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PM 2010-492
O w N Y DOC # �11-0360469 08/16/2011 04:06P Fee:NC Page 1 of 5 Recorded in Official Records PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION County of Riverside RECORDING REQUESTED BY:. Larry W. Ward' Marilyn Jane Smith Assessor, County Clerk 8 Recorder .. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: •• Ms. Marilyn Jane Smith 54-283 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, CA 92253- S R U PAGE SIZE DA MISC LONG RFD COPY M A L 465 426 PCOR ' NCOR SMF NCHG EXAM T: CTY UNI Space above this line for recorders"use only Ccr i �. «J� �� . Parcel Merger 2010-492 802 Title of Document Marilyn Jane Smith ` TRA: DTT:BFI �E COPY w APPR $111• . ES HNSON' pA PLA NING DIRECTOR CITY OF.LA QUINTA THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION ($3.00 Additional Recording Fee Applies) ACR 238P-AS4RE0 (Rev. 03/2008) W S r•f 1.� CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER 2010-492 PARCEL A LOTS 4. AND 5 OF BLOCK 263 SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 24 AS SHOWN IN MAP.BOOK.19, PAGES 44 AND 45, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA.. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION BEING SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBITS "B". AND "C" AND HEREBY BEING MADE A PART HEREOF. SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, RIGHTS, RIGHTS OF WAYS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. APPRO D B1F gr.3 1. S NSON WE PLANNING DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTAr LMD .SUS KEQFy�F�o No. 6687 • PRYRE7/�? 6AAASURVEYV083.0021dwg1PAR MERG 2010- .i Ju 26 1 492.doc Page 1 of 1 6687 EXP 6-30-12 N89'59'00*W 100.00' t v � l w C mW Z Co _ L A e — _PARCEL 10,000 !F.. .� ,� . ,� . � Q 0 o j I mod, ry'0 `�. 5'PUE ' N8959'00"W 100.'00. 30' Q 6 APPROV BY: - . S NSON IJATE. PLANNING DIRECTOR SCALE 1 "=40' CITY OF LA QUINTAL 0 20 40 sa 120 PARC.E. L MERE 2010-4 2.- L�I.�lnJl1�S LM�G=JL�Lr.OW� PREPARED BY: LAND SG KEC(Fy'P`F'`o 78-080 CALLE AMIGO, SUITE .102 \v�c�� o LA QUINTA, CA 9225,5 No. 6687 760-219-9886 - 760-262-3000 (Fax) r% 1 dale@kellehermapping.com ALE: KE `L R, DATE LS �� OF 6687 EXP. 6-30-12 CAL�E� ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside On 0$• 03. 2611 before me', ' UISAtj MAysets, -t\lo-rm u o G ; (here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared L ES <10144Sod : who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(,*) whose name(*) is/am. subscribed to the . within instrument and acknowledged to me that he* executed the same in his/fir authorized' capacityoft), and that by hiss signature(0) on the instrument the person(1p); or the entity upon behalf of which: the person(o) acted, executed the instrument. certify under PENALTY OF. PERJURY. under.the laws of the State of California -that the foregoing paragraph is true.and correct. SOW MAYBE oo�l.s�a�rs WITNESS my hand and official seal. Wt CNJMM WSW COMY Signature (Seal) P. O : Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247=1504 �OFTN� 78-495 CALLF. TAMP►Co ` :(760j 777-7000 LA QUINTA,,CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 177-7101 • - Au ust 2, 2011 'FIL E COP Ms. Marilyn Jane Smith L 54-283 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, CA 92253 - SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER'2010-492: 54-283 AVENIDA RUBIO ~ Dear Ms. Smith: , The Planning Department has reviewed and ap proved Parcel.. Merger 2010-492 for •. recordation pursuant to Chapter 13.32- of the* Subdivision Ordinance. Enclosed -is the approved information for this application. Once the exhibits .have, been recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office for filing. Please note that -the subject property is zoned "Cove'Residential" (RC) and is subject to all applicable development standards as set forth in the' La Quinta Municipal Code. Per the code, the minimum lot size for "RC" parcels is 7,200'square,feet. 'Therefore, once this parcel merger is recorded with the.County, the property•cannot be divided unless it" meets the minimum lot size standard. - • The Cityhasapproved • ' � - this merger based on 'zoning compliance and correctness' of the legal description. Any potential conflicts with utility,ease.ments should be investigated by ' the applicant and/or property owner at the earliest opportunity. By execution of this approval, the applicant and/or property owner , agrees to indemnify, defend, and `hold r harmless the City of- La Quinta from any- legal claim or ,litigation, arising out of the City's : ~ approval of this application. Should you have any questions,* please contact meat (160) 777-7125. ' Sincere) ES J N ON - ~ Planning Director C: Public Works Department - f P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TANIPICO (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 LA QUiNTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 May 10, 2011 Ms. Marilyn Jane Smith 54-283 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: - PARCEL MERGER 2010-492: 54-283 AVENIDA RUBIO Dear Ms. Smith: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved Parcel Merger 2010-492 for recordation pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Enclosed is the approved information for this application. Once the exhibits have been recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office for filing. The City has approved this merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of the legal description. Any potential conflicts with utility easements should be investigated by the applicant and/or property owner at the earliest opportunity. By execution of this approval, the applicant and/or property owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this application. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, ES JO SON Planning Director C: Public Works Department 0 /( f ,.� P.O. Box 1504 r ` a LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92241-1504 FMOF�` �tia 78-495 CALL_ E TAMP (760) 7771-7000 ~ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA' 92253 FAV(760) 777-7101' • April 6, 2011 .' ' • , , • .� , `- � - Ms. Marilyn Jane Smith - 54-283 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, CA 92253 f - SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 2010-492: 54-283 AVENIDA RUBIO ' Dear Ms. Smith: The Planning., Department has'reviewed and approved Parcel. Merger,-2010-492 for recordation pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of -the Subdivision ,Ordinance. Enclosed is the approved information for *this, application. 'Once rthe exhibits have been l recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office for filing. The City has approved this merger based 'on.zoning"'complia-nce t and correctness of the legal description. Any potential conflicts 'with utility 'easements 'should be investigated by the applicant and/or property owner.at the earliest opportunity: By execution of this , approval,• the applicant and/or property owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City,of La Quinta from any legal: claim or litigation arising out of- the City's' approval of this application.. `• ` . -Should you have'any questions, please contact meat (7:60) 777-7125. ' t Sincerely, LES O SON Planning Director, ' C: Public Works Department - t ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California` County of Riverside. On. ri (1 7-o(( before me,' �uSa A . �t5 0 . p cU, (here insert name and title of the icer) personally appeared Lris Jd/�/JSO IJ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons) whose name(s) Is/are subscribed to. the within instrument and .acknowledged to me that he/she/they. executed the' same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the.instrument. .I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY underthe laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.. ' 1....... 3USAN MAYSELS 4479 WITNESS m hand and official seal.' . NOTARY CALIFORNIAy. w � NOTARY PUBLIC • ALIF WERSM-COLOM Cortrnis�ion APR 1.3 . 13 Signature (Seal) P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March .16 2011 Ms. - Marilyn Jane Smith 54-283 Avenida Rubio . La Quiht6, CA -k 2-53 SUBJECT:. PARCEL '*MERGER '2-010-492:54-2*83 AVENIDA RUBIO Doar'.Ms. Smith: (7 6 0) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 :.-Thee-'Plahniftg Department h-as reviewed and approved Parcel Merger 2010-492 for •epordaitio"n, pursuant to. Chapter 1 3.32-of the Subdivision Ordinance. Enclosed is .:-thpapproved : �:Jnfoirm-cition for this application. Once the exhibits have been , recorded; please send a copy of the material to our office for filing.' Thb -City ha's approved. this. Merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of -th,e legal description: Any potential conflicts with utility easements should be .investigated by. the applicant and/or property owner at the: earliest -opportunity. By exe cution of this ' approval,, the applicant and/or property owner agrees to - -indemnify, -d"e*f'e"'nd-,.'and 'hold, ,harmless the City of La Quints from any legal claim or litigation. arising out of the City's approval of this applidati o*n. Should you, have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, ERIC: CEJA Assistant Planner C: Public. Works Department ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside On 03/16I2011 before me, S�/(s / t,o (here insert �Whp officer) personally appeared eR lG CEJ f� who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under. the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature SUSAN MAYSELS COMM. #1844479 NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA` RIVERSIDE COU1IaY Commigion APii. 13 (Seal) P.O. Boa 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 January 24, 2011 Ms. Marilyn Jane Smith 54-283 Avenida Rubio La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: . PARCEL MERGER 2010-492: 54-283 AVENIDA RUBIO Dear Ms. Smith: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved Parcel Merger 2010-492 for recordation pursuant to Chapter 13.32.of the Subdivision Ordinance. Enclosed is the approved information for this, application. Once the exhibits have been recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office for filing. The City has approved this merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of the legal description. Any potential conflicts with utility easements should be investigated by the applicant and/or property owner at the earliest opportunity. By execution of this :approval, the applicant and/or property owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless. the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this application. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, C. ERIC CEJA ) Assistant Planner C: Public Works Department �J State of California County Of Riverside On 01/24/2011 ACKNOWLEDGMENT before me, S SE L, (here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared C IG CETA who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s)., or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature SUSAN MAYSELS COMM. #18"479 y� NOTARY PUBLIC a CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE COUNTY Com *aim APR 13, 2013 (Seal) P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 ' 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 922.53 FAX (760)-777-7101 FILE COPY, January 6, 2011 _ Ms. Marilyn Jane Smith 54-283 Avenida Rubio .4 La Quinta, CA 92253 ` SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER (PM) .2010=492: 54-283 A_ VENIDA RUBIO (APN 774-234-016, 774-234-017) Dear Ms. Smith: r Attached are the redlined revisions to Parcel Merger 20.10-492. Please: make the appropriate corrections to the exhibits and resubmit. In addition, we have prepared the following comments that need to be addressed prioe to re -submittal of the. - corrected exhibits: EXHIBIT A 1. The APN 774-234-016 and 774-234-017 are shown as a single ' paicel with APN 774-234-037 per the Riverside County GIS. Pleased verify with the Title Report. 2. The legal Descriptions shall be prepared,. signed and sealed by a Licensed Land Surveyor or a Civil Engineer whose. RCA number. is 33965 or lower. -. - 3. Please provide the Parcel Merger number in the heading. 4. Please add the following: NOTE: SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, RIGHTS, AND RIGHTS -OF -WAYS OF RECORD: - EXHIBIT B ' 5. The Plat shall be prepared, signed and, sealed by'a Licensed Land Surveyor. or a Civil Engineer whose RCA number is 33965 or lower. a 6. Call out centerline of Avenida Rubio by CL. l 7. Identify APN as verified. See item 1. Remove Parcel 16 and 17 as verified. 8. Provide Parcel Merger number in the 'heading: 9. Identify each lot as LOT .4 BLK. 263 SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE UNIT NO. 24., . 10. Please provide call out to Lot Line to: be: removed. 11.1 Please provide extensions to -lots to west only if applicable —Please remove the extensions on the east. 12. Exhibit B shall be drawn to scale. SITE PLAN 13. The APN 774-234-016 and 774-234-017 are shown as a single parcel with APN 774-234-037 per the Riverside County GIS. Please verify with the Title Report. 14. Please identify as Lot 4 and 5 per EXHIBIT B. 15. Please call out centerline of Avenida Rubio by CL. 16. Please check the scale. 17. Provide Parcel Merger number in heading. 18. Please provide extensions to lots to west only if applicable. Please remove. the extensions on the east. . Should you have questions regarding this application, please contact either Brian Ching, Associate Engineer, at (760) 777-7044, or myself at (760) 777-7132-. Sincerely, . ERIC CEJ Assistant nner Encl. 3 II I N89'59 00 W 100.00 II m o tip, � 14, z•. 11 . O J W Q O al m �. O ooQta ;g W 0 1f 0 • Z �,�►tti I 5'PUE 11 W II N89'59 00 W 1'.06W. 1.130' Q 6 APPRO D BY: " ES HNSON ' PLANNING DIRECTOR SCALE 1"=40' CITY OF LA QUINTA 0 20 40 80 120 SITE PLAN ' PARCE ERCER 2010-492 DMnn nn 22MM nn /�/� /�� nn(� MM PREPARED BY: p LAND SG I�L�LSW�LS [/W�i=�1�ir aUV� `V�c�`'�E KEQ,y'QLF�o 78-080 CALLS AM/GO, SUITE 102 o -0 �0 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 0� ��"l'r `� •% No. 6687 760-2/9- 9886 - 760-262=3000 (FAX) dale@keUehermappmg.com DALEfCELLEHER' DATE LS 6687 EXP. 6-30-12 CA1.�F e , City .of La Quinta Planning Department. 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Caiifornia-92253 . PHONE: - (760) 777-71.25 FAX:1771233 .'i ' OIFFIC IS s ONLY CaseNo. ®—'T� Date vd Fee:'I CVv �dD Related Apps: 14 Logged in by. APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER 'APPROVAL ` '`� -1 0 20 i0 C!T�LA n'dFa. PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and approved b the Planniti Director` ur r • ` r' pP Y g p 3� mi 3.36 of i the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contiguous. '-cels'or units of real property, under common ownership. •;f y �;+•�•.�..�• �. •ti•�. •�•;•.``..4 •�• •�•.�••�• •3.O •�� •�. •1.�• •�• •� •�• ice• •�•:�• •�••P +4- •�1 Ji •�• •�• �i•�• O••�• •�• •'�• •�• •�•O•.�• •�•.�• •;•.�• y ' ' APPLICANT AAA) . jQ S MAILING ADDRESS (Print • 2 $ Y ,,,, Q fl . Phone No. 70.1y �/C - 94' CITY, STATE, ZIP: 2� 7 Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. MERGER LOCATION: Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged:.' Parcel 1 %% - Z _ 4 Parcel 2. _ Parcel Parcel4 (Attach additional sheets,. if necessary) APPLICABILITY: Merger maybe processed if the following requirement is satisfied: �fl At least one of the affected parcels is undeveloped by any structure for which a building permit was issued or for whicll a building permit was not required at the time of construction, or is developed only with an accessory structure or accessory structures, or is developed with a single structure, other than an accessory structure, that is also partially sited on a contiguous parcel or unit. ' PAApplicadonslParcel Merger Approval.doc 'CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL: To obtain approval of a merger, the following criteria shall be met: The merger complies with the standards specified in Section above. The parcel will be consistent with the zoning of the property. . The parcel will not conflict with the location of existing structures on the property. \S The parcel will not be 'deprived of adequate access as a result of the merger. O Access to adjoining properties will not be restricted as a result of the merger. l9 No new lot lines are'created by the merger. MINIMUM SUBMISSION REOUIREAIENTS• Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ❑ New, original, unrecorded Grant *Deeds for each resulting parcel with. the following: Correct legal description of the. merged parcel'and the statement, "This Grant Deed reflects Parcel 'Merger No. , as approved the City of -La Quinta." �9 Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger, No.' "Exhibit A" Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. , "Exhibit B" - Plat showing merged parcels Completed Site Plan, showing merger parcels and existing structures and improvements; ifany. ❑ If metes and bounds legal. description is used for merged parcels, closing calculations shall`be submitted. ❑ Filing fee for Parcel Merger. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. .�� 4_ •' SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 4tii DATE NAME, OF APPLICANT__MAPIbJUE' l ' lAlaa a ririntl SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY 0 IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: NAME OF OWNER _ DATE A., ' • f,,i1Js►i, (Please print) (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS .FOR DENYING APPLICATION.: ' P•1An»liratinnclPwmn) Mnr�rar A>,nrnvwl Anr � � � . .._... ..... ........ ... ... .................... ............ .. ............. ... .......... .......... ... ... RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL DOCUMENT TO: Marilyn lane R. Smith P.O. Box 412 La Quints, CA 92247 I' ... Space Above This une tar Recordees.Yoe oidr GRANT DEED A.P.N.: 774-234-016-4 and 974-234- T.R.A. No.020-015 File No.: () 017-5 The undadgned G- tor(s) Dedare(s): 000 MENTARY TRANSFER TAX sM/A; QTY TRANVR TAX $N/A; ( eumDuEed en the cordWeration or mr vakre of wePvW Conveyed, OR computed on the . 'ilk N.an or hA v" lm value of Rem wd/or enamrbimmm rerTW ilrg at time of sale, . �. unhrmrp—red wq; f X.I &V of to Quints, and . FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby atdot Wed jed, Marilyn lane R. Smith, an unmarried woman hereby GRANTS to Marilyn ]one R. Smith, an unmarried woman the following described property In the City of La. Qunita, County of Riverside, State of California: THE PURPOSE OF THIS DEED IS THE PERFECT PARCEL A OF CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER 20.10-494 1lDED 2011 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2011- OF101FIAI RECORDS, PLEASE SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS "A";'B" AND'C" ATTACHED HERETO. A PR BY PLANNINGD PPTMENT DATE tVA-61-K CASE NO. I r Mail Tax Statements To: SAME AS A80VE Grant Deed - continued " Date: 02/22%2011 A.P.N.: 774-234-016-..4 and 774-234-017-5 Ale No.: Q Dated: 02/22/2011 - p -Mah lyn Jane JR. Sm STATE OF 6k(j1Y-h0n?t2 ).SS COUNTY OF1� On - — before me, 5 r " Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) Ware subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same In.hWher/thelr authorized capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signatuie(s) on the Instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)Acted, executed the Instrument. I certify. under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California.that the foregoing paragraph Is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CRYSTAL NOBERTSON ". re NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF OKLAHOIAA Mil OOMMISSM EXPIRES MAR.16, 2M4 COMMISSYON N10002209 My Commission Expires: W-JQaA . (I . a'U) 7)1/sarea _ ormw Notallotary -7 Name- Ln Phone: Notary Regis tion County o Prindpal Place of Number: IOOn ;)Ao Business:j APPR BY PLANNING D P TMENT B DATE" IBI CASE NO. Page 2ef2 RECORDING REQUESTED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITCE INSURiANCE CM& RECORDING REQUESTED BY: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Marilyn Jane R. Smith 54283 Avenida Rubio La Quints, CA 92253 Order No.: 4472579 Escrow No.: SA422482-DM A.P.N.: '714- 1.7`1 - 011* 'y An-4 - nnd- nil - IRA v2d _ u15 D0 2010-0398375 08/ 010 08:00A Fee:18.00 Page 1•of 2 iloc T Tax Paid • Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry N. Ward Assessar, County Clerk d Recorder I Illlll 1111111 IN 111111111111111111111111 hill 11111111 S R U -' M A L 465 426OR COR SMF NCHG EXAM T: CTY UNI 6 GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $150.70 'CITY TRANSFER TAX IS $.00 [ X ] computed on full value of property conveyed, or [] computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. (] lnc ra [ X ] City of La Quints FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, Federal National Mortgage Association GRANT(S)toMarilyn Jane R.Smith r lAt'Ir+trnr•r:C4 WoMan The real property in the City of La Qulnta; County of Riverside, State of California, described as: See Exhibit °A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for complete legal description. Dated: August 9, 2010 STATE OFQAH"RN0 COUNTY OF Mr—►1GC✓ } SS. On U 10 . before me FEDERAL NATIONAL Notary Public, personally appeared lamnv owls Authoriz er o irsl division rst Amen n who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be In fact /or agent the person(s) whose nante(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heishe/lhey executed the some in his/her/their authorized capadty(ies) and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or t the entity upon behalf of which the person(s), acted, executed the Instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. AGE ASSOCIATION American uetautt r ute Services, a Title Insurance Company as Attomey Jamey Davis WITNESS my hand and official seal. �:: ,s ROBNWMCE MEUSA MY coWjISSIoN EXPIRES Sl�ature r "tz y 0aabw18,2d11, Signature of Notary Commission Expiration Date: ()4 k (This area for official notarial seaQ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO:. Marilyn Jane R. Smith. 54283 Avenida Rubio., La Quinta, CA 92253 1. 5 EX HOT A DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OR CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OIL RIVERSIDE, CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 263 OP SANTA CARMELITA- AT VALE'LA QUINTA, UNIT 024 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 19, PAGES 44 AND 45 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE bF THE•COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 774-234-016.4/774-234-017-5 f Riverside County Recorder • ; Mailing Address: 2724 Gateway Drive * * P.O: Box 751 Riverside, CA 92507 Riverside, CA N s..I ..O 4 (951) 486-7000 92502-0751 www.riversideacr.com RECORDER RETURN NOTICE 12SI We are unable to process_the enclosed and are returning the same to you unrecorded. -Please see all'items'marked"" The enclosed has beeri recorded but needs further attention and possible re-recording. Please see all items marked ,(17.0This office cannot advise you on the preparation of documents: l6fo�mation should'be obtained -from -your -legal -advisor . C2 ®_ We are unable.to_determine;your,intent regarding :the,enclosed.document(s). , 3. ❑ We have found no provision in the California State Law authorizing recording of the enclosed document(s). 4. ❑ 'The property/record is not located in Riverside County. Please record in the county where the property/record.is located. If the property/record is located in Riverside County, please correct the information on the document. 5. ❑ is/are illegible or too light for photographic reproduction. Please provide a more legible document OR: A. Retype or print the illegible portions of the document on the enclosed Certification form, sign, and attach the form to the document. If a Certificate is attached, additional recording fees will apply. (Please see page two for fees.) B. Indicate on the Certification form that a clarity copy is attached, sign, and attach the form and the clarity copy of the document. If a Certificate is attached, additional recording fees for the Certification page and the pages of the copy will apply. (Please see page two for fees.) 6. ❑ Complete the enclosed coversheet with the name and return address and correct title(s) of the document. 7. ❑ A name and return address must be added to the upper left-hand corner of the document. 8. ❑ The title of your document is missing or is in the wrong area. The title must appear immediately below the space reserved for the recorder's use. 9. ❑ The title on the first page of your document does not match the_ Eltitle on the 2nd page ❑ contents of the document. 10. ❑ Please complete the Documentary Transfer Tax Declaration. ❑ Please see the enclosed schedule for additional information. ❑ If no Documentary Transfer Tax is being paid and a completed Preliminary Change of Ownership Report is not sent with the document, please state the reason for no tax on the document. • . I 11. ❑ 12. ❑ 13. ❑ 14. ❑ 15. ❑ 16. ❑ 17. ❑ The names of all parties: ❑ Must be complete, showing the first and last names., - ❑ Must agree in caption, execution, and acknowledgment. The legal description is omitted/incomplete or the exhibit/attachment referenced in your document is missing. The recording reference of the prior recorded document was omitted. The document must be signed by The signature(s): ❑ Needs a company/partnership/corporation/government agency/entity name printed or typed near the signature. ❑ Is/are illegible. Please print or type the name near the signature(s) for proper spelling. A notary acknowledgment is required for A Preliminary Change of Ownership Report must be completed, signed, and returned with the enclosed document. If it is not completed and returned, an additional fee of $20.00 will be required. If you have any questions regarding the completion of this form, please call the Assessor's office at (951) 955-6200. (Please note: If the $20.00 fee is paid in lieu of completing this form, the form will be sent to you at a later date by the Assessor's office for you to complete.) 18. ❑ The document must contain original signatures and/or notary acknowledgments, or must be a certified copy bearing a court seal. No changes or alterations can be made to a certified copy. 19. ❑ A certified copy of a death certificate must be attached to the document. 20. ❑ This document requires a completed Verification/Jurat. ❑ Please see the.enclosed Jurat sample. - ACR 518E-AS4EX0 (Rev. 12/2009) Please see page 2 Available in Alternate Formats Page 1 of 2 21. ❑ The notary acknowledgment: ❑ Has an illegible notary seal d must be re -stamped, or a certificate sight under penalty of perjury must be attached restating the information indicated in the original seal. If a certificate is attached, additional recording fees will apply. ❑ Is missing the ❑ signature ❑ seal ❑ commission expiration date ❑ name ❑ title of the notary. ❑ Is missing the/has an incorrect ❑ date ❑ venue. ❑ Is missing the names of the parties who appeared before the notary. ❑ Does not contain the correct wording for an acknowledgment taken in that State. ❑ Please contact your notary public for additional information. ❑ Please see the enclosed notary form sample. ❑ Is from a foreign country and must be authenticated by one of the following methods: A. By a judge in the country where the acknowledgment was taken. B. By an American Diplomatic Officer, Consul General, Consul, Vice Consul or Consular Agent. C. By an Apostille (certification) attached to the document pursuant to the terms of the Hague Convention. 22. ❑ Please state the reason for re-recording on the face of the coversheet. 23. ❑ This document contains a material change and is therefore required to be re -signed and re -acknowledged. 24. ❑ The enclosed check: ❑ Was sent without a document, or in error. ❑ Should be made payable to the Riverside County Recorder. ❑ Does not contain a signature. ❑ Is not preprinted. Temporary checks are not acceptable. - ❑ Is over 90 days old or is past the void date listed on the front of the check. 25. ❑ No money ❑ Insufficient funds sent in with the enclosed document(s). 26. ❑ Your check/money order number(s) for ❑ NTE $ is/are enclosed. When returning your documents, please ensure that the current date is not more than 60 days from the check date, or is not past the void date shown on the check. 27. ❑ The Recording Fees are: Recording Fee $ Copy Fee $ Transfer Tax $ Misc. $ TOTAL $ Recording fees are calculated as follows: Basic recording fees: $15.00 for the first page (1 title), $3.00 for each additional page, and $15.00 for each additional title. Release of lien placed by a government agency: $13 for each lien being released Additional recording fees: If any page of, the document is not 8Y2' by 11" in size, every page of the document will be penalized $3.00 in addition to the standard recording fee. If a Lien Notification letter is requested, a $5.00 lien notification fee for each debtor address will apply. Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund: $3.00 for each of the following titles: Assignment of Deed of Trust; Assignment of Mortgage; Assignment of Mortgage/Deed of Trust; Deed of Trust; Extension of Deed of Trust; Modification of a Deed of Trust; Notice of Default; Notice of Rescission of Declaration of Default; Notice of Trustee Sale; Reconveyance; Release of Deed of Trust; Release of Obligation of Deed of Trust; Request for Notice; Subordinated Deed of Trust; Substitution of Trustee; and any of the above titles being re -recorded. Surveyor Monument Preservation Fund: $10.00 for Deeds (other than Quitclaim Deeds, Easements, and Deeds of Trust) transferring- ownership in real property that do not describe a complete lot created by a recorded tract map. UCC Fees: $12.00 if 1-2 pages, $22.00 if 3 or more pages Copy Fees: Customer Copy Label: $1.00 (Customer must provide a copy of the document; can only be obtained at the time of recording); If the request is made at the time of recording, the fees for a copy of an official record are: $3.00 for the. first page and $1.00 for each additional page. If the request is made after the document has been recorded, the fees for a copy of an official record are: $7.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page. There is an additional fee of $1.00 for the certification of a copy. Comments: It appears the City is attempting to record a Parcel Merger, however no document was included, only a letter, Exhibits a-c,, :: It acknowledgment and a blank cover sheet were included. Also, please present documents in order of recordation. There is no grantor/grantee listed. If it is_to a government agency,.a.Certificate of Acceptance is also required.�� Cod, J N Ohi d o 4 wnc.r�t !ob 151 . I Z .IIn Date: f Please return,this.form,if_and when.the enclosed documents are resubmitted. 02/01/2011 By: Yvonne Cruz Telephone Number: (760) 863-7490 ACR 518E-AS4EX0 (Rev. 12/2009) Available in Alternate Formats Page 2 of 2 Riverside County Recorder 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 486-7000 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA - 92502-0751 www.riversideacr.com RECORDER RETURN NOTICE we are unable'to process the enclosed and are returning -the same to you unrecorded., Please see all items•marked. krclosed has been recorded but needs further attention and possible re-recording. Please see all items marked. f 1is office cannot advise you'on the preparation of documents. Information should be obtained.from your legal advisor. e are unable to determine your intent regarding the enclosed document(s). A—.,9_ecdL a T�tKe` +"Ret,00- 3. ❑ We have found no provision in the California State Law authorizing recording of the enclosed document(s). 4. ❑ The property/record is not located in Riverside County. Please record in the county where the property/record is located. If the property/record is located in Riverside County, please correct the information on the document. 5 ❑ is/are illegible or too light for photographic reproduction. Please provide a more legible document OR: A. Retype or print'the illegible portions of the document on the enclosed Certification form, sign, and attach the form to the document. If a Certificate is attached, additional recording fees will apply. (Please see page two for fees.) B. Indicate on the Certification form that a clarity copy is attached, sign, and attach the form and the clarity copy of the document. If a Certificate is .attached, additional recording fees for the Certification page and the pages of the copy will apply. (Please see page two for fees.) 6. ❑ Complete the enclosed coversheet with the name and return address and correct title(s) of the document. 7. ❑ A name and return address must be added to the upper left-hand comer of the document. 8. ❑ The title of your document is missing or is in the wrong area. The title must appear immediately below the space reserved for the recorder's use. 9. The title on the first page of your document does not match the itle on the 2nd.page' ❑ contents of the document. Please complete the Documentary- Transfer Tax Declaration. ❑ Please see the enclosed schedule for additional information. ❑ If no Documentary Transfer Tax is being paid and a completed Preliminary Change of Ownership Report is not sent with the document, please state the reason for no tax on the document. 11. ❑ The names of all parties: ❑ Must be complete, showing the first and last names. ❑ Must agree in caption, execution, and acknowledgment. 12. ❑ The legal description is omitted/incomplete or the exhibit/attachment referenced in your document is missing. 13. ❑ The recording reference of the prior recorded document was omitte 14.X.I The document must be signed by b4iA 0+1) c ioJi 15. ❑ The signature(s): i , '❑ Needs a company/partnership/corporation/government agency/entity name printed or typed near the signature. ❑ Is/are illegible. Please print or type the name near the signature(s) for proper spelling. 16. ❑ A notary acknowledgment is required for 17. ❑ A Preliminary Change of Ownership Report must be completed, signed, and returned with the enclosed document. If it is not completed and returned, an additional fee of $20.00 will be required. If you have any questions regarding the completion of this form, please call the Assessor's office at (951) 955-6200. (Please note: If the $20.00 fee is paid in lieu ��l of completing this form, the form will be sent to you at a later date by the Assessor's office for you to complete.) 18: YXI The document must contain original signatures and/or notary acknowledgments, or must be a certified copy bearing a i court seal. No changes or alterations can be made to a certified.copy. 19. ❑ -A-certified copy of a death certificate must be attached to the document. 20. ❑ - This document requires a completed Verification/Jurat. ❑ Please see the enclosed Jurat sample. Please see oaoe 2 ACR 518E-AS4EX0 (Rev. 12/2009) Available In Alternate Formats. Page 1 of 2 a I 21. [✓The notary acknowledgment: ❑ Has an illegible notary seal and must be re -stamped, or a certificate signed under penalty of perjury must be attached �estating the information indicated in the original seal. If a certificate is attached, additional recording fees will apply. Is missing the ❑ signature ❑ seal ❑ commission expiration date El name Itle of the notary. ❑ Is missing the/has an incorrect. ❑ date ❑ venue. ❑ Is missing the names of the parties who appeared before the notary, ❑ Does not contain the correct wording for an acknowledgment taken in that State. ❑ Please contact your notary public for additional information. ❑ Please see the enclosed notary form sample. ❑ Is from a foreign country and must be authenticated by one of the following methods: A. By a judge in the country where the acknowledgment was taken. B. By an American Diplomatic Officer, Consul -General, Consul, Vice Consul or Consular Agent. C. By an Apostille (certification) attached to the document pursuant to the terms of the Hague Convention. 22. ❑ Please state the reason for re-recording on the face of the coversheet. 23. ❑ This document contains a material change and is therefore required to be re -signed and re -acknowledged. 24. ❑ The enclosed check: ❑ Was sent without a document, or in error. ❑ Should be made payable to the Riverside County Recorder. ❑ Does not contain a signature. ❑ Is not preprinted. Temporary checks are not acceptable. ❑ Is over 90 days old or -is past the void date listed on the front of the check. 25. ❑ No money ❑ Insufficient funds . sent in with the enclosed document(s). 26. ❑ Your check/money order number(s) for ❑ NTE $ is/are enclosed, When returning your documents, please. ensure that the current date is not more than 60 days from the check date, or is not past the void date shown on the check. 27. ❑ The Recording Fees are: Recording Fee $ Copy Fee $ Transfer Tax $ Misc. $ TOTAL $ Recording fees are calculated as follows: Basic recording fees: $15.00 for the first page (1 title), $3.00 for each additional page, and $15.00 for each additional title. Release of lien placed by a government agency: $13 for each lien being released Additional recording fees: If any page of the document is not 8'/" by 11" in size, every page of the document will be penalized $3.00 in addition to the standard recording fee. If a Lien Notification letter is requested, a $5.00 lien notification fee for each debtor address will apply. Real (Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund: $3.00 for each of the following titles: Assignment of Deed of Trust; Assignment of Mortgage; Assignment of Mortgage/Deed of Trust; Deed of Trust; Extension of Deed of Trust; Modification of a Deed of Trust; Notice of Default; Nofice of Rescission of Declaration of Default; Notice of. Trustee Sale; Reconveyance; Release of Deed of Trust; Release of.Obligation of Deed of Trust; Request for Notice; Subordinated Deed of Trust; Substitution of Trustee; and any of the above titles being re -recorded. Surveyor Monument Preservation Fund: $10.00 for Deeds (other than Quitclaim Deeds, Easements, and Deeds of Trust) transferring ownership in real property that do not describe'a complete lot created by a recorded tract map. UCC Fees: $12.00 if 1-2 pages, $22.00 if 3 or more pages Copy Fees: Customer Copy Label: $1.00 (Customer must provide a copy of the document; can only be obtained at the time of recording); If the request is made at the time of recording, the fees for a copy of an official record are: $3.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page. If the request is made after the document has been recorded, the fees for a copy of an official record are: $7.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page. There is an additional fee of $1.00 for the certification of a copy. ' --comments:, _i� _bt AAWOU F,;(1b Please return t form , ,iff and when the n enclosed documents are resubmitted. �i] Date: �- 1 By:u �j,l Ir p W �tLKWTelephone Number: O — �W - 7 L` 1 D ACR 518E-AS4EX0 (Rev. 12/2009) Available In Alternate Formats Page 2 of 2 View Parcel Maps Page 1 of 1 APR 12 774-23 rR, A, 01O.On aav-.ar POR. N.112 SEC, l3 T 6S. 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