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PM 1992-287
r' RECORDING REOUESTED tit AND WHEN AECDADED MAIL THIS BEES An HASH MEASnSE SO MM Q SElOM MAIL TAX STATEMENT TD: Nona r ity of ----.a Quinta �. Y. Street Address P O. BOX 1504Ir 9 60W. yj Sthai la Quinta, C11 92 53 .. 0 o �' j� (No fee,Government ,ode 61D3. U. $ . r+ U_a MAIL TAX STAT TS TO UA W .' y N.m. (— De 1 is G o o dman� < Street P 0 Pox 25�, Address'W Ti Addr• Ilc city state La Quinta, CA92253 TITLE MEN MD. ESCA01/ M. * , a. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT] DEED- THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) ,. DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER, TAX is $` - 0 computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. 0 unincorporated area /cityof_ia Quinta AND, FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt.of which is hereby acknowledged, Jay Goodman and Delia Goodman, husband and wife, as joint tenants: hereby GRANT(s) to Jay Goodman and Delia -Goodman, band 'and wife,,, as joint tenants the followin described real property in the r Countyof Riverside ,State of.Califomia: x .Lots 6 and 7 in Block .29 `of Santa Carmelita at-1%alle,La Quinta, Unit 2, as per map recorded •in' rook 1-8,PaFe-55/,6 of. Praps, in the Office of the Riversides Co`untyzecorder. Zhis deed ..r.e,flg..cts- Parcel T��;er�.e;r.�:Io. 92-287 r _ as approved by the City of -I:a Quinta. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss , t COUNTYOF Riverside �• On this First day of October in the year 19 9 2 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally �— appeared Jay Goodman & Delia Goodman 0 personally known to me T , n proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed`to this instrument, and acknowl= edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. . CARMEN VELASQUEZ t `Q NoCtaOry Ik-callfomla w RIVERSIDE COUNTY My Commission Ex�1reA AUGUST 18, TV Signature 41;; NnTenvcnai ir -iueNn cna chin ci:nrc (��!'. / '. rt.:. , ,_ ir..-„i .. .,,i•.,,,i, .. -- ( high, MEMEM un ..._ - , l�eoor' r1 ReQuested'- City of -fat D 470476 VAjen La Quinta Planning and SO Development•Department' 1• ::p 5 - P.O. Box 1504 - r La Quinta, CA 92253 f go Fee, 6103 Goven"Mt Ooae Benefit of La Quinta Camunity Develoanent Department tAH I B IT A ti . " .®PAREL ., :92-287CRT�IC�TEOM ......... Existing Parcels ` Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers Jay Goodman 773-152-018 773=152-019 De 1 is Ti. Go o dman Legal Description of Merged'Parcel iots 6 and 7 in'Llock.29 of Santa Carmelita .at-Valle,_a Quinta^ Unit 2, as per map recorded in Book 18,Pa� e. 55/56 of 14'iaps, =in the Office of the riverside County,.Recorder�. APP ED Y PLANNING DIVISION - RY DATE /Z - —. L = f • ' . w •' . i i "-?: 0* or city t-�-Quints M= Recorded I Return Zb: - La Ouinta Planning and Teive opmen partment ._ P.O. Box 1504 La Quintal, CA 92253 _ No Fee, 6103 Gavenwent Code Benef it of La Quinta C=unity Development Department t 47#3476 EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL 'Mam ERGER, NO. 92-287 �L y / 0' - CA��E S��Srgc-oA 100, L v 7- 6 M 0 47916E h � L or 7 ,o y79rsF- h 30 r y CV) I lllf, P 014 BY PLANNING DIVISION DATE Z' 1— —+ C.444.47 &A/-4'vcc0 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Jay and Delia Coodman This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 92-287 is Address P (' Eox 25 is Quinta,CA 92253 Map Prepared By C • Dougherty Address51880 Avenida hereby approved By Greg S. Trousdell Cortez, La Quinta, CA Title Associate Planner — Date December 1 1992 Area/District H E C I T Y 040 La 9�2 Tin cacti Pecadr December 3, 1992 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 FILE COPY SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 92-287 (JAY & DELIA GOODMAN) Dear Sir: Attached please find the Grant Deed for Parcel Merger 92-287, with Exhibit(s). Recordation is requested by and for the City of La Quinta, in accordance with Government Code Section 6103, to insure compliance with zoning requirements prior to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of these documents to this office so our records can be updated. Thank you. Very truly yours, Jj§RRY RMAN IIJLANNI& DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR T usdell Pto Planner GT:ccs Attachments CC: Jay & Delia Goodman Cit)' of La Ouinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado CS/FORM. CR La Quinta. California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246° Fax (619) 564-5617 Design S'ntlucno^ Mal, Palmer Design. 619346-0772 H E C I T. Y 00 FILE COPY. z La ' Quinta 1982 - 1992 Ten Carai Decade ' P December 3, 1992 Mr. & Mrs. Jay Goodman PO Box 25• La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 92-287 Dear Mr.•Goodman: Thank you for"submittin y. g your parcel merger application to our department on.November 24, 199.2. We are currently reviewing your case, and we.will notify you shortly whether or not your application is complete. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. 'rs Very truly yours, JERRY HE N PqNNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Fy, *. ousdell ss ciate Planner cc:., C . Dougherty City of La Quinta Post,Office.Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246; Fax:(619) 564-5617 T�p J LTR9}r� ! 1 7 6 I C 3 Design & Production: Mark paimer Design. ei9-3a1-Q--2 ' j NNW - --SITE-- PLAN 2704'76 � , CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL R . _ GER, _ 87NO@"-927 / D CA1, & sl"s4i 4 N o G a ,R C.c u rT c Rs S i 100 _' �. iV0.5. y7 1 Si= L0T..7 C4 tc o ti7C1•1''SF" ' CHAiAl C A L L-E ,'.� ar,tA04 a o Record Owner Jay and Delia Goodman Address F 0 , Box 25 la Quinta, CA 92253 - Map Prepared By C . Dou!-herty AI' Address 51880 Avenida Cortez, ?' Ba Quinta,nA 92253 Scale 4 ' ' = 10 Assessors Parcel Na 773-152-018,019 !!,Y-" ING DIVISION DATE 0"t iZ . ITY OF LA PLANNING i DEVELOPME 78-105 CALLE LA QUINTA, CALIFO APPLICATION FOR PARCEL tLZ nT% P IAARTMENT 1253®� 2 � 199Z GlIIV gar K-11 -_••- Pwowr, QiP� --------------------------------------------------- n OFFICE USE ONLY N / p Zoning: `-ate- PM No.: - 7..8'� p Related Cases: n nReviewed By: Date Received: Nw a �, ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER: Name:Jay Goodman and Delia M.Goodman Address: � Avenida Cortez TxtiMC �,y�,ratq6)L, uin a UK 92253 Phone: <<,'619 (City) (State) (Zip) 564--0505 REPRESENTATIVE: Name: Address: Daytime Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 773 -152 - 018 Parcel 2 .773 _152 _ 019 Parcel 3 - - Parcel 4 - Street Address of Property: 51865 Avenida Cortez REQUEST (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) Merger of the two parcels listed above is requested for future addition of existing house i ltt/ FOxmi-," . v u 1 APRIL 1988 PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits A and B and Site Plan. The location of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. (V(DT'f--_ 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following note on the Dee : - Correct legal description, showing all involved properties for which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit "A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. , AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Parcel Merger number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta . IN Cc7YE AQjSA\ The Planning and Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; 2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner(s) Signature: Date Representative Signature: (Attach'Letter(s) of Authorization) Milo .L. 0twitim . U U 1 APRIL 1988 Date Date Date 9RANGE CoAsr TME Co.. RECORDING REQUESTEOY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS 0190 AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TOs NAMKr_ _1 Jay Goodman etux STREET Aconase P. O. Box 25 CITY, La Quinta, CA 92253 STATE . PL I Title Order No ............................. Escrow No........................... ti Z E _j 5 Z? C. 141. 0 (6, LrqCC CL 0 15 0 _j Qz C:) Z W e 2: LU 0 46 This space for Recorder's use Deed THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECWt(ij DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ 9. 35 Cl _u rated area City of___La__Qjji_rLt:&_ Pair -T9 computed on full value of Property conveyed, or 11 computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, VIRGINIA GREENE, An Unmarried Woman hereby GRANT(S) to JAY GOODMAN and DELIA GOODMAN, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants the following described real property in the city of La Quinta county of Riverside state of California: LOT 7,in Block 29, Santa Carmelita'at Vale La Quinta, Unit #2 as per map' recorded in Book 18, pages 55 and 56 of maps in the office of the county recorder of said county. Dated—_ October 30, 1987 LA (M�a G STATE OF CALIF IA Virginia,, Greene COUNTY OF SS. On this day o in the year before me, the undersigned, a No ry Public -in and fq3Psaid County and State, personally appeared Pffsenal'y hy*'n-I6-fft6-(or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evid.enqe) to be the person whose name -----6ta-`-'—_Abbscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged ackno that executed the SE same. . . . . . . . . DIANA C MONEY Signature NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA RIVFRSIDE COUNTY My Comm. E"Pilcl Aug. 3 1. 199, Name (Typed osar Printed) Notary Public in and for id County and State FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP ------------ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON ]FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY So SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name Street Add 1-101 10/84 PRINTCO Address city & state w1f r�i ttr>�. ro •.. .� a H.F.C. - Rtars lilora: 04 (— Wit Corporates Cestter 9wilffl ' fur p.u.802 1640 ie i Pfsreotsa. Ca 91761 Altentiosr We ft.at #stater � r 11.1+; L Lend:na � �. ud U I j`f THIS DEED OF TRUST Is ,"de tbJa t�I=_.i.10, «"Quenih@r. um+ma tiro'i'rYSnot, y>L..i11f1�4AM A —.. _. 0,• tvf)nga gdtlraeets let 51tiG5 Qeada ">;lorratt N% Eponr: 1� t1 'Trtsrta"i and t!a OatacAa7�ltry, '{'' � trpfhQt41�N4 afW(tirad 1� (herolq "�endet"), sh � •• rpl�ht8 I.ottn ASreement dated NevamhRr 11� ram 1�'. :i [ �tOCI11Ch dated and ettigttlitMla!a!� pppr Rennoliable Rate A$teem+ r� herein 11Moto"1, providing for 14knoe of Indebtedness. it not ustmer raid. due and payable on _ of (30 it IWI balance hated above and it credit limit of T I't Rnn.0 WRdet a Revolriq Nsan Agreement at a homeowner's Line of Credit. I.a►n Actxwnt Agreement. BORROWER, in consideration of the it'tdebtodntxs hereirl recited and the Utat herein created. It1cv=* granth and tcnveys to Trus;ttr. In trust. wi,n power of seek, the: following 000bed r4%"Y bated In the County of pty&85Ina , state of Callfomla: LOT 6 OF BLOCK 29 nF SANTA CARMELITA AT VALI.B, LA QUINTA, UNIT 2. AS PFR MAP RECORDED IN ROOK 19, PAGE 55 AND 56 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RyVERSIDE COUNTY RECORUEK, which has the address of AVRN'LA 1.ItRTR7 U t I.A I1tNTA , Nti tCityl California _.,..-. 1941 "7 .— therein "Property Addrns"It ID ,ettei TOGETHER with all tit: improvements now of lieteaftet elated .on the properly, and all easements, rights, appurtenances and rents (subject however to the rights and authorities Siven herein to Lender to collect and apply such rents), all of which shall be deemed to be and remain a Part of the property covered by this Deed of Trust, and all of the foregoing. together with said property (or the leasehold estate it (hie Deed of T(utt Is on a leasehold) are hereinafter referred to as the ,,property;" TO SECURE to lender the repayment of (1) the Indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with Interest thereun, including "•ty Increases if the contract rate it variable; (3) all present and future advances under the Revolving Loan Alretmerit; (3) the payment of all other turns, with Interest thereon, advanced in tecorogttee herewith to prolcct the security of this peed of Trust; and 14) the, performance of the covenants and Agreements of Borrower herein contained-- and (5) the payment of such further sums as the then record owner or the Property hartaftef stay borraweif from Lender, when evidenced by another note (or notes) reciting it is so secured. Borrower covenants that Bottower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the t'igtit to grant and convey the property, and that the Property is unencumbered etltW for eneambeances of record, Borrower covenants that Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Ptopgtty "lint, all shells and demands, subject to encumbrances of record, COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender Covenant $ad agree as f011OW41 t, payeapl of Principal prd latfree1. poiro+tet t+W promptly pay when due the principal and interest indebtedness evidenced ty the Note and late charges at providw is the Note. 1. Funds ter Tetras aced baarseroe. Subject 10 Ilpo4gable law or a wrist" waiver by lender, aorrower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly payments of Principal and Inlets ore payabN under the Note. until the Note Is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one -twelfth of the yearly taat% and „ioutio its (including condominium and planned unit development samsments, if anyl which may allatb priority over this Deed of Trwl. and ground tests on the Property, Ir any, Pius one. twelfth of yearly predtium 1"$I&Ilments fochaard tntulaAef. plus OnI401a1111 of yearly premium ins1211ments for murtsage insurance. if any, all a. reasonably estimated initially and from time to time by Lender On the basis tit ayse►sments and bills and reasonable estimatet thereof. Borrower shall not be obligated to make such payments of Fsindb its Fender 10 the extent that Horrower mattes weh payments to the haidar of a prlor mutlgage of deed of trust if such holder is an Insttiti0onal Lender, it Borrower pays Funds to Lander, the Funds shatt be held in an institution the deputilt or accuunit of which are insu►ed or guaranteed by a Fedtul or state Agency (including Lender if Linder it strch an irntiluttrn), lender a sil apply the Fitailk ui pay said faxes, astatments. ititurance pnmitimt end $found rents. Lender may nut Chafes; fist va huldiug and applying the Funds. analyeinS said account of verifying end compiling mid m%q%w ten% and bier. unless Imitler pays Mueruwef 1111crelt on the ►unds and applicable law permits Lender to make t"h a ehafge. Burfuwer and (.ender may agroe in smog at the nn,c tit execution of that Deed cf Truss that interest on the Funds %halt bePaid lu bafrowef, and Valets such agrmnicni i% node t,r W"ICE TO DORROME11s TBIs IMOPl UMBlfT CO!(TAllltll FINN1BI011B FOR A m W4M4*%4 AQJU2T1 9- INTZRIO':t PATIe .. :y" ,�,r, .:':��.:: V►'$.;..: ,:��.".�'N,aM.rw4lnw:w...�.nM.++ro..•�.�.. �y► 4339'79 iM Aie+By agwipaed eaceitro Erttii be 040M to tow It*ylay dabs Pop ftt om of clad manage t he Prtttx ny and it? vollmi '* "s of IAf ftGWI Mlt f *AMP" daa• #J seer MINNOW by Lender Or the recei►er .hall he applied Iir st it, payer `w of $beeeaas O/IMaaa/1w11k dtifle ttlalsi►dleo deeMy, iawQudGy, but uul linuled lu. roeeiser's fees, Preratktana• ral:ATitti btaadsalM allMflltgaepw,ead tREll W the gams Itv'Ilred by Ihis Deed o(Tewl. Lender and Ise focilive shag be Babb I & Mielllnl to ffflemat # A W.7gIBi' eece4ed. N• • 00011 P00" Of aN riles WCW@d iT tiN Datd of Ttuvt, lender .hall rcque.a Trustee la tecaatytfl lbt'totkMy illMd t;la/ eM►e{�R 11i� 411iif That �Id dN t evidettein indatMedness see ur ej hf I U I s used of Trim to Traeff, Tfull" (lam. "DID gispialigilto jkhp% r t* hpwly w'ilhou, Warranly 1,t the per Sun as /enm 199&4 eattlltd Ihtnlr, i vbatMaatT►uott.Lender, wilyNjhjgA*omtistIpIMWOP Wnt0tuttiwworlruveetoallyTrustec appointed hereueder bt an inufumm eMcwil i&*11 atetlapw>la1dN by Lalsdlf aed recorded in ,It office „f the Recorder Of the chanty where the Property is lecow. Thtia st" new Ad cantaie 111111 name of The ofifinal Lender, Trustee aad Rotrowtr, IAe boot gad PW "bate Ibis hWTwfbeat iatle+cndad and the Dam and address of the wecessot trustee. The wccwsw trostn shall, wlthrw comillysect of the Progefty, ufcceed 10 ap The hair, puwen and dutin conferred upon the Iffnttee heftia and by applicabl: flaw. This proeMliall f0a alltwittioe of Innate shall govern lu the e4dusfon of all other p►avitiont for Wbmilution. 31- "at" fat NNI[ts, Borrower rggwus altar eapha of the notke of dersuh and novice or salt be sent to Bnrrowerts address which is the Properly Address, Lender IOQMS that copies of no0mot a( rnredthure from the holder Of any Ikn which has prio►ily over This pthlf of Trust be sent to Lo sdsr's addrest, s► set furlh tin page one or dtis peed of Trust, as provided by Section 2924b of the Civil Code of CallrnrMa. ttBQUNST FOR NOTICIS OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURR UNIDBIh SUPERIOR MORTGAGES OR D8BDS OF TRUST Bonowtr and Lander requeu the h" of arty Priority over this Deed of Trust to ow Nakt to 4.0 of any dtrfuh ruder The 6020imr aonlrbatuea AN etfr1111 of other encumbrance with alien •..Ilich has PMrW W forth on page one of this ecru .I Trust, owlafock"ro actlon. �..�.� .........�. y lest On Ihle , .....iin Ae'year 19 Derore me, she undersigned, a Notary Pubik In and for Bald Efate, Oa1.•. jiprtlelad Y ]�cnnrxrAtf and OF.L I A y �-0ODMAN , personally, known to me, or proved to me on the basis of taticfallory evidence, to be the ptxsogQs) Mholt "IT100 re subscribed to the roregoing Instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the sam . WITNESS my hand and orriciel seal. Olin4Curt. rst` I ✓ 6 -�»• ,phi MIN VrW VP1. tttit+a ltTdsd a s11n11C1 • My Commission expires: Tills Order No. _!1�Qhs°L j,._ _ Escrow or Loan Nc. STATE OF CAtIFOANIA COVNTVOP SAN BERNl110I40 Or li/ 16/ 90 Ili I 4t,1:3iYJ9 bylore me,"undruaeed. a Notary Pwhuz In and too r said Lmla, treralonalM swayed.. JAMES PEATLEA petsonnuy known to rrle la pto•rrd to I de dt the Desert ul the oath a , aitperttaullyknownlorrowllo6wthew Wflr171oMhefif4avD/el dtolflu Y4htnm.:lfunwnl.l� A w4rNH Ihe+etO, who beat/ oy rrlNduly ewbR eepno"lad: That herahe nrdn in .PALM DESERT CA . nWWittilyM waadreeanl«Ideaw_JAY AND DELIA M. GO=" ' , pet>ahattt known to It1elr w lobe now Mena pasingl deaetlbad en low w1ro auCMeo one wttAn t 411WRO L M a aanylwl Inerew, &r. Mal r end dYbw ft Write AM treat MW poll"" duty KkrgMedved In Ihs peurlew of MW anweM, OW heralheAhey e.ewW tlow M1M, and Iha1 Bard dIMM, IlAeralledh N Itta paAy Mtn 1 tealim. araeelbM Mutter narrow •a a wishes fhetelo yvANEBA aryl err I wag L,-7`rr BtptMul +' clalsrarl� P, lczT�a ' at • dalY.l011 ;All etk►1Aa0,rlt• CCCNry lLlar►r•hUM1/ N. 1e01 antes 0tw+r 00 enml /101e16411 eMfh dl• NI %MI \r VIN ANCE: it it. IXVJ,d Ilu.1 ,a y IAylrh. AtMYr.Vd ntd,rd h "d. IUN, .•Ih PI Ill r..lhl,r, 1 r p IIM .afill lived ,4 t l uM , 4,4 td „1 1.0. 1,. Nor Ah,M hrkl f� RIUERStOf, "A. R` .:c'fvEil UE-TV UE-LV .UE-IV LUE-•* if S/YR .6431V .966LV .6771V _66/9f) _530Tv _53OLV DOOTV OOOLV 000Iv .72190 z 7' D _ QTV -ru90 J 15 Nali0awide 1-800-345-R E Dl ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER TAX CENSUS THOMAS BROS OWNERS NAME AREA TRACT LAND USE/PROPERTY CLASS NAP NUMBER M1A1L1MG ADDRESS LOT SIZE / ACRES / SOFT STATISTICAL INFORMATION *PROPERTY LOCATION ------LEGAL DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 773-152-017 20-017 TV -VACANT-RISC HEAL T BAKER chTERPRISES PUI CO-Y04-000-0 1675 BUSINE:S CIR SAM BERNARDINO CA 92408 .110-ACRES LOT 5 8LK 29 MB 0T8/055 SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 2 • IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION ELECT- ELECTRIC WATER- YATR ------------- -------------------------------------- 773-152-019 20-017 GOODMAN JAY -------------------------- RI -SINGLE FAR RESID GOODMAN DELIA N PUI CO-RO1-000-0 ZONING -RI P 0 BOX 25LA 0U[NAVENIDA2CORTEZ .110-ACRES G •51865 LA OUINTA 92253 10T1I1253 SOFT-1,230 LOT 6 ELK 29 MB 018/055 SANTA CARRELITA VALE LA GAFtA6E SOFT-448 OUINTA UNIT 2 YR81T- 1979 BEDRMS- 3 • IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION • STORIES- 1.0 FULL 07H 1 GARAGE -DETACHED ROOF - COMPOSITION 3/4 BrH 1 MEAT - CENTRAL COOL - CENTRAL ELECT- ELECTRIC WATEA- YATR FUEL 1773-152-019 20-017 YR -VACANT-RESID 600DIIAN JAY PUI CD-RO7-000-0 GOODMAN DELIA .110-ACRES P 0 BOi 25 LA OUINTA [A 92253 LOT 7 8LK 29 MB 0181055 SANTA [ARMELITA VALE LA JULNFA UNIT 2 * IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION ELECT- ELECTRIC --WATER_-- WATR ----- ----------------------------------------------------=--------------------- 773-152-020 20-017 TA -VACANT-RESID CLIME CHARLES BRIAN PUT CO-RO7-000-0 15410 OEERTNJRM RD .110-ACRES SHERMAN OAKS CA 91403 LOT 8 BLK 29 M18 0181055 SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA OUINTA UNIT 2 • IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION ELECT- ELECTRIC WATER- WATR Coa'rc'<J!~ Ail R;ohm VERIFIED SALES SALE AMOUNT AMOUNT TYPE DATE DATE DO( NUMBER MORTGAGE INFOZMATION TYPE AMOUNT -----------6RTD V-88-- i7 68 508E I! 88-0209037 PRIOR- 03-79 78-0042586 S18 OOOI' GRID 1f46 86-0323204 PRIOR: S48,OOOF 79-0182370 MORTGAGE INFORMATION 56,000 Gomm LEON S (SELLER) EXEMPT JOH-11 MEOUNERS 98 500F SATO 1f-87 87-0328797 PRIOR: 55,500E CRPD 07-86 86-0161605 1991 Re S ei REDi . e},! TOTAL VALUE -TV LAND VALUf-LV INPRV VALUE -IV OTHER VALUE-4v TOTAL TAXES/YR $8,843T1r $8.843Lv $122.50/90 -S66,025Tu 57,575Lb $58.450110 $761.52/90 S9,019TV S9.019LV $T14.66/90. --------------------------- 09-81 S1O.173Tv' 81-G167518 S10,173Lv1 $138.68/90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '3-152-021 20-017 YR -VACANT-RESID $24 JAMES 0 HOWAAD ND INC OI NAP0OOOfM BEACH to 90803 ACRES B9- PUt CD-R07-000-0 GRID 0� LONG BEACH 00 SONS -110-0104851 LOT 9 OLK 29 MB 018/055 SANTA CARAEIITA VALE LA PRIOR: RIOR: OUINIA UNIT 2 • IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Be-0175172 ELECT- ELECTRIC WATER- YATR S12,IIAIII S 12,484L U $166.78/90 ASSESSORS OWNERS N MAILIH •PROPERTT LEGA 773-155-00: LA OUIR1: C/o V1. 11716 i W"ITTII •ST870 LOT 9 h A` HEA coo! ELEI WA I' 773-155-00- SNIT" STI 4560 u 051890ENDAL LOT '• RUIN' GARAC REA, COa: ELF: WATT FUE,. 773-155-OOE SCANNELL SCANNEI 1663 21 r0 "c ELF[ WATT '73-155-OOS JENKINS t JENKTN! CIO ALE 77 SANE HACKETT LOT i SU i la' Elf, IJAT= RIVERSIDE, CA. K 15 RIVERSIDE, o P Y r aSEP "l6� ' 92 - 0-4': 4aPM* COMMONWEALTH O r m ,!� tM i o n Network (714) 2. 7 5 - 0 7 71 P . S rP Prcl:773-163-024 �S.it;e.519wS AkJFNIDA MAtO f�(�,�,_NQU:CNiRr-CFt----y- 9'2 ' Own r•:GU4MAN.HECTOR&HILDA R M�.i.1 ' 0 BOX 463*THERMA1,, CA S'22 4 U!�e:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt:: Tfr: $03,500F oat:r�: 04/92 Loari , $83,750 Yb:79 Sgft�1,2'3a As9d:$6S,645 Imp;;79: f#Un.- Doc#:152$42 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L-0012 13drm: 3 Stha; 2.0 Lot z: A,791 2 ) P^ -cl1 773-1S4•-016 Site:51J^3r_. AVENIDA -JrUAREZ"LA...QU!N`rA, -CA_ � ,2;;w Ownr:'TRUJII..1.0,FRANK, M6.i.l:F18Z"'S AVENID(A J•UAREZ*LA QUINTA, CA P.225.3 Urs8::;lNGl_c RCSIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: Tfr: $125,000F Date. 0�/91 Loans- $1:7.4,976 Yb:87 Scift.1.443 Assd,$125.000 imp:,. ##80% Un. 0oc##:230327 Tr: 00000--00 Lott': L-0004 Sdrnts: 3 laths: 2.0 Lotrsz: 4,791 :3 Prcl :77v-•1a?_-007 z,ita: la90� AVENIDA �RU310 ALA'^quip TA�CA- -- --_- 9 0wnr:OlA7.ALEJAN0R0 V Mail:S1890 AVENIDA RUS10*LA QUINTA CA 922t,S: Us;c:SINGLE RE'SIOCNCC Ph: Xmlat: Tfr: $8A,500F Ont.e: 06/92 Loans: $81,356 Yb:79 1,;gft:1,4j5 Assd:$72,652 Irnp:89' # U n 0oc#:230010 Tr: 00000--00 Lot: 1.-001S Sdrms: a 3tha: 2.0 Lot^:;: 4,7 913. T 4 ) Prcl:773-163--006 S,i.te:51870�AVENIDA �,A AI-VARAOQ*LQUTNTA,_C'A� �- 9,2.2;53 Ownr KRAUSE*RICHARD A & KI Mail -. 51870 AVENIOA AI.VARADO*L.A QUINTA, CA. 922S i Use : SINt3 L.E RESIOFNrCC Ph: Xntp t: T'f'r• : $85, 000 0at.e : 07 /92 Loons: $86,257 Yb 79 $gf1;.1,415 A1sd,$72,634 Imp.t,'% #fUtt Doc#:281618 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L•-00193drms: 3 Sths- 2.0 Lotsz: 4,79J.: 5 ) ? cl , 773-163 -®2.2 Sita , 519r;5 ,1VEP#DIA^ OSRECaON*I.A-QEJIF?TaMp -i A--- 2 f -_ 4'', •, Ownr: LOL,RA,JUAPI&.OUANA Ma il:51955 AVEND'IA O6REGON*LA QUIN-rA, CA 97.25: Use:SINGLF RCSIOENCE: Ph: Xmpt: Tfr: $37,50OF Date: 12/91 L.0ElP1S: Yp:89 sq-ft:1,39A Assd:$105,000 Inip -7) % #Un: Ooo#-.46" 640 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L--0010 3drmh: 3 8ths: 2,0 Lot:sr: 4,791 -- 6 ) Prol :773-164-009 Site:!51900AVE:NIDAOBREGON*LA QUINTA. �CA-�-�-H 92253 0wnr:SENNEVlL.L►a,AL8E:R'r J & MLl,i1:5A035 EISENHOWER DR*LA QUINTA CA 9225 UsesSINGLE RESIDENCES Ph: Xmpt: Tfr: $67,500F Oat"e: 07/92 Loans: $67,262 Yb:77 5gft:1,220 Assd:$63,621 Imp:82% #Un: Doc#:?_C1f305 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L-0009 Bdrms.-: 3 Sths: 2.0 Lotrz: 4,793. 7 ) "r•c1:773mm164 ®22' Sitel!51945 AVENIDA-CARRANZA*LAW QUINTA, CA ---9225';3 pwnr:CHf.)KALIS,HARRIS&THALI Mail:51945 AVENIDA CARRAN`1.A*LA QUINTA, CA. 44`2$3 Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: HOME Tfr: $117.00OF Date: 07/91 Loati : $1.15,996 Yb:88 c3gf-c:1.656 Assd:$115,000 Intp:7.8% #Un: Doc#:24397:3 Tr: 00000- eO Lot:: L--0010 .Sdrms: 3 Bths: 2.0 Lot!sz: 4,791 s ) Pi"G1: 773-165-024 Site:619S7-AVENIDA RAMIREZ*LA QUINTACAA-~-_. _.9.""2..5 Ownr:5HANKS,ROBERT T&LISA Mail:r;1987 AVENIDA RAMIRI~Z*LA QUINTA, CA 92-21541 UsesSI1NGL.E RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: HOME Tfr: $33,500F Dote: 01/92 l.catts: $83, 7543 Y b : 76 1;gft.:1, 264 Assd: $8; , 000 Irnp s S9% #Un-, Doc#:29560 Tr: 00000-00 Lot, L-0012 Gdrmra: 3 Sth : 2.0 Lotsz: 4,791 Pt•cl:773--172--018 Site,'.51865 AVENIOA Hf RRERA*LA�QUINTA,-CA9225", 0wnr:8AYR0,CHRT,STINE Ma,3.1:E,1865 AVENIDA HERRr:RA*LA QUINTA, CA, 9225:3 U R:SINGLE RE310ENCE Ph: Xmpt:: HOME Tfr: $96,OOOF Data: 01/92 Loans: $94,458 Yb:87 qft;: 1,194 Assd:$9a,000 Imp;73% 4rUn: Doc#:22g67 Tr: 0000e-00 Lot: L-0006 Eldrms: 3 Ethss 2.0 Lot_sz: 4.7-91 1rd ) ?�r C1: 773--173-01 3 'Site: ;1755 AVENIDA TVFLASCQ*LA-QUINTA, .CA 0wnr:C0R0NEL,1$MAEL f3&GC-.RA Mai1:52233 CANIACE-10 ST*C0AC11EL1.A, C.A g22a36 Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: Tfr: $7,59OF Dates 12/91 Loansi $62,2$0 Yb:90 sgft-1,402 Assd:$$9,17S lrnp:91% OUn: Doc##:1344078 Tr: 00000--00 Lott: L-0001 3drnts. 3 laths: 2,0 Lorb:r: 4.'791 C« A Y 1' iSEP 16' ' S2 04 : 41 PM COMMO�NWE' ALTHo r° in a t: i o n N e t w o r k ( 714) _ 2 7 S- 0 7 71 P- 9 P E :q a 2 Prcl., 773--174--01Q.�- —Site 518S5 EISENHOWER OR* QUIN'rri, CA 922'•:: . wnr: FONTAINE,OAVID W&SHER Ma:.1,:518Es5 EISENHOWER Or* LA QUINTA, CA 9 22:.:' Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: HOME T-fr: $100.00OF Date: 10/91 Loans: $100,063 `r`•b:79 Sgft:1,256 AGsd:$68,340 Imp.70° '#Uri: Doc#:360285 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L-0007 3drrs: 2 EChs: 1.0 Lotsz: 4,791• 1'2 ) Pre,.1.773-174-021 Site;51975 EIGENHOWI_R DR*LA�QUSNTA,-CA92F51 01.,irir:.3L)A 2E2,NORMA A Mai1:51950 EISENHOWER OR*LA QUINTA, CA 92253 L!se:3INGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xrnpt: Tfr: $119.000 Otte: 10/91 Loans: $90,950 Yip: Sgft: Assd:$115,000 Imp:781 #Un: Doc##:3773212 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L--0009 8drms: Sths: Lotsz: 4,.791. 13 ) Prcl,773• 183-007 Site:5191.0 AVENID,A^VILLA*l.A-©UINTA,.-C,4 .-_.-----•$1225 Ownr:THACKER.RICHARD T JR& Mail r, 0 BOX 1078ILA QUINTA, CA 92252 Use:SINGI..E RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: 1'f, : $95,500F Date ; 09/91 Loans: $71,600 Yb:73 Sgft;1,2.18 Assd:$96,000 Imp:73`s *Uri: Dor-14:304692 Tr: 00000-00 -Lot: L..-0017 8drms: IBfihs: 2.0 Lotsz: 4,7.,)i 14 } Pi-c„I:773--202--014 ':ite:5203S AVENIDA MAOERO*LA QUINTA, L"r1^-......_..92V Ow'nr:6ARROS,MARK E Mail:5203S AVENIDA MADERO'tLA QUINTA, CA 92253 Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: Tfr; $10:3.004F Oath. 06/92 Loans: ;f90,000 Yb:p9 $gft:1,423 Assd:$102000 I1`1`10, :86°I#Un 0oc#:14.7068 Tr: 00000-00 Lot:: L-0003 Ddrms: 3 8ths: 2.0 Lotsz: 4.791 _ a.5 ) 1=rcI:773-203--003 Sire: __-_.....__.... _..____------_- ..___.--....._.52,?5<� Ownr':SPISAK,CHRISTOPHER ,Mail:52030 AVENIDA MADER0*1.A QUINTA, CA 92.2513 Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt:: Tfr: $126,000 Ocste: 03/92 Loans: $118,861, Yb:139 Sgfr_::1,436 A •sd:$1':.7,300 Imp:82% 4tUn: Doc#:105886 Tr: 00000--00 Lot: L-0003 i3drms-: 3 Bths: 2.0 Lotsz: 4,791 1S ) �iC1:773-203-014 Sit;e:52045 AVENIDA JUAREY*LAyQUINTA, -CA - Ownr : YARDUMIAN, ANDREW L&SH Mail i $2045 AVENIDA JUAP,EA'*LA QUINTA, CA. 9226< Use:SINOLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: HOME Tfr: $121,000F Oat2: 11/91 Loans: w120,60e? Yb:90 Sgft::1..534 Assd:$120,000 Imp:79% #,Un: . Ooc#:383385 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L--0003 Sdrma: 3 6ths: 2.0 Lotaz; 4,791 -Y :17 ) Pr,cl:773- 212-004 Site:a2130 AVENIDA 01AZ`*LAQUINTA, -CA 0wnr:ECKERT,01AX F Mai! :P 0 BOX 718*LA QUINTA, CA 92295 3 Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xropt: Tfr: $103.500F Oate.: 0.8/91* Loans: $80,744 Yi?,77 $gft::1,236 Assd:$72,928 Imp:78::5 i,Un; Ooc#p:287187 Tr: 00000--00 Lot: L-0019 8drms: 2 Sths: 2.0 Lotus%: 4,791 1° ) P'i,cl:173-212•-022 Site:!a220SN AVENIDA -RUBIO*LA- QUINTA, -Ch1----- 9225-'3 Uwnr:LANE.DONALD 8&MARY L Mai1:250 W MAIN ST NO 103*TUSTI14, CA 926�iG Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xra?%: rfr: $19,500F Date: 03/92 Loems- Yb:83 $gft:1,264 Assd:$63,72.5 Imp:82% #Uri: Doc4:10r)451 Tr: 00000-00 Lot; L-0011 8drms: 3 Sths: 2.0 Lotsz: :9,520 19 ) f�rc1:773- 15-025 Site:5215:1 AVENIDA CARRANZA*LA-QUINTA, -CA '--92.2r5:,) 7wnr:C1HOCKI,JIM & SOUZANN Mail:b2t51 AVENIDA CARRANZA"'LA QUINTA, CA, 32253 Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt: Tfr: $96,600F Oats: 04/92 Loans: $.96,659 Yb: Sgft. Assd; $47,168 Imp•$3sk #Un: Ooc##:12:3694 Tr: 00000-00 Lot: L-0009 8drms,: Ot.hes: Lotsz: 7,40s 20 ) PrcI-773••-224--0:18 Sil:a:S2145 AVENIDA ^VELASCO*LAYQUINTA, MCA2.,'n..., Ownr-:COHAN,RONALn 0 Mail-,P 0 SOX 2951*INOIO, CA 92202 Use:SINGLE RESIDENCE Ph: Xmpt:: rfr: $99,500F Dare: 02/92 Lorins: �;99,649 Yb:78 Sgft --, 1,450 A s•:d:$95,000 Imp - % #Un': Doc#:67012 Tr: 00000-Oe Lot: L-0007 Rdr•mis: 3 Ot"hs, 2.0 Lotsz: 4,791 L92 35PMv COMMONWEALTH �i i t S. o C1 pj a t' w o r k, 7,14) 2 7 5- a 7 71 P. Z tl p +^ r i q hS,EP �161 y04: PrgOrty oroflle _ Riverside COMMONWEALTH LAND •rITLE ' P!-eparvd For TAMMI LARSON By D CAfJ� JO�INSOP� ;1eque ted Dy c BRUCE FELDMAPJ �7' •l' �' P 'P �, W RJ �i • 'i' ti ":�, ,9 •F `i 1 '- $ PP .P �P R ^f' •'{�y '+ •P `P W 'Y f f Y+ '? .P '.F. `i' W 'A W 4' Y' Porcel Number{ 773--152--01.. $ Dujtie r 15L GOOOMAN,JAY&DhLIA M $ r, 2nd � site Address 61366 AVENIDA CORTEZ $ LA QUINTA,I CA 92253 $ Mail Address : P O BOX 25 31 , LA QUINTAL 92253 CA $ �, $ Phone Number - ° c $ Ownereihip DEsa; JOINT $. Legal Description - Map TYPE-•GK--Nr : Block e 29 $ Lod: J'YPE-NO : i.• 0(606 Tract 00eZO "00 $ Cc�nSus Tract . G 65 451.04 Map Page• -Grid 22A--81 3 d Property Charac w Use Desc : SINGLE RESIDENCE. NrumbS,r Units . �{ `e Lor G ize --Sgft: 4,791 '7a 1,a r;7Qt-. : 1,230 '' - •D a' Year Built 79 Bedrooms 3 $athrooms $ Garage y: Pool sale/Loan Inform6tiori •r Lost Sale hate: 12/86 ti $ Amount; $18, 000 P' Cc�-: /` q Foot $ occument Num : 323204 $ Lender $ Loan 1sr TD Loein Type. $ Addt' l l TDs: A. $ $ $ Prev Sale Date: $ Amounts Assossme1-,t/•2:x Informat'S-un `S $ !assessed Total : $67,$45 Tax Amount $783.20 `6 $ Land : $7,726 Tax 'Status ; CUkRE'NT � $ Improvement $59,€i9.9 Year Delinq $ $ percent: 68% -Tax- Rate Area : 20017 v $ Exemption HOME $ r� @ ��W�V @ 2• ,}A4 2 �• }. 2 �. `4�•4•P�w.GJDY'9�4���t'��•4'v !�- (2 ? p 0 @q .rt rt 4 r� Q ,}. @ m qq 2- .1' $�w�wP���:P•P`Pf+a4` P��Jty�+���$w�����•P�P� �'D F�`VV�' 1 P4'•f �.P'�i'�%'��V��� THE ACCURACY OF THE ACOVE INwORMATIOtl X'r rihA DEEMED RELIABLE eu"r T5 NOT GUARANTEED h'" NO COR FIL M R[cbleDlNO 11119"Itsm IK- ua Jay Goodman and De)ta M. OmOAMaa 51865 Curtes, Quiota. California 9225,11 e:,w • GR/ IF 1,11E U�I1F.k�l<i�Ffl l.kkN10Rt.1 OKLARlGII Sit is BrACL AINOVE THIN LIN[ POlt RSCOItOEA'S USC w ►NT I1EGA (llAlividnal) TRANSFER TAX N S 14 84 compuled on full value (d pruranY lY•l(heYed. W )OR ,nmpute,l ull full value N%% •alue al h.nl .n en:umht.nwv tentaulink at urn: ul halt. -1n41 FOR VALIA:: RK'P..IVF0 LEON ;l. GOTTLIER, AN UNMARRIED MAN t.RANTiSj to JAY GQODMAN AND DELTA K. GGUDMAN, HUSBAND AND WIPE AS JOINT TENANT3. ,he hcl,lw de.enM1 real progeny in thr atatd of Celifotnia. tout y of Riverside . city Q1 o Jl Quin 1 0... Lot 6 of Block 29 of5 Anta Carmelita at Valle, La Quinta, Unit 2, as phir map r,corded in 2ook 18. Page 55/0Y Nape, in the office of the Riverside County Recorder. To Pan>rl Net. nat,d: October 10. 1986 th'TATY. OF CALIPOP.N)A COUNTY 011 ;M AN212Sr On . October 20, 1986 I,uf(rrotltr. thr unSrrstRl+od, a Nolan- f uhlie In Simi for laid tiww. pmhunrlll applea� a^n S. Gottlieb r petanally krxmv lu mr (In pruvrd to fur un thr both of tatllfullR . rv„korrl to be dw Inrr,nitr/ wM 'r. nallwAgstr brd lit the ,-tthtn InRtumenl and a.4Lrxlwlrdlled let me Ihal llr'tlhry it. Ruted this lamp. WITNESS my hard and (dfklal 1 J INt n 8. Gott) lab .•............ I .................. h„•.,,... R 01181CIAL t1Ai M. E. PIOER l ..O11W t wut n. • tAi t1otweA i • YU •:1.h Or, ICI •✓ LM AtKl.t1 COWITY ' fNy Goerr(gMon SaNtea Nlalwary 1. IM \.N. N. N.N.NN.•..t 1., N...N•.. t.rNN.. (Thk► are, for tdfh" ttgarial loci) ri M4.Aoll, I 23- 58 m 73-15 T C. A: OZO-017 POR. SW I14 SEC. / T. 65 R6E. a_ 4 / s A9 si a'w ° CALLE Z.° -r-- SINALOATr d �.°W�7 TOo/ © ! e ° 24O 24(. ° 24(;} •O, 100i.e .a° ." v1 ar. >a n .ea v ~ 1 Je 13- 23 � aq T g 23 O • ®2 `r{ 23 0 T 23 O 2 `T Je O r • . JO +JO• Oa eeo I'r ' ZT 0 03 2? O Q 3 22 a 6 3.POP N PT 14 LorAp T 2/ O O 4 0® 4 ?! O R(6� 4 4~i 2I \ 1 @ 4 - -- _ p Ex s e�� O 20 05 � 20 � � 5 � ZOO 17 5 � e'90 G S �1 f l a2-Uc.S 4 fj v O /9 6 ' /9 © 6 /9 l`J 6 e' /9 O C=✓ 6 ISO 03 NAc. w 151 I5 I53 l54 I5 3 O jig /8 O 7 18 O 7 i A9 O �g 7 180 ® 7 CE 3 17 O I Zi 1114 o Q O V /6 '/ 9 Z V /S 0.9 pS ly1 -9 v /6 O 09 j Q 7 ° 0 _ v ,u.,_ w .% a �4 1 Q O j 8 f1 6Ll LS► 0 /O � Q'i 13 @ ID IS 6J .�` /0 15 � v k � � 14 Y�J ° !I IF114 ®1/ ; !4 I/ /! 14 O Jl ti I Jo 0/-97 •ee Ia 1© Da ° ie7e 12 „ /3 U/2PI,eo 90 J t as `0 1 ` T 1cD ar K. e.. . _ �r..ot�— .. oo ----- - - — CALL £ - —ash.=,,,� DURAPI6(• �:;' ar+-sir . _ Sonlo C40rMr1,,fo A/ Vale L o Qwnfo Noa 2 AI/9�/B/55, 56 Y1-d-Ida,A,c �J YS- 8-90 e ASSESSUP'S MAP ar:7T; P14.r