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PM 1990-241
jy RECORDING REQUESTED BY 4T 4 AND WiLN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ft BELOW MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Name f �IlrY e,,-- reet .ddlres3 %�(� �•� ��L� �f ' `5 Itte MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name e 7 r0 ¢/Ohs 6,51-4 C/�r„ � A/ street Po .ddress City d Stale TITLE ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. L__A W .. 1 C" ^,l V a 0 C 0 nr�� ii U_ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encurorances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(s) to C't�.�:L ,� - .t� �� f.�%��o�iE it �����is�/, yvsB.9�.� a4 LG'/FL the following described real property in the County of , State of California: ,(OTC •-3 -4. pf ��GaGNri� �x',%f;F�1%�Lc TNIy 1��cI� �C�«� TS �/����L ��riP�E� 90-241 Dated. STATE COUNT On this before I appearE O perst (,],proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. OFFICIAL SFAL OEBORAII S. DE RElA0 NOTARY PuBIiC • CALiatNA RIYERSIDE COUNTY Ny Coma EXphs Jan. 15,1994 Signature 36ebm ! e /J— NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE (This area for official notarial seat) Recording ' By .lRegaested City of. La _4nino rWwen ! 245456 Recorded, Return Th: La Quinta Planning and Development Department P.O. Box 1504 - La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 government Code' Benefit of La Quinta Camtunity Development Deparbrent EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATEOF PARCEL MERGER No,qO-7-41 Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers English, Cyril E. & Marjorie H. 774-063-016-6 774-063-017-7 774-063-015-5 Legal Description of Merged Parcel _ Lots 3, 4, & 5 of Block 206, Santa Carmelita Unit at Vale La Quinta, Unit #20 as per map recorded in Book 19, Page 38 of Maps, Records of Riverside County. Recording: ,i. ;sjr ; T 545 City of %a'Quinta` R%` 6 when Recorded, Return_ To: , La Quinta Planning and Development -Department ' P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta camunity ity DeveloFrmnt Department EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER 140,10-z-41 g 'PLANNED C- NSN".' A 0kiYF ta1A`l G o CA no,,a �. I DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner M r + N f- r, fish This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. is Address 1' • Ox /4 hereby approved Map Prepared By LA ruin C� �(Z7fS3 By ; Address Title Area/District Date-WmmttD.BYDIVI I OW - DATE q o • 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 June 28, 1990 Cyril E. & Marjorie H. English PO Box 143 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 90-241 Dear Mr. & Mrs. English: Your parcel mergers have been approved by, the Planning Department. Attached are copies of the Exhibits, and letter, approved unrecorded Deeds, sent to the for recordation. Recorder's Office Please note NO ACTION IS REQUIRED FROM YOU at this stage. 'The Deeds will be mailed to you once they have been recorded. _ Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CSC Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs Attachments CS/FORK N.Cb6PDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 , June 28, 1990 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER NO. 90-241 Dear Sir: Attached please find the Grant Deed for Parcel Merger 90-241, with Exhibit(s). Recordation is requested by and for the City of La Quinta, in accordance with Government Code Section 6103, to insure compliance with zoning requirements prior to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of these documents, to this office so our records can`be updated. Thank you. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR A Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs Attachments cc: Property Owner LLA File CS/FORId*i-I1n:tDDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ' SITE P CERTIFICATE OF PARCH 8 9LANNED C NEw A a1YF vJA1 4 0 CAno... 10 APPROVED BY PLANNING DIVISION NU.l lSDATE q `� Record Owner ^&R -►-m R�s Address P . C-D . aox 14 3 fT L N# C A- 19 z2--53 Map Prepared By Address Scale l Oi ` Assessors Parcel Na '7i' 'LI- —.� 0 c 1-73 - - ' r'� e.. ems. j`� T�""�.".sF,�"..+. ilt `}, ♦,r.... .K41�r CITY OF LA QUINTA .PLANNING-& DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning: PM No.: Related Cases: Reviewed By: Date Received: Z 4 u PROPERTY OWNER: Name: Cyyt 419RJoR/E 5K6115,41 Address: . ZtiMG r (�uNG) �4• ©vivrR 12233 Phone: SSW---4/255 (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: - Address: Daytime X__ Phone: x (City.) (State) .(Zip) < a r PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Street Address of Property: REQUEST . J Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Parcel 3 Parcel 4 5� 065 44;, rDeg Xz z l (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) �.E .�BDGE Ti�fiQEE i�i9�CL-'GS . �/�' �' X�E'/✓S� MR/FORMPM.001 ?,PRIL 1988 PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits A and B and Site Plan. The location.of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. (y(Dl'e 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following noted on t e Deed: - Correct legal description, showing all involved properties forti which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit "A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. , AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Parcel Merger number will be filled in by this office.). This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to City of F; La Quinta. NCi T APPt-l6&aUE IN CvY.E C►i®EA�; ; The Planning.and Development Department` will; review sand,`: if complete and acceptable, the Planning,:Director iA ll5 approve the Merger Application, The Appl cation. will =then;.~ be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office f or': �recorciing purposes. I/We hereby certify that: 1) I.am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; 2) I%We have knowledge of and consent to the filing -of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Applicati+i1tue rreOwner(s) SignatureDate�- 2 '14® Date Date Representative Signature: Date (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) M^/F ORMPM. 001 APRIL 1988 • a - memaWANO�C NOW Escrow Na Loan No. WHEN R ORDED MAIL TCh. VAN A-..................... "a T#X STA"Nalff TO www4lPa"myow . i vvoCom i Of 0 -d a I Or AWN OUITCLAIM DEED, PON A VALUABLE CONSMERATIOK I OCS! t 01which ligha" atknoWledo" 7 *MW. RELEASEAM FOREVER A. /0-m-lour /V Af AA110% it's, 16 oy *v of Callkleftill. SAOC& -.1/Nd- rj - VA I rs.1 Ar AW W If, AN A F fk-OX VJ Arx0Z.1", slolm 4410-mall 0" *PZf MAP , FArg: W ftV W 966, r - )I, e We hereby 06ftifY this 10 be 13Vue O'CRImEgslar copy of the odonal. 'FIRST AMERICAN TITLE URANGE MPANY • By Rimic zl!W- AA;4 STAU or CftW"m--Oq Lw,?� or 8142, i 04 a no" Pwoft Odor -tl wov"d loom an"bs"Of naluo Ov* VAN~ fa "mellttr sow Lj L KUM & UM mam "MO-mram" I Sam" We WO as *am I JIM dom --------- avOke-im MUL TAX STATRUENTS As OlP9CT9O ASOVO me PWA