MA 2002-508N SEP-18-2002 05:19 PM KAUFMAN ARCHITECTS 81'8 762 6104 P.02 99-1.1-02 16:96 Ct1 f Lataulhta Coam-04v.Dep1 1Dr 0 777 1233 P.92 CIA; LA UINT"A Cate % � Q Fee. 5200 Community Development Department - P,laP3 OCT APp Ll CTldjy Fn� IturYyn 2 ADJU51' �! %1►Ir o ;u gMIC'KNr: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the :equeat A1Hbru- 6n#ble fee of S200 is roquirod when the Application ie submitted. The check must be made payable to L e "Cit;' ,f A Minor Adjustment Pettttit (Section 9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviatione of up to ten percent of a numerical development atattdard (for example, a teduction of one foot from a L-n-Axu setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the Le Quinta "Zoning Ordinance. Other deviationi shall require consideration of a veriancc (pursuant to Svotion 9210.030/Yariancel2orting Ordinance). !(the Applicant i! not the owner of the pmperty, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document is hii behalf. rN•r�lvrN*►a�ltlt�l/���rl��lrrrrtrrrNr NrrlN �rr�rrw,►rMwrM!lrirll►w!!llr rrrrrrrrrrtr�rrrrlfN PLEASE FRTNT OR TYPE APPLICANOr/CONTRAMR: LA _a_•1Mm 3t;~ eztpo.) �1�'1 T'� t.1'-�- DATE: ct) • I $ • to 'L CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERf'.}V'1'): 906!� L-%3 ScLtw,a2�.r Z. _ Pxa>\rE; 7�0, MAILING ADDRESS:— (sow syl'cr cl� —•-- "' (Address) (City) (Sure) (Zip) OWNER'S NAME: L A� L QU 1rVT4 4 i!:rP'ME'L0! L ' I T Y s—._- - tulAn.iNCAnDRESS:-?3-►5s� Tidd 1e-Nec-1- LANq ALm w (Address) 7. 44 C)I-q'(0 o (State) )zip) STREET ADDRESS Of PROPERTY:____ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # 2 TRACT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: V2 INGIi1 RDN �'�0 � ffac'L1 RCASON IOR REQUBST: 'S' % W T O WS4 G j0- . w &.A rvv�— & 4 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT r DATE tl— SIGNATURE OF OWNER GIner de mme as apo/ka�i) -- .. PLANNER: •�wrr�r�rayrlirlrlrAl!!•�r*flliywrH!!!•!lrw�li�•itir�IrAlr��a♦♦r\A►rtlil�&ww!!* lrrirr. l wwrrwwee; The following findings shall be made by th* decision-►hakng authority prior to the approval of air; Minor .ddjusiment Permit: 1. Corristency with General Plan. The pmjcct is consietent with the General Plan. Z. Consis/¢ncy With Zoning Code. The project is consistent wi11t the pmvisior►s of the Zoning Code. 3.. Compllanee with CEQA. Proceasmg and approval of the paten application are ir. eomptisnee with the requirements, of the Califorttta Environmental Quality Act. 4. Sureoundfag Uses. Approvol of the application will not create conditions rnatcriaily detrimental to thts public health, safety and eenersi welfare or lnjvsiout to or incompatible with otter propel ies or land uses in the %icinity. SEP-18-2002 05:20 PM KAUFMAN ARCHITECTS.'.,F. 818 762 6104 P.04 •+ r� Aa:dte uley at,l.atdllrrlta uoele•u0v-Devi IV- T e 777 1233 t?.92 CIT AF LA. Q UINTA Case M& 2a02f oz Community Development Department Fce: 5300 f, 2 op 3 APPLICATION FOR Y�OR USMENT APPtrf'-AN1'. Submit this form with two copies of a Acaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable lee of S200 i8 required when the Application it subtnitred. The check must be made payable to 6e'-City of La Quinla". A Miror Adjusuncnt Permit (Section 9.210.040i`oning Ordinance) maybe approved onl%- for deviations of up to ten percent of a numertcal development standard (for enample, a reduction of one foot from s ten -lent setback Mquiretsment) or fbr deviation'tspecifically identified in the La Quint& Zoning Ordinance. Other deviaticns shall require consideration of a variance (pursuant to ScWon 9210.030/Vatianoel7,oning Ordinance). If the applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorlfiing the Applicant to execute this document in his bebalf. •��a��!l offex66t•0`0`g o"ove••# ***00**114l06 0060000 ••ome*ra...o***%• PLEASE PRINT ORTYPI APPLICANT/CONTRAC'TOR. LA Qu(c 3gof2.�Ta_1-n� 8 - P 2i CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT): RgLk At-tp MAILING AADRFSS:�`x_ (Address) ty ,, {� (Cij (Sul2) (Zip) OWNBR'SNAME:_ A CJII �JTA Fc•t r It�. L- L--e— _ — MAILINGADDRESS: 23- 55 dd lenlgc�l- LAN, T PALM (Addre9s) (City) (State) (Zip) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: I WAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # T itAC i 21:�3 _ L_ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER, ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: 2 4 WCA E &PNI )nA -Q W95A - a�� RLASON FOR REQUEST: STrl_ mT 0 0� G tj g. y)g - ' j3u 1 t^DA��! A (L•E`A o'F -T•i.11� l �A S Ge'wt_�g{2'�•.� 1 �: 4���.•��'" DATE -7- r K SIGNATURE: OF OWNER Ujnat die sane a: awheanr) �� PLANNER: 00 0*600.066 osarrs0*966 toodr&*s90i000&scow ww/om• The following findings shall be Haute by the decision-rhailIng authority prior (o the approval of at'; Minor .4djusrrnent Aanmit: I. Consirteacy with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plant. 2. Consistence Mth Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3. Complimtce with CECA. Procasing and approval of the plattut application are in compliance with the requirements of the Califomia Enviroarttental Quality Aot_ 4. Surrolrnding Uses. Approval of the application wiU not cmateconditions materially detrimental to the public heilth, safety and general wetraee or Injurlous to or incompatible: with other properties or land uses In the vicinity. SEP-18-2002 05:20 PM KAUFMAN ARCHITECTS 818 762 6104 P.05 09-1-3-92 IV:96 �city of I.aruuIhta CC0M2i:Dew.4ept lox �"6 777 1233 P•ti2 CI*AF LA Q INrA �' Case NO. Fee: Sa00 Community Development Department 3 0 P7 3 AP L CA I N FOB II A►D3USTNf ENT AMIC:A141- Submit this form with two copies of s scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request_ A nonrefundable fee arS200 is ragu:ired when the Application is submitted. The check must be trade parable to the -CitF of La Quinta". A Minor Adjuarlient Permit (Section 9.210.04012oning Ordi. Ante) may be approved on!%- for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development mndard (for example. a reduction of one foot from a 1— an1 setiacic mquirernean) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quints Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall require consideration of s t'eriancc (pursuant to Section 9210.030NadanceZoning Ordinance). if the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a lcttcr must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this documect in his behalf. sir+•sits.•rirrssr•♦rrsr••aa♦rrrrrr•r•w.rrt+rs..ar••ar•+r•rrrrrsar►rrsresrsrr•.a.r.arrst.•aarr.a PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: LA Qu'q,Td DATE: eA CONTACT PERSON (IF T)IFFERENT):_ otl-mz-o SCLtw,44:V�z PHoNr:-J&o - 346-3493 MAILING ADDP.FSS:C_s" e., wt-v%,)) (Address) 1 }— (City) (State) (tip) OWNER,SFTAMF.• LA Ou;e,)r,G JeF;*E''it-'Sl?r.,' MAILINOADDUSS:-73-155 ficAcUet.i�c4_ t_AN9_ ABM Drz_S�.? , �,ii "1'�-2_�0 (Address) _ (City) (Stale) (Zip) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 11 LEGAL, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT N. �. 'Pi�C� 2. _". G 5 .L— ASSESSOWS PARCEL NUMBER: ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: _ 'Z ±-Q C A REASON FOR REQUEST; S791-wy-r A _Vt• s RV 1 L-MA$t, DATE I I SIGNATURE OF OWNER (ilnor die some, at cpphovar) PLANNIM: •rrsrt+itsrai*too rsrsssssswtwssFswtsiftsil•srrst*awe wri6r a••arrs•w:wsarwssrwwi640 711e following findings shall be raada by the decision-Oak(ng authorlry prior to the approval of any Afinor Adjusunsnt Permit. I. Coerairteney with General Plan. The prgjeci is consistent with the General Platt. 2. Consirtenc)r with Zoning Code. The project is corasirtcrtl with the pro vit3tors of the Zonis¢ Code. 3. Compfiamos with CEQA. Proccising and approval of the ponnit t pplicatlOR Are in compliance with the requirements of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act. A. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially dctrimantal to the public health.. safety and general welfare or Injurious to or incompatible with other properties of land uses in the %icinity. P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 October 10, 2002 Mr. Ronald Swartz La Quinta Jefferson Fifty 73-155 Fiddleneck Lane Palm Desert, CA 92260 Subject: Minor Adjustment 2002-508 .(Renaissance) Dear Mr. Swartz, FILE COPY �K (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 The Community Development Department has approved your request for a Minor Adjustment of the front yard setbacks On Lots 25,.3.5, and ' 38 of Tract 29053, subject to the enclosed plan exhibits and the following conditions: 1.. Developer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation brisling out of the City's approval of this request. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 2. The precise grading plan shall reflect the approved adjustments for each lot. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7064. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner Attachment c: Building and Safety Department Michael Kaufman Architects g�� m APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTNIEW BY M17.� DATE D o bZ i EXHIBIT N i CASE NO. W�A7 2oQ2'So$ PL. -- 24 , 1 I c D I ` Z • D r a I M I N oft- m �I 6ArT ! ! N Lot. 2, I , Plan 3 (Type A) C- A 9A tr i FA I _ o 1p L . I '_ o`' Ian Y-�4 r CD �a, N 1' m i w � N m a 2 o 4 ��anl'«IL i.+n►� N APPROVED BY COMMIAITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEN7 3 BY �rll/1/V7,�. DATE �O 10OZ - EXHIBIT c CASE NO. IMAM �O`OZ A: I M ( m �jTr•►�T 'P L t3y r� ti No'R- sI vim`.-5BT • �2^�T gL�vATlurfJ � I �• I - f � 2 �1.1 CTOPff4rI I I �. o-r 3 � � L.a-r 3� ��� ��Aisse,.�c-c� mot• ro :02 ti i 6"= 1' all N1 KA 0