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MA 2002-506
CITY OF#A Q UINTA Case No.� 24902 r7� e . 200 Community Development Department oECEIV AUG 1 9 CATION FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: Su miE6l `a r two �opies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable 'ee is require en the Application is submitted. The check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section 9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall require consideration of a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030Nariance\Zoning Ordinance). If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this. document in his behalf. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: n DATE: � � Lo CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENPHONE: ?6G T): �1 MAILING ADDRESS: �d (Address) OWNER'S NAME: (City) 4'M (State) (Zip) MAILINGADDRESS: (Address) (City) (State) (Zip) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: �°�' 4111 r LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: REASON FOR REQUEST: IZO TRACT r SIGNATURE OF APPLIC T DATE SIGNATURE OF OWNER (if not the sam as applicant) Al Ir 19 2002 PLANNER: CITY OF UAWRTA► The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any Minor Adjustment Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3... Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. w F ShIning Brighter Than P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 October 10, 2002 Mr. Jack Donlin 52900 Avenida Ramirez La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Minor Adjustment Permit # 2002-506 Mr. Donlin: 4 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Case # 5598 Location: 52900 Avenida Ramirez Parcel # 773-323-008 An inspection was performed on October'8, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. at your residential property listed above with your consent. I was present with Senior Code Compliance Officer Deby Conrad. Contact was made at your property to give notification that we were there to perform a scheduled inspection with your consent. . While at your property, measurements were taken of the patio cover in the front yard. A measurement was taken from the outside edge of the post at the southwest corner of the patio cover to the adjacent property line. The measurement indicated that you met the intent of the code on this isolated incident and that the five-foot side yard setback violation was corrected. The Minor Adjustment Permit specifically states that all other setback provisions and development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable. La Quinta Zoning Code 9.60.040 Patio covers, decks and play equipment, Subsection (B) 6 states "eaves or roofs may overhang into the required setback a maximum of eighteen inches. V c Setbacks shall be measured from the nearest supporting member of the structure to the property line or; if the property line is at the toe of a slope, from the top of,the slope." This measurement of the overhang from the post into the required setback was approximately thirty inches. The overhang exceeded the allowable by approximately twelve inches and is in excess of ten percent in deviation of the code. La Quintals Zoning Code 9.210.040 Minor adjustments, Subsection C states "a minor adjustment permit may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard." Additionally, the code states "only one setback adjustment per lot shall be allowed." Since the front yard setback violation was issued an adjustment, there should be no further setback adjustments issued for this lot. The corrective action required is to remove the portion of the overhang that exceeds the maximum of eighteen inches into the required setback.. This corrective action shall be performed within ten days of this mailing and an inspection to confirm the correction to the City's satisfaction shall be performed in the same time frame. The responsibility to. perform the corrections and to schedule the inspection shall be yours. A failure to correct this violation to the satisfaction of the City in the prescribed time could result in a citation, court. appearance, and/or other legal remedy including abatement. If you have any .questions regarding this correspondence, please feel free to contact me directly at (760) 777-7034. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Anthony Moreno Code Compliance Officer C: Deby Conrad, Senior Code Compliance Officer Attachments: La Quinta Zoning Code 9.60.040 & La Quinta Zoning Code. 9.210.040 Sent via First Class Mail & Certified Mail 0 0 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO 5h\ningBrighter ThanEve, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 29, 2002 Mr. Jack Donlon 52-900 Avenida Ramirez La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT PERMIT 2002-506 (FRONT YARD SETBACK ENCROACHMENT) LOCATION: 52-900 Avenida Ramirez (APN: 773-323-008) Dear Mr. Donlon: r/L nly (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Please let this letter stand as notification that the Community Development Department has reviewed your Minor Adjustment application, pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the City of La Quinta Zoning .Code. Your request for an encroachment of one foot into the required front yard setback of 20 feet in order to legalize an existing front yard patio cover has been approved based on the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS: 1 .i The Minor Adjustment is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, in that the request does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land uses on surrounding properties. 2. The Minor Adjustment is consistent with the intent of the La Quinta Zoning Code, in that the request is for a deviation of no more than 10% of a development standard. Ten percent is the maximum deviation of any code pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the Zoning Code. 3. Approval and execution of the Minor Adjustment is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other properties and land uses in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on health and safety issues, and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. 4. Processing.and approving the Minor Adjustment is Categorically Exempt with regard to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a). No further analysis is required. P\Martin\MAP 02-506.wpd c�r • 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall obtain the proper building permits from the Building Department, if applicable. 2. The existing patio cover must meet the minimum side yard setback requirement of five feet. The existing patio cover posts must be moved further north so that the outside edge of the structure is setback five feet from the side property line. 3. Inspections are required once the structure is adjusted for the relocation of the posts prior to pouring concrete to reset them. 4. The patio cover is not to be attached to the existing house. 5. The height of the structure shall not exceed the current height of the fascia of the existing house. 6. Completion of this adjustment shall be done within 30 days of the date of this. letter. 7. If, after completion and final inspection, it is determined that the patio cover is . over 120 square feet and a building permit is required, then the applicant shall submit the appropriate drawings and permit fees for review and approval in order to bring the structure into compliance. Please be advised that this approval relates only to the allowance in a reduction of the front yard setbacks as stated above. This approval does not imply any entitlement or approval of a building permit for any structures shown on the plans on file. All other setback provisions and development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for the Building Department. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your earliest convenience at (760) 777-7068. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN CO MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MARTIN MAG FA Associate Planner c: John Hardcastle, Code Compliance Tom Hartung, Building & Safety P\Martin\MAP 02-506.wpd • 0 P.O. Box 1504 1 •%%yy��� 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Shining Brighter Than Ever LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 May 31, 2002 Mr. Jack Donlin 52-900 Avenida Ramirez La Quinta, CA 92253 Ref: Patio Structure Dear Mi . Donlin: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Per our telephone conversation last week please be advised that your patio structure that was constructed within your front yard is in violation of City Codes. In order for the structure -to remain you must obtain approval from the Community Development Department and Building and Safety Department. The patio structure must not encroach within the required side yard setback of 5 feet. The minor .encroachment into the required front yard. setback of 20 feet may be allowed but will need fu�tlier:analysis basedon::.your submittal..:: ,Y: You will need to submit drawings to the Community Development Department along with a Minor Adjustment Application and fee of $200.00. Once approved, the Building Department will need.to issue.you a building permit and conduct inspections. Please submit all materials within 30 days of the date of this letter so that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777- 7068 at your earliest convenience. (21 • , The following violations exist at: LOCATION: DATE: 7" �. Z' TIME: • /D DAY:fCl La Quinta Municipal Code -Vehicles: O 11.80 [312.28 O Other: Vehicle: LicNin No.: Exp.: State: Description: Make Model Color ❑ Abandoned ❑ Inoperative O Unlicensed O, Stored ❑ Wrecked/Dismantled O 72 Hour Street Parking Please remove this vehicle (out of public.view)'or prove it is operational, currently licensed,�and properly maintained. La Quinta Municipal.Code-Public Nuisance: O 11.72 O 6.04 O`,`Other: 444 AZ O Fire Hazard -Accumulation of combustible materials creating a fire hazard: (Remove materials to Recycle or Landfill.) O Items being stored in Public View- unsightly nature. %.'� .tl� l:-' i i �T ! •'.� (r, l ?�C;-r f "t f' rar' L-e t ; ' l , .tea 1,i1 i� ild �u �•e`=/�iit O Other: l#! Issue(s) and Corrective Action Required:''''' ''=� l j u�cG? / ,r%'�: ;�-'r� �2zrrc._i l .. � 1/� r J.av ;rj;-,�,� ! .v.� r Tom' • I N.S� G �'�'c,'�. ,� i�i: � L ,�; ic/G ; r�S�/c?-,� �l �./� t .. �Please Correct Violation(s) By : Day Date Time Your_cooperation in,this matter is appreciated!• Failure to -comply with.the requests contained on.this notice may result in .... further actions which may include a citation, court appearance, or other legal remedy.' If you have questions or - concerns, please feel free to contact me. w , �4 f� Officer: C�'"< � '`f'`� f 1 Phone- oe '7-e L CITY O O COMPLIANCE DIVISION `. P.O 253 / (760) 777-7050 Title: Code Compliance Officer- . 25� • 3511 � SAe jL POW6,04 ` -- / Riverside. MetroScan Parcel :7 73 323 008 P Int Owner Jack/Diane Lynn CoOwner........................................... .,Donlin ----- - Site :52900 Avenida Ramirez La Quinta 92253 Mail :52900 Avenida Ramirez La Quinta Ca 92253 Xfered :05/03/1995 Doc # :139466 Price Deed :Grant Deed LoanAmt Loan* Lender IntTyp: VestTyp :Joint Tenant Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences Plat :18 Census :Tract:451.04 Block:7 S: T: R: Q: .......... Bedrms :4 ............ Stories :1 BthFull :1 Fireplace:No Bth3Qtr :1 Pool :No BthHalf RmAddtns :Yes Cnt1Ht :Yes AddPkgTyp: Cnt1A/C .:Yes Roof Type:Tile Acres 11 LotSgFt :4,791 Bldg SF :1,522 AddOnSF . GarSgFt :441 ,GarType :Attached ---------------------* Re APN :000 000 000 Land :$27,865 Struct :$80,257 Other Total :$108,122 Exempt Type Imprvd :74 Owned :100 Tax Area :20-017 01-02Tax :$1,546.26 Map Grid :879 E2 OwnerPh :760-564-4399 TenantPh : Year Built :1988 Street Type :Paved Waterfront Gas Service :None Water Source :Developed Sewer Type :None AgriPreserve Information compiler! from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. E 0 label sop ii 2 3 a s IN 1110 OF AN INCH r 77.3 32—D rR. A, 070- 017 POR- N//2 SEC. /2 r. 6E R.6E 020 - 06 71 assrsswtr7 v I'm Omr 020- 020 - 07B 020- 09 / 29 CALL£ + F I A w< NOGALES I' ,..% I> P6 � ,..• f v. °1 ra oenan • • •... vv ° o-... v .e♦ �, 1. 1/00' ®I t 26O ®/ 26 /O ,.1 :a. �. k 261O �i /• L s. se ,• © .tom �2 25 ®2 25 O Q 2 2J O Q 2 25 ®P 25 G 2 eo-c n oa4A_i �3 240 r(3 5-on 24 O Q 3 ° z9-O /6 3 240 33 � O D 9 ti zd D 04 n Nl 23 /© 4 W 2J 4 R O 0 J h 77 O 5 ®� rho 27 O 5 22 O o f ? 22 O /B '` j 22 0 '(a7 J O. 6 Z 71 © 6 © `� 2/ © /9l6 O 2/ © ®6 h 2/ 6 /y 6orb O 2/ © Da 6 . to 322 n..\323 • 324 325 326 7 o eoO /9 7 h p,2O �i 7 h m 20 ®7 m 2O ®7' m 20 O 7 .a m 190 ® B \ Am /9 © .© B /9 0 ® B /9 ® O B /9 © @ B o � iu 9 /B (D 9 1809 ®09 0 /B ( �'9 : /B gO 9 /B lam' 9 h . V O aro nn o,o-on /� ly 10 O O 17 @ © /O / C /,7 /O ® /0 O ro• 17 O e /0 I7 ® /O 17 'a`E: �� /o O i .� 2 -O //�� O Z I1 m R 1B // // ¢ /6 11 11 ® // R /6 ® 1/ ; /6 @ �/ l2y /6 // ®ll y C ��, ©12 15 rn. oeo-on '. 4 15 77, t t _ ` ® • 0 15 •O @ 12 � O2lA a F iCALLE + CH/HVAHUA+— Sonla Cormelilo A/ Vale Lo OuinlO Unit No.16 B /8/99 774 OCT 0 4 1995 05 wrA. nruea .,./n ASSESSOR'S MAP BK 773 PG.37 R/VERSIOE COUNTY, CA41F. APR/L 1967 3K RAFTER SIZE AND b ACING -------------- ROOF PITCH F.ROOFING AND SHEATHING OR OPEN LATTICE j (SEE ROOFING NOTE ON REVERSE) k -------------------- CONTINUOUS LEDGER (SAME SIZE. AS RAFTERS) HEADER SIZE I 'T' AND 'L' STRAPS 6"x6'x1"x1/8 WITH ---------- 2 I (4) 16d NAILS OR BOLT Z I RAFTER SPAN; —______— POST SPACING:___-_- O.H. w O.H. U a o OVERALL LENGTH: a OVERALL LENGTH:—___ ---- i POST SIZE: REAR SETBACK I SIDE SETBACK (4"x4' MIN.) 2000 P.S.I CONCRETE —�I I FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE I '— MIN. 12" x 12'• FOOTING I I L_ J I L _ J 12" BELOW GRADE L _ J PROVIDE 1" CLEARANCE BETWEEN POST AND NOTE • CONCRETE -�1 OPEN LATTICE PATIO COVERS MAY BE ATTACHED TO EXISTING FASCIA VIA ONE 1/4" x 5' LAG SCREW THROUGH FASCIA INTO EACH RAFTER TAIL. 3 /A" Y R" I nC cf Prwr IMTn CT. MC er . c•• n n BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL BELOW U-STRAP OR AN NON -CORROSIVE (4)- 16d NAILS OR BOLT G LE io PLATE , GRPpE II �I U-STRAP OR ANGLE — (4)- 16d NAILS OR BOLT PROVIDE 1" CLEARANCE BETWEEN POST AND CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLT (EMBED 7 MIN. INTO CONCRETE) TYPICAL PATIO COVER DATE OF APPLICATION OWNER'S NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY. ST ZIP TELEPHONE H.O.A. APPROVAL QQQ /4��Q7* 2-P7RAFTER SPAN TABLE '4` 4 A� O GRADING RULES c SC-) G' PL' PS 20-70 (FEET & INCHES) ooJ�� o0JAG? QC) A'? oP `z )O )(f-) )O ,, C� 2x4 16" O.C. 24 10'-6"1 9'-6" T-3" 8'-6' 1 8'-0" 6'-0" 7,-3" 2x6 16" O.C. 24" " 32" " 15'-0" 14'-0" 10'-9" 13'-0" 12'-6" 11'-6" 8'-9" 10'-6" 10'-0" 8'-6' N/A N/A 2x8 16" O.C. 24" 32" 18'-0" 17'-0" 13'-6" 16'-0" 15'-6" 1 1='-6" 11'-0" 13'-0" 13'-0" 1 11'-6" N/A N A NOTES: 1. 32" RAFTER SPACING IS ALLOWABLE FOR OPEN LATTICE PATIO COVERS ONLY. 2. FOR SOLID PATIO COVERS (NOT LATTICE) RAFTER SPAN IS LIMITED TO-10'-0" USING THIS STANDARD. LATTICE ROOF BUILT-UP ROOF HEADERS HEADERS DOUGLAS FIR NO. 1 DOUGLAS FIR NO. 1 SIZE SPAN SIZE SPAN 4x4 5'-0" 4x4 4'-0" 4x6 8'-0" 4x6 6'-0" 4x8 11'-0" 4x8 8'-0" 400 14'-0" 4x 10 10'-0" 402 1 7'-0" 4x 1 2 1 2'-0" 6x8 14'-0" 6x8 12'-0" 6x 10 17'-0" 6x 10 14'-0" ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE:. 1998 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES: ROOFING NOTES: A. BUILT-UP, ROLLED ROOF: SLOPE TO DRAIN. B. ROCK ROOF: 3/12 MAXIMUM PITCH. ( ro� b�ai�►'�1'l�'fZ a - a I,/ /oqll • WCA-1 ate~'` El • �a C-evvl dzb