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PM 1992-275
RECORDING. REQUESTED BY ' ' city_ of La Quinta •(Planning Pt.) '. �0 fox 1504 Q���j - ANl'i-tHeN9RQED'MArL'TH7 DEED AND. UNLESS OTHER- �•,' V Y f WISE SHOWN BELOW. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: - "'" .UJAE Cn N""� Mr. Gerhard Heldmann ,'. G'M, ,< Isabellaster 25 8000 W $ AADDRKGS ::No/ . I kdTr s Munich 40 Germany , _ _ Z 8 STArczip `�' E itle Order No. Escrow. No: ; �SPACE ABOVE THIS'LINE FOR RE_CORDER'S USE GRANT DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer -tax is8................'0.............................................................` and is ❑ computed on the full value of the interest or property, conveyed, or is I ' ❑ computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances iemaining.th_ereon at the time of sale. The land, tenements or realty is located in t ❑ unincorporated area city of • ....... ..Quinta :. and ' ............... FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is.hereby acknowledged, GERHARD HELDMANN.and GABRIEL E.'HELDMANN, husband and wife as..joint tenants hereby GRANT(S) to GERHARD HELDMANN and GABRIEL E. HELDMANN,.husband and wife as joint tenants the following described real property in the county of Riverside , state`of California: Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 179'of Santa Carmelita at Vale_ La Quinta' Unit No. 18 as per map recorded in Book 19 page'31 of Maps, in•the office of the*County Recorder of said County. '• 92-275 This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. ', , as approved by the City'of La Quinta. Dated _ . Gerhard Heldmann. File No. 1085/F/ 2 rGabr'el,:E: Heldmann 9 STATE OF Z1kIFZRLF0A COUNTY of Germany f ` } ss. , R On this the t dayMay, r 9 2 of 19 before me the undersigned, a NJotary Public in and forsaid a rsaid County and State, personally appeared Dr. Gerhard He l dmann 12 . 0 7 19 3 9 and' h i s e ie e, 0 .07.1943, resident at Munich, German personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the per S whose name S subscribed to the withi s ►r;��oL�,,. � acknowledge,:d that executed the same. ; \ `�'� Sig ature of Notary f %• "'- mil, � • � MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN �0� . �ilj�( '6NE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name Street Address City & State r:Gl .1/(;T IPav 9-AR\ - - �* <£453712 � a•::y: --------------- APOSTILLE (Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1001) 1. Land: Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1 Diese Mentitibe Ur4unde Dr. Fauvet 2. ist untersdirfeben van--- ........................ 3. in seiner Eigenschaft ass Notar .................................. ..... .. Siegel 4. sie ist verseten mit dem ic3o[,-vorA]=. ,F,, Notars Dr. `Alexander Fauvet.in Munchen, Munchen Bestatigt 7. 'Mai 1992 S. in.............. 6. am ................................. 9 durch den Prasidenten des handgerichte's Munchen I 8. untor Nr. .................................... 9. MEMStegel " 10. Untersdhrift/ .... Vilhe lm..P.axLl r Requested -By - City of La .41i10 i 453712 then Recorded, Return To: Va Quinta Planning and I , ..... .. Development Department P:O. Box 1504 La Quintal CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 c ovenmlenr Code Benefit of La Quinta Ca mmity Development Department EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF PARCELMERGER NIO@ 92-275 Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers Gerhard Heldman & Gabriel E. Heldman, 774-032-001 Husband & wife as joint tenants. 774-032-002 774-032-003 Legal Description of Merged Parcel Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Block 179 of Santa Carmalita at Vale La Quinta, Unit No. 8 as per map recorded in Book 19, Page 31 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Al NEW jj6c rdirg FaWe564 By . , 453712 City. of Ii-Quinta W;n Recorded, Return Too , La 0uinta Planning and , Uve o mp enl—Bepartment `* P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA Q2253 , No Fee, 6103 Goverment Code Benefit of La Quinta Camunity Develolment Department EXH I B IT-ItI R E92-275- CERTIFICATE OF PAHCEt-Nus+-'-'m- .'CALCE'CHIHUAHUA a•5 - 3 h'- gib.,• , • _ , ' • 30 0 �o /OG . 99`; Q/ O -. Scale 1° _ 601 - North 13 i {�! ? C 6 0e Q � // 6 /Q lv' rt• O V DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Gerhard & 'Gabri el Hel dmann This Certificate of Parcel Merger N0.92-275 is. hereby approved Address Isabellaster 25 R000 Munich Germany. , Map Prepared By P1 anni nq Department - By Greg` Trousdel 1 Address` Title'Associate Planner r Date e.e�/n;c # r„-f ` s 1 La �!uinta n.,• 1981 - 1991 Ten Carat Decade i November 23, ' 1992 County Recorder - County of_Riverside " P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 92•-275 Dear Sir: Attached please find the Grant"Deed-for'Parcel Merger 92-275,. ` with Exhibit(s). ' Recordation is requested by and for the -City of La. Quinta-, .in accordance with Government Code. Section 6103,-..to- insure. compliance with zoning requirements prior to,any construction taking place. r. Please record -and return a copy'of1these documents to this., - office so our records can be updated. Thank you. ` Very truly yours, yf 1 a JGr MAN f & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR+ IT sdell Planner r: Attachments W ` . City of La Quinta r ' Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado CS/FORM. CR La Quinta, California 92253 'Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax•(619) 564-5617.`' Design & Production: Mark Patmer Design. 619-346-0772 • .'•- U® H E C I T Y La 0uinta 991 Ten Carat Decade May 20, 1992 FILE G66i W * Mr. Dan Featheringill DoDco Construction PO Box 1012 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 92-275 Dear Dan: We have completed our review of your parcel merger application for Avenida Montezuma and Calle Chihauhua. In order for our department to be able to send your paperwork to the County of Riverside for recordation, we will need a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved (proof of ownership). If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, r JER,l;2Y HERMAN PL NING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Gg--Trousdell Associate Planner GT:ccs City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 LTRGT . 10 8 / CS Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619-346-0772 • SITE PLAN 453712 CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO, 9 x ti y� M Y 0 cf- W 1a 0 h a 0 z W a O b e 30 /CALLE CHIHUAHUA � 94•Z8 .S• 8 A0 jO 30 N F r6:9 h O 4 /B @ 5 /7 O (nazd 6 Record Owner Gerhard Heldmann and Ga riel E. Heldmann h..�; Address Isalast er 25 8000 Munich 4 , Germany Map Prepared By Planning Department Address PO Boz 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Scale 1 = 60' Assessors Parcel Na 774-032-001, 002, 003 Future Home Scale 1" = 60' North • • CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING.& DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER ---------------- ---------------------------------------- - OFFICE USE ONLY u " u !� 11 Zoning: PM No.: �o� -�75 11 uif nRelated Cases: Reviewed By: Date Received:if u ------------- ----------------------------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER: Name: MAC Address: 81000 (AAAJuN6) I"��%,-�2..L10 GPhone: (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: 011 uc 8 ('n n- s f Address: TO 10 12 Daytime I,A Q.;-iA Cm 9223-3 Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 . 7 711- 632 - 007 Parcel 2 -77Y - 632 - "80 Parcel 3 %- Q - 00 % Parcel 4 - - Street Address of Property: REQUEST (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) A R I AR % FOkMt.", . v u 1 APRIL 1988 MAY 18 1992 D c, -�OJJHATA PIA,NNING DEPARTM E • PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits A and B and Site Plan.. The location of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copyof the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following note on t e Deed: - Correct legal description, showing all involved properties for which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit "A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. -I AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Parcel Merger number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. iN cen& AQ6A) The Planning and Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; 2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner(s) Signature: Date 7 Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) MR/ t"OR iPM . APRIL 1988 Date Date Date �-- /,f - ? Z ffAY 19 22 CITY OF IA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTKNT _ -� MAY 2 6 1992 CITY Or LA CUiNTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT OR�O Alb. {I�•• 011�F vm Sam(IIAm MA'= TAX VA�i(tr 10. OD wm CeTwd liel�am Aoows• 104bollaat.r 25 cmr s 8o" Wmtj%se 4C . ` to Ct TUM E L t�eAtt Ne. T" ORW No. PAGE . 00 1 • U4 all t K t � 0 46814 t�tt t ,uo Tla tata rou I r GRAM DEED .............ndIs 1 land. � s . ee................ d tole.. � de Is eotaveee I* %a vowct deineelest a p�peltf' rena�t d>ataoa �p �r b wc�lcd in �s the .aloe of �i/e. or anCnt";'b'oe' .... and q,,;t,ro,po,seed ttt city of .... (! .................... . pOR A VALUABLE CONSMMAMN' f°0C'Pt of why is bamby **Wwled*ed' Mn "ATHMU CM and CHM' LYMN "ATM RIN UL, "bwd and wife hereby ORANM b �D ��,� toad FAILLE 8'BLDNl11N• ttaaband and tKf• a• loin! ttltst>i • dye foQow t me pop" In Ow , *M of Caldbrols. comer d Riverside l,cts 1 and 2, SIMk 179, 5arrta Cttr�el iA ttls off 1cs of at Vale Le itt+s �°Unit u�'C! R8° des of recorded is Book 19, pew 31 of amps said county. ��� bMs b a» (d, 141ru en the bow or Owe" + I �� b � � ��1,1hOM hMha(�i 1wA fob 1 ^ kign,,,s,,, and actnnr�AsegsA b /M bal hMMWe y, major aso.�1 ra te~ er h^*s" ,�s„ ,ant the panen�U, a tM MMnf �" � M rh+� e,. v�M atA.d. ta»o�s0 en tasthrasts. p" W. mot MAL 0% SUW C@r?CtAt NOTARY'OM JActll EF4.vMiW "my P.** .- C M rt~ Nrir*ms CMNTY Mir flap. AA tt.me --- — %...A .ea auto sod RealQuest.com ® - Report Property Detail Report t For Property Located At ,CA Page 1 of 2 • A RealQuesfxom Owner Information: Owner Name: MONTEZUMA OESTE INC Mailing Address: 73550 ALESSANDRO DR STE 200,'PALM DESERT CA 92260-3613 C001 C/O R J T HOMES . Phone Number: Vesting Codes: - / / CO - Location Information: Legal Description: .30 ACRES M/L IN LOTS 1 & 2 BILK 1.79 MB 019/030 SANTA CARMELITA , VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 18 County: RIVERSIDE, CA. APN: - 774-032-021 Census Tract / Block:, -, 451.10 / 2 Alternate APN: SANTA CARMELITA Township -Range -Sect: Subdivision: VALE LA QUINTA ' UNIT 18 Legal Book/Page: 19-30 Map Reference: 7 879-E2 Legal Lot: 1 Tract #: Legal Block: y ' 179 - DESERT SANDS School District: INDIO U Market Area: Munic/Township: - Neighbor Code: - Owner Transfer Information: Recording/Sale Date: / ' Deed Type:, Sale Price: 1 st Mtg Document #: Document #: , Last Market Sale Information: Recording/Sale Date: 01/13/1999 / 12/11/1998 1st Mtg Amount/Type: / Sale Price: $1,500,000 1st Mtg'Int. Rate/Type:. / Sale Type: FULL 1st Mtg Document #: ' Document #: 13820 _ 2nd Mtg Amount/Type: / Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int. Rate/Type: Transfer Document #: Price Per SgFt: New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: MULTI Title Company: Lender: , Seller Name: HELDMANN GERHARD & GABRIELE Prior Sale Information: Prior Rec/Sale Date: 04/30/1992 / 04/1992 Prior Lender: Prior Sale Price: $80,000 Prior 1st Mtg Amt/Type / •' Prior Doc Number: 156758 Prior.1st"Mtg Rate/Type: / Prior Deed Type: GRANT DEED Property Characteristics: - Gross Area: Parking Type: Construction: . Living Area: Garage Area: ",Heat Type: ' Tot Adj Area: k Garage Capacity: Exterior wall: Above Grade: Parking Spaces: Porch Type: Total Rooms: Basement Area:. Patio Type: Bedrooms: Finish Bsmnt Area: Pool: Bath(F/H): / Basement Type: Air Cond: - Year Built / Eff: / Roof Type: - , Style: ' Fireplace: / " Foundation:. Quality: - # of Stories: Roof Material: Condition: Other Improvements: , Site Information:VACA- Zoning: Acres:.• 0.30 . !County Use: RES DN R07 ( ) Flood Zone: Lot Area:. 13,068 State Use: Flood Panel: ` Lot Width/Depth: :x Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: Res/Comm Units: / Sewer Type: NONE- ' Land Use: RESIDENTIAL TYPE - Water Type: LOT , UNKNOWN Tax Information: . http://www.realquest. con/j sp/report:j sp?serverid=rg02&client=&action=confirm&type=ge... 3/21 /2007. RealQuest.com ® - Report Page 2 of 2 Total Value: $86,035 .Assessed Year: 2006 Property Tax: $986.76 Land Value: $86,035 Improve W Tax Area: 20015 Improvement Value: Tax Year: 2006 Tax Exemption: Total Taxable Value: $86,035 http://www.realquest. com/j sp/report. j sp?serverid=rg02&client=&action=donflrm&type=ge... 3/21 /2007 RealQuest.com ®- Report Pagel of 2 Property Detail Report RealQuese x©m For Property Located At 53055 AVENIDA JUAREZ, LA QUINTA CA 92253-3470 Owner Information: Owner Name: MONTEZUMA OESTE INC Mailing Address: 73550 ALESSANDRO DR STE 200, PALM DESERT CA 92260-3613 C001 C/O R J T HOMES Phone Number: Vesting Codes: / / CO Location Information: Legal Description: LOT 3 BILK 179 MB 019/030 SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 18 County: RIVERSIDE; CA, APN: . 774-032-003 Census Tract / Block: 451.10 / 2 Alternate APN: SANTA Township -Range -Sect: Subdivision: CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 18 Legal Book/Page: 19-30 Map Reference: / 879-E2 Legal Lot: 3 Tract #: Legal Block: 179' School District: DESERT SANDS INDIO U Market Area: Munic/Township: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer Information: Recording/Sale Date: / Deed Type: Sale Price: 1 st Mtg Document #: Document #: Last Market Sale Information: Recording/Sale Date: 01/13/1999 / 12/11/1998 1st Mtg Amount/Type: / Sale Price: $1,500,000 1st Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / Sale Type: FULL 1 st Mtg Document #: Document #: 13820 2nd Mtg Amount/Type: / Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int. Rate/Type: / Transfer Document #: Price Per SgFt: $288.79 " New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: MULTIPLE Title Company: Lender: Seller Name: HELDMANN GERHARD & GABRIELE Prior Sale Information: Prior Rec/Sale Date: 04/27/1992 / 03/1992 Prior Lender: Prior Sale Price: $128,000 Prior 1st Mtg Amt/Type: Prior Doc Number: 147357 Prior 1st Mtg Rate/Type: / Prior Deed Type: GRANT DEED Property Characteristics: Gross Area: 5,958 Parking Type: GARAGE/ Construction: CARPORT Living Area: 5,194 Garage Area: 764 Heat Type: CENTRAL Tot Adj Area: 5,194 Garage Capacity: Exterior wall: Above Grade: Parking Spaces: 3 Porch Type: Total Rooms: Basement Area: Patio Type: Bedrooms: 4 Finish Bsmnt Area: Pool: POOL Bath(F/H): 4/1 Basement Type: Air Cond: CENTRAL Year Built / Eff: 1992 / Roof Type: Style: Fireplace: Y / 1 Foundation: Quality: # of Stories: 1.00 Roof Material: TILE Condition: Other Improvements: ADDITION Site Information: Zoning: R1 Acres: 0.20 County Use: SINGLE FAM RESID (R01) Flood Zone: X500 Lot Area: 8,712 State Use: Flood Panel: 0607090005B Lot Width/Depth: x Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: 08/19/1991 Res/Comm Units: 1 / Sewer Type: NONE Land Use: SFR Water Type: TYPE UNKNOWN Tax Information: http://www.realgiiest. com/j sp/report. j sp?serverid=rgO2&client=&action=confirm&type=ge... 3/21 /2007 RealQuest.com ® - Report Total Value: $1,376,620 Assessed Year: 2006 Land Value: $344,154 Improve %: 075% Improvement Value: $1,032,466 Tax Year: 2006 Total Taxable Value: $1,376,620 Page 2 of 2 • Property Tax: $16,044.32 Tax Area: 20069 Tax Exemption: http://www.realquest.comlj sp/report. j sp?serverid=rg02&client=&action=confirm&type=ge... 3/21 /2007 0 0 / /00 K'D J<7E V77 !- 7d Isis 30 130 .rl.Al. 020 - 062 020-069 020 - 076 020 - 089 020 - 096 w 0 p 'V 'r •ri Z'E �•c 4NFN/O4 AVEN/DA \ Qg� 30 30 0�¢i 4 ioo N a 8L CK S W A`/ / ` � IJ O oe • i �� o v O 0 \ m Ti Polo/ 0 _ as 77- 260 + MADERO �.T }» S� o a Sso Aso J,So s.So So Lob .Soo S So ,b O O Oo0 O O O�O O_ So 5-1 m b ® `Y o C \ \ fc J` �o Sr 4es� s m S n �.s c� sad sa ai�ti 0\ ka to 0 Ate. ei i SO o Jo �( - A VEN/DA W 0 2997 So So So Ile O C s43 _ to 'C t�0/_ � V So �Ol C11 -!� ' v Cu � N �+V � •oo p s. ,1' SO 30 � SO o 130 So•o23/¢� I • T V SANiA CARMEL/TA AT VALE LA OU/NM UNIT NO. /8 MB /9131 • • .///NF IQ47 I h* ti z •ice i. p �r�L3lb79 p o' So 7/.O 9 v� jk, So So So So �o SO So SO � ✓UAREZ 660 _ — Z � o oi,7a PM B9-/9Y , ! t i f ♦ b ! r ASSESSOR'S MAP 8K. 774 PG.03 R/VERS/DEjNTY, CALIF, sx d • StmelTina: LEGEND RN[ UU DE APPROVAL EP i^C DAR _ Dr EMERGENCY ACCESS 0 • _ y,7U•+' l DALE1VvwsON,i55/ I — Fire Access (Vehicular) PLAN +92 IM tug,�,...� - ' - �, Fire Access (Non -Vehicular) -m; _ 'so - - EMERGENCY ACCESS • ` � - - � SIGNAGE •/ I :��r�l;,� . PedestTlan Circulation•(Outdoor) ''111J 8 ' C_f: VI I IT JA ' a.,snemo - r .r — THE — • ev. MADISON CLUB RD. Dab R.M. �i r I , Pr*ctwrw 04010 CLUBHOUSE LA QUINTA, CA DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SET Dram: PW Oh.e.&. DR _ Data FEBRUARY 22, 2WO Stale: 1•@D