PM 1991-267RECORDING REQUESTED BY (� AND rt7EN aEf0A0E0 TAIL THIS DEEP Alit UNI�THERWISE SHOWN ASEI01 lull TAI ITADOErENT Ta: r "•"" City of La Quinta etia: PO Box 1504 A La Quinta, CA 92253 City a Sul* L J MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Nam. r 4w.t S sl o,✓ �, Street Address Sit u � 1AV city a state L TITLE ORDE1 N0. ESCROW NO. ul O s jl SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ — O D computed on full value of property conveyed, or D computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Q unincorporated area D city of _ t- 0) SO I ' a"' , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ' S b vL.-e's fl S�,oNt ( 4� S;Ngle t^A`a"') hereby GRANT(s) to the following described real property in the County of r16 U -Qr 51 co C- , State of California: C) 6, a 7, (31oc k 7 8, o SANS C4,v,,e 0-4 to JI U'A foA.) i- 10, AS l�o1uN f5n1 %AAA l.J t3 0c, 18, P1AFC 70, v� V-ndpt Ice C"/`j� 21✓<-stC16, (O� .r�y . t�i5 C�ee p peg1.ec�S No, 91-267 as ia P P ()v e c2 6,1 A-L ,e C y o f- L'va, G v' A,a Dated"1 _+ t -I I CTATF OF r.AL i RNIA On this 25 day of in the year 191, before me, the ndersigned, a N tary Pu I' in and for said State, personally appeared �Q-m P� � e— Q personally known to me (proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. OFFICIAL MW DEBORAH S. DE RENARD NOTARY PUSUC • CALFORNIA RIVERSiOE COLOM W Comm. Eaphs Jan. 15.1994 T.:r7 Signature - Du)c� i-Qkl J ' NOTARY PUBLIC IN ANO FOR SAID STATE (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE. Recording _Reques By . 0 City of. La _Ouin� 239605 4dzen Recorded, Return To: La Quinta Planning and Development Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quintal CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Goverrnnent Code Benefit of La 01inta CaTmmity Development • Department EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO, 91-267 Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers .A -Q — 77-Z101$Cl 7 Z7-10 7-3 — 3 Legal Description of Merged Parcel L o % %, �-a % IN (3loc P. 1 8, OSA jlR `-R,c w•e, U, o, 4tG 101 A 5 S�o ki tj O N Book l$,' e +q q E 7 0, n 0 1M a P s, Z e c o 's d� 1'� d o e ✓` s iJ e Cow ••, •1 , i r Recording Requesffl By.. 239605 City of La Quinta When Recorded, Return TO: La Quinta Planning and —----Deve poment Department -" P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta CcmTunity Development Department EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO, 91-267 ' 0bC-10A0a ;L"Yjg f DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner J� �� This Certificate of Parcel Merger No.4 -2-Co7 is Address 5 2 1 U 5 A\4 i nn i m z hereby approved. Map Prepared By ByNON �� Address G4 Cl Title Area/District Date 1 I 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX 16191 564-5617 August 27, 1991 Mr. James D. Stone 52-145 Avenida Ramirez La.Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 91-267 Dear Mr. Stone: Attached are your recorded deed(s) and documents for.the above mentioned Parcel. Merger. Your application has now been, approved by the City of La Quinta and the Deeds recorded. No more action is required from you. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda M. Lainis Associate Planner GML:ccs MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 'LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 PMPTNAT,/CS BILE COPY 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 July 8, 1991 Mr. James Stone 52145 Avenida Ramirez La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 91-267 Dear Mr. Stone Your parcel merger has been approved by the. Planning Department. Attached are copies of the letter, approved Exhibits, and unrecorded Deeds,, sent .to the Recorder's Office` for recordation. Please note NO ACTION IS REQUIRED FROM YOU at this stage. The Deeds will be mailed toyouu once they have been recorded. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda Lainis Associate Planner GL:ccs Attachments CS/FORM-ihLING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • �HLE COPY 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, _ CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 July 8, 1991 County Recorder County of Riverside P:O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 91-267 Dear Sir: Attached please find the Grant Deed for. Parcel Merger 91-267, with Exhibit(s). Recordation is -requested by and for the City of La Quinta, in accordance with Government Code Section 6103, to insure compliance with zoning requirements prior to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of these documents. to this office so our records can be updated. Thank you. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda Lainis Associate Planner GL:ccs Attachments cc: Property Owner File CS/FORM -IRA LING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 IN Record Owner Address s 9-(a 5- Au (- IZA V- t O-C 7, Map Prepared By J� tq-s SRO,-e- Address 5 a v, q_ Scale I" = c i o I I. -Or? — -27JZZ(o 9 Assessors Parcel No. ,+ 4 b — 773 ZZ (0 Z3 N �u !,- " ,% ... ., .. -. � Y �A Od ug s, 1 7— CITY-OF LA QUINTA PLANNING.& DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning: PM No.: ri Related Cases: ii Reviewed By: Date Received: 3 4 ----------------------------=----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER: Name: A S�eae- Address : Ut;,(r OWING) w, Cj,N Phone: 5-6,4- a38 6 (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: -6 Address: 9-3 u Daytime -nc a' A- 5�9-as z Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 -173- 1040- t 8 - 4-%,3Q s� Street Address of Property: REQUEST Parcel 2 J-;3 - Parcel 3 - - Parcel 4 - - Salo s Ave—%'Ag IZ-t4y-�rez. (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) SFr i FnpAnvt�t . n n ?. Nctt1L i�i5ii PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits A and B and Site Plan. The location of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following noted on the Deed: - Correct legal description, showing all involved properties for which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit,"A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. , AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Parcel Merger'number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. IN CC>YE XNA6 .) The Planning and Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner`(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; 2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application 's true and correct. Owner(s) Signature: Date Date Date Representative Signature:µ Date (Attach Letter(s) o Authorization) APRIL 1988 CASE INFORMA o .. ...—_...w._..- .... ___ ._ ase No. T>M Application Received 'by . Date �(24 Application Checked by Date 7 3 / .ppl scant: S�P,o �Zc P one: ,ddress: 52145 .4 -( Zanune 2- ZZC� ree P )wner:. Phone: Iddress: Street Ci ty State Zip Code lepresentative: Phone: --- Wrest: . ' . . ...... Street ty State Zip Code I. 3. Subject: Location: Environmental Information E.A. No. Notice of Declaration 4. Related Files: Date S. Parcel Site/Acreage 9. 6. General Plan Designation- 10. 1. Zoning 11. 8. Surrounding Zoning 12. Tentative Hearing Date Agency.Deadline Date Plot Plan Checked Legal Description Transmittals Aaencv Ex "A" Notice Fee Informatior Filing Fee s E.A. Fee $ Total : Additional Fees = Receipts for Fees: . Circulation Element Housing Element Council District Assessor's G •. i'1-� -22(-o i� Hearing Information I .Date Actior CC -EA PC CC Aaencv Ex ."A" No- Generil Telephone Road Department City of Cal Trans County Planning Water QuaTTtY VC'�ID Home Owners Parks BuilTing Dept. Hea th Dept. Fire _ tt Engineer A Other _ 18....Transmittals sent-hu.'.__...... �._._.. Date: 19. Public Hearing Notice Date: Notice mailed Dy: 20. Notice Posted by: Date: 21. Entered in: Counter Book: Page Parcel By 22. Applicant Notified of Action: Agencies Notified: 23. File Closed: 24. Additional Pertinent Information:. RECORDING REQUEST€I"��� • ' Mrr, Jim Stone r tB `�, 1XK s 52-145 Ramirez r u A La Quinta, CA. 92253 C.V.W ® cc$p IW W = W. Q a .5R a a Is G 3t cg :i AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO M C:)3 C g '� C s OVI NAM[ Mr. Jim Stone , W Q R IL ADDRESS 52-145 Ramirez 3 �a La Quinta, Ca'.-92253 3 CITY & cc STATEI L SPACE ABOVE HIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO NAME ADDRESS ' � ` � � - • return address above k CITY S . . • 1''. 161TAT[ Corporation Quitclaim Deed L•12 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT a corporation organized under the laws of the State of do hereby remise. release and forever quitclaim to JIM STONE, a. single man the following described real property in the County of Riverside State of California: Lot 6 .'"lock 78 of 'Sant_ Ca1rmeli-ta at Chile ,La Quiet. , Unit 'No.- 10, as shown on map in Book 18, page 70, of'Maps, records of Riverside County, -said Lot 6,` lying in the Northeast quarter of Section 12; Township 6 South, Range 6.East, San Bernardino Meridian. Containing 0.11 acres, more or -less. • - - : R _ ' 1 • COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Dated_ February 7, 1999 BY: Tom .Levy r General Manager Knineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE SS. r.L y 19 ---- ue,u're ter. , !,:a u... Jo. - signed, a Notary Public in and for said County'and State, personally appeared Tom Levy-------------------------- . known to me to be the MXX)jQ6vdXaXYM General Manager —Chief Engineer KXXXXXZX X}�,jy,�XXM KXXXXXXXXXXM"Wof the corporation that executed the FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP within Instrument, known to me to be the persona who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or resolution of its board of directors. s OFFICIAL. SEAL, � TERM! P. ,IM1TH � NOTARY PU8LtC `CAUFQRNI/f, PRINCIPAL OFFICE Iti # cme RIVERSIDE COUNTY ; s91i1�k,rMiC s�lOn Exp;res May 8. 1992 iF Title Order No. Escrow No.___ Recording Re4uested�' 14( _ +i 4'r`.#�c• j��� *'a:•�i '3.�`}', :t"�"w'"'D ���f s7{,,�r�t %y'y;<Ys�4:. tit{.M,;zs st^,'�Yyt.t[S n WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO West " F—931;;Corporate Center Drive —]- NAME . . Q. Box 1940 ASMEET DPolmona, Ca 91769 �A aTv a eptiont IWC Real Estate STATE LeAftag V I.}• Y,4 ve�a� T > f � � �w r. 'Y .:i • .a i l Z�w � '� ; i a < ' Y•r�i_�1 +r � '' .+. � g ',Y : t' r M*� f } �3 � a. Y s � - :+' 7 yr �}',�c:U A`, � ,{; +�••. •a�':-f �l�'Y�'S; �iI—J _ j��Y•• 5i.«�'t l— SPACE ABOVE THIS LK FOR RECORDER'S USE NW, DEED +: OF TRUST ;THIS DEED. OF TRUST is made this 13th: ' - day of March- ` 19 among the •TrustQr,F:,,r�' © ca>m :- ,A f , >: np p whose address is 52145 An 1tAMIREZ. LAAHLENT& Cal•ifnr„aa 92253 (herein "Borrower', HOUSEKEY FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a California corporation (herein "Trustee') and the Beneficiary, Household Rank f g b , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, whose address is 4301 MacArthur Bloc! tlewtuort Reach, CA 92660 (herein "Lender"). WHEREAS, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of U.S. $ 1l .300.00 Which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrowers ❑ Loan Repayment Agreement orX❑ Revolving Loan Agreement dated March 13; 1990 or ❑ Homeowner's Line of Credit Loan Account Agreement dated and extensions and renewals thereof including those pursuant to any Renegotiable Rate Agreement (herein "Note"), providing for ❑ monthly installments of principal and interest, with the balance of indebtedness, if not sooner.paid, due and payable on Al/A or IO an initial balance stated above and a credit limit of $ I II-300--on under a Revolving Loan Agreement or a Homeowner's Line of Credit Loan Account Agreement. BORROWER,' in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants and conveys toRTr,ste"e'*'� rust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of x , State of California:' ` h ^ ::• -= LOT 7 is 9Lom"7$ bF;4--SAKTA CAI TA.�A 4AM t.A. QMNT9,; UMT N(L;. • 101, AS SHOWN, _ 1 By MAP ON ,U _PAGE 0':OV-'i S,3�aRECORDS '0? SATD''ODURT, which has the address of 52145 AV (Street) (City) (Zip Code) California-tg2253 (herein "Property Address".); ,- TOGETHER with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, rights, appurtenances and rents (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apply such rents), all of which shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this Deed of Trust; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold) are hereinafter referred to as the "Property;" TO SECURE to Lender the repayment of (1) the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, including any increases if the contract rate is variable; (2) all present and future advances under the Revolving Loan Agreement; (3) the payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this Deed of Trust; and (4) the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained; and (5) the payment of such further sums as the then record owner of the Property hereafter may borrower from Lender, when evidenced by another note •(or notes) reciting it is so secured. Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property, and that the Property is unencumbered except for encumbrances of record. Borrower covenants that Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to encumbrances of record. COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal and interest indebtedness evidenced by the Note anti We rhiraec in the r% _ .. v; 2. it unds for ,T axes and Insurance. Subject to applicable iaw or a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay,to Lender on the day monthly payments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full; a'sum„(herein "Funds") equal to one -twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments (including condominium and planned unit.,development assessments, if any) which may attain priority over this Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, Ous-one- twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, plus one -twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.. Borrower shall not be obligated to make such payments of Funds to Lender to ;the extent, that - Borrower makes such payments to the holder of a prior mortgage or deed of trust if'such holder`is an';iristitutio`nal-Lender'= r. • s r.. t..,.s, ..y .. • ,. tnr&r-rT .y'9. 4t•.y"Kit , rJ- t. If Borrower pays Funds to Lender; the Funds shall be held'in an institution theileposits'or'accounts of which, are insuredi�; or guaranteed liy a'Federal or state agency (including Lender, if Lender is`i4ch'fan'i sti�ufiori).;Lender shall apply ,th yFuiTds�toj','' paysaid taxes, assessments, tnsu�rance�pi�em umsNand ground -rents." Lende�may not charge' for so holding and applying} e Funds, -,analyzing said,account,o-herifying and compiling -said assessments and bills;:unless`Lender-pays;Borro erf;nte a t,dn_11 the,Funds;arid,applicable law, permits Lender, to ri iake such a charge- Borrower,and: Lender.may agree in.writing at,the tiin�e tii= . ;.?..,t`�!/ i. k:y� i`4T`n r<r ,< . ; 3"' 4sari'J ✓ '4R'; �+'�'1, •T•s ,� _ e cu ion of• his Deed of Trust that interest oti.the Fundss;shall be aid to BorrowEr,,and"unless such agreement.is ade 0t�t atoNSi 1 a�T A'k' -:�. f€V��CaB�I�% } Fliar��.� •'�[A�ei3� 'x1�w�a4'.,�':�iti�y�� 7' �- � , i `" .k• �Lt,. `. ' 45�. �.l�,?':ti+ft.� c Cr Y"s lr'�,,t�t �..v.. FORM ,• > �,, ii":- ALA'+.:'... V. "� 1'.. "c' �`�*S r .s•. .i,tt Ft41�r. �. t , t�f.y�°�'� lt�,•r t. r* e��tjr 'f.• � "'..#. ,�i�'�.�'ri ''+-'��`i�..t�N`' ���'.t•="Y' . judicially appointed receiver, shaWentided to enter upon,�takiipossession o� manage the'Properiy.and to collect the rents of the Property,iricluding those past due:`•AII rents collected by' Lelider;;or the receives shall be ,applied first ,to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but i)oi lilriiied io; receivers fees, premiums On receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and (lien to the sums secured by this Deed,9f;Trust Lender and the receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents actually received.. 19.'.Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by ihis Deed of Trust. Lender shall request Trustee to;. reconvey the Property and shall surrender this DeedofTrust and all notes evidencing,indebtedness secured by t`hi'slDeed of Trust to Trustee. Trustee shall, upon payment of its fees, reconvey the Property without warranty.t.o'the person or persons legally entitled thereto.nl­ �. 20. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at Lender's option, may fiom'•time to time appoint a successor trustee io any;Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in the office of t64Re 6,rder of the county where the Property is'located. The instrument shall contain the name of the &iginal�Lenders ,;,Trustee•aridd_ Borr,owet.., the book and page where this- lnstrumeor is'recorded and the name and address of.,the successor trust ee.;The successor'trustee,shall,; Without conveyance of the Property, -succeed to all'the title, powers and duties conferred upon the 4 Trustee herein and by applicable law. This procedure for subsitution of trustee shall govern to the'_exclusion of all' -other provisions for substitution','.. ir' 21. Request for Notices.. Borrower requests that copies of the notice. of default and notice'of sale -be sent io Borrower's address which is the Property Address. Lender requests that copies of notices of foreclosure from the holder of any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust be sent to Lender's address, as set forth on page one of this Deed of Trust, as provided by Section 2924b of the Civil Code of California. REQUEST FOR NOTICE- OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE UNDER SUPERIOR MORTGAGES OR DEEDS OF TRUST Borrower and Lender request the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust to give Notice to Lender, at Lender's address set forth on page one of this Deed of Trust, of any default under the superior encumbrance and of any sale or other foreclosure action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Deed f Trust'. ' JAMES D. S7i iti@ ` " — Borrower — Borrower STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County ss: On this day of , in the year 19 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared JAMS D. ST014H { , personally, known to me, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the person(s) whose name(s) :is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: (Reserved lot ollival seal Title Order No. 38597" Name (typed or printed) My Commission expires: Escrow or Loan No. 05200014—KHB DO NOT RECORD FOR RECONVEYANCE OR FORECLOSURE SEND TO THE NEAREST OFFICE OF HOUSEKEY FINANCIAL CORPORATION ,.� REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE law• , 1 '1a M rsa,i aair MOO a-t r errs ix vt lra: , W •11111111 N . — ' . ' , Dated To HOUSEKEY FINANCIAL CORPORATION; Trustee:' W The undersigned is the legal owner and holder of all indebtedness secured by the within Deed of Trust. All to O sums secured by said Deed of Trust have been fully paid and satisfied; and you are hereby requested and directed, ta. •^ on payment to of any sums owing it, you under the terms of said Deed of Trust, ro cancel all evidences of 0 •t.a r N, W indebtedness, secured by said Deed of Trust, delivered to you herewith together with the said Deed of Trust, and 0 c% H to reconvey, without warranty, to the parties designated by the terms of said Deed of Trust, the estate -now held W by you under the same. rA 7• r t S.T „i~[ x ;art rk �•. MAIL RECONVEYANCE TO: , ;•#j. i,�'.:t� e3; .ti.ri l: ...{.t, - ,+, -all �,I a •' ' l �. ' (Ry) � FYI#'' ' { ...+i ' tt' r :; • F 7. r t t S{ y' `. s Du not'Io%' or dcs(niy his'Uccd of True OR 7 HF NO"rl which it`us r : i i 1-8olh must be'delivercil l'o ncc Trustee foi.canccllatitinbcfurc•rcwny ve a;lei will tx, otadc F' fl . t �-li�1lC �'C•�• '4. ( :t•1_ ' •�' :+' ,�[:._:L ..4.1 T- li Y:'7 . - •:1.�. F� � Nor tr • w kik}? sr,—, .. $ t . ,+ L j :,. , a+ n t )fir w t* :sin , ss t' k I• i r r ,:r 1 ' r