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MA 2002-505
CITY OF*A QUI1V A �NaseNo. AIA OZ-Sb9- �� 11 ' ['U(l 11 ee: $200 Community Development I epa ent �FloFI-AU11�'1A EPT APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $200 is required when the Application is submitted. The check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section'9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall require consideration of a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030Nariance\Zoning Ordinance). If the Applicant is not the owner oftY pp bLeysubmitted ybyyythe owner authorizing the Applicant yto execute this document in his -behalf. J iJr� �ICIi * LUX �c **********TTT****%ITT***T*T*T*YT*T*YT*T*T%I TT**TTTYYTTTT**TTi**TTT%I*TTT***TT L PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE JUL 2 5 2002 API LI B F E kAC R: FnCP YP� C r f)Cy � DATE: f,7- CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT): N. PHONE: 7 - 56L4— MAILING ADDRESS: (Address) (City) (State) (Zip) OWNER'S NAME: M.AILINGADDRE STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION - OF•••• • ASSESSOR'S PARCEL i 01 ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: 19--A1US7?-1,F-AJr- F-e-ou It -s aEl LIP C& L2 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE !7, q, t2a SIGNATURE OF OWNER (if not the same s applicant) PLANNER: ************************************************************************************************ The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any Minor Adjustment Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3... Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. 0 a P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Shining Brighter Than Ever L A Q U I N TA , CALIFORNIA 92253 July 26, 2002 Ms Poppy Owen P. O. Box 252 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2002-505 Dear Ms Owen: 40 (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 Your application for a minor adjustment, pursuant to Chapter 9.210 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code, is approved subject to Conditions and according to the attached exhibits. MINOR ADJUSTMENT REQUEST: To reduce the side yard setback for an accessory building from 42" to 38"•so that the existing Cabana can remain at 54-038 Avenue Bermudas. CONDITION: Obtain a building permit from the Building & Safety Department. After review it was determined that: 2 1. This adjustment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance to allow development on irregular shaped lots. 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property-, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. In this case, the side yard area is small based on the irregularly shaped lot. 3. This adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of this area because the development of this irregular shaped lot is consistent with the other surrounding homes. Should you have any questions on this item, please give me a call. erry ty Development Director Attachment' c: Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department 9.60.030 2. Maintenance. All walls and fences shall be continuously maintained in good repair. The property owner shall be provided thirty days after receiving notice from the city to repair a wall or fence. The building official may grant an extension to such time period not to exceed sixty days. . G. Prohibited Fence Materials and Construction Fences: The use of barbed wire, razor wire, chain link, or similar materials in or on fences is prohibited in all residential districts. Chain link fencing is permitted for temporary construction fences when authorized by a minor use permit issued in accordance with Section 9.210.020. Said minor use permit shall not be approved until a permit for grading, or construction, has been filed for, whichever comes first. H. Equestrian Fencing.' any other requirements of this section, fencing shall be regulated by the provisions of Section 'Notwithstanding9.140.060 (Equestrian overlay regulations) where the keeping of horses is peimitted. I. Nonconforming Fences. Any fence which does not meet the standards of this section but which was legally established prior to the adoption of these standards may be maintained provided such fence is not expanded nor its nonconformance with these standards otherwise increased. Any fence which is destroyed or damaged to the extent of more than fifty percent of its total replacement value shall not be repaired, rebuilt; or reconstructed except in conformance with these standards. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), •1998; Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exhs. A, B) (part), 1996) 9.60.040 Patio covers, decks and play equipment A.' Applicability. For purposes of this section; the term "patio covers, decks, and play equipment! includes any type of yard structure other than a building or a carport. Such structures include but are not limited to open and solid patio covers, gazebos, trellises, arbors, and to play equipment which is more than eight feet in height. All such structures shall be "open" (no side walls) and are referred to in this section as "Yard structures." Enclosed structures shall be considered accessory buildings (see Section 9.60.050). Uncovered decks and other structures less than eighteen inches.above finish grade shall not be subject to the provisions of this section. B. Standards. Patio covers, decks, gazebos, play equipment or other yard structures, attached to or detached from the main building shall comply with front and side yard setbacks for the main building and the following requirements: J. The location of decks shall be governed by the standards for wall projections in Section 2. No yard structure shall be more than twelve feet in height. 3. Yard structures shall not be constructed or established in the panhandle'portion of a panhandle or flag lot. -t,4 ��No•yard:structure;shall�_beilocated less;than,five feet from any adjacent residential lot or from any rear propertyline adjacent-to-a•public or piivate right -of --way. -_ 5. No yard structure shall be located less than three feet from any rear property line adjacent to any common use easement or open space or recreational area which is at least ten feet deep. 6. *Eaves or roofs may overhang into the.required; setback a maximum of eighteen inches. Setbacks shall be measured from the nearest supporting member of the structure to the property line or,. -if the property line is at the toe of a slope, from the top of the slope. 7. Structures shall be constructed in a manner so as to prevent rooftop water from draining onto •any adjacent parcel. 8. Wood lattice cross -members in patio covers or trellises shall be of minimum nominal two inches by two inches material. 9. No patio cover, trellis, gazebo, arbor, similar structure, or combination thereof shall cover more than fifty percent of the rear area required setback. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 �§ 1 (Exh. A) (part), >(ZrD �.l�o,o s 3u✓ .� Na c `'lpLlVrj7u1V1s,'F�( c, ces� 5�wwi lad 4Yucbu✓r� , 60.050. ;andtother accessory,7buuldingsa ! -...r :, �.,s�""�` `--.`. �r-�,�.s• -. ��,-. A. Applicability. Accessory buildings; such as�storage or gardening sheds, are permitted on a residenna lot containing a pnmarY residence subject to the requirements of tlu� section. (Carports and garages are regulated separately by Section 9.60.'060 patio covers by Section 9.60.040, swimming pools and spas by Section 9.60.070, and _recreational vehicle. parking by Section,:9.60.130.)_ B. Drainage from Roofs.'Accessory_ buildings shall be constructed_ in a_ _ m_ _an_ _ner_so as -to prevent rooftop water from draining ontoany,'adjacent parcel. _ (La Quinn 3-99) 238 9.60.050 lot ja`ge 1vlaxirnums..The placement'of ac ess ry" buildings on a,lot shall of iesulrin violation ge,maximums_set forth in Section,9.50:030-; and Maximum Height. Detached accessory buildings shall -conform to the following back ikTabl'r' a 33tandards forzDetacbed Accessory:Buildm� _„__ �,.�,,,,Minimum:Setback:(ft)' Roof:•Areaof r- 4'St uct e t Maximum ,SepIiitea o ' F.�itenor [R�' ".. Iieaght' from Maw' Fiorit Yard. - Si (s9• fi-)- �'° „B lding� `de Y> Side:1 Yard 2010 ,.,.Z3.5`5 101-200 10 5 20 5 10_ 5 201+ 17 10 r Same as for main building (Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exhs. A, B) (part), 1996) 9.60.060 Garages and carports. A. Height. The maximum structure height shall be fourteen feet for a detached carport and seventeen feet for a detached garage, except that garages may be up'to twenty-eight feet in height if a second dwelling unit complying with the provisions of Section 9.60.090 is located above the garage.. B. Setbacks. 1. In the RVL district, the minimum garage or carport setback shall be thirty feet. In all other residential. districts, the minimum setback for front -entry type garages or carports shall be twenty-five feet if a standard "pivot" type garage door is used, twenty feet if a "roll -up" type garage door is used, and twenty feet for a carport. For side -entry type garages, the minimum garage setback shall be twenty feet in the RVL district and fifteen feet in all other residential districts. . 2. When alleys, private streets or common driveways at the rear of a lot are provided specifically as vehicular access to garages and carports and when separate access and circulation systems are provided for pedestrians, guests and emergency vehicles, garages and carports may be placed up to a minimum of five feet from such alley, private street or common driveway. C. Lot Coverage Maximums. The placement of a garage or carport on a lot shall not result in violation of the lot coverage maximums set forth in Section 9.50.030. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) //(part), 1996) 9.60.070 Swimming pools. i3�✓1� SL,,�I�i^�f.0 1 �d5 �uv�.�u�+� G� A. Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to any outdoor swimming pool, whirlpool, spa (in -ground or above -ground), or open tank or pond containing or normally capable of containing water to a depth of eighteen inches or more at any point. For. purposes of this section, the term "pool" means all or any of the foregoing facilities. ' B. Standards.. Pools are permitted as accessory uses in residential districts subject to the following requirements: 1. Location. Pools shall be located at least three feet (measured from water's edge) from any property line. No adjustments to this.minimum shall be approved, with the exception of private gated communities where any property line is adjacent to common open area. 2. 1alter and•Heating-Equipment: Mechanical;poollequipment;!such as a puinnp, filter or heater, maybe located w the required front or rear yard setback areas. The equipment shall be enclosed,,with.the exception i. of a roof. A ve-foot side yard, clear of, any =perrnaiienvobstructions, shall;be maintained between the side. yard property a and the building. Pool equipment that can be accommodated in this area shall be enclosed, with the excepti of a roof. ,The community development director shall determine if this provides effective noise and vibration ttenuation. Equipment shall be screened from view from the street when in the front yard. In addition, equipme shall be, screened from ground view of surrounding properties. Such visual screening may consist of perimet walls or fencing (if permitted), screen walls, or landscape planting. 239 (La Qdnta 3-99) _ � r 774-22 25- 6/ J So /00' DATf OLD N° NEM All 4/BJ ICED 23 7 J-J 9 72J- /,/0 P25-/2 /P/6J PJ-D FZ z 6106 220-B 0./4 • 225-/1 /J./B /O/JT P&!L* PJ 6/80 4-/ 2 /O 6/88 224-8 //,/P 7, // PI-/J 9, /P 4. /4 l so T. R. A. 020 - 0/5 020- 089 POR. N. //2 SEC. /3 r 6S. R- 6E. TN,S MAP /S POR 020- 046 020- 096 ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLr 020 - 050 020- /02 020- 062 020-//6 020-069 020-/2/ 020- 0 = CALLE sr. — zmo � CR/LLON B SE6� 24 ®° l3 / 30 C76 11 / $ 3o a• & 22O/ P° ® / �° is 3e o L 22ac .4D 0.33a / o. 17ac 4 /O 0 b 23 /4 2 0 23 O 12 2 p° 2/ O A° B _ V 020-096 0/7Ae v n -4 7 O h 220 /5 3 220 ®3 b ZOO e 3 ` m 0 a4zL 30 h 210 /6 4 210 0.23Ac 4 /9 O ©4 g YRA OPO-o ° a AK.2G / Ao h zoo OPO-OBP 05 20 O 5 e — — — /B OS /©5 �, Q ti N. ° O5 ° . TR4 0.23a o /9 ® lB /7 © !8 O h 6 N 0.23Acl o O� 6 ! O �P O 4 m © 222223 0 0 �Q1 - 22/ OPD_06PN ®9B B �a\ap y4 0 o� M /B /g 7 O /B Q 7 e /6 7 7 �1 j P, °+ i V3 T OPO-069• nu OYo-4 ° /7 O ®B a OPO• R6 TR4 OPO-061 MA OSO-OBP P SLMJ� /6 O9 Q 9 /6 © /9 9 y /4 ®9 v B Co 020-096 p YiP,4 oro- 94.aG 9 3 $ /5 /O ©/O j o /3 /0 raa ozo-o76 Aq3 vd O TPA OPO-OB9 N 2 TRA 0PO-OBP Q /4 2( // t� iee 4 °� l0 iee TRA OPO-OB9 C TPA 010-046 J'+4 /so•o/2 7v99 �� �� 8�•a/ v9.99 0 P" MADRID ° CALLE ze° i se9^se e M 25 SANTA CARMEL/TA AT VALE LA OU/NTA UNIT NO.27 MB I9/92 ✓VLY /967 3 0A rA LLA B9-064 PN B9-/70 PN B9- /B7 PN B9-POP 9' 7 — y W /B bd W •off .azvJ .i 0 Po.o96 /T 5 , 5° ° O5 ep 6 /7 0 lZ Q 26Ac1 7 SIA �a 2 "• 769 /5 FEB 062001 ASSESSUR'S MAP BK. 774 PG.22 Rm-RS/DE COUNTY, CAL/F. aK a .. z f Qit Approved bZ Date Peso # 0 Planning Commission 0 City Council mP nity Dev. Dept. rs Case v�f4 a-5 �,, Exhibit 0 With Conditions tuE0VF JUL 2 5 2002 d N O R. T H eRArHIG SCALE I"s 10' SITE PLAN NOTES: WARNING r PLANT MATERIAL 1.191W MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN Af"NOVED BY THE AdMCULTVl AL COMMISSIONMS OPFICE• LANDSCAPW AREAS INDICATED SHALL BE PRDVOW W/ PULL COVERA d AUTOMATIC 11MOATION SYSTEM W/ AN APrRO%= BACK PLOW VEVICe.I. TEMPORARY TOII.e m SHALL BE rROVIDeD BY THE ee1�RAL GONTRACTToR POI! ALL TRADES UNTIL THE COMPLETION OP THE WORK. ALL TRADES SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE "I MISCS F1era PROM ACSCU 4LATION or WASTE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY THE WORK. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE I-01•14 UBC, UI'C, UMC, AND IM•1S NW, AND ALL LOCAL GORES AND ORDINANCES. NO UTILITY TRCNCNCS PARALLEL TO A POOTRO AND DE!ErCR THAN Ia' ISMALL BE LOCATW WITHIN A DISTANCE OF 4'-O" OF A BUILVINO POOTINO- U ILITY TRENCHIS PERPENDICULAIt TO A POOTINO SHALL BE A MINIMUM I Or W-0' prom AND THE DISTUR W SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED WITHIN A 4'-0' LDISTANCC OF ANY FOOTING OR UNDER A WNCRM SLAB. w a _ •.+k •-}l.r�a'.f ;k •t �tCrY_[s••'t!•• • ', • ! w•}.' . . •i •,?• i'Kw'f wra 4,a-rlCKtf•47 ay'•-ra fi. •;r'. ♦ i .■ ' •'f t�•i f3Y aw. X> rYa•• r N } .41• • ' • • — • r Far "S RdI' 3 AH y'r!' r! r : f<r '!. [- (-! , • t., • • ) 4 :{T 'ea•1!- !+w ♦. lr• ►tI,JJ !., r •,y f • . • ) - ?W., h. ,} ♦ .• r �V, i.. as •' !q ••a♦��` , • r .. r� :� ;-• - t • r r'a-w'♦�i ••r}+ rf.rrrrrrr ! r•!s F a-arf �i!• .-fir•!! an.vrwr'#-}ya x.+. .•� .. • a 7aA ✓r • a w.rf`7fY♦-} • Kra- t'•U. :ar♦. 1. � - fix.# f 7 y yt•}r•'r• .rf!• #^Fn•K.-..-wr=' a , ■ .� •�IfA' .• a -Irt a.•` aL} �•, Mt•l'!-• - ♦ H vF R♦ Y ! 'r}n.- w1�r r'f •-w - to �:f • w ,' '�•r a w.f w;ralA 1+ ♦ R • '} } f :l_• <... a'v •w '♦ • PROVIDE eLCT'I!I �• � ��.-....a' 's'«!.-!�, �*•z,..i-�s ! .•+ •..,:.: , !.. 1 PO�/� FOR ' RaY ri }- f Y •:, LAMPS ON rOs „ r r d ( - f - �. • SETBACK , .. K <�1 :Y.iaw.a.a•N r♦•a<ra..w>a a,l;l.;f A•.R t!_!,a �:-"# . wr • ' — r lAY:a a'w ! .R'i fi M • .a-:•A-••w *a 1 -,r♦ a. _ 2 - • . •A ! 1 :•w-r K w •S 144K ! r • `i �URIVgWAY o y •!t-r ra^w e- Tom' e r !� #a a 1+ • t {rl R,r•f } 4�..iA! f aM r LfX-! • Yi k;,,. f • i�! • •:a K • . • � • . a y Yr1Y:,aY'w`r'.r aY.}• f�{.w.}-I •iA.l�R4LY �Y"} ! 1 • r - .. � •4C.li� Xt'?•rltY.3 1.ML++l7ial a1XAa A♦ >, };:R } !-.A.! , } PROYIDe eLemICAL • .' OUTLET POR ` ''' , ENTRY BATE r � } • w �,,! E• 04%OUGHT IRON ELECTRIC OATES PROVIDE ELETRICAL POWER roR .�. . ' �'„ t _ _... .. •.. LAMPS - 1 Z- *JO'YVxbIm IRON BATES Underground Service Alert Call: TOLL FREE C3 'a 1 —800 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG NOTES: s LA OWAPe LId , TINO SHALL BE PHOTOCELL CONTROLI.G7. LANDSCAPE AREAS INDICATED SMALL e CO PROVIDED K"J" COVL'RAfE, AUTOMATIC. A APRVOYM BACKI'LON IRRiG TION SYSTEM W/ DEVICE. SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIl rOR BLACK HALLS AND POOL. NOTES: VEMPY C0WWTICN POINTS I"OR room TELLTHONE AND CAN SYSTEMS PMOR TO CONSTRUCTION APPROMMATE ONLY LOCATIONS INDICATED PDX TRANSPORMER LOCATIONS, ETC. COMPLY WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANY RCWRI:NCNTS. PROVIDE ALL RELATED CONDUITS, PULL BOXES AND RISERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VE MPY ACTUAL DEPTH AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TD CONSTRUCTION- CALL VIIDERsRZUW SERVICE: ALERT ('TOLL PRtEr 600-"2-2444 rMoR TO TReNCHINO, OWDINe, EXCAVATING, CIMLLNO, PIPE PUS141", PLANTING TREES, VIde1Ne PENCE POST HOLES ETC. THEY WILL SUPPLY WORMATION OR LOCATE AND MARK ANY UNDeROROUND PACILMeS. A64 � TM LAN 5�.20, loll* 7 • ;owl .,!Nw �:..w ,r.v]i.w � +.- -_ -.. - '.x I,aia• :r1 r> ,F } r ' .i u.iSar r t♦a.- A - 'rry.�rr • "'�"•�. r- r• Irr'• TR � r ! 1 :.r^ - - '.E.p•C•C►-,.w•-. .:r,r-. _ ,w3•..alr,w A�1_+a ' •l rr•-r a. !•a! ••a .f! {r: �.} K• } • •:f i '{♦. - } - :Y �'r•.f •:•R-f #` i-:.'a, VVfiM♦ f'a ' .. :,ir a .i_.Ay 'a.a!'sri} 2 _-•;;av}-L.:._. -.._: - 1�rr.r w:r♦aYrrtii•-is'�a}J.'.. . ... ... - Y.{4. ,,;.•.•y � �:'_art'4•}-Y1'w-r'r.'�'r:.i #3 tW}`X a'- _.1�� T!` _. '{a :-.: - .. A'. �.`.1..'-�-.'." �I t:a' .:'rr.i-•ar �:7 !')"►';:'r4 .}. .w. r'a.. arnrK=iar,•w: : '. _ 2 4.�. r a a �.•: a sew? .}S a-i �.i#! � a -a A!-.::\ •aY-•,•'i L"+it Y1Ai -. . v s s ♦ a. 1 T. i!H :aya�R +ycp• ♦a} - ♦ s,S.•f. }tA:K► ,••.r y: .f-•' r.t -�?+•Y 'r•a'i-r�. }a► •r .�•4 t.A a :}f- -`r, vr. 't •;�'rY t..T+'. #�r s.)i wYt } H-•fA••l�►lR. .Ta'wt'. 'I;rr.t }"}• L.,.�.-r.r N`�-i:'�) .! f-.`Ms•i.�w}ftrt�+'!Ma' wrl�r'.Wr:I�ll�,}r _r!RR ".�i -. -et. - ,.w•�!. _ _ � -•'!_-r-aw+i • .4 a14,4it l4 k.L:r► 1L1;.. ♦ T .,} ;,•_ '.0 J. •.• rw' • .vt'• r r. w+..-r •4 ►r4 a+�a �•t. ..; .. - r'. '•:: w� ',:• '• 't {'}'• 44 a•ia.' ♦ 'w_a',♦r`•+.+.5'r a, Xt [•di 4� !+ ' .tw v:.r •.• a f. •. •: } A w:... - e ♦ . , .....f. r. - a ♦ - wa ,+ r F a ti •t w a,•,r•• . - :•-ram!✓+ rR-r'r1t •r `r r. r: 'p V r w ! f+.ti 1I. 'r:ri ryi r+••c Ay f.w.�! i r i• a+, Nty "•1� Nry.♦ 1 '.-ter •.rr•�'f.c A I ..:�..-. �.••aa--a a••A'•Yf••. .sa N''f ♦r••f}r a_E�Y.♦K'..-_.+f-}.•a t-•- .. . Y•<rl•..•y+r�r.�.s:rr-�+.♦ • • • ' r : l` i+ - 2'r� 'Y: rst,i• •r • • ♦ .:. _'at.1.. -I; bf r' , T1•'1. eC ' •. � - .� " . .... ,•..'... ...tea.. ... ..»....�':...« „" ' „ � •. __ -,�� . Y i f r• rr�a• , ... sue:.. 1 1'1 T'LINE 161 r 6ENIERAL SPECIFICATIONS If any >•RRORS, DISCRL'PANUES or OMISSIONS appoer kt the drewR�gs, spozWeatiorw or cow eemtract doem"", the GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall txattN the desigrwr t, w itng of such error or omtsslem• In thw ovont that the deNMVAL CONTRACTOR falls to gNo such not►co before construetlon arAlor fabrication of Ow work THE OCNeRAL CON- TRACTOR WILL BE HE•D RJESPONSIDLE to tho rosuit of any orrors, dis- DISCREPANCIES or omisstorr and the cost of roetlfying the same. NOTE: PROVIDE PRESWRE ReeULATOR 1'OR HATER SERVICE HHERe PRESSURE EXCEEDS 90 P.S.I (PER UPC b00.2) ORDINANCES. POOL AND BLOCK HALLS ReOUIERE SEPARATE PERMIT PER CITY OP LA QUINTA. I` -�: }'ROPED I T LINE I�I6.82 VIC SITE PLAN JUL 2 5 2002 AparY' ate eso EI Planning Commisslon ... L7 City Council ommunity Dev. Dept. --- Initials c� Case ✓n��"�`� Exhibit O With Conditions ------ G I T1' OF LA OU I NTA NOTES 04TOOM lot - APML 90 MONDAY - PMVAYr 'T100 A.M. TO 5150 P.M. SUNDAYr NONE SATURDAY: 640 A.M. TO SIOO P.M. SOVERNMtaIT CODE HOLIDAYSI NONE MAY lot - SEPT04BM 30th MONDAY - PRIDAYr 6r00 A.M. TO IsOO P.M. SATURDAYe br00 A.M. TO St00 P.M. SUNDAYr NONE OOVE106011214T CODE HOLIDAYS: Nom ' AN ADEQUATELY SIZW VCBRIS CONT'ANER IS REQUIRED ON THE JOB SITE DURING ALL PHASES OP CONSTRUCTION AND MJST BE CWTIED AS VOCC59ARY. PAILURE TO DO •o MAY CALK TWO CITY TO MAVQ I'M CONTAINER DUMIPED AT TM EXPENSE OF TM OWNER/ CONTWA4TOX.• TITLE 24 KNOOW SHADING RIM"REM MM MUST DE IN PLACE PER ENERGY CALGULATtONS "OR PINAL INSPECTION. ALL CONSTtC)CTION SMALL COMPLY WITH THE 141414 ISO, UPC, UMC, AND 141,15 NEC, AND ALL LOCAL WPM AND ORDINANCES. GENERAL NOTES 1- ALL WORK CALLED POR N THESE PLANS SHALL DC !7Ql V= WITH EXTREME C0WVM POR CRAPTSMANSHIP AND SAPETY IN PULL ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED CODES AND ORDINANCES Or THE J)M9VIC.TION IN WHICH IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED. Z - ALL WORK, WIC n4m SPEUrICALLY GALLED POR on NOT, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER TM LATEST EDITION OF TM UNIPORM BUILDNO CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL SOVE'RNINS AIDeWY. 5r ALL EXTERIOR PL ATWORK SHALL HAVE A POSITIVE SLOPE AWAY PROM THE B UILVINO (IS MIND 4- THe ee►meAL, CONTRACTOR SHALL WOROLW LY PAMILIARIZE HIMSELF NTH THIS 0000AeNTS PRIOR TO 1PX=2WiNO WITH ANY CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCY TO THE OMONER PRIOR TO COMM UNC INe ANY NORK• SHOULD ANY DEVIATION BE MADE FROM THESE! PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT PROM THE DESIeNEK THE / CONTRACTOR AMUM!' ALL RESPONSIBILITY POR SUCM VENATION. .3- THE SENE"AL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT COPIES Or SHOP DRAWINGS CP ALL MAM PACTURM ITEMS (I.e. CABINETS, TRU39CSETCJ TO THE De91ONER POR RENEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO PADRICATION. THE OffNERAL CONTRACTOR NILL Be RESPOI:SIBLE TO PROVIDE AVEp)ATE TIME POR REVIE9i (10 M10RKINe DAYS) OF SUBMITTED ITEMS SO " REAS SUCH REVIEW SHALL NOT AVVOMMY IMPACT THE CONSTRUCTION SCH! uz. 6r RINIRE! BONE T SITE: VISITS BY " DESIGNOt OR 9"NEM N No NAY ALLEVIATES THE CONTPA4TOWS RESPONSIBILITY IN REOARDS TO CODE COMPLIANCE, SArL'TY OK THOIRAOUSHNEW. ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SMALL YISIT IM .LOB SITE WITHIN 24 7- HOURS PRIOR To COMMZNCIN& WORK. THE SUBCONTRACTOR TCD TRADES SUB - ESE RCSI'ONSIBL.E POR REVIEWING RELA SHALL SUMPACE PREPARATION AND SHALL REPORT ANY NON-GONPORMNe DISCREPANCY TO THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR EXCIrUTION OP WORK By ANY S,1WO�`CTOR INDICATES AGG CPTANCE Or THE PREVIOUS TXADC'S WORK bTHE OWNER AORSS TO HOLD F41RM286, INVeMNIPY, AND .- THE DESI HIS l�1PLOYEES AND ENGINEERS DEPEND eNeR AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, CLAIM DidAACES AND COSTS Or DEFENSE Adel SING OUT OP THE ERROR'S OR OMISSIONS NEdLIOCNT ACTS CASBY THE MODIPICATION9 TO THE�OR UED PLANS AND SPWIPICAMONS. yr ANY CHANdE, MODIFICATION OR ALTERATION OF THESE PLANS SHALL BE AT THE SOLE MOK OP TM PORtSON MAKING OA CAUSING THE' SAME AND SFIOUL.V BE REVIE:YiCD BY THC DESIdNER or Rerono FOR CONFORMITY PUTH THEM PLANS. GENERAL INFORMATION OWNER: ROOM & POPPY OVEN AVE.LA 253 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : A..� P. 0.: 774• 2 014 LOT NO. 3 A. P. N.: 774.22"13 LOT 00. 4 PROJECT ADDRESS : m3a AVEENIDA BERM QVAS LA QVINTA, CA. ZONE: R•1 OCCUPANCY: SINGLE FAMILY TYPE V 000 -RATED AREA TABULATIONS: PROPOSED RESIDENCE: 21"0.00 SQ.fT. PROPOSED 3 CAR GARAGE : 792.00 SQ.fT. TOTAL SITE : ib,604r00 SQrfT. SHEET I NVEX A -I SITE PLAN A-2 FOUNDATION PLAN A-3 DIMENSION PLAN A-4 FLOOR PLAN A-5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-6 CROSS SECT IONS A-'i A-8 Roof- p# " E-1 E1..ECTRICAL PLAN M-1 MECHANICAL PLAN P-1 PLUMBIN6 PLAN 9-1 STRUCTURAL DETAILS 9-2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS 9-3 STRUCTURAL DETAILS = I Ell■ �A �a ip AOL �i y F. moo do v ti M dt2AWN MATE J O ES N O. TITLE \� SITE PLAN c SCALE AS NOTED S H E 1= T <11 LJ pp�v- HEFTS' O ■