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PM 1992-285
FtECORDINZ11 REQUESTED BY MAIL THIS SEES AND OKESS ITHERINIIIIE 114M AND WHEN RECORDED BELOW MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: 0 Name r-City f. - f La Qui nta UJ C(;i Street P.O. Box 1504 0 Cn Address City a La Quinta, CA 92253 cc state (no fee, Government -Code' 3 r4 go L MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Rif UJI Qa Name r—Marion & Bernard Knobel Street 3412 Federal Avenueenue 90066 Address Los Angeles ,..CA City State TITLE ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARES) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ _0_- E3 computed on full value of property conveyed, or D computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. E] unincorporatedarea city Of ,,AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of,which is hereby"'acknowledgiid, Bernard Eric Knobel and Marion Lynn,. Knobe.l,:, Hus band and Wife, hereby GRANT(s) to ti Bernard Eric Knobel and Marion -Lynn, Knobe 1', Hdsband and. -Wife the following described real property in the' State 6f California: County of Riverside (PROPERTY DESCRIPTION) Lots 13 and 14 in Block 66 of Santa Carmelita.�t.Vale La Quinta Unit 6 as per map recorded-ixD.Book. 18, Page 67 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder`of,RiVerqide County, State of, California I ' Legal s.c.r=- .i-pt.i,4-represents..,two parcels merged" i . nto on pursuant to - e Parcel Merger application 92-.285-' ky w, natpti 10/21/92 Q �,�/� I - �0,e�. 1 STATE OF CALIFORN!A S3 COUNTY OFLos Angeles — z On this —9 1 St day of Ort-nhpr in the year 1992 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Bernard Eric Knobel and MarionL �Knobel t--r.je 0 personally known to me (N proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument: and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. OFFICIAL SEAL MILTON LEAKE' NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - my Oommission Expires Oct. 5, 1903 Signnlure- 0 • Rie�col�]. gReques� -BYE , . City ' of . La .Quanta • 42`i815 Mv--n Recorded, Return To: La Quinta Planning and �,.,. .W Development Department ' P.O. Box 1504 La Quintao CA 92253 ivo Fee, 6103 CkNernment Code Benefit of La Quinta Cmunity Develog. rent Department EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATEOE PARCEL -E RG E R Nal 0. 92-285 Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers Marion Knobel & Bernard Knobel 773- - - 773-083-012-7 Legal Description of Merged Parcel Lots 13 and 14 in Block 66 of Santa Carmel_i.ta At Vale La Quinta, Unit 6 as per mao recorded in Book 18, Page 67 of Maas in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, State of California E Recording Fleq�es�y City of IA"Qui. When Recorded, Return 7b: La Quinta Planninft and - "ffiVetopmentDepartment� 1 P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Gaverrunent Code Benefit of La Quinta Camunity Develognent Departrnent CERTIFICATE orth Pit POR jELot A X LA Q Z 'O ®4 • 427815 EXHIBIT 13- OF PARCEL MERGER e 24O 4Q / 23O @ 2 22 O © 3 h 2/ 0 ® 4 v, 20O QS M /9 O O 6 082 V ?P 8s-"> AVEN/DA Montezuma Nos 92-285 k 24O ® / P213- 23 ? 0 2/ 4O 4 20 0 © s 19 © ® 6 08,E v /8 O ® 7 Q4 /7 ® ® e /6�© 9 \ W 7 W ` /s ® ©/0 /s !E2,j 30 It 15 /4 // ®// /4 eo.P4 IV a CALLE H lda1 0 Santo Carmelite At Vole Lo Quinto No.2 M8 18155-56 l Santa Carmelite At Vole Le 4uinto No. 6 M8 18167 Q owo:2a-s-n 25-8-/00,6,e �2 ILO 25-8• PO MARCH /967 Record Owner /6 M Por. S1/2 Sec. 1, T6S R6E Note: New parcel size (±100' by 100') DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Address 3412 Federal Ave. LA, CA 90066 Map Prepared By Staff Address Area/District This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 92-285 is hereby approved. By Greg S. Trousdell Title Assoc. Planner Date Nov. 3, 1992 •f H E C I T Y OS ■:4&0V U A La pinta 991 Ten Carat Decade November 3, 1992 FILE COPY County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA _92502 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 92-285 (MARION & BERNARD KNOBEL) Dear Sir: Attached please find the Grant Deed for Parcel.Merger 92-285, with Exhibit(s). Recordation is requested by and for the City of La Quinta, in accordance with Government Code Section 6103, to insure compliance with zoning requirements prior to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of these documents to this office so our records can be updated. Thank you. Very trul yo s, JE HE N PL ING& EVELOPMENT DIRECTOR sde11 Ass ciate Planner GT:ccs Attachments City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 CS/FORM.CR Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619-746-0772 Bewow-ci Vvi*c� 3+o— Fta-er.:aA LbS "Y-es) CA T-tt.: C-310) n-,Yjl -"hqd Devclz Ual IQ\)-% vita, La Qv-,,Y\ta,, CA qdi;63 f5kA;)tcA-lol TQ�t mc4le-r qd--o-l-005> -1, ek u[I OCT 2 6 1992 C TV lj� PLA N NJ j y: �-r je, rrva �vtclt6ed �iea� -�tc�-{-H.e. Vro-ta-r-�Zed v►e�W 6yavvl- Delea) TrePaI-ed +5Y rCC".—Wrtyyj V-, _4AAe, Cc5U" t_F.���rSde. T.kaS� ZIS 6V-,(-VAtl(y CIS �k�la--v��) �) rev�.151� ; 1M� far-�-, lnvslaq�"d &A,6 o+ OT H E -C [; T Y FILE., coPY La Quinta 1981 r 1991 Ten Carat Decade y August ,25, 1992. Mr. & Mrs. Marion Knobel 3412 Federal Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 92-285 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Knobel: We have received your request to mergeyouur'two lots on Avenida Ramirez as you requested. Please notarize.the attached new Grant Deed and -return the signed copy to my attention so that y_ our office can complete your case., Once the notarized document is in our possession, we will mail your paperwork to the County of Riverside for recordation. If you have any questions, please.contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Y E NNI &.DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR;: ov I Trousdell Associate Planner GT:ccs Attachment City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado- . La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (61.9) 564-2246, Fax (619), 564-5617 Design 6 Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619- 16_0772 LTRGT . 41 /C$ ' a •1i 1, ,, +• �•... - �` '� Marion'' Knobel'. • ' w' 3412 Federal Ave.-' Los Angeles, CA 90066 August •14,1992 City of La Quinta Planning Department ' Dear Greg Trousdell, kt As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, my: husband and I. have been ill and are attempting to complete this lot merger application as fast as we can. , Enclosed please find: i , • ' 1) Parcel Merger application ,M 2) Grant Deed 3) Application for Parcel Merger. -_description and -reason for merger, '- 4) Exhibit A 5) Exhibit B and map t 6) Site Plan and map. 7) Copy of our Grant Deed , 8) Additional information concerning these lots (transfer of water rights) submitted for your advisement as to relevance. ' Thank you, Marion, Knobel SITE', PLA71 CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MEAGER NO, PLEASE SEE ATTACHED MAP THERE ARE NO .EYISTING STRTTCTT.JRFS ON THIS PROPERTY I a Record Owner Address Marion KnobeJ_ & Bernard Knobe)_ 3412 Federal Avenue Los Angeles, Ca J.�orn;.a q®o � 6 Map Prepared By Address Scale Assessors Parcel Na 773-083-011-6. & 773-083-0 2-7 -- 30 jv , " J6- ,kv Y —A V erN49A - L-07)r�---C- A N N 4r- Irp-* rq Ly) Ott. N wv J'v so -AVENIDA d7O' fo, -l'O' $"0 .FO- 10 9 N N 71-�-, 7k N Tj LZ�N�l _4',O a it C4 24ro eo %, N 'k C40 N 11 A ti a N A (9 i 14 1 IN (lb 2Q.• CO f;O; -f"O so fe fg so 676- &-0 !j 0% So'9d Jo 's N N 'N Jio %:Flo Jrip 00 S4 -N �So, fo FOA -fa f-a (Z-0 -A-VE 'M IE -RRj ERA. 670 OT-C . .. 'r, Oo So' so so 'fe, %A0 O. 1 24 ..4. Ire Ire* :2. 0 ln IfENfDA 570 14 t. 04 14 4ZO 4MO 44 ;0 Ira 'r t— CZ CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING L DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT-.. 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA,.CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER ---------------- - Q OFFICE USE ONLY u u u q Zoning: PM No.: ii Related cases: u u uReviewed By: Date Received: rlb 2 u PROPERTY OWNER: Name: Marion Knnhpl £� RPr� arr] TZTZ be Address: 3419 Federalk AxyP_n11P Me (hv4WN6) Phone: 310 '19$_7355 (City)- (State) (zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: _ Address: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbersn Street Address of Property: REQUEST Daytime Phone: Parcel l 773 _083 _011 Parcel 2 773 _083 _012 Parcel 3 - Parcel 4 - - Corner of Hidalgo & Eamirez (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) We wish to merge our lots number 13-and 14 ►-IR / r'UxMr... v %j 1 APRIL 1988 PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits A and B and Site Plan. The location of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following note on -the Deed: - Correct legal description, showing all involved properties for which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit "A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. -I AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Parcel Merger number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta . IN Cr_1 & x-NQ64) The Planning and Development Department will review. and, if complete and acceptable, the. Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County. Recorder's Office for recording. purposes. I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; 2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) Th information submitted in connection with this Application is rue an oorrrect. / Owner(s) Signature: Date Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) IXi,&1 ,L 0heiP1111. U U 1 APRIL 1988 Date Date 0 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO' Mr. and Mr' Bernard knobel cz Los Angeles 90066 City St te L LU zip Escrow No.: Order No.: Mail Tax. Stateme nts To SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED. same.as above $ 15-95 COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE LESS LIENS AND CUM AN ES REMAINING AT TIME OF SALE. Crocker National Bank FIRM NAME SIGNATURE OeDECCARA IF AGENT DETER MINING TAX Grmt Deed FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, riceipt of 'which is hereby acknowledged, SAMUEL S.' LARNER:AND DOROTHY'S.-LARNER, HUSBAND AND WIFE State of California, described as: —Lots 13 and 14 in Block 66 of Santa Carmelita At Vale, --La Quinta, Unit 6 .as per map recorded in Book 18, Pag�'.67 of Maps in the office of the . ^"..^' Recorder of Riverside~ ~~..^," ~^.^~ of California ` � . . � ' . . )' � or S � STATE OF CALIFORNIA I, oTHER THAN AN INOIVIDUAL. SS. USE Conpo IIIATE oft PART NERSHIP AC1101OWLEDGMENT AS APPROPRIATE. � On November 24, 1978 before me a Notary Public n and for said State. personally appeared Samuel S. Larner and Dorothy S.' NOTARY PU13LIC - CALIFORNIA CO:] known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/ are subscribid to the within LOS ANG:ELESCOUNTY instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/ they executed the same. My comm. expires DEC 5. 1980 � -. N�OTARV PUBLIC MAEL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE SALr. OR LOAN-ESCkOw INS'iRUCTIONS BU(cri - LLr4L)L:R TO.. CROCKER AATIO11AL BAO ' 9570 Wilshire Blyd, B.H. 550-2848 Beverly Hills Main Office or sooner my -mutual consent Prior to December 22, 1978 /1 will hand youbl4-4•00-00; $2 ^000-00 ..as uccti �r�,�� i LCU }lt'Te i it and additional funds required from me to enable you to comply with these instructions, and will deliver to you any instruments necessary on my part to comply with the terms of.this escrow, all of which you are instructed to use, when you hold instruments duly executed, upon the recor- dation of which (if recordation thereof is necessary) you can obtain o Standard Policy of Title Insurance with usual Title Company's exceptions, from any title company operating Escrow No. 665-4033 Date November 24, 1978 MEMO Paid outside /Broker $ .;f istrow Sellor a Cash through Escrow - 14 100 00 Encumbrances of Record New Encumbrances' Total consideration - s 14,100 00 in county where property is located with a liability of E 14,000 -00 covering real property in the County of Riverside State of California, vi' : Lots 13 and 14, Block 66', as per map recorded in Book 18-, Page 67 of Maps showing title vested in BERNARD ER IC KNOBEL AND MAR IAN LYNN KNOBEL, Husband and Wife, Free from encumbrances except: 1 _ (1) ,General and sppeiol_toxes for 2nd 2 fiscal year 19 78 " -19 79and taxes whicFi are'not yet due.' inc ludingspecial -district levies, payment of .which is included therein and collected therewith. ' (2) Covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights, rights of way, reservations and easements•of record for streets, alleys and public utilities, if any. ( ) Q(EED OF TRUST, now of record, securing an indel(tedness having an unpaid principal balance of aYproximately E 4 as per its terms. ( ) DEW OF TRUST, to file on your form, executed by.VKSTEE herein securing note for )( in favor of X X X X X dated durin escrow, due if straight note X �( ( g ) years offer date, with interest at— I( per cent per iinnum, from X payable X at X X principal and i*rest payable $ .or6ore, on the _ day of,eachX month, beginni4 on the. a , 4y of ; 19 `'Xnd continuing until paid. - 4 T X X Buyer.herein to pay charges At close of escrow you are instructed to transfer Water. Stock to buyer..' Insert on deed in favor of vestee, the following name and address to which future tax statements are to be moiled buyer @3412 Federal Avenue Los Angeles, California 90066 I have paid $ nil outside of escrow to nil to apply on the total purchase price/IAXXf $14,100-00 Prorate or endorse interest on all encumbrances to Credit seller and debit buyer, the amount of impounds and mortgage insurance premium, if any, based on information set out i beneficiary's statement as received in escrow. Prorate rentals to nil on basis of stotement approved by me. Prorate insurance as handed you or from information set out on beneficiary's statement to nil Prorate taxes to close Of eSCrOW based on the latest tax figures in your possess ion,•including all items appearing on tax bill except taxes on personal property not sold through this escrow. THE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF.IPoge 21, ARE HEREBY CONCURRED IN, APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY EACH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. The undersigned hereby agrees to, pay, on demand, charges for drawing, recording and notorizino olI documents, charges of title company, if any, charges of lend- ing institution, if any, and the buyer's and/or borrower's customary escrow fees, necessary to complete this escrow. Buyer's or Buyer's' or Lender's Signatui Lender's Signature ernar rlc no e rMarian ynn Knobel —-- Address 3412 Federal Avenue.' Los Angeles , Ca. 90066 Phone 398-7355 SELLER/BORROWER All the conditions and demands contained in the foregoing instructions are hereby approved. Prior to December, •22 , 1978 or sooner by mut , conser 'i will hand you all instruments and money necessary on my part to cause title to be shown as provided therein, which you are instructed to use and deliver when you hold for my account the sum of $ 14 .100 .00 within the time therein set forth. You are authorized and instructed to pay any encumbrances of record to show title as called for, together with sellers customary escrow chorgei, title charges, recording fees,.and such other charges as ore advanced for my account, including S 15-95 State Documentary Tax on deed. When property being conveyed is held in joint tenancy any cash derived therefrom in this escrow shall be joint tenancy funds. Pay b - - - - commission to Pair dPmanri(c) fnr fur 1 release of encumbrance(s) of record ( if any) Seller's or Seller's or Borrower's Signature -Borrower's Signature 1168 Co�NgTerSCanyone6r. Beverly Hills, Ca, Dorothy 1`arner �71-8788 Address Phone 45-0023 IRev. 3.72) r