea th Dept. Fire Tt Engineer t er Transmittals sent -by: Date: Public Hearing -Notice Date: Notice Mailed by: Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: Page Parcel By Applicant Notified of Action: Agencies Notified: File Closed: 24. Additional Pertinent Information:- _.---.- N .'RD'ING REQUESTED BY z ' � f n �•IV AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO d ��KiiJJJ Name I Ms . Janilee A. Saw Street 53-445 Avenida Herrera Address La Quinta, CA 9.2253 city State L r Zip MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name Street Address same as above City State Zip OU_? re`�j- SF-w� Seek za ' J 7 Cj 1 Lu W i z i Lj q Q o l W a N y ro. - s r SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE -- DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ 56. 1 n X_COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED, OR COMPUTED ON FULL VALUELESS LIENS AND , ENCUMBRANCES REMAINING AT TIME OF SALE'' Shearson America:: ;:x ress Escrow Signefure of Declarant or Agent `determining tax. Firm Name �. GRANT DEED, ' ^ (Escrow No. __ l_?_7.7_________-) March 14, 1984 { M By this instrument -dated ------ ___----------------------------------- ----------------- ____________ - for a valuable consideration, '/7 VIRGINIA M. DARBONNE, an unmarried.woman._..and;JOHANNA D. LOPEZ, an,unmarried woman hereby GRANTS to A; t Janilee A. Saw, an unmarried woman r the following described Real Property in the State of Califomia, County of.__ Riv_erside_________ ------ City of--------------------------------------------------------------------- La Quinta ri Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 225, Unit 21; Santa'Carmelita at Vale La Quinta,.As per map recorded in Book 20, Page 22,.Official Records of Riverside County, Calif., STATE OF CALIFORNIA, {ss. County of Marin On this fourth day of April in the year -1984 beforerrle M.C. Heard a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Virginia M. Darbonne )Xs1A)nD��ec�rproved tome on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Y J(y'OBCe6876707[�OV7a0797C1C061C1E8677C�C�lYI7Ell11lYlki�k�+��. instrument as the attorney in fact of JOHANNA D . LOPEZ--------- (� o ., , OFFICIAL SEAL _ -----------------------=---- M. C. HEARD � ° and acknowledged to me that S he subscribed the name —of Johanna D . o .••<9 .d��•;•� - NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA � w;`'-' _ COUNTY OF MARIN 5 Lopez ----.-=---=--=---=- '--------_-------____-- S My Commission Expires March 12, 1985 ®107�E1f11YCi�8601A1A7117B7BIOt5Y05�iee4llOOCIOAIt1A�8�ap9aC' thereto as principal _, and h er ­ own name as attorney in fact. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and axed my official sea] in the County of Marin on the date - s a«emmi is 'my, eat", form which may be proper rot use in simple trans. set forth above in this certificate. ' ions arW in ro way acts, or is intended to au, as a subsl.1ute for the advice of an . Tha publisher does not make any warranty, either express or implied, as to the lepl'validity of any provision or the suitability of these forms in any specific _ aensectan. Notary Public tateofCalifornia. CnwdPrv'c Form No Td—/4rlrnnwlnri.mnnf fn N f ..