MA 1998-463CAS n,.: �'o — / 63 $200 PAID CITY OF LA Q UINTA SEA' 11 1rS3 Community Development Department APPLICATION FOR MINOR ADATSryIylVIEN-VI T, APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $200 is required when the Application is submitted. The check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section 9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall require consideration of a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030/Variance\Zoning Ordinance). If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf. ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: NA61YI VM a DATE: CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT): PHONE: 1l;ZJ - 12M MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER'S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS (Address) 4'-5IA (Address) V STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: H T GZ� VVC& (City) �. U�w (City) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # TRACT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: 'CY\9k_c1V 0 G 0a;� 3' Stk br,\ REASON FOR REQUEST: 52.e&. R4 (State) (Zip) CAa (State) (Zip) ************************************************************************************************ The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any Minor Adjustmeni Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3. Compliance with CEO A. Processing and approval of.the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. A2\Form013 • 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 September 16, 1998 Mr. Andy Pierson Aladdin Supply 68-211 Ramon Road Cathedral City, California 92234 Subject: Minor Adjustment 98-463 Dear Mr. Pierson: The Community Development Department has reviewed your request to reduce the side yard setback from 5' to 3' for a covered patio (i.e., support posts) with one foot overhang located at 48-528 Via Amistad (Laguna De La Paz) pursuant to Section 9.210.040 (Minor Adjustments) of the Zoning Ordinance. We find that we cannot approve the request because it reduces the sideyard building setback greater than allowed under a Minor Adjustment application (i.e., 10 percent). This minor adjustment is detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of this area because it reduces the distances between building structures, increasing the potential for fire hazards. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. Please contact our office if you need assistance with, your application. Please feel free to contact me at 777-7067, should you have any questions. Very truly yours, iY(HMAN MUNIV DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR iUSDELL lanner Attachments c: Community Development Dire -,tor Building and Safety Manager Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department Counter Technician SBA456Denied - 27 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 _AJ� n, k September 11, 1908 Mr. Andy Pierson Aladdin Supply 68-211 Ramon Road , Cathedral City, California 92234 Subject: Minor Adjustment 98-463 Dear Mr. Pierson: The Community Development Department has reviewed your request to reduce the side yard setback from 5' to 2' for a covered patio (i.e., 3' for the support post) located at 48-528 Via Amistad (Laguna De La Paz) pursuant to Section 9.210.040 (Minor Adjustments) of the Zoning Ordinance. We hereby approve the request provided a building permit is obtained from the Building & Safety Department. Otherwise, this approval shall expire and be of no validity unless extended by this Department. After review it was determined that: No impact to the City's General. Plan will occur with this adjustment request because the Land Use Element designates the site for residential purposes. The proposed patio cover will reduce heating and cooling costs and assist the City's goal to conserve natural resources (Environmental Conservation Element of the General Plan, Chapter 6). 2. The project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15303(e) which allows construction of accessory structures. 3. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including factors such as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. The special circumstance is the patio cover is to be built behind the existing zero setback house consistent with other adjoining houses in the private development. 4. This minor adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of this area of the City because existing houses in the area have patio covers encroaching into designated setback areas. The patio cover has been SBA456-27 approved by the Laguna De La Paz Architectural Review Committee. The new building structure is designed to comply with current building and fire safety code requirements. E Please feel free to contact meat 777-7067, should you have any questions. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR G.REG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. Enc. c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Manager. Greg Butler, Counter Technician SBA456-27 1-2, TO: ALL PLANNERS FROM: STAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 1995 SUBJECT: TRELLIS SETBACK POLICY A new policy has been established for trellis setbacks in rear and side yards in Laguna De La Paz. 4 Provided the Architectural Committee for Laguna De La Paz approves, a setback adjustment may be granted for patio covers which reduces the setback for the posts or supports from tW10) feet to three (3) feet from the rear yard with a maximum overhang of one (1) foot, if they are adjacent to a common area. Additionally, side yard setbacks may be reduced from five (5) feet to three (3) feet for the posts with a one (1) foot overhang, again provided the Architectural Review. Committee approves it. This policy is in conformance with the draft Zoning Ordinance Update which is presently being worked on. Should you have any questions regarding this matter please contact me. Ae,G.. memoss.013 F�,O t Laguna De La Paz P.O. Box 799 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (619) 564-6064 FAX (619) 564-0867 November 7, 1995 Mr. Jerry llerman Community Developwcnt Director. City of La Qui,nta, CA suBJGu: - POs'C s1;TBACK VARIAN'CL FOR PATIO COVERS: Dear Mr. Herman: Detailed pjatis, including post set backs for patio covers, are submitted by o Hers to our Architectiural Review Committee for approval. Due to the snral.l. size of mar►'y yards here in Laguna De La Pa: the ArchltectUrirl hcvi.ew COM"it'_ee r.ili, on- occasion, approve 3` • setbacks for posts from the rear Property lilies, with -:1 rnaxInvir, of l.' overhang, if they are adjacent to the common wren. In addition', .here practical., sick yard setbacks of 3', for i posts with a 1' Overhang, way he appro-ied by the Architectu: n1 ReView Couuni.ttee. The Board of 1.):ir•e:ctors sui>lror't tiro (I*cisio►is of the Architecturoli Review Committee and *«il.l approve rear vard setbacks of 3' when. adjacent to a common orco. i. All stI )iijtt•als are subject to City of La Quinta approval and a variance fee. 'Ron Perkins/Presi Doll Guarascio/Vi.c Judy Munson/Sccre Lyman Browo/Tr.cns Porn Co'o�c/1)i.rec for sincer Tom Bussjaeger h tectural v Architectural Committee ix Laguna:De La Paz 110A ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE CERTIFICATE (Exhibit "A" to the Architectural Improvement Application and Agreement) The Architectural Improvement Application and Agreement was reviewed by the Architectural Committee on and has been: Approved Conditionally Approved Rejected. subject to the following conditions set forth below Returned for Further Information Required Modifications Comments Yes No 1--lecording to be -sent' by owner to County Recorder's office for roof and/or exterior wall modifications. `-�Deposit Required D111 eposit Amount wired $ -[ Date rchitectur 1 Committee',. Architectural Committee' Architectural Committee Architectural Committee Architectural Committee NOTE: 'THIS APPROVAL IS VALID FOR 90 DAYS FROM APPROVAL DATE Rev. 4-96 ` = M E T R OO A N P R O P E R T Y POO F I L E =. Riverside (CA) **************************************************************************************** * * * <<< OWNERSHIP INFORMATION >>> * * * Parcel Number :646 122 050 S: T: R: Q: * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Branham F D Blade/Ralph S * CoOwner * Site Address :48528 Via Amistad La Quinta.92253 * Mail Address :48528 Via Amistad La Quinta Ca 92253 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant: * * * <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION >>> * * * Transferred :12/03/96 Loan Amount * Document # :456403 Lender * Sale Price Loan Type * Deed Type :Grant Deed Interest Rate * % Owned :100 Vesting Type :Joint Tenant * * * * * «< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * * * Land :$30,000 Exempt Type * Structure :$120,000 Exempt Amount * Other Tax Rate Area :20-005 * Total :$150,000 Taxes :$2,198.32 * % Improved :80 * * ---------------------------- * <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> ---------------------------- * * * Map Grid :849 F4 * Census :Tract:451.04 Block:2 * Land Use :R02 Res,Condominiums Or Pud'S * Legal :.12 ACRES IN LOT 50 MB 144/083 TR * :20052-3 * * * Sub/Plat :Tr 20052-3 Book :144 Page:83 * * * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * * Bedrooms :3 Stories :1 YearBuilt:1993 AgPreserve * BathFull :2 Units :1 MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr Bldg SgFt:2,001 Street :Paved ADDITIONAL * BathHalf Gar SgFt :420 Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :Yes. Gar Type :Attached Elect Svc :Developed RmAddtns :No * Cntrl Ht :Yes Lot Acres:.13 Gas Svc :Developed RmAddSF * Cntr1A/C :Yes Lot SgFt :5,662 WaterSrce:Developed AddGarType * Pool :No Roof Type:Tile SewerType:Developed OthrPkng * * **************************************************************************************** The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. r O.IsAc .i /�1 %v -37 yb 48 ' 19e,,1/ -sue N� %Se �? h1 l,wl• Ac �� O Ac �. ffs S / " C />•Ac 36 o/ott r� v Ac o. /oAC It,5 Lot S6 ? ~ 49 49 0./3Ac S. • O66AtArt o` 50 ` ry 0.1IAc f 34 r�.» rr so ss 01 v 55 54 ti 53 %15.51 `` ,> �` `� 1s0. IZA c �C 3 Cam/ f-C -Af v ' o. IZAc O.IIAc O. // Ac O. 11 Ac , k / O.11Ac v � �. IJAc r �; s.f -CO rs >. st se J• ,.b (ri `� 2 22 Lot • r / 32 _ 4y 1. J! k .4 "1 6A s& s.. sL. ` .rc 6i • I, O /6At ` .3/ •� 30 29 ?8 0 /6 At '4 O. lJ Ac t IZAc O t.I2At O. 11Ac O .I?At O. l2Ac 0 /1 AC Y� v 21 Jv! SA A•` fA sr �• s •!o ti 1 i a It M+ c,sAF nt �6 !! ?A1 s! rf ZOOS?- 3 N, /IJ7 _ D9 T.nrrf AIn 9nn97_ :r [A 119 k Ell LIN �Rq - to availabilit -uver or color. Plea: P17-101