PM 2006-475EXHIBIT "A" CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER 06-475 MERGED PARCEL. LOT 10 IN BLOCK 9 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 1 AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 19 PAGE 75 RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA TOGETHER WITH LOTS 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK 9 OF SAID DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 1 AS SHOWN IN CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO.87-041 RECORDED MARCH 26,1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 82243, RECORDS OF SAID RIVERSIDE COUNTY. PARCEL MERCER No. LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT ft APPROVEO BY MY OF LA OUINTA 8Y COMMUNITY OEEVA"MENTlam LAND S� K E < < No. 6687 E1\ Exp. 06/30/06 D:\AASURVEY\7001.055\dwg\PAR-MERG 06-475.doc PR ABED BY: ATE OF. c April 19 2006 Page 1 of 1 DAL H S 6687 EXP 6-30-06 EXHIBIT "B" CALLE ESTADO . N &90.00'00" N89'55'00"E 130.00' R=20.00' L=31.42' co PARCEL A CD' I J 14,828 SF ' o b o U .-- % �� p��°' h ca 25' 3 o Q�� o o w I w o A i-90.00'00" o N89'55'00"E 130.00' R=20.00' N L=31.42' PARCEL MERGER No. Zo 06 -• q -7 5 I LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT No. mom APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COM UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY ._...,.DATE S...,;"„;;,,,. Exhibit v B SCALE 1 "=40' 0 20 40 80- 120 PARCEL MERGER 2006-475 PREPARED BY: LAND nn nn MM ���//�� //���n MM MELL�ELri ME INIJL;�Lr'L�UM9. ��� v�,oP�� KEQ,y���o� 45-175 PANORAMA DR., SUITE E No. 6687 PALM. DESERT, CA 92260 760-340-5597 0613010ra _—__L��� DALE LL ER, DATE LS 66 7 EXP. 6-30-06 �� OF Ck\- P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-.,1504' 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (.760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX-,(760) 7 7.7-7101 May 1, 2006 Kelleher Mapping 45-175 Panorama Drive, Suite E Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 2006-475: Lot 10, 11, & 12 of Desert Club Tract, Unit No .:1 ' Dear Applicant: The Community Development Department has reviewed the above referenced application,' and provides this letter to advise you of its approval. Enclosed are the approved Exhibits A, -B and Site Plan. These items must be filed for recordation by Riverside County, along with a copy of your existing deed(s) to the property and the new deed, reflecting this merger approval. A copy of the recorded grant deed must be submitted to 'the Community, Development Department along with any future permit application(s). r Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the property owner to record these documents. The City cannot file them for recordation on your behalf as we do not have any ownership. interest .in the property. The Riverside County Recorder's office can be reached at (800) 696-9144. This letter shall serve as official verification to the County Recorder of the merger's approval by the City of La Quinta, and requesting its recordation. There are utility agencies which may have easements affected by this approval. The City. has approved this merger based on zoning compliance and correctness.of the property descriptions. Any potential conflicts with recorded .utility easements should be investigated 'prior to any construction. By execution of this approval, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this parcel merger. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7068: Sincerely, s „ /rew J. Mogensen, ' Associate Planner AM/am encl. c: Building & Safety Department File; Parcel Merger 2006-475 P:\Andy's\Tentative Parcel Maps & Parcel Mergers\PM 06-475\PM.05-475. Approval. rtf Page 1 of 1 Subj: MERGER APP Date: 1/6/2006 9:54:33 AM Pacific Standard Time From: kelldale@dc.rr.com To: SWCSTEPHENNIETO@aol.com Stephen, Attached is the Parcel merger application form. The owner of Calle Estado, LLC has to sign sheet two and have it notarized as well as provide a copy of the operating agreement. Dale Kelleher Kelleher Mapping (760) 862-1169 (home) (760) 219-9886 (cell) (760) 262-3000 (fax) kelldale@dc.rr.com Friday, January 06, 2006 America Online: SWCSTEPHENNIETO 0 EXHIBIT "C" W CALLE ESTADO M > Of N �9o•00'00" C) N89'55'00"E 130.00' R=20.00' L=31.42' PROPOSED 10,726 SIF TWO STORY OMCE BUILDING C> 0 � 0 U `D 25' A LO o PROPOSED PARKING o W z C) z W 6=90100'00" a N89'55'00"E 130.00' R=20.00' N L=31.42' PARCEL MERGER No. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COWAUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY- Al Mc2e'156► DATE Exhibit c MIRRI LEMEM mLapf 0mQ 45-175 PANORAMA DR., SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA 92260 760-340-5597 SCALE 1 "=40' 0 20 40 80 120 PREPARED BY: LAND S KECIF�S No. 6687 ELLEHER, DATE LS 6 87 EXP. 6-30-06 �� OF CA�.�F� FINANCE .. tnnvs Cody �..! City Of LQ Quin�a , OFFICE USE ONLY V Case No. . Community Development Department Date Reava 2 a 78-495 Calle Tampico ' Reea � moo os of o La Quinta; California Loges 92253 in by: • (760) 777-7125 e -MAR. 2 9 2006 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROV CITY rrOF L QUIN TA PARCEL MERGER applications -are reviewed and'approved by the Community Development Director pursuant. to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contiguous parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. •A�8t86����rE+��ov'�v�►�dro� :••'r•�+: •:+a�•r :••A•2�••: •��'r�••: v����❖�••: �:+wv��+v+�Sw��*��`�.�5+8�•S+ . . APPLICANT bovi�. f3pmm (print) .MAILING ADDRESS O.S 1NA Phone N h4p) 1A I.— 674 CTTY,.STATE, ZIP: , 6c 9 sz,3 (P Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER Of different): 6ALt;,- �i �L t✓ (Print) MAILING ADDRESS � Phone No. :CITY, STATE, ZIP-,--. Fax No. i ..MERGER LOCATION .�D�If� '/ CO W- N-P- Or— &"5- i55'TAZ0 N * V5 Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged: Parcel 1. Parcel 2 . .77 P - ! $1 - d 16. . Parcel - - Parcel4 - - (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) APPI.ICABIL TY• T. Merger may be processed if the following requirement is satisfied•. 'At least one of the affected parcels is undeveloped by any structure for which a building permit was issued or for. which a building permit was not required at the time of construction-, or is developed only with an accessory structure or accessory structures, or is developed with a single structure, other than an accessory structure, that is also partially sited on a contiguous parcel or unit. Al2-form417.wpd 12/17/99 - S:RITERIA FOR APPROVAL. To obtain approval of a merger, the following criteria shall be met: ­13 The merger complies with the standards 'specified in Section above. The parcel will be consistent with the zoning of the property. The parcel. will not conflict with the location of existing structures. on the property. �0 The parcel will not be deprived of adequate-aacess as a result of the merger. Access to adjoining properties will not be restricted as a result of the merger. �0 No new lot lines are -created by the merger. MINUMM MISSION REQiIiRF.MFNTC� U • Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. New; original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each resulting parcel with the following: 0 Correct legal description of the merged parcel and the statement, "This Grant Deed reflects Parcel-'. Merger No. , as approved the City of La Quinta." ---------------- "0 Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. , `Exhibit A'.' . �9 Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. , "Exhibit B" - Plat showing merged parcels � Completed Site Plan, showing merger parcels and existing structures and improvements; if. any. 0 If metes and bounds legal description is used for merged parcels, .closing -.calculations shall -be . submitted. O Filing fee for Parcel Merger. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application`wilf be charged'full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. ' 6•�•b�ro�S��b�o�*�a'r❖�ov+ror�ro •1� • ��•b��rvt;•o�6+S•86�*�•�6�o•�d*d+•8ro���BQ*�•8�06� SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT*__ DATE NAME OF APPLICANTq (Please print).. SIGNATURE -OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE NAME OF OWNER (Please print) (Separate written authority by owner. to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING 'INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS A_ PPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. .-V/ r 0 I AND WHEN RECORDED MAILTHIS GEED AND UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW MAIL TMETATEMENT TO: Calle Estado L.L.C. (No fee, Government Code 6103 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Calle Estado L.L.C. i o Sp d u sfr�rG 1 wa4 r u �Ito- Uy� Lao g22S3 Lf�5 Doc a 2000-041G210 j 06/08/2006 1 Conformed Copy Has not been compared with original Larry W Ward County of Riverside 1 Assessor, County Clerk 8 Recorder M I S U `PAGE SIZE OA ; PCOR NOCOR SMF 1111sc. I _ A R L I i COPY LONG REFUND j NCHGEWJJ. 111 LC VKVCKN C.L.KVWN 3rAL.t AIJUVC 1Nib LiNr- r'UK KtLUtWrK'J UJt APN GRANT DEED THE UNDERSTANDING GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of lienso�r,e�rances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area CIFJ ity of La Quinta , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. NAME Calle Estado L.L.C. a California Limited Liability Company L hereby GRANT(s) to' J +N 2 0 Zoos TYQFLAOUINTA C0M UNI 1 DDEVEELOPMENT NAME Calle Estado L.L.C. a California Limited Liability Company DENWMENT the following described real property in the County of Riverside, State of California: LOT 10 IN BLOCK 9 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. l AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 19 PAGE 75 RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 I AND 12 IN BLOCK 9 OF SAID DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. I AS SHOWN IN CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 87-041 RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 82243, RECORDS OF SAID RIVERSIDE COUNTY. ITHIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO.2006-475 AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CUd° ��e �SC • a _ornl� UmIK� li�6tl�f-% CpN`'PC, r�l 01 Dated Sl a 3,10 (' DAJ ID 8r aA 4 I K STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AAq;'a N- ngu before me, �I Notate( Public, n apd for said State, p onally appeared �y i�/� A.AI'�y,K ❑,persrovonally known to me LKped to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence _ to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to that he (oka4 4lwy) executed it. W Sign e V RECORDING RQU,M�RD BY . AND WMM RECORDED MAII.'rO• ESTADO 1, LLC La 12QuintI CA...9225 . �211454C r Space Above This Line for Recorder's Uo : 21145-JC Escrow N O10ZO-016 Order No::1450807 A.P.N.:. 770-1n-� �i ED GRANT D TRANSFER TAR IS: COUNTY 600 R(S)"DgQ,ARE(s) THAT ve ed, orvlEI`tr �g at tWle Of. Stile. TF uNDERSIGNFo GRA�alue of pr arty conveyed, or [ compute on fu11 ° of liens or a CO��on fun arVea; [ X ] City of LA_ QZ T— . which is hereby �owledged, VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Receipt of whi dated October FOR A Trustecs,or Successor. Trustees under Declaration of Trust Richard L. Deman and Monique I)e� 1, 1981 hereby GRANT(S) ADO 1' I,I,C..' A CALIFORNIA LMTID T,IABU ITY COMPANY he y � oraia; in the City of LA QUOTA• County of Rivetslde State of Calif #1 as per Map �p1� in Book 19, Page 75 of Maps, the following des�� property of DESERT CLUB 'TRACT, UNIT Lots 10 and 11 of C R of Riverside County, California• . in the office of the GRANT.DEED CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE _ SAME AS ABOVE or Address Noted Below o..,.o,,,w,rc to: f -n(452-009 & 010 CONTINUATION OF GRANT DEED Richard.L. Deman. and Monique Deman, Trustees, or Successor Trustees under - Declaration of Trust dated October 1. 1981 By: Ricbaid L. Deman, Trustee By: D Trustee Document Date- Mav 20 2004 As STATE.OF i�s< ) COUNTY C before. me, � 1 i�- On D ) to the whin personally apP�� evidence) to be the person 9- � hrs/ha/ sion the insit97m personally known tD we (or proved to me on executed ° the fie � hee�t authorized c�dWg% 1 cted. executed the.iffioiumem and acknowledged ro >� that he/she behalf of wich the personlj V;RCsRd W E. PIERCE dre P�eII� the a nd upon d' Co.^.tmm-or. 413141SO • - and official seal. WITNESS my � • '`,a May Pu�!tc - Cb;S�arfia Signature il.'y rc!rir1. 4'x3 Jtr:31 2f.'Si5 area " 1 EXHIBIT "A" CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER 06-475 MERGED PARCEL LOT 10 IN BLOCK 9 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 1 AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 19 PAGE 75 RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE CITY OF .LA QUINTA TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1.1 AND 12 IN BLOCK 9 OF SAID' DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 1 AS SHOWN IN CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 87-041 RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 82243, RECORDS OF SAID RIVERSIDE COUNTY. PARCEL MERGER No. Zc06- 4 7S LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No....__ APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY �- Mo--jPi se, DATE Exhibit D:\AASURVEY\7001.055\dwg\PAR-MERG 06-175.doc LAND No. 66'87 Exp. 06/M/06 PR ARED BY: lgTF OF CAJ��� A ril 19 2006. Page 1 of 1 DAL H S 6687 . EXP 6-30-06 EXHIBIT 111311 . I _ - w CA L L E E STADO M > — tian•nn'nn° 0 N N89'55'00"E 130.00' PARCEL A o ' 14,828 SF ' o, a N89'55'00"E 130.00', N PARCEL MERGER No. 2c06 q -7 S' LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY,[V M- eA3al DATE �9- r -o6 Exhibit = mGll.LFMIM lmlppuma 45-175 PANORAMA DR., SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA 92260 760-340-5597 R=20.00' 1 L=31.42' I m D o CD U cc 25' 0 o CCl o I z V) VJ ,W Q-90100'00° c R=20.00' L=31.42' 1 I SCALE 1 "=40' 0 20 40 80 120 2006-475 PREPARED BY:, Sip LAND SG KEQ vo , No. 6687 Ev. 06/30/06 slq OF C\ic EXHIBIT "C" w CALLE ESTADO N A__90'00'00" N89'55'00°E 130.00' R=20.00' L=31.42' m PROPOSED 10,726 SF o TWO STORY OMCE BUILDING Cl o CD0 0 o v 25' lb CD U-) PROPOSED PARKING o W z I L JA90'00'00° -LLLLLij N8955'00°E 130.00' R=20.00' 0 N L=31.42' PARCEL MERGER No. ZGoG^ (47 S LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COWAUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY . A4o2e45" DATE S) - 06 _.. . Exhibit C. aELILIEaIEa Hlppuma 45-175 PANORAMA DR., SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA 92260 7607340-5597 SCALE 1 =40 0 20 40 80 120 MERGER 2006-475 PREPARED BY: �p LAND S� KE((�y'Q`��o No. 6687 LS 64ELLEHER, DATE 7 EXP. 6-30-06 �� OF CA��F Ask .­W AVENIPA ....... ..... ., _. �� �dYyo i, Ile N i s — o — _ I ,,• a Y •ca six JO` Ni MSER CLUB _co tV Lot 4 Me 79.,. "M Woe F ta rTi 1 f W.?5 0 b ..0 1" "1 A _.L , MA 03 RN mr! W r rr 0ZA 4 11A It I 10 Hitt its pit. fl, a 1 1 (P 5133 Raw b, -111 1 6 Noe 11;q a H 14 _, .,,I . . . . . . . . . . . Ai. KIN ! 14 2 to gyp Mot Ask. P I 03 Z i zQm C -At 41; JJ tt > ma M in 0 1 � z Q % 1 sit N, OUT :t� I x oil Tow V & ia. jet Joy O role JJSR no. npl at A pillizi ,I V z 09 Ps 0 W as AIRS". 2, 1 V!Fk 'qz ktp, p A ZI H Ink wy 1 pq- 1 14, hR lit UMS f I lit [kill & 1, � I R I R A toil tax 10,10 AR, 01. t1k I I wm Hilt N Jll 4 A z 09- Ma a Hzwjlg�- 1 m a its 2 il lit tol OF V4 AAA 2 1 out • J' F �aj-�=��F�:��r••T�'�-�c¢ai=ii�� - CT��a _. _. `�- -_ ���i"'r:��6t�'wc, c��= �5= ��=mCm,.x�-�C--�s"�ssm�1 en �f'�'r $�����.`•� �_ �".'L•'L� ram. !� ,.cam �'��•+'��s���i✓^�Q-="'�- E���c`3'11��'-'=�c-=�-F'`��'� ''���.'��� ��',,,,,,c�. - ' --_ a.a c "'�.. ii�?��:• ___,�„•� � ss����+tic- `�•��-�`�_xc7'�-s_sTa .�assoi_s �� �_ a•-i'cJ�=-as�_ccr- =�==�--�-a��, �s am�a��s-�`�¢Cc>=a��o 3c•_¢�� -pG ��a_..i'��g���gp� =s2� c-���-c�S��-a-- � a�3��'Lsar� �--m -- --, a�s��- ��s_��=5��-���...._ .� ssal=-_s5�----.s----x������a-gs-_�����.•.�'.���T-.!-.5-�^ �¢=��- s a� 7l>✓�-��c ��=" xa^ - s_ R-.5n�'•Y s�s�a�6^��,��• ��,r����,5�� g�•^-i-a�?r7fi'�-��1m�5.a-!�w9.aHJ mw Ift_. ��� E,, _a�•s� r_1�.-�� '=s¢--s-v t•Zaia2=s3Jl:l�a_�v�s�=iiF_8+ -�"�� �+9 r��� �ic:FP�'rl-ss�3'.'.sags�=== �� "r.�C---'�r>=s 91 .ate---�, cm•e�.�s��p�_-s _-�-s a_c�s -�i_��-�o�i�a_-��e'�-tva'-'•S_�.��.3� ''T'=f=mii5_��_�i_15=_ �T.�'C�C'S!S'1L'-5���Lil`�,rE��S��tl-��.'���SS� - M_p�,Fsa� �, _aoaa��"�sr¢�-¢---T= --�sc _ r��-s�--S-��SS_---C�.��-v���---�'•�' �-_rs���m-�ss6.'a��mCC��s-T�^ya i 'rys- _ �m'�'r�=c��grj. vv�.�!.Yr�•� o l�� - LC��i�-�a�x'����¢Y�t�_=_CCxSS� �)•,.;-ciao '. -- - °s��c'_rs-'x3-��� �_- -s�a � x� aca��¢-->=�e�-�a3�o��>R=B� Iala- - _�s� r-a�==��^iR s���=r����c�_���a�-�r���� -_ _���s5®a�-�i3_et9l:rE�>_�•!_�'c21-a-¢�ii �� 2r •' � xs_, -Eg�'ccc-c�mra --- s-- caxc- :_---""�� Q•rs-r�-c-. � -mac c- ���s?mx-R�-cs�c_�-5=-- ���- _ �- -s_-=1-♦�0.-'_-_-=ea-�ar_�e5s��e�c��_�� -z3- �-z-�-ma's -�s-Y �g�y �'.��.'�s� i�' ���' �-�.- � e_si=i -c�`.�=�zi�_���---�-�¢�_���T�Ts-'>�••� x�� �g� xmai$=E=xrcaa=r - '� a � �� �c-•�--���a@ES����__�,._ H�-��c¢��Ct=`.+5i�1-d'ir<�--��..__..s �'_�'a��-_- �.�so�s �' �H �_ --=�� ����`•��-- �o=i2ai�����gszL�S�� ..,,'>��'¢'L�-- ��®���-ST. - ®-_ �� ¢s¢ a -- x�����-���=p 1�T ��c��_�¢- s �-s=-����c�=3e=��' c�=sacs -=--_-c��_��_���- -= � 'Si ie�--mac _- ^.cesas. -_. -�-'a.�."c�>L• ��� •3�e _--.�c�ec-z� - ss_�_G�s E�F����- -s,� ����- � - -�=c--I=cr --'- E.F.W7 l.72 �� - �„_ -a s= m s--¢ '�� c �-"'•^�-�__¢���¢ max- _ - - �__�;°�'��-�x� -C-d�1 ----�.�. � ¢� -_� -,-'r••r+a'+�"�..-L��--_�---��^-.C� E'..j2fj••=:•-=��xt-�S -•--•����-�xca--cam- CjS�.,���1-�"LL--�»�f'Z•����.- - ._•__��-�xa �a_a -¢� �sm�c - �.-.-_ --._. � "gir��.R'�7�f���S--_C_�_fCr� e-��--�---• x:... ,� �t-�1.x �x1.T.0 �•.1-,3 1 -Yaa 3'-��=�m•��3T_ S R,ir.�.' 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(a) UONf1AlCT r AC OVER 4.0' OWS40 AOiECAIE BASE - .. .. - ALLEY "D" CALLE ESTADO 1 GALLEY "C" AVENIDA LA FONDA a mtsTRucr PCC ars ! tvTTPR TYPE A-e PER CDLNn is am+s>s 51a MU 2oO "'m RR �Au sa.N ,lag nARs .. . 4 ©SEE - E T 38 SEE SHE T �SE SHE T 3 7 - EE SHE 7 24 c'A.. A Pfz I OE ualSS o» n� aka' os R 1FRSs[ sTARM1 D o � F ' ( 6 i I 123 5 - E V g RAMP PER EaN _ a fb4WIR1 4- • . . . - J (� ;, •' 1 -I _ _ PCC SOCM:YR PDI comm cr mwt= SIO.,ma 4m ! Q lJ rPo�aalcw•Ar AvvRwul vu aaurn or teTrwsrt `. . •"' ,. 1 5 I mO 12: sm. am, . W T 23 HNPS �/CT 0" - • 1641a .•1 •}I - � i6+29.•J3 - ' � - aaET CAWN BASW P[R C"ir Cl. RI1E SB MQ- - M-M Pd OOIIIr W RRDtS" 51D /IU 111, • _ .. ♦ - I 16+R .02 .R I 1+ + 1 +R - ii � 16+ .02 i n • '.-.) TyQ Y AND F - , • _ - ., - - -42,83 7, W 6 42.71 T.C. 0�� 1. .43 T.0 I` .. 1: .:+.1 ® comvkcr la- RGP.(2waD) smd ORADL - - , - /[��X OdISRIVCI 21' RV. (20 w) mom ORAOL . �' - O . -•.- ` .� - .• O W © UNSERAL7 27' RCP. 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DELTA RADIUS LENGTH .TANGENT 1 119000,00" 10.00' 15.71' IG.00' 2 i(90DO.24- 25.00' - J9.27' 25.00' 3 1'895936' 25.00' 39.27' 2100' 4 I,9373.56- 25.00' 40.75' - 26.53' 5 18655.58- 25.00' 37.93' 23.70' 6 T 93 W 70' 1 10.00' 15.72' 10.01' 7 18956 30 10.00' 1170' 9.99' 8 f895630 2liX_ 39.24' 24.97' 9 865624 2100' 37.93' 23.70' 1 ,• 932502' 25.00' 40.76' 26.54' 1 L 67*34'19' 25.00' 29.48' 16.73' I® RDOCATE DOSING PIKE MYWANT ro A P'0STIW polo PRWOM OAM _ ®WATDA YFTIR AND BACR nor PRnDPrtR ro BE ROCCATO ro A - P09TIO1 BE1®O PROP'0® aam Br EVID. - - • - ' ®RDOCJIE DOSIaYC iDICC TD law OF KIr IRE.. ! . ® AavS?R rcLgtoaE YAMRIE IRATE _ ® LYY/I p.t P.cC CIIRB f TYFS 'C' cmAVT ' PER CONY d RIIER90E SR NC sm m ' - ® COwmwr a- P.ca TYPE' OM • _ • - - PER CWVTr OF RIID=f SR Na- "® C-9ML Cr anal TRANSITION PER Ca6VTr - ,�q( 1061RUG7 a• PEReETW NAIL _ ®CONSTRUCT r POWKYEA WAtt. - ' - •139• IAOCATr DOSO4 INTER VAL10 f N/N1ARW Lm - 8DOM PRWDSg afro .._._- _--_•-- ON Rh IN[.^+Uih ® SAW CUT DasaC MILK Net[ AAPAWtH OR B PAWN ' Fi.i :;Oi NC. . - ro RE Ld1Ts ."m W PLAN - � .. ® m6TRUCf OCNORif PA_ SOR1N{N PERLl7Al W 9aiF7 23 O 00 � Y " E ® cm6mL'cT cmow sma T PAwm PER orm W 9RT 21 L---•_.--..---.•! -e00-227-2600 DA �� ' 1 W�D'D ti PROW APPROVµDa%DTOR SEAL SEAL APPROVED 6r: 4'/_ DATE K Korve p" M 7,Maa,T Pa18 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA SHEET N0. CCHHRRIS .Dis!/�/ ExP os/3o/01 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN Yw mD1 / �� roExelaA,No Engineering � �SOtOTiAaB�9alaaNtLEr.ORC �A�E A. VVOGT e a1 m1 uup�� DESERT CLUB DRIVE . 0A1D BY YAIb( APPR OA1E DATE PUN AR D NDER SUPERNSIOH -,oF: SCALE AS SHOWN BENCH MARK: p• D. 103-3-70 ELEVATION ePsac DrwwTNa TIE COITI1ACIa1 slue vERlry TlE O1EOfEp ev: MAL - i0 �-7 _1- - 40.110 top OF 1-1/2' Lp.. Up 0.20'. 350' NORTH OF C.L OF AVENUE 12. 3o' ASSESSMENT DISTRICT OF 46 SHEETS EMmEER OESVaPTIOI aTr LDUT,a1 IrnPTv a u�pU un1,Es BT CatTAC1010 NDlMAOl11N SEAMR AtERi AT ha00-227- .. '? DATE DEC. 1999 EAST OF C. L OF WASHINCTON ST., 8' SOUTH CF POWER POLE /ses27o f OC901m By: 4TAL DRA9N Or. K4 OeDan Br. ocaER OATS EL.DON K. DAtE: • - . FOR FILE NO. - - R.C.E.: 2355, Elm: DATE 1z-31-o1 THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CA _ a. 1 1 A 1r�► t*q �� fJ J t a � w.. . � +� 9 •....,v,,.r 'fir V