PM 2002-392F,-I EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO, Owners Existing Parcels Parcel Numbers RRecord ,(� /.. 1(1 F_/� �• ��/r�I` GAssessor !�SrFr d� ICJ• C2 Legal Description of Merged Parcel 1�0TS Is r ti0T o/�C7 S/0Wf rJ Y ' " ia r 0-- �to �,, f�do� /�C7 Aa e s . F/ rev 7g 3l c.� n l vS i ✓'Lo ✓�O S !� Pao rd S �I00r ides s l'Ov/I / , �0-t / / �w PARCEL MERGER No. _ 2002 3q Z LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COf IyU I DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY _`-_71��`� DATE °L Exhibit A.._,.._.,.. 3°lZ EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MEAGER NO, W07 ; 2 4 , g6 . . 32D I4 00' 00 Pot' ��t . I, 14 o. or 0 30 S tsR•T A. C.- ?pp 00 ' t� 0• /2 Z34�s10 ArcEL MERGER No.-aoz,3�z LQ T LINE ADJUSTMENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART BY AENT E ? ot- Exhibit -9 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner U-Pr944--- This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. is Address hereby approved Map Prepared By q Z?i53 By Address Title Date Area/District s aruKtw MEMORANDUM March 8, 2002 Mr. Michael R. Clark Mrs. Susan C. Clark 77192 Calle Flora La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 2002-392 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Clark: The Community Development Department has approved Parcel Merger 2002-392 for recordation pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Enclosed is the approved information for this application. Once recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office for filing. Enclosed is a letter addressed to the County Recorder stating that the applications can be recorded. The City has approved this merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of the metes and bounds of the legal description. Any potential conflicts with utility easements should be investigated by the applicant and/or property owner at the earliest opportunity. By execution of this approval, the applicant and/or property owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or ligation arising out of the City's approval of this application. Should you have any questions; please ,contact me at (760) 777-7068. V r Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MARTIN MAGAN Associate Planner Enclosures c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary PM 392CIark-MM �0:11 U 4 OFT1MEMORANDUM March 8, 2002 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, California 92502-0751 SUBJECT: RECORDING OF PARCEL MERGER 2002-392 Dear Colleague: The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Parcel Merger application. Please allow its recording as presented by the applicants, Michael R. & Susan C. Clark. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7068. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MARTIN MAGANA Associate Planner PM392-MM SITE -PLAN CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER'NO.'. t Gsr.Z,o o, a a � 1 4 20 (-A- S. 37 Q�loC/-715 ti 7 � I �o F G A-11 z , '-;r7/v A�I,q- .5--r W U Record Owner C Address Map Prepared By Address Scale Assessor's Parcel No. PARCEL MERGER No. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPA T ENT BY DATE ° Z _ Exhibit City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROVAL OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. Z402 - 3 9 Z Date Recvd 2414 a 2 Fee: 7 " . 000 Related Apps: Logged in by: PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and'approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contiguous parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. ......................................................... APPLICANT (Print) _ MAILING ADDRESS -7 "7 % 2 �/% F l o rg Phone No. 76a — S 6 '-"f _ / Fp-/ CITY, STATE, ZIP: 1,0— ,�,, , �� Fax No. 7(, O PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP: MERGER LOCATION: Phone No. Fax No'. Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to.be Merged: Parcel 1 s - oL to - ®9 Parcel2- sj� - /o - c2/T Parcel - - Parcel4 - - (Attach additional shee APPLICABILITY: Merger may be processed if the following requirement is satisfied: PEAR 01 2002 O At least one of the affected parcels is undeveloped by any structure for which a building permit was issued or for which a building permit was not required at the time of construction, or is developed only with an accessory structure or accessory structures, or is developed with a single structure, other than an accessory structure, that is also partially sited on a contiguous parcel or unit. A 12-form417.wpd 12/ 17/99 To obtain approval of a merger, the following criteria shall be met: & The merger complies with the standards specified in Section above. 2r The parcel will be consistent with the zoning of the property. Q' The parcel will not conflict with the location of existing structures on the property. f2 The parcel will not be deprived of adequate access as a result of the merger. fEf Access to adjoining properties will not be restricted as a result of the merger. l( No new lot lines are created by the merger. O"" Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ❑ New, original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each resulting parcel with the following: GY . Correct legal description of the merged parcel and the statement, "This Grant Deed reflects Parcel Merger No. -oo 7.-;qZ , as approved the City of La Quinta." U ' Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. Uv z-�Ii "Exhibit A" 0( Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. lwz-7AZ, "Exhibit B" - Plat showing merged parcels 0K 'Completed Site Plan, showing merger parcels and existing structures and improvements; if any. ❑ If metes and bounds legal description is used for merged parcels, closing calculations shall be submitted. l� Filing fee for Parcel Merger. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT*`,. IC C DATE _ po Z NAME OF APPLICANT In (Please print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE NAMEOF OWNER (Please print) (Separate written authority by owner.to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Michael R. Clark, Trustee Susan C. Clark, Trustee 77192 Calle Flora ,. La Quinta, CA 92253 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: s . Same as above a " 1 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR GRANT DEED APN: 658-210-014 and 018 - THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARES - DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $ f F ❑ Computed on full value of property conveyed, or ^ ❑ Computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. - ® Said property is located in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County. ' FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Li - Michael R. Clark and Susan C. Clark, husband and wife as joint tenants, w r hereby GRANT(S) to 1. Michael R. Clark and Susan C. Clark, husband and wife as joint tenants, r ' the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: Lots 14 and 15, of Tract 21120, as shown by map on file in Book 160, Pages 81 through 83 inclusive of maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County. This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. 2002-392 as approved by the City of La Quinta. ; Dated: r 2002 ' ~ r Michael R. Clark, Trustee STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On this day of , 2001, before me, Susan C: Clark,'Trustee - i the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared PARCEL- MERGER No. 2442 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Np. ❑ personally know to me , ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument,. APPROVE© BY WY OF LAOUWA and acknowledged to me that executed it. COMM 1 DEVEtOPMEINTOEPAOTOW BY .. nAT oz Exhibit Signature "» Notary Public In And For Said State (This area' -.for official notarial seal) T RECORDING REQUESTED BY Arw1 W11E■ SECOSOES SAIL TTIIS IEEI All INLESS ITMEItISE SNM 111411Ot SAIL TAX STATESEIT Till: Name 1 Street Address city a state ...... _. • MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name r 1 Street Address City a suu L TITLE 011oEi N0. ESCS011 No I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE . GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ p computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Q unincorporated area p city of _ AND FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(s) to 7' f�/�@ .O� .�Oinr / �slam?�S • the following described real property in the, County of �, s , e% ,State of California: L,O T /5 Owi•d 0 7/ % —�GF` f % p, r,;•l . ®ate 40 , P`7 /05 ra f Cl/- 111nal S. 96 0 0 r cis, //e (�10 U "7 7, Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS, COUNTY,OF On this day of , in the year before me, the undersigned, •a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared p personally known to me p proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed It. Signature NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE (This area. for ollicial notarial seal) *-------------------------- MetroScan / Riverside Parcel :658 2-P Int Owner : Crlar•.k Mi.cha.e.l R & S_us_an B CoOwner Site t711.92 Calle E■lor•_a La QuiTntaf922"53 Mail :919 Clipper Ln-Foster City Ca 94+P40 Xfered :03/30/1990 Doc # :116381 Price :$340,000 Full Deed LoanAmt Loan Lender IntTyp: VestTyp Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences Plat :160 Census :Tract:451.04 Block:2 S: T: R: Q: .......... Bedrms :3 ............. Stories :1 .......... Acres :.30 BthFull : 4 Fireplace : Yes ot.S.gt : 1.3, 0_68 Bth3Qtr Pool :No Bldg SF :5,615 BthHalf :1 RmAddtns :No AddOnSF . Cnt1Ht :Yes AddPkgTyp: GarSgFt :650 Cnt1A/C :Ye's Roof Type:Tile GarType :Attached *---------------------------• MetroScan / Riverside Parcel :658 2�1TO ,lT8 os Int Owner : Cirark M-iehael R-/-iSusan C COOwnet . Site :*No Site Address* Mail :463 Raymundo Dr Woodside Ca 94062 Xfered :12/13/2001 Doc # :620407 'Price :$300,000 Full Deed :Grant Deed LoanAmt Loan . Lender IntTyp: VestTyp :Joint Tenant Use :R07 Vacant,Residential Plat :160 Census :Tract: Block: S: T: R: Q: .......... Bedrms ............. Stories ........... Acres :.28 BthFull Fireplace:No otSgFt :12 1�96 Bth3Qtr Pool :No Bldg SF BthHalf RmAddtns :No AddOnSF Cnt1Ht :No AddPkgTyp: GarSgFt Cnt1A/C :No Roof Type: GarType ---------------------* R APN :000 000 000 Land :$402,918 Struct :$538,659 Other Total :$941,577 Exempt Type % Imprvd :57 % Owned :100 Tax Area :20-008 01-02Tax :$11,257.36 Map Grid :849 D5 OwnerPh TenantPh ................ Year Built :1991 Street Type :Paved Waterfront Gas Service :Developed Water Source :.Developed Sewer Type :Developed AgriPreserve --------------------------- Ref APN :000 000 000 Land :$312,604 Struct Other Total :$312,604 Exempt Type W Imprvd % Owned :100 Tax Area :20-008. 01-02Tax :$3,817.54 Map Grid : OwnerPh :650-529-1840 TenantPh :. Year Built Street Type :Unpaved Waterfront Gas Service :None Water Source :None Sewer Type :None AgriPreserve Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. a•[. :: 63/-77 /2 ""' 658- 2/ — T.R.A OPO-006 020-OOB p7 ,0 4 OPB4• POR SW //4 5EC36 755 IJ r.r.• R6E O JB4C L l• Ieo o 0�4 I• LI L4 os OJpga� t + !I sEB LOT C .-L�;' 019C /6 9 4a0• ror L O O ' ,•D• J/ O P9 AC frJ4 JY JJ 0 PBAC 8 ® � O 2BAC n OJ04C - OJB AC OJB 4C - OJ/AC V O PB •A - Q for [. roP l/ JB ff O LL 0PB4C • Ill • P9 ® �OJBgC ® 0 O.JTAC h �: •ti .rag lP - 0564C ^ 0384C ��lf e4 4 r Iv4/L fV[llr Lor B a tpl OJP O ^ O 1 O.PB4C /.•• Ilo ^^ Y YB O PB4C O JJAC rk I• L0.00 4 O 0 PB4C Il• r[ J O 0•J04C I•B •s - s •4 4CCn'•TV I O • w 0. 54 4C Sl: 24\/ a 0 P _AC L of 0 e0 LO Ill• r! • Pi P 8 P. p JP4C •1 YO @ r OPBAC PJ . ® ... O.PBgG •rf P6 - 0P84C Lo.ff P) O OO 028AC OY BAC 0PB 4C 0 PB4C M.8.160/8/-83 Tr Oct No 2//20 ....A —0, 0 4 IM ASSESSORS MAP BK.65B PC. 2/ DUNE •AB RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIF