MA 2006-582CITY OFOLA QUINT, AIANCE�i Case Nolkh ab Community Development Depa D Fee: $200 APPLICATION FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $200 is. required when the Application is submitted. The check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section 9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall require consideration of a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030/Variance\Zoning Ordinance). If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf. • PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE -MILk Q � o APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: O W N e R 13 to i 1 D6tZ a sy A. y A, IC DATE: Oc1'. CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT): — PHONE: (`t 60) 8eo - 2 s us? MAILING ADDRESS: -7 -7 - 8 o S C48u r.,- c)4 1110 N L a aw,^MA (Address) 0 (City) (State) (Zip) OWNER'S NAME:_A O S F A. V A I 1 E I-P R 1151 c: MAILINGADDRESS: �_7 - g D 5 c. I I s G N i 11 o tJ L O. 0,u1r4 -A G A R (Address) (City) (State) (Zip) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: C AI I c C Ht 11 o nI LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ' LOTr # j TRACT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: -11 4-- 221 -01.3 ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: d 1' J_q Q c,� i nl to G Ails o c44 6. 7 oS E%i- 8 A•c k LJF ARV AS auIss1-toIli 18I- 61r REASON FOR REQUEST: M At-c h r ki s+-14 5 c A r „ry r I- s 1 PC_hl o ►y u c o m fi+ M Nc si-srl9 tASAC.a SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT �lJ✓ �N Z DATE /,Or-/3 - 06 SIGNATURE OF OWNER (ifnot the same as ap licant)ps.� . //�,c/(d %W 'Gj p PLANNER:. ************************************************************************************************ The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any Minor Adjustment Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plak im 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions ofning o 3.. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are inaaeTw�tl� of the -California'Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materialWi safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties a or FIN Tvicini A2\Form013 r P.O. Box 1504 tC /v LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504' t�oF� 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) .777-7000 LA. QUINTA, CALIFORNIA`9.2253 FAX (760) 777'-7101 December 15, 2006 Mr. Jose A. Valle Toribio SFILE Copy 77-805 Calle Chillon La Quinta, CA 92253 , SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2006-582 t 77-805 CALLE CHILLON Dear Mr. Toribio: j y The Community Development Department 'has reviewed your Minor Adjustment application, pursuant'to Section 9.210.040 of the City of La. Quinta Zoning Code. „ Request: ' 'To reduce the front yard setback from 20 feet to•18.6 feet.. ' Decision: Approval is granted for the requested reduce the front yard -setback from 20 feet to 18.6' ' feet, based on the following findings; and subject to the following Conditions: r ' FINDINGS • Minor Adjustment 2006-582 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, in that the proposed does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. , • Minor Adjustment 2006-582 is consistent with the intent of the -La Quints Zoning Code, in that the requested adjustment will retain adequate front and side yard separations as required under said Zoning Code. ' • Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2006-582 is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act., The adjustment requested fails under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a), . which includes minor setback and parcel adjustments as Categorically Exempt under this Section. • Approval of Minor Adjustment 2006-582 is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other properties and land use in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on . health or safety issues, and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. CONDITIONS 1. A Driveway Approach Permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department prior to the removal of the existing driveway. 2. The applicant shall consult the Building and Safety Department for all applicable permits prior to the removal of the existing driveway and prior to any new construction. Please be advised that this approval relates only to allowance of the reduction as stated above, and does not imply any entitlement or approval of a building permit for any structures shown on the plans on file. All other setback provisions and development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check. If you have any additional questions,. please contact me at 760-777-7125. Sincerely, a01 ERIC CEJA Assistant Planner C: Building & Safety Department Public Works Department t 9.50.030 Table of development standards. http://gcode.us/codes/laquinta/view.'php?topic=9-9_50-9_50_030&fr..: La Quinta Municipal Code ` Up' Previous ANext Main- ' , 'Search Print No Frames ` Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.50 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - + .9.50.030 Table of development standards. !' - A. Definitions. For purposes of this section and this'code, the following definitions shall apply: 1. "Livable. floor area" means the interior area of a dwelling unit which may be'occupied for living purposes by humans, including basements,and attics (if.permitted). Livable floor area does not include a,garage or any accessory structures. 2. "Lot coverage" means the ground floor area of the buildings on a site expressed as a percentage of the net site area. For purposes of this definition, `-`ground floor.area': shall mean all enclosed area, including exterior walls and mechanical spaces: Carports, garages and parking structures are included in ground floor 3 area but swimming pools and unenclosed post -supported roofs over. patios and walkways are not included. 3. "Net project area" means all'of the land area included within a development project excepting those area with before -development slopes of thirty'percent or steeper and.those areas designated for public.and private ; road rights -of -way, schools, public parks, and other'uses or easements which preclude the use of the land therein as part of the development project. B. Table of Standards. Table 9-2 and the illustrations in,S6ctioii 0.50.040 following; set forth standards for the development of property within residential districts: However, standards different from those in Table 9-2 - shall apply if special zoning symbols described in Section 9.20030`are designated on the official zoning map, . . _ _�^ • r it ' 1Y „ . ` .• y " 1 of 3 ' " ' ' 12/8/2006 2:34 PM 9.50.030 Table of development standards. http://gcode.us/codes/ uinta/view.php?topic=9-9_50-9_50_030&fr... Table 9-2 Residential Development Standards Development Standard District RVL RL RC RM RMH RH RSP RR Overlay Overlay Minimum lot size for 20,000 7200 7200 5000 3600 2000 * ** single-family dwellings (sq. Minimum project size for n/a n/a n/a n/a 20,000 20,000 * n/a multifamily projects (sq. -ft.) Minimum lot frontage for 100 60 60 X 50 40 n/a * ** single-family dwellings Minimum frontage for n/a n/a n/a n/a 100 100 * n/a multifamily projects (ft.) Maximum structure height 28 28 17✓ 28 28 40 (ft•)Z Maximum number of 2 2 1✓ 2 2 3 * ** stories Minimum front yard 30 20 20 '20 20 20 * RVL:40 setback (ft.)3 0 Minimum garage setback4l n/a 25 25 25 25 25 * ** (ft.) A Minimum interior/exterior 10/20 5110 .4/10�-' 5110 5/10 10/15 * ** side yard setback (ft.)5' 7 r Minimum rear yard setback 30 20 for 10.0, 15 15 20 (ft.)7 new lots and 10 for existing recorded lots ' Maximum lot coverage (% 40 50 60+% 60 60 60 * ** of net lot area) Minimum livable area 2500 i400 1400 1400 1400 750 for * ** excluding garage (sq. ft.) (multifamily: multifamily 750) 9.50.030 Table of development standards. http://gcode.us/codes/laquinta/view.php?topic=9-9_50-9_50_030&fr... Minimum common open n/a n/a n/a 30% . -30%• 1 '30% . 30% n/a area Minimum/average 10/20 .10/20 , n/a10/20. 10/20 ' 10/20 10/20.• n/a " perimeter landscape setbacks (ft.)6 * As shown on the approved specific plan for the project.' ,. '• ", ' '' „ ** As provided in the underlying base district. 1 Minimum lot frontage on cul-de-sacs and knuckles shall be 35 feet. Minimum lot frontage for flag lots shall be 15 feet. 2 Not including basements. Also, notwithstanding above table, the maximum structure height equals 22 feet for all buildings within 150 feet of any general plan -designated image corridor, except in the RC zone, which is 17 feet. 3 For non -garage portions of dwelling only. Also, projects with five or more adjacent single family dwelling units facing the same street shall incorporate front setbacks varying between 20 feet and 25 feet or more in order to avoid streetscape monotony. . 4 For all but RVL district, minimum garage setback shall be 20 feet if' roll-»n" tune garage door is used Also, for side -entry type garages, the garage setback may be reduced to 20 feet in the RVL district and 15 feet in all other residential districts. 5 The following are exceptions to the minimum side setbacks shown:" For interior'side'yards in the RL, RM and RMH districts, if the building is over 17 feet in height, the setback is five feet plus one foot for,every foot over 17 feet in height * or fraction thereof, to a maximum setback of ten feet. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or a, combination of at grade and airspace above the 17-foot building. For RH, five feet minimum plus one foot additional setback for every foot of building height above 28 feet, or fraction thereof, up to a maximum setback of.15 feet when said height above 17 feet is located between five and ten feet from said side yard property line. For interior setbacks, if the building is over 28 feet in height the setback is ten feet plus one foot for everyfoot over 28 feet in height or fraction thereof, to a maximum setback of 15 feet. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or maybe a combination of at grade and airspace above the 28-foot building height. " Common open area and perimeter landscape requirements do not apply to single4family,detached projects unless a specific plan is required. Common open area equals percent of net project area. Perimeter landscape setbacks are adjacent to perimeter streets: first number equals minimum at any point; second number equals minimum average over entire, frontage (thus, 10/20). See Section 9.60.240 and additional landscape/open area standards: • ' 7 Rear and side yard setbacks for residential units abutting the image corridor shall be a minimum of 25 feet with the 1 exception of RVL zone district where it only applies to the side yard. • - ' (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh: A) (part), 1998; Ord. 299 §:1 (part), 1997;,Ord..284 § 1•(Exh. A) (part), ,1996) 7 ..C7 .• . ' ,- 1'1/O PI A AL'l.IA T1149 9.60.100 Guesthouses. http://gcode'.us/code4ouinta/view.php?topic=9-9_60-9_60_100&fr... La Quinta Municipal Code . Up Previous Next Main Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.60 SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 9.60.100 Guesthouses. Search Print No Frames A. Purpose. This section provides standards: and criteria for the establishment of guesthouses where such units are permitted in accordance with Section 9.40.040. B. Definitions. For purposes of this code, the following definitions shall apply: / / / 1. "Guest house" means a detached or attached unit which has sleeping and sanitary facilities but no cooking facilities and which is used primarily for sleeping purposes by members of the family occupying the main building, their nonpaying guests, and domestic employees. ,/ 2. "Living area" means the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit, including basements and attics (if permitted) and shall not include a garage or any accessory structure. ✓t. Limitations. Only one second -residential use or guesthouse maybe established on any lot under ten acres in size, in addition to the primary residence. Therefore, no more than two residential units on a single lot under ten acres are permitted under the provisions of this section. More than one guesthouse may be established on lots of ten acres or larger. D. Standards for Guesthouses. A guesthouse may be constructed as an accessory use in the RVL or RL districts subject to approval of a minor use permit. All guesthouses shall conform to the following standards: 1. Detached guesthouses shall conform to all applicable building code standards and all development and design standards of the zoning district 'in which they are located. In addition, the height of the guesthouse shall not exceed seventeen feet and shall not be more than one story. ✓2. Guesthouses shall be architecturally compatible with the main unit. . The floor area of the guesthouse shall not exceed thirty percent of the existing living area of the principal residence. v 4. The placement of a guesthouse on a lot shall not result in violation of the lot coverage maximums set forth in Section 9.50.030. 5. There shall be no kitchen or cooking facilities within a guesthouse. `16. A guesthouse shall be used only by the occupants of the main residence, their non-paying guests, or domestic employees. The guesthouse shall not be rented or otherwise occupied separately from the main' residence. �/7. A deed restriction shall be required for recordation against the property to prohibit the use or conversion of the guesthouse to a rental unit, to a unit for sale,.or to add a kitchen or cooking facility. X 8. If a private sewage disposal system is used, approval of the local health officer shall be required. (Ord. 394 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2003; Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exhs. A, B) (part), 1996) I of 1 12/8/2006 2:12 PM 19 GENERAL NOTES . �NVAl11LIMTFPL4DAN0IreDnolsuuffiaconalMN� ME ME'ml COOOWFe, NOr CPO. mICMCANO�I CS CODE mRpNI.ORO W ANCEe NID N®IMTp1OOP N1 GOVFANYEMKMENCIa9rUWq AA3101CfRal ATME - NmSIIOCAiIOII 1 THE OEMLTNLCONTRACrOR IWlffiaFS�eIW V9iPY1N0 ALLOUE)r90N9 Alm F]QlOm WrmlimWTMB®11 affOREWM0l9OOaRa6VRAMY AHOOtI FordnAL moremTo rNe Aaome:r Iraon ro Amc®wD varx.vFEcrm WDaX Y t cartarcroaeuleaEsroNliaewawivnomcamAaou:ssa 1 MELourcNOFMEusaawMnoF rlre oaanrstre S CONfanCiai DtNLCOr6eMTNnT PaN£n WaB10aAffi • FIEVANMl NAVE ®IFItOVm®ALMEPEIa•61EilOP TNENa1DOm AaEne, REFO+roaabmAfOAOAD010 ANEa. aFrm ro nUlO010 Ft.01! . aster uir 00016MNDm TOTNeoEoaNm wrrmroFaocmbn varN aamNalADwo. a PaovmeaFe ouAaoenr Aurmewaurmunnr + eO WABR A! ICrATm Br0019fIn10 AOmA'iS ). PaTIDCF®FSfAtµ Oa vEMLYIIA WmtERgN aAgA1Cn0® TmFOrtAnY OUARO a.ALL$ AND I M CNCf®a i®Illm m ME LOcnL A0O1mEe oa Ae ram KR r4aEmmxl AIO VDIIWIM MFEiI'. ! •MEOIXERK CGlIRACIOn WnR6raE80!®IDPoa COdmNATaN NOIm Iw VNn W! 91BCa11aAClOm to %WMEEVFNI OF 06m6Pn1ilF.1IETvmI/IrrurAllOme •Kmmn al+:aaen*mNa MEAOreOOmLYW Lmae 1 0.EmnCINE W r0aIR1! llµL ®pEEL£D TNH OON)aACr 1 amusEMOlr. UN1890TNQIW19EmATmN WNIpq iROlA ME Of90XEA n. aeannrLDonraAcrca swLDoaacoureAuurmOmaDum `Dee Mrrn ME FLVYMrq. EIH:IaCAL oa reanlorg Arm cane ry oaAvoma ti COb1aiCI011 nNNL YEAM1I'oll@IOdA10FALLe016LIB(r MNiIIDN:NADM . In .a17mKcoarwtcroa lulANonarAUAFalrwseuxx aovslwrm, mm�oamo ANo urartoFaarrocovslNo wAxrvmnN amusrmnssTmx in oaow¢aavANcartmmrmx ffirWe)+oumaur wTlawn vammasnAr® °AuoENeraATlnanmouoN,wraarr alwa.Ee TNOapgNLrl!HIDMfMMWOPIYAT6lFMNIIrMIpiNt- 1n ONIElnOMFnIMg Mmm.ALL0D0110RAMDNIanON EIOOgO Mma TaOA TNEDUOPJUOOm$ Im1IDm. FPAtES f+t9rem. firo• IINL ffi W a:®. a ®Ib01 aEPaDFW aEOMIA3OATRINNP®NmF10 DDaaDsm. maa AlA Mm,a„D umm,la� atA1Lffi a, min weATNsulasnrArme sAanerAT AUEXrsmn UBC tmtt. NOTETYm IAUYEa10F0a•ID4 Trre PArm amuremovEavmcoeAnmlewtao. u rNeuuanATmN Nmuun suuromanoatmcYoue PIILEN ME BIDO. A mATe NlUUOW ffiRnRClire IOrED m MEamAuq mAlnm TNATMENaAATlprll coxlern7r rAm ME w.w! Arm caNFoaMs ro ME mAre wslor amuunorre xore oN ww rrne N. FUD rz cNAPrm lsumumaoeFoar®ADYo wrEmAL N MEe1n1DER lULLPaOVmB rliHODbMmIMNNDpt ANO oamNALacarP.wrn WTnt AMlr oFMEFFATIma wromNa COImONFMlAXO MECNM7GL ODAC®WmANOMINE aRl W m; InlTNUCOON! OM NO W TO UIE TIDlI FAiDm)Rr AMa MIMBMNOB aoa ff NppR Op�ATCN MOrE ON i1C FWIlTirle N.lH.TIp11D10X0 n FOOLn BIDCN WALLnARe UNDD1nEFAMTmiEAYr • a. Demm • n, wLlaavvA3Dao louse oDNemlN•AFnmulacw FAERGTOm tamPPalRTO Ntrmm®m IAIOGIIm AXp®lr TOMEJWliE.MEFAIQ.OW CaPwW lWL ffi APw W m N TN8 OEParLENr OF eIDBIO wen nA/21r Fanua.lmrcn lrN.r g MECOIrra,1L`TOa 11AlL FEIO VFnEYMEIreCOmrtmxlq R6aElDrtmIN nIBG 1INOa60RI ANlRO®INgp roMEoemoxm IRFaae FancFmFnratNMEWau a. umemaormorlrenMm AYaoutmoNstaamAaero Lfllrm urea a owuou, ArorowaoFYDua a numNmaucroNANoomAAnsuuwrxrvANMEarr Iemm Nnu ffin0um coos aotrlADDatcxaANovmNAu arNm nFSIFCAeLe FmIUL more Nm IDCK aamuxc7a s. vwrrstmmtaoNaaovsw. oonorluAsoaAMOOaANr oueYrmxnam,alxo nArmstAu IeasermronaDem>el. y. ANruuuMffiaacarrAararllwlmameclDa oa fOOrW08 sou ®F.o. aEovAwo Da Fas+aunerrrevrm,uorrANo>:a. us. nlnaN Imv m INYFRAYrm Wr®+IDIALLaRORMBMAW®VAMDMN)rYPEA U.ac. mNlfaaM euamio YOLi1 amur+aeFrn N. VSAFgtOVEDfWmq MnlE1141A AT AK W9ma0RO43 UMEn! Norm OINERVAtg ALL llF! ARTIt IINLm LOAIAE O.L OA ffiR W, Fblrm VnrM OA MN1L W l91 iAOlA Nm n La: Nor FRAER, mmEmao wenNllaotETKaArmamm illoEEnxm _ a wlovute arelePDonowATenmoor FELT IflIW IAID9iAu ExreNON m11Ymm. m Auslrarmn wAuoFRimml, F1Alw0.0DIMIfiiNAabm. elwANsaN ANra s1Au ®mranwx:l®w uN A MwaAn rorAlreTN&r WATEaca00P;c��nArmRAILNIiA6N)3Fl8•llr FOaA WLWETe ANp VenaIVBIBMNLAItlM m. clRnnm NMRATNN MATs+ws.mu>,sxrcnrm xa NlNArlalwmAllm ro MtTT fLV6sNFM Armlare osnrrr amLwsslrl. rmaerwwaumsm�NmAtoaetNwlm A. NFalMilMlldlalFDm6B6i:1TCV0remm l� NANIID)LTIam DODMA1mVOmOWl ANORtOFER 6EwN0AM) V.FATN81lIaPwm. m. CAllR.ACiOPDMUm0AN0 ANDG0110.ALFROMMSYaaa VENIn vatwevm Fa!!ae A1, aaDFrnNN mwrsournNuerNmaanaoaroNWmoaen vllsecmrmAarcAaaAn n. AuaN mrK•taiaminrtmNewar ee eusm®ro.wmuwmveD m ME saLpno oFFlOAL maa to NmAUATnN ar ME rtsA q. iROMpB FaEsameamuuToa FDavnTmmrvxewmmmnM PREBNMHmmEEalm Fl.(Li00ma L AN ADDITION FOR JOSE VALLE TORT BIO r LA QUINTA, CA. J RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA Project seen: CITY OF LA QUINTA PROJECT DATA f DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THE DESERT GROUP PROJECT: 7+210 A1E53ANDM OPoVE PAW DESERT, CaUFORNN. SM 1, LANN:AAIm pIAt1 ffiOLYIAMEDMYpIroamUQr Wn NK a®mnvl. AN ADDITION FOR THE VALLE RESIDENCE M MC)rAMW 2 LweOA14 PUN Mum Eeuerrt®wm/Fwwmm OWNER ' FAX (RD rAWW - MEafY tANOlCAFe11ANAOE11 FaXY1rot1n@m P30ar I�uuma JOSE VALLE TORIBIO 77.M CALLE CHILLON DEPARTMENT OF CODE COMPLIANCE : (7e0)8E0.2588 1, aLCOxrnlnowArmalecwmrcramswLruve ' F"Eaa w""uKTnunE'monroPeo.r'�rwlc� PROJECT ADDRESS: 2 uLcwmAcroro ArmOa alWmt.anu281awm arlm JOSE VALLETQRIBIO ' ,ie aFWmNearomMraNaTXN vu,wul® cousLaePamNro MELnuuceoFns�DDlrmvr PQ G 60mFA ABpR Wffi,m W'm0 7760E CALLS CHILLON LA QUINTA CA. 922A Project is Approved Under: n. De1mv.eatraJeroasANaoavJAmraleDme etAu eulwmAcowXsrmmNmAcrontLllNm TOMEnunoum Axo luFercffirYRrrExrFalnro almuFsnNOAFaALoemEermnFinamlrluA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A.P.N 774-221413TOWNSHIPIRANOE:X 1887 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (189/UBC) 2001 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (2001 UMC)on0aua:axPm AloounavNoarNmevu. AaEar®uN1rsSAu amlwmlmaelT. LAOUINTA, CA. MW 200D CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (2000UPC) Faovmmox ore AsxurmetaaM ZONE: R•t 2002 CAUFORN A ELECTRICAL CODE (2002 NEC) DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY; A LAND AREA TABULATIONS: 2005 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE APNIOV40 rsooa,wr numara/aui®IIdO1ErAC1L ToamntslALLffiaMEcoxmaurnoxsmsmaro 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS ADMIMSTRATVE CODE amwm F01 Four rHsosrmN DeKrN nrm nAFarr IXG'rlal nlrn) TOTAL LOT AREA o,7at S.F.N•t1 ACRES ) 2001 CAUFORFOA FIRE CODE a tl)raACTaa ANDaaMfo2lsuuwmLmenraAslw FASTING HOUSE L524.00 S.F AND ALL OTHER LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. TO Welae FROPOI CIeNILP W Auemm� MATENIAIa toaeNAxcerl>1moFMEPAurxmDNaaoALoaq c. mwAoeoF amaNO MAreauuaa OEnam aALffi wwlNm ra MEIDr roe MmNMEFHWTeaIOm. AmAcexr vArvrt aaoFmrrelMAvrmrmuramDwa TNuwnwmuxlmlWartrerlFSlLmoNOFME ax FAe rArll T N8 aFFxE ME was asNrsvar sou EE YNN1AOrE0a ACFM WrmIroIATNATYE! ONol Nall MurmaumoeouPrm soa GARAGE ADDITION 424.00 S.F LMNO AREA 233.00 S.F TOTAL ADDITION 657.00 S.P TOTAL FOOTPRINT 21BI.00 8F COnstructlon Hours 8-had" a•Ww1d90pm aftaft =-AL'I 9gXn Buda NOTALLOWED Halal' NOT LLOWG2 D. lsCaOaNOT ^^^ ALLOW®O� NOTALLOWED �Y w% hI M•CWA ONLYI W La CNM LlsikFl GftoBFLGNI rOfft M5, R.7AA70 ■! ■ /■ C■ ■- �� ■� /■ Elm , Em no _ ■ E in P. G :: lr_'rrS • � tiri WIN■ SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS A f� AN, At AmV1 A9NNM NNOfR . { 1 muAa AOL AOUONr .O OOOa mMFa • Arl eau Mml•A®IOax. mNffi Iammnini. 0 a YAmWIlrM10L V.: _� q NwFoa— a01. FOROMpfN �'�I OD .0 w OOLOAmIRm AtYmON III" llWml ANl01ISre 4L CMOI SnvI. .. alAo®rolloN cL aD11mNe t erlltme cOf®® CO. CaO1CR W®tFOM Ca CAN OCNIa0.FON/ 01 oAnAlIOOR GALL CDNOQII AMIOImIN11 N/IaRl GONG ¢G7ICN mOATf 110M OONr. COW.. ae OHTWNtlarww eourm Cy. CIw— 0lfAa N0Q Or. ON era OQAN aQrlAllaH KAO. ORAW110 mnNG01410E ® AIAlOed Aran LL I12VAMN • EV:V. I&MMIH { ® ACOIDMA[MN ea ae , OT11W O19 DOm. LOHNO N �Odj'Y!� 00. OOIJdR1 lVT NSIIWgN mC MUM ® wraoOD IDI. - naN .......... . NWLaY1aO r.Q R®rGM NM,IinSh OSADI FLO MVND Y �' Oa7NN N01mDMALLY F• R Alf. RAGS m! 0mF10 GADS F 1,L1 al maANr 11OMW —tR NIWM P•T.4 IVIMI rCFMVND amf aRR -nt Dma10 cvNlale P•vJ• anll Rltwam lww WNL ^O goipa •f9� raaraw a ama TRIO MYMIB)f OA Ofi. ®. OYIRNlOAIID W SNMa OMY. , OIIVAM® Am smic DAImAm f1LUCWY NC NNmX'AI TAA. 1CfcpM M. q, M80MT MRW NNVT Ty. tea fOOIFID R. JM PJ•4 MwcFRIIXIOASjM ANY MAOWMI T.P. WIOFMVNa Ayµ A9iAW T.W. I wwF ML Am01 m. TrarAL IL NOmI W. W/ wN WDN N.O• NOIIMLOMDr WAX W Oct ✓Q ILIG NOTNOOMMCT t w. ®OCROrMB)I O.C. ONCBDN W. mOY110I1 FL InOIRWIIQ st RTmN Soft 10®IAS SHEET INDEX SHT NO. CONTAI NS GENERAL CS COVER SHEET - GN GENERAL NOTES ARCHITECTURAL A3 SITE PLAN A4 FINISH FLOOR FLAN/DOOR WINDOW SCHEDULE AS DMOR ELEVATIONS A6 ROOF PLAN a SECTION El ELECTRICAL PAN MI MECHANICAL PLAN PI PLUMBING PLAN AD•I ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS AD-2 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS STRUCTURAL SN-1 GENERAL NOTES 6 SPECIFICATIONS Sl FOUNDATION PLAN ROOF FRAMIND PLAN S•2 TYPICAL FOUNDATION DETAILS S3 STRUCTURAL DETAILS 01 THE DESERT GROUP DESIGN/SITE PLANING ANTHONY ARAIZA ' SERGIO H. GARCIA RAMON ANGUTANO GERMAN SANTAMARIA ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE AMBWAH PLSIIME OF ARDNITMA KNOELL W. WITH ARCHITECT Ind10A1lJWmOD OIt AeaowrLumtl ® 12-07.Oa Ptl101ABAROF3ERWC0 DwMwroweM...N i d�Ani FNarF.Y f) 'iNfwwbb�waAAds • •w�a�1wwY eY W pydM 11rNN10YF�d 1 I! loW W 0 r W LU LU U co moamoe c= T!r NOK7P•100D� � 0 a. In: Con,I a RALIDNANOLRANo W . CS GENERAL SITE DATA OWNER- ' I�OOI�GO1� . td fR0R100.9E . LAND TABULATION TmK10TMG 4o01ro dt. too• onetW w•R •r•r�Aoonm: tmuo V a• mm as o• . tm .mow v ti°s TOTKibOIRWf! `gyp• ZONE c 11 11 •'•' ' uC • 7/iii!!/011oll/Oollo!!lloioiilogL�/loll///.�!!i0/!1lliiiiii I • '��EXI TING CARPORT TO BE REMOVED _ ill NEWMITION ---------- EXISTING LANDSCAPE EXISTING SIDEWALK 00.00'PROPERTY LINEDBLOCK ion BL ••REMOVED DEM• AND REMOVED EXISTING CONIC.DRIVEWAY t EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ACt C-11 T U __c f — `L - H,— EXISTING BLOCK WALL EXISTING BLOCK WALL SITE PLAN !Wb 4�•:'a THE DESERT GROUP OESIONMTE KANINO ANTHONYARAIIA SEROIO H. OARdA RAMON ANOUTANO OERMAN SAWAMARIA ASSOOAIR MCAIBFR OF THE AMHEGIN WSTIML OF AMOlff " WENDELL W. VEITH ARCHITECT i 1MOAll811•RD 0.1S . IE6eM1wLG1H11 REVO OIO: ® 14a746 OBIBLMBASOFSEEMOf ib.db4walauwt dwbd�bp..V dAdgA16 tE.wwbb:pafda db�iwbwWwOdial bob.l0al�ellnd 0 m oC 0 2 I-- oW � J � aQ5 W I^' - 0 Z g a w H� Nw•iv. xaol n: RAMON ANOUNHO A3 4 0 F LO ,,jORPLAMNNOTES KEY" �Nb�TTESJ Tr�xor"Fw®eoAw wines Y. 2,9= ---------- r ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 0 101 emRao4 10 M M M 22 31110 Ra 102 BA NRa04 11 m = Z? n 31 lr_a Ra 103 BAT x0011 15 w " n n 21 �1041 105 1 GARAW 11,5 v v —MATERIAL LEGEND W" CEl ZI WOW WOYP WNW WATER Ruw� 24 W.BOARDTYPEW us. a yoc RDQt Io CARPET 30 W—.83ARD W/! IVRAWAHD _L2_ B—ED CONCFtETO 13 CONCRETE 1. w BovmA 15_ EX­MU�CWUlE16 AhDOOR SCHEDULE THE w DESERT DOOR OPENING F M. DETAILS REMARKS GROUP Lu co (4 W 0 NOTE: DESIGNMTE PLANING z IX U, 0 0: 0 - x ul o'. MJOBS"BEFCRE — z a: LLI ANTHOWAP.*JZA U) am uj G. DO: SERGIO H. GkqaA 0am > 2 " �= RMON ANGLRMO D � HOL�UETAL Ix 0 tr al: P� GERMAN SAWAMARIA ASSOCIATE MEWM OF THE MAIN HOUSE AMERICM NSITTUTE OF AR01"WrIl I I A x4 3-w ed WD CL EXISTING M VEITH 2 1 8 Y4 3,.T WD b2l CLI _I 314 HR IRr RATE ARCHITECT n 3 1 C 44 Yw 0.4-r CL 4 1 A v4 ry vw vo 5 1 B aN yo r VVD 6 1 D 4_9 ,rL _DOOR TYPES 1L 10AQUANWCM 116MUMOFSOM con�ID S= om TVAPM QW33 -------------------------------------------------------------- — ----------- ------------------------ — ---------------------------- ----- 4 2 L L M I 1 NEWADDITION ---------- ------------------ � �'!'',I,';�II$��,f� ',� �,��'y �, ��Y Iq,'1�I'�,i � 1 i��'i����l����,p�f,�,i'���''��I�, '��;ij}��,1, __ y ",1�' � ' � 1� �' 1 a 1� � VI � ��,pl WINDOW SCHEDULE WINDOW I FRM.j DETAILS IREMARKS 0 0 uj (n LL U. I 2 X C, 1 4 I"' ;i > , NOTE: Do: ou. M:P— MAIN HOUSE A 1012 1 5-0 14'-M L TEMPERED GLASS WITH GLASS SLOCKON THE 81DEf B 10 L(�AL 10 j_ _ET 4.7 Ll AL 10 1 5`0 4•T L1 10 1 5,-m 4,.(r LI AL LO I 5'-T 4'-(r U AL 10, 1 vo as Ll IL WINDOW TYPES mm v1plom . (D w o 0 rNe r —WALL LEGEND FLOOR PLAN NORTH SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" A4 12'-5k T.R 8' PLHT. $� — 0• F.FLOOR 4--\ 12'-5k T.R. V PL.HT. 0' F.FLOOR 4� r NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /4"=1 I-0" 12'-j- T.R. $ — V PLHT. 0° F.FLOOR $ 12'.5k T.R. 4� — V PLHT. 0• F.FLOOR 4� ELEVATION KEY NOTES A ROOF SHINGLES L STUCCO C. WOOO DOOR(WRIDOWS D. METAL ROILIA GUtAGE DOOR PAINTED TO MATCH WASTER E. 26 OA MDT. COMMON RESIST. WEB SCREED WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /4"=1 I-0" EAST ELEVATION N SCALE: 1 /4"=1 T-0" i THE DESERT GROUP DESIGN/SITE PIANINO ANTHOW ARAIZA SERGIO H. OARCIA RAMON ANOUTANO OERMAN SINTAMARIA ASSOCIATE MENIM OF THE AM6RGIN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS WENDELL W. VETIN ARCHnia i a uaIRAUavaF0 rR6E Adelr:.umn Rfl 90t8: m TY-0745 RarRUIDOsaFEuvl� a�Ar�aosw TNrwr.T.4.rr. rgr�w_wwy ry b�Ow �Ow6/nd 0 m .. 0 oW J °I a Q s W V) O N Z O W No- 2aasz"oe ' NOYdP-2005 - n: RAAgH ANDUNNO SHEET. A5 { lel■■e■/■Iltt■ II■■1■■■■tl■■■e1— — —11■�— —Il— —tl■�— — — — — — —II— — —tl■��—i— —s— —11—■�i■�i—i■�ii—iiiiitl I I■■tlllttttttttttttt■t\■ttttttllttttt\■Iltt■ttttt■■t�tttttttttttttttt■tttttt■■tt■■\tAt■■■ttttt\■■ttttt■■■■tttttttll■■■ Ie■I'sxCl3'rx■■■■■■■■\/■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■Illt■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■/■■■\■■■■■■/\■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/\\\■■■■�11■■1 It■tllll■■llnlllllll■■■■■l■l■■Illlll■lltl■t■■lll■■elllllllllll■■■■■ll■■/■/e/e\■ll■ll■\\/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■■■■■■l11■■■ 1■■11■■■\■■■■■■■■■■■■■tl■■■l■■■/■■le\Illt■■■t■■■■■e■■■■■/■l■l■■■■■■l■■■■■■■■\■■■■■/■■e■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■ell■■1 lelelll■■■■■e■■\\■■■e■■l■■■■l/tl■■■■■■■tl■el■■■■■■■■\■■■■■■■le■■\\■■\■■■■■\■■■■■■■le■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■\■■■■■■■■\■■■■\11\■■ I t■■mill■ellll■l■llll■\/■■■le/■\■■\■■■Illt■l■■■■■ll■■■■■■■■■/l■■le■ll■■■■■■lll■■■■■l■\■■■■■■■■■■\■■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■eetl■\1 ■■tllll■■//n/■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■/■mill■■■\\■milll■\■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■llllll■■■■■\lull■■\■■\e■■■■\■■■■■\■■■■■■�■■■■■■■\■■■■11■■■ iiiliiililiie i�iili■uiiii�iiili �iii■iaii� �iiiiiiiiiiiiii■�i1i■iiiii iiiiii■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliili■iiiliiiilii/ii •il ■■elll■■lelNeel■,1!.91�/■/■■■■■e11■■ll/■■ milll■■■■■■l■■■■■\■■t■F:ll�.■■■■■■■■■■\■\■■/■■\/\\/■■■■■■■■■■■■■1!N��*!\■■■■■■■/■11 \■■ t■■Illll/■///■l\iltti■■■■■■■e■\■■■■\■Intl/■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■YiYiIIY■■\■■\\■■■■■■■■■■■■/■■■/■■■■■■■■\■\■■1111tW■■■■■■■■■ell■■1 IINssESoEemlail tlllt■■■■■■■■e/■■■■■■■l/■■■■■ n nul t/■mill■ell■l■/■■\/_\■■/■■■■■■■\lll■\\Illte■■t■\■■■■■■■\■■■■■■■■■l■■■■■■■■l\■■■■■■■■■l■/■■■/■■■■■■■■■■\■■■\■■■■■leell■■1 1■■t11rglig n■//■■CIU■■■■■■\■■11\■■\■■■11■■■■■a.■■■■■■■■■\■■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■■■■■■■■■■■\■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■\■\■■■11■■■ MENU\—VI■■■e■e■■e■■■■■■■Jim/.■/■\e■/■Illt/■■■■■/■■\■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■■eel/■■■e■■■■■■■■■//■■■■■■■■■■e■eeeoll■■1 ■■eI11Ga\/■n■■■■e■II■■■■■t■e�\tle■■l■■■11\■l■■■■■■■l■■■■■■■■■■■■■■el■■t■■■\■■/■l■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■ele■■■■■■e■el■■■It■■■ �IIIIIYI!��!�■��11�■lee WEr■ENIl•u!m ®■tIH11111�■��■��IIIIe��■��11��l�IIA�IIe■�e�■1111■ ■--/ ■■■a---11■ ■--a= ■11a.■��IIIIIIIIeI�/�■��--- ��t11\d eli\ ■ ■il��■��1�\�L■��■ ■I�\IIII�■ ■del\■■■ ■ ■l�l\rr\ ■■■■\e■��l■\/\■■■■\\■■■■ ■e�tl■■—■\MEM■SOO■E\■—EMNEIINni 1■/ellleltllln 0aaaa l■■\l■■■/Iaaaa M INaII ellll■■■\ll■■//■l////ll\■lell■■/llllll\■■■l■■\■■■■■■■lee■■■\■■/■e■■\■■■■11■■■ 1■/It■e!■■■■■■■■■11■11II/10EMMEaaIlos soME IIIe\■■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■e■■■■■■■■l■//■■Mill\\■■■■■■■■■el■■■l■■■■■■l■■■/■■IMEN goal1 ■11■ Nomme FL:11 ISKIIE ■■\■■Ill■e■u■11■■e■■■u■■l\u■■■■■■■■■■l■l■■\■u■10 o CItl■\u\e■■■u■■■euu■eu■uu■uuu■■ g ueuulou■■uu■u/iuuotuu■u■■\ 1 ■ II■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■l■■■■■■\■l■■l■■e■\■■■■ ■1 1--EENEMMQREIINNEAEEN!IMNNENEEENNEEEEENNEEEommosommmommoEMENESSEENESEEMOSEEMONmmossomommummosommiI MEN to■Itmlm..o..7�..��,..r�..ur•....�.....±111■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■/■■■■\■/■■e■■■■e■\/■■t■■ 11■■1 1u■■tmuilam■Eso 0 1im■o\i�.ztp I—•�•1r\1W■O■M■E■N■■0■maillM■oenl el�I■\■uImllilt1l■■t■■l■/■■■■l■eu/■■■u■■■■■u■■■■uel■■■■■c/o■/l■ceeal///■/l■\/■■\u/t■■etl■■/l■■■■■■■■■u■/■■u■lll\//a/l■■l\■/■■u■■■■■e■e/■u■■e/ee■■■■■■■■■■■\\u■■■■■■■u■■■■u■■■■■■l■\■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■\■■■u■\■■u■\\ee■■■■euItll■■■u■■■1 ■■tlll/■■■■■■1/■■ti/\1 1\\It■■■■■■■11■C►w�■\■l■■l■■■■■■ell/■1111■■■e/■■■■■ll/\■/■■!�1!ItIIII//■/■■■■■■■■/\■■■■■■l■■■■■■e/■■■■■■■11t11■A■■■e■ell■\IMEN loon ull/■u■■11'/IL1r:MiIY■//■■■■■■11■■■e/11■11■■■■/■■■■■■l■■■■■/riiliii■l■■■■■■■■\■■■■■/■l■\■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■YM1iii\II■1nomm ■■II\■■ tee11■■■■■■■11 \II.T i'1111■■■■■■■■■■\le■/■■111■■■e■/■■■■■e■\■■■■/■ I■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■\■■le■\■■■■■■e■■■■■■eel■ 1\■el■e/■/■ell■■1 B.ItIII■■■e■■■11►nal�.r\■el■1111....■■\tlllll■■■ell■\■■■■■■■.'i■■■■el■llllllll■■■■■/l■■■lll■■\llll■■\i7■■■■■■■■■llll■■ ONIt■■■l■■lL:.:�: ���±1■■■■■■■\■■t■■elllt■■■■■e■/■■■■■■■■■■\►■e■■lle■■\■■/■■l■■■■■/■■■■\■■■■/■/■■■■■.I■■■■\■■■■\ell■■1 ■■tlll■■flee■■,�T;�7■■■■■■■■e■■II■■■■■1e11■■■■■■eel■■■■■■■■■■ll//l■lll■■■■■■l■/\■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■\■\■■■■It■■■ 1■■It■■e\■■■■\►:\■■■\■■■lee■■■■■■■■\Illt■■■\■■\■■■■t■■■■■■■■■/l■■■l■■■■■■■l/■■■■■■\/■■■■\■lee\■■■■■■■■■■■\■\■■■■ell■■1 ■■tlll■■■■l\■l\Ilt■■■■■■■el■/■mill■■■!I■■tl/■■■■■■\■■■■■■\■■■■■■■■■■el■■■■■■■\l■\■■■■■/■■\■■■■eee■\e■■■■■■■■\■■\■■■■11■■■ i1 tt■mill■■e■■lr■\e■■■■\7e■lll/■■■■■■\elllt■■■t■■■■/■■■■■■■■■\\■l/■■ll/■■/\■■■\l■■■■\■■■\e\■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\■■\■■\cell■■] Il■tllllltll■lll■tulle■tl\/■■■t■Illlell/■tl■■■lel■l■■■llllllllll■/■llll■■■/■\■Mlle■■l/ll//■■lll■■//■■l■■l■lllllll■■It ova t\e11■■■■t■■11■■/■l■■■11■■■■■■■eel■■■■Ille■■l■■■■■■■■/■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\\■■■l\■■■■\cell■■\■■■le■■e/e//■\■■■e11Tii1 I■ltll��ttt� ttlRRfilat �ttll.tttttt=lt■t� _����t���ttttttttttttt■■■tt■■■tttttt1151� IUL•__�•_•xxx7 •v._��.���xn.-n_===_ .___-r_ _ __ _d =--°.......x"_ _ _—_�.......����.Jlx. It■■e/��■■■■■�Gi�111■lam■■■■�■�II�IItItI1A■■mill■■l/■■■■\tl//■■■■t■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■e■e/tI■■���IIt111�■■�■�■t111�/���/�\■■■Illt■■m tllltl■/■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■lellll\ll■■■\■cell■■■■■■lilt////■/■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■l■■llta■l■:t■■cell■■■■■■llll■■/■\■■\■■■\ld--- ROOF PLAN LEGEN $a WWATES WICH OR RLOPE DWZMN. ■NWGAIEE OfMG01IIOOEL OaIaWIS4 wa snw. NET FREE AaFA ■' BRISIOWE VENTSA1ai•'•• IUbGTESawznw S®EODI.NETFREEAREA NOTE:W'bFA8SEMBLYiM MVE OASS•A•F FRAM NOTES: Pao.B�TwourfiaR aF GRAGEOPAR-z ovetAu xaoo aiBE9 �7!�uro.1�1+Bz11 .. _ FOOOEAWEE TEE E MWMUMCOATTIE. Wa .IIcq Pl.1Tfi LWEA AIBRYUM OFf ABO•£ GRADE. (cficrgea> ATTOANTRL KTWNOFENWGSWWa SEOO,VtED VIIiNCOARavO—ESWT MET&MESH OPENINGS OF 1r*.: W MENRICN BECIIONISSMA ALL FOAM PLWC wRUUTONRIWIYAVEA AAME SPREAD LOPEOOF IWf MaiEOWt1SANp SMOKE -0EVELOFED RATWOOF NOf YORE TInN qO • Au iAAmtwo, odONrm FLwao Womwro NIEN aF YETAL 6NALL fE NOf1E591HAN 21 Na aA AuaoGF WuweTo oartrAtrro DarWul ROOF KEY NOTES LEGEND 1 OIASS W 9U UV ROOFING VfWT. SLOPE FOR OMwAOE T OONCIIRTS 670E W/ MUOOFD CLAY ROWER.!® AND MOM ROW. e . OWTOUTEYDnSATai ATTIC VENT CALCULATIONS AOOITION" 631.BB RGFTATf10 _ - n1gOp •R.1B 6GPT. REOUBED •xa.Tatnw t ' PROVWE(I) OAEfEEAOV , : M.BORO.w. FREEAREA m.m=K TOTALPROVOEO• • � ' •BDLOBODL PAESARBA RA) THE DESERT > GROUP DESIGN/SITE PUNING - r ANTHONY ARAIIA - SERWO H. GARCIA RAMON ANGUTANO GERMAN SANTMURIA - ASSOCIATE MFMBBt OF IHE AA1OVAN INM ME OF ARQC!ECn Wmoall. W. YEAH ARCHITECT -. /WtBMe.varoarrt • .t >IaI1.!!n IEVL1lON5: P6MIAIBIIS OPSeVIC� � . b.Amrsambwri - ' •.• Rmwr•rANaAd. - .. 14Adp.��mlW p.y�s. - bAmlGemP•blmd W iim � f 1 •. + S' (J O W ` W V) Ga O a F p ui �x le Eaoamoa NDvaP xoaa RAMON ANWRMq A6