PM 1990-248• , n r RECORDINNGy�tREOUESTFZ By uDF11i ®EN RECORDED KAIAll TAX STATE R A no An Dp LESS OTHERWISE iHDIA `� Neaw r CITY—P.0.BOX 150� A0°fe" 4 u>r a su>» L�LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 MAIL TAX S LATNENTS TO Name F PEARL A. KNIGHT stree P.O.BOX 1543 Ades LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 Clh a J State L TITLE ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. A Q 1c 0 On ao V 5 a W E y SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of_ LA QUINTA , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, PEARL A. KNIGHT an unmarried woman hereby GRANT(s) to _ - - PEARL A. KNIGHT an unmarried woman the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California: (PROPERTY DESCRIPTION) LOTS 13 and 14 of Desert Club Tract Unit #4 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 21 Page 60 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. as approved by the City of La Quinta. �90 - Z 1-1 0 Dated / Ur trALIF NIA (� COUNTY OF1 c,2w► to r j !L� On this _t.---day o�e , in the year before me, th undersig ed, a otary Publiq in and for said State, personally appe red �`e 0. r� gkpersonally known to me 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed mto this Instrument, and acknowl- edged toe that he (she or they) executed RI MA _ OFFICIAL91 S ' SAUNDRA L. JUHOIA m NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA RNERSAE COUNTY My Comm. Expires Dec. 18,1992 Reo6rarn-g Requested -By' "..' City of . La gunta %m Recorded. Return TO: La Quinta Planning and 1, • ... R. Development Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quintal CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta Caamanity Develoranent Department 463413 I Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers 769-262-011-8 Legal Description of Merged Parcel LOT 13 AND 14 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT #4 IN THE CITY OF LAQUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 21 PAGE.60 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. APPROVED BY PLANININ DIVISION �Y �v�� OATS iz-c9-2c Recording Requested .By - City of La Quinta Mien RecordedI Return TO: La Quinta Planning and -Deve po men[-0epartmeni P.O. Box 1504 La Quintal, CA_ 92253_ No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta Cam Lmity Development Department 0 463413 Ekn"' I 'B" IT 8 G"' E R T I F I C A T E 0 F P" A mH C E L ffimm E NNW E R RN 0 20 -Z-,-/5 Record Owner PEARL A uN GB — Address P o Box 1543Q iTt _NTA. �A 9��53 - Map Prepared By Address SG e.L� 1"=a0-0 . APPROVED BY PLANNING DIVISION _ BY- DATE /2// 9 /9 a SE ONLY This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 9o'Zy 8 is hereby approved By Title f}ss o� ->-� �y�-"•i4it Date 4 ' • Y'�. 0. jm .FILE -COPY. '78-105 CALLS ESTADO - LA QUINTA,- CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 ' ' ` I .-.` .4 ,. -.� 1. f,]'I-• t •V .. 4f• I. December 20,'1990 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: PEEL -MERGE 9 2 4a& T. Dear Sir: •;• - _ Attached please find the Grant Deed for Parcel Merger_90-248, with Exhibit(s). t Recordation is requested by and for the City of La Quints, accordance with Government Code •Section 6103,=.to insure compliance with zoning requirements. prior to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of' these'documents to this office so our records can be updated.- Thank you. Very truly yours, a JERRY HERMAN x� , PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ' Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner � WHN:ccs , r Attachments , cc: Property Owner j File A LINbOYDRESS - P.O. BOX. 1504 - LA-QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CS/FORML y.• < 0 44 CV . , FILE COPY'' +,78-105 CALLE ESTADO = Lk QUINTA,"CALIFORNIA 92253-.(619) 564-2246 December 20, 1990 • - #• Pearl A. Knight PO Box 1543 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT:PARCELMERGER902.4.8____ Dear Ms. Knight: Your parcel merger .-has been approved, by the Planning Department.. Attached are copies of the -letter, approved' Exhibits, and unrecorded' Deeds, sent to the Recorder's Office for recordation. , Please note NO ACTION IS REQUIRED FROM ' YOU at this stage. 'The Deeds will be mailed to you once -they have been recorded.. %,. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN ; J PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner �" } WHN:ccs Attachments MAILING AQQDRESS P.O.yBOX 1504 - LA QUINTA,`CALIFORNIA 92253 .. ' CS/FORMPMLL.00 , As • ; 09 6j 78.105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 CFI 9?-2�53 SUBJECT: Dear Attached are your recorded deed(s) and documents for the above mentioned Parcel Merger/Lot Line Adjustment. Your application has now been approved by the City of La Quinta and the Deeds recorded. No more action is required from you. If you have any questions,.please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HEi.MAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs FORMGL. ftl&0 ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I t fj " :t ;l OF'PARCEL ERGER N00, CERTIFICATE 8r I 'ro pSE 4-1CI�Y�L7 L J , -44 r.J2N ro x� _ Record Owner PEARL A. KNIGHT Address P.O.BOX 1543 LAQUINTA, CA. 92253 Map Prepared By Address Scale 0, u APPROVED BY PU'' -"NING DIVISION By w« DATE , .163413 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLS ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER OFFICE USE ONLY a a n Zoning: G- V—G PM No.: 90 —Zti8 a, Related Cases: - a _ a n Reviewed By: �� ��ti Date Received: �z n PROPERTY OWNER: Name: pFART A OTr T "�7" Address: g�n�I�t, �iil�L ,,,,4G� T AQ1ITNTA,rA 92253 Phone: 619 564-4052 (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: NSA Daytime Address: Phone:. (City) (State) _(Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 • 269 -_2L2_-_0.329 Parcel-2 769�- 262 011 -8 Parcel 3 -- - 'Parcel 4 - - Street Address of Property: 78-065 Avenida_ afQnda ao1113ta. Ca - REQUEST _ (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) 176 - - i and a second story storage room on existing site. Install new sewage system on South West corner of lot.. MR/FORMPM.001 :. h --------------- 463413 PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached hc f allestructuresExhisand and B and Site Plan. The location easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. MCIM A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following 3 ------ note on t e Dee Correct legal description, showing all involved properties for which the for merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal_ AS APPROVED If "THIS DEED REFLECTS PAUERGEROParcel TheMerger number BY THE CITY OF LA QINTA. will be filled in by this office.) or not there is This is required whether a conveyance involved, as state law leges not al, recordablendocumentot line adjustment by itself as a 9 • APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to EN E A �) City Of 4 • La Quinta.. (�vvr The Planning and Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's office for recording purposes. gj* the record owner(s) I/14 hereby certify that: lifor�m merger by this Application; of all parcels proposedof this 2) I/ have knowledge oendinformationnsent osubmittedlingconnection Application; and, 3) with this Application is true and cor ect. Date 12 / 17 / 90 . Owner(s) Signature: Date Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) APRIL 1988 Date Date RECORDING REQUESTED 463413 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS ` OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: <200 NAMEr— Pearl A. Knight z �kl r ' c'<I z .O o •.. ADDR[aa P.O. Box 1543 occ co ,� i �• a c.. La Quinta, CA., 92253tu Q a� e p CiYr, STAY[ r LL W tmsl ON I ,+ ! �4 Title Order No ............................. Escrow No ........................ :.. � LLol Thl% spate for Recorder's use _... Grant Deed THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) r r 5-1- DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ ❑ unincorporated area ❑ City of Parcel No. kcomputed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, EDDY G. NICHOLSON and LINDA B. NICHOLSON, husband and wife, hereby GRANT(S) to t PEARL A. KNIGHT, an unmarried woman n -4, the following described real Nrol)erty in the city of La Quinta tcounty of Riverside , state of California: Lot 13 of Desert Club Tract Unit No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 21 Page 60 of maps, in the office v of the County Recorder of said county. Dated January 21,. 1988 STATE OF EAA6R#Fh ap,,v damP3hiM, COUNTY OF-d0ee4lg116"i } SS. On this day of r+11r144gl in the year 1 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Ed d N G- /V'i r h JAryt. a iy(_ ,b',1eKA_ 4-3. iV; eJjo%Sm personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person5, whose name`s subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that /1V executed the same. • �r Eddy G. Nicholson Linda B.. Nicholson z,AL,® Signature tw[-�Fi?H S..ARiviITAGF, Notary PLI;.,. YGLk ,q-rn, � My Co7tssion Expires Novc:niber 26, 19t� Name (Typed or Printed) a+ir m%a5%c,a eFr:.es FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STA Notary Public in and for said County and State 1V&--e,.,bc, 4e, 14'P`i MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name Street Address City & State 1.1�1 r t uraer Ivo. f 7 •-/ Escrow No. Loan No, � $ d COMMONWEALTH EAI,TH LAND TITLE C h 463413 W WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: cn r.j CQ �\PEARL A. KNIGHT %' '. itU n= Y8' P.O. Box 1543 id CL -�� � :>• fil Q Q K La Quinta, CA., 92253 c -- cc a SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE 6 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS T0: ' DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $........................................... SAME AS ABOVE 0... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances - remaining at ti of sale. ��y�i<1'L-Crsi tdG. casr..2�� Signature of Dec grant or Agent detennl tax — Flrm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ESTELLE E. PAULS, a single woman, and ROSE DOVE, a single woman hereby GRANT(S) to PEARL A. KNIGHT, an unmarried woman the real property in the City of La Ouinta County of Riverside State of California, described as rcFt 14;' Uff:Lt' 4'of ileseric Club" -Tract as per map recoraed in Book 21 r Page 60 of maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. County of Lancaster State of Nebraska Before me personally came Estelle E. Pauls subscribed & sworn to -me on Apr. 26, 1988. l�� GENCPALNOTARY-stateofNebras';a CRROU. W�tL® IrAT>�'� hly Comm. Ex . Aug.7,193E ° aC_a� a �jg� P N ry PuhPlic Dated March 2, 1988 STATE OF 9*HFeW4hMr L �I /r7Li S Iss. COUNTY O ) O before m , the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, per- sonally appeared_ `�w `:» /� �.) 11 C_ A-<_e,H a - T ` (., t3& 33 r-3 personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same. Estelle E. Pauls — r — -- --f--v-- - Rose Dove�����--L�/% WITNESS my he nd official a� My Commission Expires Apr. 1,190 (This area for official notarial seal) Signature 1002 (6/62) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE