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PM 1999-348
'xHiei r "a " • CER TI FI CA TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99-348 Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel 631-820-001 Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel 631-820-002 Legal Description of Merged Parcel LOTS 53 AND 54 OF TRACT NO. 25237, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 228, PAGES 95 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. CONTAINING 34, 004SQ. FT. (0.78 AC.) MORE OR LESS APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT BY DATE EXHIBIT CASE NO. lTE PLAN � CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER N0. 99_348 (PARCEL 1 /S VACAN EL a W C f— Z W a' 1 m J W W ' � W Z C C 0 v m 0 m Z � W Q m W CU / 131 77-57'00„ E APN: 631-820-001 \\ N 68'4429" W�� �6s" JQ.P \ / V \ APN:I 631-820-002 c� Q 0 93.41' Z P.O.B. S89'52'12"E S 40'19'32" W1RL J — \ 122.JO' — t_::T— ---� t N 8952'12" W — — — — L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — A VENIDA FERNANDO UNE TABLE NO. BEARING DISTANCE CURVE TABLE , , , , „ „„ , „ L 1 NO -06'50 E I 30.00' NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C1 16'33'28" 45.50 13.15, LOTS 53 & 54, TRACT NO. C 21.49' 25237, MB 228195-99 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel This Certificate of Parcel Merger No.��is Address: 2995 Woodside Rd. hereby approved. Woodside, Co. 94062 (650) 295-5505 B . Map Prepared By. Feiro Engineering, Ina TITLE. Address. P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 DATE.• Scale: 1" = 60' Assessor's Parcel Nos. 631-820-001 631-820-002 XHIB / T ,IB CER TI FI CA TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99-348 r Z a� W (� ED Eall C W Z � co C LAJ >O ~ Z m Q Q m 4J U O to ^ ff ;: „ APN: 631-820-001 ♦ T . 136•� \ N 684429" WR� N 79' 18'39 " W (R) PRG�\r J T f Q \ APN: • 631-820-002 \ S 79' 18'39" E (R) \ Lai U 93.41' cr 0. B. S89'52' 12 E S 40' 19'32' W1R� J — \ 122.30'--------� N 89'52'12" W _ — — L ------------- A VENIDA CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C 1 16'33'28" 1 45.50' 13.15; • 21.49 FERNANDO LINE TABLE NO. RING DISTANCE L 1 I NOO.06'50 "E 1 30. 00' DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel Address: 2995 Woodside Rd. Woodside, Co. 94062 (650) 295-5505 Map Prepared By: Feiro Engineering, Inc. Address: P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 Scale: 1 " = 60' Assessors Parcel Nos. 631-820-001 631-820-002 LOTS 53 & 54, TRACT NO. 25237, MB 228/95-99 This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. ��8 is hereby approved. r� 139slcls Project: 139s-001 Lot Map Check Lot name: 1 North: 450.0812 Line Course: N 77-57-00 E North: 478.5941 Line Course: S 52-12-20 E North: 402.8176 Curve Length: 21.49 Delta: 10-34-10 Chord: 21.46 Course In:- S 68-44-29 E RP North: 360.5773 End North: 382.1858 Line Course: S 10-41-21 W North: 332.6505 Curve Length: 13.15 Delta: 16-33-28 Chord: 13.10 Course In: S 79-18-39 E RP North: 324.2111 End North: 319.5624 Line Course: N 89-52-12 W North: 319.7743 Line Course: S 00-06-50 W North: 289.7744 Line Course: N 89-52-12 W North: 290.0519 Line Course: N 00-06-50 E North: 450.0915 Meints lla page 1 Wed Jul 28 10:27:39 1999 East: 110.5740 Length: 136.55. East: 244.1152 Length: 123.65 East: 341.8253 Radius: 116.50 Tangent: 10.78 Course: S 15-58-26 W Course Out: N 79-18-39 W East: 450.3978 East: 335.9193 Length: 50.41 East: 326.5693 Radius: 45.50 Tangent: 6.62 Course: S 02-24-45 W Course Out: S 84-08-09 W East: 371.2797 East: 326.0178 Length: 93.41 East: 232.6081 Length: 30.00 East: 232.5484 Length: 122.30 East: 110.2488 Length: .160.04 . East: 110.5669 Perimeter: 750.99 Area: 34,004. sq.ft. 0.78 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0083 Course: N 58-42-13 W Error North: 0.00433 East.:-0.00713 Precision 1: 90,021.37 n Page 1 rS p SIN, 7.9, 8� C1���- x No. G24M 'F E(P.1213UN CIVIL qrF CF C AL�� P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 16, 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Siebel 2995 Woodside Road Woodside, CA 94062 (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 99-348; APN'S 631-820-001 & 002 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Siebel, The Community Development Department hereby approves the above referenced application. Enclosed is the original grant deed (to be notarized by you prior to recording), along with the original approved Exhibits A and B; these items must be filed for recordation by Riverside County. A copy of the recorded grant deed must be submitted to the Community Development Department to complete the process. Please be aware that, as the property owner, it is your responsibility to record these documents. The City cannot file them for recordation on your behalf as we do not have any ownership interest in the property. The County Recorder's office can be reached at (909) 486-7000. Enclosed is a letter to the County Recorder verifying approval of the merger by the City, and allowing its recordation. There are utility agencies which may have easements affected by.this approval. The City has approved this merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of.the property descriptions. Any potential conflicts with recorded utility easements should be investigated prior to preparation of working drawings. By execution of this approval, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this parcel merger. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7068. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 6 L lie Mouriquand Associate Planner LM/Im �0D, encl. C: Lucy Feiro, Feiro Engineering, Inc. Greg Butler, Building & Safety Department File; Parcel Merger 99-348 , C:\Mydata\ItrapprovalPM99-348Siebel8-16-99.wpd ND E CQ E � V#p AP•12,999 D City of La Quinta CITY" LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico !0' La Quinta, California 922SP- 6; (760) 777-7125 ppR 16 �999 OFFICE USE ONLY General Plan Amendment ❑ Rezone (Map Amend) ❑ Code Amendment ❑ Tentative Tract Map ❑ Tentative Parcel Map ❑ Site Plan Review ❑ Conditional Use Pennit ❑ Other: ❑ APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROVAL 99.3y8 PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contigious parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. O.O.O.O..O.•. o..o.•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•1.•..•..•..•..•..•. J..•..o.o.•..•..•. A.•.4.4.4-4.4.4..•..•..•.4..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..o.o.•.4.4. o. ......................................................... APPLICANT I l LiWa.6 I- %O-W 6 MAILING ADDRESS �q"I (PW00 d— PhoneNo. ��4� ' Z95 55a5 CITY, STATE, ZIP: W cn d51 je e ,CA q4Q& 2- Fax No. .615i0 - '2-11 - 5 l l I w PROPERTY OWNER (Print) MAILING ADDRESS. CITY, STATE, ZIP: MERGER LOCATION: Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged: Phone No. Fax No. JjR�� Vacay4 )_yt5 6-3 1- 54 wl-kn L-pj C- jv, N1 ou i�aivi G 4avt S vt10J � 5;on , (,a u; nta Parcel I Los Parcel.2 Parcel 3 'Lbi-(- - `k Parcel4 - - (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) a'•r A 12-fonn4 17. wpd ,IA, -f (��< /r f- e 0 Zjj A,-. /o 74 C� etc < as -,far Appvd 1/6/98 cdi 0.7 7' 4k-c-- h_GS i 4.4..os0.•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..••.•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..o.o.•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..••.•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..0.•.-*e 4- ..•..•..•..•. ...................................................... SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAMEOF APPLICANTL— (Please print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY O S) IF NOT SAE AS APPLICANT: MDATE VI'16 NAME OF OWNER (Please print) (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALLBE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. Al2-fonn417.wpd Appvd 1/6/98 edi 'kXHI BI T A CER TI FI C4 TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99 -348 Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel 631-820-001 Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel 631-820-002 Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel Portion of Lot "C" Legal Description of Merged Parcel LOTS 53, 54 AND A PORTION OF LOT "C" OF TRACT NO. 25237, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 228, PAGES 95 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 54 OF SAID TRACT NO. 25237; THENCE N 77'57'00" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 53 & 54 TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 53, A DISTANCE OF 136.55 FT.; THENCE S 52' 12'20" W ALONG THE COMMON LOT LINE OF LOTS 52 AND 53 OF SAID TRACT NO. 25237, A DISTANCE OF 123.65 FT. TO A POINT OF CUSP WHOSE RADIAL BEARING IS S 68'4449" E, THENCE SOUTH ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST THROUGH A CENTRAL OF 10'34'10" WHOSE RADIUS IS 116.50 FT. AN ARC LENGTH OF 21.49 FT.; THENCE S 10'41 '21 " W A DISTANCE OF 50.41 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, - THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60'21 '49 "" WHOSE RADIUS IS 45.50 FT. AN ARC LENGTH OF 47.94 FT.; THENCE N 89'52'12" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOTS "C" AND 54 OF SAID TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 231.58 FT.; THENCE N 00'06'50" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 54 A DISTANCE OF 160.04 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. E S 3lpg, Q�pF CONTAINING 36,970 SQ. FT. (0.84 AC.) MORE OR LESS ��O F,S/ D. 40 Ile G c� . C-24176 EXP.1?131/DS �91 CIVIL F 0 tXHIBIT "B" CERTIFIC4 TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99-348 / 55 136. / p0„ E / N 77.57, \ o � \ II APN: 631-820-001 \\ N 68'44 29" W (RLLJ J N 79' 1839 " W (R) \ APN: 631-820-002Lu \\ S 79' 18'39" E (R) to 0 2 P.O.B.— — — — — — — S 40'1932" W1RL FEES/�� 3 N 89'52' 12 " W 231.58' ------------------------ o.C•2 6 —� >4� CIVIL A VEN/DA FERNANDO F of CURVE TABLE .. , -..• . -. -• - LOTS 53, 54 & A PORTION OF NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH " LOT "C" TRACT NO. 25237 C1 60-21'49" 1 45.50' 1 47.94' MB 228195-99 C2 21.49' DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. ---_ is Address: 2995 Woodside Rd. hereby approved. Woodside, Co. 94062 (650) 295-5505 BY. —---_--_ —_--- Map Prepared By: Feiro Engineering, Inc. TITLE: --_-- ------ Address. P. O. Box 12980 --- Palm Desert, Ca. 92255 (760) 346-8015 DATE: Scale: 1 " = 60' Assessor's Parcel Nos. 631-820-001 631-820-002 'Itl7E PLAN 0 CER T/FI C4 TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99 =348 (PARCEL 1 /S VACANT) / 136.55. 'LS ; / N 77. APN: 631-820-001 \ N 68'4429" WW� J Q' ^ o \ 1 GL �� W \ APN: ,631-820-002 ^ Q W \\ S 79' 18 39 "_E (R) h o 0 0 pFESS/p S 40' 19'32 "W�RL N 89'52'12" W 231.58' -- �-------------- ----- c o.C•24176 Cl1►1L AVEN/DA FERNAN00 OF cAL1� CURVE TABLE .., . ,. ,. ,. LOTS 53, 54 & A PORTION OF NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH LOT "C" TRACT NO. 25237 C1 60'21'49" 1 45.50' 47 - MB 228195-99 C2 21.49' DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel This Certificate•. of Parcel Merger No. ____ is Address: 2995 Woodside Rd. hereby approved. Woodside, Co. 94062 (650) 295-5505 BY. Map Prepared By: Feiro Engineering, Inc. TITLE. Address: P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 DATE.• Scale: 1 " = 60' Assessor's Parcel Nos. 631-820-001 631-820-002 139s1cls Lot Merger page 1 Project: 139s-001 Thu Jun 17 09:56:26 1999 Lot Inverse --------------------------------------------------------------=------------ Lot name: PAR 1 North: 450.0872 Line Course: N 77-57-00 E North: 478.5941 Line Course: S 52-12-20 E North: 402.8176 Curve Length: 21.49 Delta:-10-34-10 Chord: 21.46 Course In: S 68-44-29 E RP North: 360.5773 End North: 382.1858 Line Course: S 10-41-21 W North: 332.6505 Curve Length: 47.94 Delta:-60-21-49 Chord: 45.75 Course In: S 79-18-39 E RP North: 324.2111 End North: 289.5228 Line Course: N 89-52-12 W North: 290.0483 Line Course: N 00-06-50 E North: 450.0872 u East: 110.5740 Length: 136.55 East: 244.1152 Length: 123.65 East: 341.8252 Radius: 116.50 Tangent: 10.78 Course: S 15-58-26 W Course Out: N 79-18-39 W East: 450.3978 East: 335.9193 Length: 50.41 East: 326.5692 Radius: 45.50 Tangent: 26.46 Course: S 19-29-33 E Course Out: S 40-19-32 W East: 371.2797 East: 341.8353 Length: 231.58 East: 110.2559 Length: 160.04 East: 110.5740 Perimeter: 771.66 Area: 36,970. sq.ft. 0.84 acres Page 1 EXHI,9I T 99 99 • A CER TI FI C4 TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99 - 3 41'5 Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel 631-820-001 Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel 631-820-002 Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel Lot "C" Legal Description of Merged Parcel LOTS 53, 54 AND "C" OF TRACT NO. 25237, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 228, PAGES 95 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS. Q�0 Mirph x _ca i co, a TA N. .12131101 .Mc �>qT CIVIL �Z►�Q F OF C �'/ TE PLAN 0 CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99-3q9 (PARCEL 1 /S VACANT) r� 36.55' 77•57'p0 E 1 APN: 631-820-001 \\ _N 68'44 29 " W . \\ 1 N 79'18 39" W (R) \\�� � N \ APN: 631-820-002 "t. NLU Q \\ S 79-18'39" E (R) co 0 \ 0 — — — — — — — 03 Z P.O.B. \ S 40' 19'32'" W1RL 1 � N 89'52'12" W 231.58' _ -- ---------------------- A VENIDA FERNANDO CURVE TABLE • -. - -• -• -• -• - NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C 1 60.21 '49 " 45.50' 1 47.94' C2 21.49' Q pFESS/ CIVIL \F OF C Xi j LOTS 53, 54 & "C " TRACT NO. 25237 MB 228195-9.9 0 p W J U 2: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. ---_ is Address: 2995 Woodside Rd. hereby approved. Woodside, Co. 94062 (650) 295-5505 BY. —_--_—_—_-- ------ Map Prepared By. Feiro Engineering, Inc. TITLE.- Address: P. 0. Box 12980----------- Palm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 DATE. - Scale: 1 " = 60' Assessors Parcel Nos. 631-820-001 631-820-002 139slcls LOT MERGER Project: 139s-001 Lot Area Listing Lot name: PAR1 Perimeter: 961.67 Area: 43,474. sq.ft. 0.99 acres page 1 Sun Mar 14 21:30:20 1999 ❑ page 1 LOT MERGER Project: 139s-001 Sun Mar 14 21:32:38 1999 Lot Inverse Lot name: PAR1 North: 290.0483 Line Course: N 00-06-50 E North: 450.0872 Line Course: N 77-57-00 E North: 478.5941 Line Course: S 52-12-20 E North: 402.8176 Curve Length: 21.49 Delta:-10-34-10 Chord: 21.46 Course In: S 68-44-29 E RP North: 360.5773 End North: 382.1858 Line Course: S 10-41-21 W North: 332.6505 Curve Length: 237.95 Delta: 299-38-11 Chord: 45.75 Course In: S 79-18-39 E RP North: 324.2111 East: 110.2559 Length: 160.04 East: 110.5740 Length: 136.55 East: 244.1152 Length: 123.65 East: 341.8252 Radius: 116.50 Tangent: 10.78 Course: S 15-58-26 W Course Out: N 79-18-39 W East: 450.3978 East: 335.9193 Length: 50.41 East: 326.5692 Radius: 45.50 Tangent: 26.46 Course: S 19-29-33 E Course Out: S 40-19-32 W East: 371.2797 Page 1 139slcls End North: 289.5228 East: 341.8353 Line Course: N 89-52-12 W Length: 231.58 North: 290.0483 East: 110.2559 Perimeter: 961.67 Area: 43,474. sq.ft. 0.99 acres Co] Project: 139s-001 Lot Area Listing n FA LOT MERGER Page 2 page 1 Sun Mar 14 21:39:13 1999 EXHIBIT "8" CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. oQtoFE8Sfp 0.C• 1/O / !F W.12131101 55. J► N 77.57.p0„ E. 136 2s�;�I :_ :; . :;:? �9re F GA \ �o� APN: 631-820-001 \\ N 68'44'29=WWR� as' �J�Q' a \ o \ N 79'1839" W (R) N %4J� \ APN: 1631-820-002 W \ S 79' 18 39" E (R) '� O 2 P.O. B. — "— S 40'1932" W—(RL T I I I N 89'52'12" W 231 58' _ �3�d �Z��' AVENIDA FERNAN60 . 34 •��+ 1 CURVE TABLE ] ... ... , ., LOTS 53 54 & "C" NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH ' ' TRACT NO. 25237 C1 60'21'49" 45.50' 1 47.94' MB 228/95-99 2 " 21.49' I DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Thomas M. & Stacey Siebel Address: 2995 Woodside Rd. Woodside, Co. 94062 (650) 295-5505 Map Prepared By. Feiro Engineering, Inc. Address: P. 0. Box 12980 Polm Desert, , Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 Scale: I- = 60' Assessors Parcel Nos. 631-820-001 631-820-002 This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. hereby approved. 1)A TITLE. - DATE.• is .B 1 #A Y STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 CASE NO.: STREET VACATION 99-039 REQUEST: DETERMINATION OF LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY OF THE PROPOSED STREET VACATION. LOCATION: PORTIONS OF THE VISTA VENTURA SERVICE AND EMERGENCY VEHICLE EASEMENT APPLICANT: BRIAN EWING OF BRISTOL CONSTRUCTION, REPRESENTING THOMAS AND STACY SMBEL BACKGROUND: Pursuant to State law', street right of way or public easements being vacated by the City Council, the "Planning Agency" shall make a finding that the proposed vacation is consistent with the City's General Plan and Circulation Element. The planning agency in this case is the Planning Commission. The proposed vacation parcel was designed to serve as a driveway access to Lot 54. The current owners are in the process of merging Lot 54 with Lot 53, see attachment 1. Upon completion of the parcel merger, the driveway access to the back lot will no longer be needed. Approval of the street vacation will be conditional, upon recordation of the parcel merger. This conditional approval is needed to prevent the formation of a land locked parcel. The owners hope to incorporate this proposed vacation parcel into their final lot configuration via another parcel merger in the future. The surrounding street improvements were installed by the developer of the Mountain Enclave Estates, Tract 25237. At the time of this map recordation, the City was dedicated service and emergency vehicle access rights over all private streets .within this tract. The' parcel of land proposed for vacation is a portion of the private street right of way for this tract. However, there are no street improvements or public utilities within the proposed vacation area. The Final Tract Map also dedicates a pipeline easement to the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). CVWD staff has agreed in concept to quitclaim their rights to the referenced parcel, but must first conduct an investigation of potential existing facilities. The applicants representative is aware of the pipeline easement, and will attempt to have the parcel quitclaimed. If the quitclaim is not approved, the pipleine easement will remain, and the vacated parcel will be subject to the limited use reserved in the final map. Government Code Section 65402 F:\PWDEPT\STAFF\VERLENGI\STVAC\SV 99-039\99-039_Planning_Commission.WPD Street Vacation 99-039 is specifically described and shown in Exhibits "A" and `B", and contains a portion of the Vista Ventura private street right-of-way also labeled as "Lot C" on the final map. - This portion of the street right-of-way is not needed by other property owners for access, or improved accessibility, to residential properties. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: The proposed vacation is categorically exempt under Section 15305, and not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). PUBLIC AGENCY COMMENTS: On September 7, 1999, staff mailed notices to potentially affected public agencies, informing them of the proposed vacation. No public agencies or utility companies are expected to request easement retention or provide negative comments toward this street vacation -case. FINDINGS: The proposed street vacation will have no environmental effects that adversely impacts the human population, either directly or indirectly, because the street segment is currently unused by the public and inaccessible to vehicles; and secondly, the act of vacating the right of way will have no physical environmental effect. 2. The service and emergency vehicle easement proposed for vacation meets the definition of a local residential street, which by definition is intended to provide access to abutting properties, with movement of traffic given secondary importance. This portion of the street right of way is not needed by other property owners for access, or improved accessibility, to residential properties, and is consistent with the adopted Circulation Element of the La Quinta General Plan. The street vacations will not impact public agencies or utility companies. RECOMMENDATION: By.Mmute Motion adopt the findings that the vacation of this portion of the Vista Ventura service and emergency vehicle easement is consistent with the adopted Circulation Element of the La Quinta General Plan. Prepared by-. ROMANO VERLENGI Assistant Engineer II F:\PWDEPT\STAFF\VERLENGI\STVAC\SV 99-039\99-039_Planning_Commiesion.WPD Submitted by: ^ CHRISTINE DI IORIO, planning Manager RJV/r v Attachments: 1. Parcel Merger Platt 2. Exhibits "A" and `B" F:\PWDEPT\STAFF\VERLENGI\STVAC\SV 99-039\99-039_Planning_Commission.WPD CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA R4DJUS LENGTH C1 3' 45.5' __.... .._, • 21.49' • 136.55 N 77•57*000 E ATTACHMENT 1 gSof ESS1, W W O. C- 6 �4r CIVILOF r .• \\ or APN. 631-820-001 \ N 68.44'29_W—[t� sT- o \ :_ :: T 1 N 79'18'39=W (R� \Gg� 00 APN: 631-820-002 ' \ v Q W :� \\ S 79' 18'39' E (R� '� O j 2 c \ 93.41' 2 P.O.B. S89'52'121£ . f-�z \ 40.19'32_122.30' LUJIT " N 89 52' 12' W - — 17 1 1":I ---------------------- A VENIDA .. FERNANDO UNE TABLE NO. BEARWG DISTANCE L 1 I NOO'06'5O *E 30.00' LOTS 53 & 54, TRACT NO. -25237, MB 228195-99 U DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Thomas M. do Stacey Siebe/ This Certificate of 'Parcel Merger No. is Address. 2995 Woodside Rd. hereby - approved. Woodside, Co. 94062 (650) 295-5505 BY Map Prepared By: feiro Engineering. Inc- nTLE., Address. P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Ca. 92255 ' (760) 346-8015 DAB' Scale: 1 ' = 60' Assessor's Parcel Nos. 631-820-001 631-820-002 • ATTACHMENT 2 STREET VACATION CASE 99-039 EXHIBIT "A" A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN LOT "C" OF TRACT MAP NO. 25237, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 228 OF MAPS PAGES 95 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 53 OF SAID MAP TO WHICH POINT OF BEGINNING A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 84°07'53" E; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 45.50. FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 43048'21" AN ARC LENGTH OF 34.79 FT. TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE. BEARS N 40019.'32" E; THENCE N 89052' 12" W A DISTANCE OF 109.28 FT. TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 54 OF SAID TRACT; THENCE N 00006'50" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 54 A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FT. TO THE COMMON LOT CORNER OF LOTS 53, 54 AND LOT "C" OF SAID TRACT; THENCE S 89052' 12" E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 53, A DISTANCE OF - 93.41 FT; TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2,965 SQ. FT. ( 0..06 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. �pFESS cy D �y n W o: G24176 4 ,civil. F 0F p A��Fp ExHieir "e" m STREET VACATION CASE NO. 99 - 039 AREA OF ' LOT "C". TO BE VACATED. A = 16'39'07 R = 202.00' T = 29.56' L = 58.71, 6� 0 = 4839'38" R = 44.31, �J�P L = 83.23'�/�,�� Q = 104'4635" ' I ; R = 43.50' / N 84'07'53=E'R� L = 79.55' 5'2 1 13� E S89'52' 12 "E N 17 3.53 93.41 /LOT »C" 109.28'o N 89'52'12" W --- ----------- A VEN/DA FERNAN00 LINE TABLE . Ain DCA OIAI/] nlCrAA/!`L' L 1 1 N00'06'50 "E I 30.00' L2 I N00'07'48 E 13.01 " CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C 1 43'4821 " 1 50' 1 34.79' Map. Prepared By. Feiro Engineering, Inc. Address: P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 Scale. 1 " = 60' OjoFESS/O P. 12/31 /01 CIVI OF No Recording Fee i Required Per Government Code Section 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Post Office Box 1058 Coachella, California 92236 • (Space above this line for Recorder's Use) QUITCLAIM DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a public agency of the State of California, does hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to THOMAS M. SIEBEL and STACEY SIEBEL that certain real property in the County of Riverside, State of California, described on attached Exhibit A and depicted on Exhibit B. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) Onthis 9th dayof September. 1999 , before me, Cynthia R. Parks (Notary Public) personally appeared Owen McCook ------------------ personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. e'461t�_ 122"2'L Ndtky Public in and for said County and State DDK:iI\eng\rw\sep\siebe1 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT By:_6fAC 0 en McCook Assistant General Manager Date: Doc. No. r s RIM., mpmw- -; illmleftrimom2l EXHIBIT A A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN LOT "C" OF TRACT MAP NO.25237, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 228 OF MAPS PAGES 95 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 53 OF SAID MAP TO WHICH POINT OF BEGINNING A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 84007'53" E; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 45.50 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 43048'21" AN ARC LENGTH OF 34.79 FT. TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 40°19'32" E; THENCE N 89°52'12" W .A DISTANCE OF 109.28 FT. TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 54 OF SAID TRACT; THENCE N 00006'50" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 54 A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FT. TO THE COMMON LOT CORNER OF LOTS 53, 54 AND LOT "C" OF SAID TRACT; THENCE S 89052' 12" E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 53, A DISTANCE OF 93.41 FT; TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2,965 SQ. FT. (0.06 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. tXHIB'It" "B" , STREET VACATION CASE NO. 99 - 039 p = 16'39'07" R = 202. cpII 202.00 ' T = 29.56' L = 58.71' Lo no Q R1/ 0 Lo 38" R = 98.00' T = 44.31 ' AREA OF LOT "C" TO BE Q VACATED."075J" 104'46'35" R = 43.50'T = 56.46'1 L = 79.55' 75'21.3�j,fit. '109.28 N 89'52 12" W _ "� - • Ls- 40' 19 ZLW—(RZ A VEN/DA FERNANDO LINE TABLE un OCAO,AU' /LCTAA11'C e L 1 N00'06 50 E 30.00" L2 N00'07'48'E 13.01 " CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C 1 43'4821 " 1 45.50' 1 34.79' Map Prepared By. Feiro Engineering, Inc. Address: P. 0. Box 12980 Polm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 Scale: 1 " = 60' FESS/0 N O. 0 o.C=6 m 04. P. 12/31 /01 � CAI-�F���\P RECORDING REQUESTED BY • AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Thomas & Stacey Siebel Name 2995 Woodside Rd. Street Address Add.. Woodside, CA 94062 city & State Zip Title Order No. T 355 Legal (2-94) Escrow No. THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) CP of Document Recorded on caas No. 'Has not been compared with original: J, COUNTY.RECORDER SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant Deed DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $ ❑ unincorporated area ❑ City of Parcel No. ❑ computed on full value of interest or property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, The Enclave Mountain Estates Homeowners Association, a California non pprofit mutual benefit corporation hereby GRANTS) to Thomas M. Siebel and �tacey Siebel, husband and wife as joint tenants the following described real property in the county of Riverside state of California: See Exhibit A Lot C, inclusive, of Tract No. 25.237, as shown on a Subdivion Map recorded in Book 228, Pages 95.-99, inclusive 'of Maps in the Office of the Riverside County Recorder. RESERVING AND EXCEPTING UNTO GRANTOR, its successors and assigns, together with the right to grant and transfer all or a portion of the same: A. All previously unreserved oil rights, mineral -rights, natural gas rights and rights to all other hydrocarbons.by whatever name known to all geothermal 'neat and -to -call products derived from any of the fore- going (collectively, ".Subsurface Resource nd Dated � STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF �.1 V �,n c� I �� �� } S.S. �� f l'r On r ?I _LEI l ( before me, Q. _704V S " a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persona) whose name(4) is/ate subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heMheAhey executed the same in his/t�ftbeir authorized capacity0es), and that by his/beritheir signature(;) on the instrument the person(l), or the enti on behalf of which the person(sij acted, execut instrument. WITNESS my hand and offi I I seal Signature R. H. JONES Commission = 1 162435 z C� Notary Public California ]_ Riverside County a My Comm. Expires Nov 22, 2001 (This area for official notarial seal) . MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name Street Address City & State EXHIBIT A B. The perpetual right to drill, mine, explore and operate for and to produce, store and remove any of the Subsurface Resources on or from said Lots, including the right to whipstock or directionally drill and mine from lands other than said Lots, wells, tunnels and shafts into,! through or across the. subsurface of said Lots, and to bottom such whipstocked or directionally, drilled. wells, tunnels and shafts within or beyond. the exterior limits of said Lots, and to redrill, retunnel, equip,.maintain, repair, deepen and operat any such wells or mines, but without the; right to drill, mine, explore, operate, produce, store or remove any of the Subsurface Resources through or in the surface of the upper five hundred feet (5001.) of the subsurface of said Lots. 11 -^ • � �• • I• a �,..• aJ✓ ✓v. LL,J I V�.ILI\ JLI\ Y 1\..L Re�ordn.� �eqt�� Ry I F j�,,tto :n`urdrto wlttpay . A40 wxQN Facop go. me& To III 7hootsa Slebal 7900 Woodside Road Woodside, CA 9406'2 0 rz ~ CEO v I • ' 422122 RECEIVED FOR RECOAO AT e:00 O'CLOCK NOV - j 19% PAID Cx. Tiansler yet sAMwrwerewaw ew...a.r.°Mbaft FRAW K. JOHNSON RN. Co. RecardeT t�o4ett Fan ASUSSONS PAFMNO•: 631- 7n -001 The undsr>slpned G%vitor(s) dedwe(s) that the OOCUMEW TRANSFER TAX IS: !� TMA N0: 2062099 S 470.19e County Scity ESCROw r4: 16456-002 . OomWed or the M value of the Irteneet of property conveyed, or —" — computed on the AM valus less On value d liens or WwAmbrances GRANT DEED — o� �t hbw0w(EM � is flowr he IaBowtnp rtessor: FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. noelpt of which Is hereby eckr *Woed, John Llseberger, Truotee of the John Liesberger Revocable Trust dated Au9vot 15, 2989 hereby GWIT(S)10 Thaws• t/.Stebel' and Stacey Siabol, husband and wjfe as joint te=t8 d that reel property Shoaled In the et ty of L Outn to Courtly d R1 versi de . St % d CNlfornlL desor bed as: Lots 93 and SO of Tract 9S237, more completely described as per Ach:ble A attached hereto and made a Dart hereof by this reference D" October 04, lose STATE OF CAL!"NIA. COUNTYOF raide tu• Or 10-4-46 __, WIM the (or proved to ms on the basis d iadetaclory wbarwl to bs the pmonj4 wtme ramaia Np M tUOteft d to the wkltkt W411 et9 Ld ecknOM090 to rw um halA gteet111 ataoutod the soma In h16)MIMpt auftrtiad tepAvkyjt*. and 00 ay hb/AUMW elWWhr ol) on the InsuumeM tM pWrtonpl), or the orally upon b" oI which the parson( ammisod M+atnaq+et�� yyr MSS dflclpY�eal \ KUL TAX SAWN AS ,! RUN A. WPM O .L rlJ_ C M&A 8 golf 1 J aveRtnr,CnUN'� b Mr An)c190 �1„ 1 11001 15317. AS $SOWN BY X" ON "' CO NTY' LOTS 57 954 moo TRACT Gs 99O C1 M ;, "CORDSO1r �•RgIDB COUNTY, 229 29 7.%C aicfst9 • 1tASURu' GAS U►LTYORNZAf OIL AI=TS. 1d2:8 ' To NS, � gAf1T � gsCgY'flNd $>rRCM ALL SUBSMFA= S J1iD AID$ 7►LL O'C A O CTR: YOABQGZNG ASC3RT TO DRILL, �SIN'S, Ay�pRODUC'T5 D:AI' WITS RIOr Tzx G81' TO . gTORB ANA R MV AT17[ RE80UACR$ • OPT YOA 11ND TTO� A DgRpRy'TU7►L INCLUDING T S)1� LiPLORB I►ND OK OA pA01t SAID s 'TgitOtTGBsR OR SROSS � SVBSUit,OT D'lASCTICNMJ'Y DRILL Alo , GainsOR 11M. 5TOC10ED OA ViB�83S S OY 7►ID8 for tiD 71Nn BAnS 10 1i<I'lSZN OIL BgYOND BQUI DIR ZRcs LY DRIL�,BD MfIz+LB, Vote am 'l'0 8� �'Y'iPQr s of R�Bt BVT TM =vnsOft LZI DrnBW � � jg !S: SUf�l11CR � , PO 7►'YR� �►OtfllC:► $7r'OitR "ram . UT TO RIW2 '�O Lg�� �O�IIRms TS3too OR RjOR IV, O� R p Tilt (300') OF TO m"IT OY �YD os Tim � Lo'r RECORDING REQUESTED BY Thomas & Stacey Siebel AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: NAME Thomas & Stacey Siebel 2995 Woodside Rd. STREET ADDRESS Woodside, Ca. 94062 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE L J TITLE ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. GRANT DEED DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full'value less liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent Determining Tax Firm Name FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged, I (We), Thomas M. Siebel and Stacey Siebel, husband and wife as joint tenants (NAME OF GRANTORISI) grant to Thomas M. Siebel and Stacey Siebel, husband and wife as joint tenants all that real property situated in the City of (NAME OF GRANTEEISI) P P Y Y L�uinta for in an unincorporated area of) Riverside County, California described as follows (insert legal description): (NAME OF COUNTY) (STATE) Per attached Exhibits "All & TEBrE This Grant Deed reflects Parcel Merger No. as approved by the City -of La Quinta. Assessor's parcel No. Executed on STATE OF _ COUNTY OF On before me, at (CITY AND STATE) (NAMEITITLE.i.e.'JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC') personally appeared personally known tome for proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons whose namels) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signaturels) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) (SEAL) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Before you use this form, fill in all blanks, and make. whatever changes are appropriate and necessary to your particular transaction. Consult a lawyer if you doubt the form's fitness for your purposeand use. oIcotts makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the merchantability or fitness of this form for an intended use or purpose. MIUM I I MUMt7YMIN I IV tionall i m 0 'o 1• CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) OINDIVIDUAL(S) ❑CORPORATE OFFICER(S) (TITLES) ❑PARTNER(S) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ATTORNEY IN FACT ❑TRUSTEE(S) ❑GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR , OOTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (Name or Person(s). or Entity(ies) WOLCOTTSFORM -Rev. )price class 3A1 GRANT DEED ©1994 WOLCOTTS IIIIIIIII I I )III II III FORMS, INC. II 7 67775 39778 9