PM 1998-341CERTIFICATE EXHIBIT A OF PARCEL MERGER NO, Record Owners },� I Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers s o s- Legal Description of Merged Parcel EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MEAGER NO, - Sj f1-r�ew A s- DEPARTMENT USE ONLY . _This Eertificate- of -Parcel- Merger. No. "3`1 4s. -- - - - Address hereby a� ed. Map Prepared By By Address Title prt�Gt, l� �l�iv�lr' Area/District Date • • T4ht 4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 — (760) 777-7000 TDD (7601 777-1227 November 23, 1998 Mrs. Celeste D. Sheafe P.O. Box 900 La Quinta, Calif. 92253 SUBJECT: Parcel Merger 98-341 Dear Mrs. Sheafe, Your request for Parcel Merger 98-341 to merge two adjacent lots (APN's 773-272- 015 and 773-272=016)'in the cove on Avenida Mendoza has been approved. Please have the Grant Deed and exhibits for this Merger recorded with the County Recorder and give us a copy of the recorded documents for our files. Until the recorded copies are received, our Parcel Merger file is not complete. Attached is a letter addressed to the County Recorder for you to present to them indicating our approval of this. Parcel Merger. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) '777-7064. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR , STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner sbs Attachment Itr app pm 98-341 MAILING ADDRESS — P.O. BOX 1504 — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 t • 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 — (760) 777-7000 TDD (760) 777-1227 November 23, 1998 ' County Recorder _ County of Riverside , Post Office Box 751 ; Riverside, Calif. 92502 '. , SUBJECT: Recording of Parcel Merger 98-341' Dear Sirs: f... , .The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Parcel Merger. Please allow its recording as presented by Mrs. Sheafe or her representative. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7064. . Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR - lid, S Ginnr�, _ • STAN B. SAWA - Principal Planner z sbs L Itr co rec pm 98-341 MAILING ADDRESS — P.O. BOX 1504 = LA_ QUINTA, CALIFORNIA•92253 (Print) Phone No. Fax No. 3 7 Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Parcel - - Parcel4 - - (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) 1'6' -34 I f 51��u'" a''c City of La Quanta OFFICE USE ONLY General Plan Amendment o 0 Community Development Department Rezone (Map Amend) ❑ Code Amendment ❑ = - �-. 78-495 Calle Tam �.Pico Tentative Tract Map ❑ La Quinta,.California 92253 Tentative Parcel Map ❑ M OFT N�. tine Han Review ❑ (760) 777-7125 Conditional Use Pennit ❑ Other. ❑ APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROVAL PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contigious parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. ..........�%.../............................................ APPLICANT -S Print) MAILING ADDRESS �� 01� Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP:���Z' �ax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP: MERGER LOCATION: Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged: REASON FOR MERGER: 3199� Al2-fonn4l7.wpd®v 2 �� Appvd 1/6/98 cdi .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. J.O..•. o..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. o..•..o.•..•..•..•..•. o..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. o..•..•..•. ...................................................... SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT NAME OF APPLICANT no I C (Please print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE NAME OF OWNER (Please print) (Separate written -authority by owner to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A 12-fonn417.wpd Appvd 1 /6/98 edi RECORDING REQUESTED BY", • An WWII RECORDED ISAIL TARS Tim AO vottst ITBERWIiE silim KM ILAIL TAX ITATENEST III: Nam AdStreet p citya 9 zZS� 3 StaI. r MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name 1 eet Address clim a state L TITLE ORDER no. ESCROW 110 I SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of _ AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION; receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, L L E 7;E .7 . S / f��9�� 42. ' hereby GRANT(s) to the following described real property in the C,� /Y' ate`-- ""`-' County of , State of California: N J"7, -e !�) / S 1-4 ?J_ J DatedZL STATE OF CALI ASs. COUNTY OF 21!2tc.t.► .� �_ —i - 1 On this 4M;? '9,1L day of A4dilezw6gf, in the year LL! before me, th ndersigned. a Ndrttaar�ryPubll'i l and fof said State, personally appeared p.personally known to me oved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence _.._-to.be-the.person.whose.name-is.subscribed to this instrument, and-acknowl- -- - ...._...._..._._ ___. _....._ _._.....___........____.._... edged to me that he (she or=#my) executed it. OFFICIAL SEAL REGENIA HENSLEY o d`COMM. #1107891 Nolary Public - California b a: RIVERSIDE COUNTY My Commission Expires , AUGUST 7,( Signature TARP PUBLIC IN ANO FOR SAIO STATE (Thle rips for official notarial $*&I)