PM 2000-369Dec 31 99 09:52a JO Va%jssie (ig) 564-3316 p.3 EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO,�- Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers EDWARD LEE GILREATH AND 774-175-022-7.and 774-175-021-6 CONSUELLA LEWIS GILREATH Legal Description of Merged Parcel LOTS 9 AND 10 IN BLOCK 251, SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, UNIT NO. 23 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 20, PAGE 25 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE -COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. APP4ROVBY OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT BY DATE f - 1-2- Z°Oa EX. _ CASE NO,. i P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO L.A., QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 27, 2000 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gilreath 48-603 Vista Tierra La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 2000-369 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gilreath: (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 The Community Development Department has approved PM 2000-369 for recordation. Enclosed is the approved information for this application. Once recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office for filing. Enclosed is a letter addressed to the County Recorder stating that PM 2000- 369 can be recorded. The City has approved this parcel merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of the attached exhibits. Any potential conflicts with utility easements should be investigated before development of the property. By execution of this approval, the applicant and/or property owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or ligation arising out of the City's approval of this parcel merger. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. . Sincerely, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ass6 GT. Enclosures c: Community Development Director PM 369 Gil -38 ��� P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA, QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 27, 2000 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, California 92502-0751 SUBJECT: RECORDING OF PARCEL MERGER 2000-369 Dear Colleague: (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Parcel Merger. Please allow its recording as presented by the applicants. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7067. Very truly yours, OPMENT DIRECTOR GT. P=669Gi1 County- 38 uec- trs-�� us : cor awH l vt mu t 1 UtKJ wuw c&a&► wars+ SITE- PLAN FCERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERCER NO'. 2000-369 f APPROVED CASE N0. 'y BOO - 36 DATE - Z000 Exhibit B Record owfwr ACWM Mao pmamd 9Y Address scab Aa.seces PaM.N& 0A D T FM JAN 2 4 2000 City of La Quints V OF LA QUA' Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 �Gz;1 — 36 R OFFICE USE ONLY General Plan Amendment ❑ Rezone (Map Amend) ❑ Code Amendment ❑ Tentative Tract Map ❑ Tentative Parcel Map ❑ Site.Plan Review ❑ Conditional Use Pennit ❑ (:)they: ❑ APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROVAL PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contigious parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•.4..•..•..�..•..•. 4..•..•. 4..•..•..•..•..I*e -*e •:.•..•..•..•..•..•..•. 4..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. 4..•. 4. .......................................................... APPLICANT E d wftP� L- k0a nn,SOIE t A L .• b ((266i+l \ I �P in MAILING ADDRESS ` r1T iob3 V �tLI .Ei' Phone No. (� � �j — 02J . CITY, STATE, ZIP: �— "CIr 0122-53 Fax No. ,^� Plr PROPERTY OWNER (If different): DADA CIkoz Fe�i.4 e2000 (Print) MAILING ADDRESS.54 2g,5 �17y-- Mu. _ �o2.ft Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Lk L-L&tA- Fax No. MERGER LOCATION: AV EN. t Ci^ -BER koaA S Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged: Parcel 1 774 -175 - 6 Z (L.ot o(-4� (o-13Lo&251 Parcel 2 - _ - �2z. Parcel - - Parcel4 - - REASON FOR MERGER: Te A 12-fonn417. wpd orie he (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Appvd 1/6/98 cdi SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT NAME OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: NAME OF OWNER 29 Z� (Please print) ` �2 DATE %Ir DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may he submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. Al2-fonn417.wpd Appvd 1/6/98 cdi - . 9rstAmericanvyucJ`Cu tsy> TIVe CID& 1 P..`: ^.O.R?; ING RFntrFrrrT) RY: ny Ax: s__�� ,.....�� _ C. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: EDWARD L. GILREATH 48603 VISTA TIERRA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 29823-BK ORDER NO. 2142166 ESCROW NO. 29823—bk per.. Svc DOC a a999-420525 09/21/1999 08:00A Fee:9.00 Page 1 of 2 Doc T Tax Paid Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Gary L. Orso Assessor, County Clerk 8 Recorder M s U PAGGE/ SIZE DA PCOR NOCOR SMF MISC. ' V A R L11 COPY LONG REFUND NCHG EXAM GRANT DEED The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): A.P.N.: Documentary transfer tax is $ 5 7 .2 0 City tax $ ( xx) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: (xx) City of LA 'QUINTA , and FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, WIL 774-175-022-7 LIAM H. BROWN, TRUSTEE OF THE WILLIAM H. BROWN MARITAL TRUST AND JACK W. APPELGREN, A SINGLE MAN EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE HALF INTEREST hereby GRANTS to EDWARD LEE GILREATH AND CONSUELLA LEWIS GILREATH, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS the following described real property in the City of LA QUINTA County of RIVERSIDE , State of LOT 9 AND 10 IN BLOCK 251, SANTA CARKELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, UNIT WO. 23 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 20, PAGE 25 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. DATE: July 15, 1999 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. WILLIAM H. BROWN,. TRUSTEE COUNTY OFSan Luis Obisyq On 8/4/99 , before:ne B. Bevan &K�lf APPELGREN personally appeared William H. Brown— o me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfac- tory evidence) to be the person(51, whose named/are sub- scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that it she/tImy . executed the same ink'" r authorized capacity(%-4, and that by . is eir signature�on the instru- ment the person(s) or � upon behalf of which the per- sons) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature B. Bevan B. BEVAN U Comm. #1131870 n (� om •• NOTARY PUBLIC CAUFORNIAW6 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY n Comm. Exp. April 7.2001 -� (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE f=sib-08-00 11 = 53A RE/N of the Desert -La Q W P-02 Ifgj utJZ RECORDING ItEq(lFarl:n By. y-TEWART 1"ITLE OF CALIFORNIA, INC.I j f HEN RFCORDED MAII- TO: EDWARD I.F:E G-1LRkATH 48603 VISTA TIERRA T,A QIIIN'TA, CA 92253 ORDER NO- 12 7 218 -13 ESCROW N0, 3 02 51- BK 1 i FRANK K. J^,•"N;;3uN (�OtJS7[;t ;��i:CrGSi RIWV IEEE COON lY CAL IF' SPACE AROVI: THLS LINE: fOR RI;C PftDF,R'S USE GRANT DEED -- - The undersigned gtancor(s) declarr,(s); A.P-N.: 7741751022 -7, DommenCary transfer tax is $- _ City taut $ ( xX) computed on full value of proprtty conveyed, or - - — - -' ( ) computed ore Full value les-S value of liens or tslnunbfances remaining at mite of sale- ( ) Uninunporatc-.d area (xx) Ciiy.of LA QUINTA , and FOR VALUABLE (:CINSrUJ~RA"I IQN, rexeipt of which is hcteby arknowledgcrl, EMART) LEE GfLRE:ATH AND CONSUELLA LEWIS GILREATH, I1USBAND AND WIFE AS JOIN'[' TENANT!' hereby GRAN'rS to EDWARD I{F.E cr1;,kI:ATH AND CONSUE1.r.A I.RWIII G11,RElt;TH, HUSp.ANI) .AND WIFE AS JOINT 'TENANTS the fallowing desciihe'd teal pl'uperly iu the ("i ty Of LA QUIN'I'A County of R IW_1tSIDk; . )tate of ('A LOT 9 ANI) 10 IN BLOCK 25I, SANTA CAKMEI.I.TA AT VALE LA QUINTA, UNIT NO. 23 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 20, PAGE 25 OF MAI)Si, IN THE OFI ICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF .SAID COUNTY. The property d?scf f bed im this approved by dc,ed lens be-t1m n:nrged by Cert.ific:a of MergerNA-� the City of La Quirtta on 1-27-200( This property will be held in the fur.ure As one W property pitraiiant t;ajdx DATE;: Decezttber 29, 1.999 *Certificate .tb of Mbrger, STATE Of" CAUFORN[A On I `+7a LEIS CLLRE personally a peace d lrgtu 4 p r NSIIF,LLA LI•:tdIS personally known to me (Or paned [o (ttie on the bails of satisfnc tory evidence) to be tits person(s), whose ciame(�;) itt tC sub ' SCrihc:rl co rile wubiu IMS MLIXIstt a►ld acknowIcAlFtA to rne: thatba�pkR t# - eJrhey ezcruied the same iu-ilr$ter/the:it authoriZW Commmiyrt # 1149435 rapaciry(ics), and that by-htftef/Lkir signatuie(s) ou [tie instal- Nmcmy RuNjc - Gofitarnla 13u:nr the persou(s) o3 the cntiry upon behalf of whieb the per Rt�BfSi�p LtM:rtty sons) ACled, r_xeCute(i the insusumet,t, tMryCcmm.bgiir�,tyovz2 CAI WITNESS my iian lri seal. SiRnatuic _ T (This area for official nollr )al seal) MAlr. TAX STATEML:NTS AS r11Nf.C:TE1) AFlOVE 02-08-00 12:04 RECEIVED FROM: P•02 ,EC /2 T. 6S.. lQ 6E. . a - . __j -1 L----j s � zoo + uo ARROBA I '23 OZ 2 0 oto- 076 22 Q3 — ® 3 ate• 21® l64 20 © a23Ac ® 3 73 a /a O 07 I "G s /6 ®1a9 zKoluo-M /4 (D I @ // /3 Q 1 ® 12 -,o. ago 6 e. e 30 Q v W Q 30 30 1 30 T24 O / 0.23a 23 ® 2 MA OLO - 076 22 D © 3 2/ ® © 4 rat oto-osi 20 Q © S FRA l a 6 0 m ,e © ®7 . /7 ® ® 8 - ode 010-1/6 /6 �( 9 /S OQ ® /0 /4 TAA aW -089 ® // /3 © e ®/2 9• 960,01 p 0 CHILL ON 3 ss 03A E s'8!•SS.4•'E w 22 LurA LLAIV-077 PM S9-/� PM SD- /9/ RM BD- /9J L.L.A. 9t - /it MIS MAP /S MR AssrsSwNT Pl' mses our 0 M • A El 30 ASSESSOR'S MAP BK. 774 PO.I7 RIVERS/DE COUNTY, CALIF. N 1 r K S-zZ�1 I