MA 2011-635CITY C LA Q UIN7A Case No. zew / - C 3 S
Fee: $200
Community Development Department
APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request.
A nonrefundable fee of $200 is required when the Application is submitted The check must be made payable to the "City
of La Quints". A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section 9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviations
of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback
requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall require
consideration of a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030NarianceVoning Ordinance). If the Applicant is not the owner
of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf.
(Address) (City) (State) (Zip)
MAILINGADDRESS: 5 0- (A o C h Lk- P I-I..O M A LA QU l MIA . C14. q M5 3
(Address) (City) — (State) (Zip)
ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: 2. 'FooT MMU CTi 0A) t rV 2. n' Fzctjr Sa`Ti•f/kolt.
-a —
SIGNATURE OF OWNER (if not the same as applicant)
The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any Minor Adjustment
1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plan.
.2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code.
3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements
of the California Environmental Quality Act.
4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health,
safety and general us to or incompatible with other properties �r��s�e h v�i inity.
D ° 0 tl �Jd
A2\Form013 rt;p p S tP X 7 2011
City of la Quinto
CITY OF LA QUINTA Planning DaPaltm9nt
PREPARED `9/07/11,. 17:08:31
CITY OF LA7QUINTA — - ---, -
PROJECT NUMBER: 11-00000165
=---------------- --_ .
.- - -
• ....,...� -- --
Please present this invoice to the cashier with
full payment.
- gif
.tra. LEo�
P.O. Box 1504 "
78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000
LA QUINTA,` CALIFO.RNIA 92253 FAX (760.) 477-7101
September 22, 2011 -
Mr. Peter Rodholm
50-640 Calle Paloma A
La Quinta, CA 92253 -
Dear Mr. Rodholm:
This letter is to report that the Planning Department has: reviewed your Minor?
Adjustment application (MA 201 1-635), pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the'City
of La Quinta Zoning Code, for the residence at 50-640 Calle Paloma.
rr f
Grant up to a 10% adjustment 'to reduce the front yard setback from twenty feet
(20') to eighteen feet (18'), to allow for the construction of a casita, as shown' on
the attached plans.
1. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department
prior to construction. -
2. The proposed addition and all other construction shall comply with all other
development standards as required under -the La Quinta Zoning Code.
Approval is granted for the requested adjustment subject ,to the above listed
conditions and based on the following findings: 3
1. Minor Adjustment 2011-635 is consistent.'with the `Ca Quinta General Plan,
in that the encroachment proposed does not alter, the 'approved land use for '
the property, or affect ,land ,use on surrounding similar properties.
2. Minor Adjustment 201 1-635 is consistent with the' intent of the La Quinta
'Zoning Code, in that the requested adjustment will be conditioned to comply
with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code.
3.. Processing and 'approval of Minor Adjustment 201 1-635 is in compliance
with the California Environmental Quality Act: The adjustment requested falls
under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a) "as,a "Minor Alterations to Land" -
Class 5 Categorical Exemption'. "
4. Approval of Minor Adjustment '201 1-635 is *not detrimental to the public
health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or' incompatible with, other
properties and land use in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on
health or safety issues, and will not affect physical land use characteristics:
in the vicinity. ,
Please be advised that the City only. approves one Minor `Adjustment per lot,
regardless of the percentage of the development. standard adjusted, therefore, no
further adjustments to the building standards can be made for this 'lot. 'This
approval relates only to allowance of the reduction as stated above, and does not
imply any entitlement or approval of a.building.permit for any°structures shown on ;
the plans on file. All other development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code
are applicable and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check.
If you have any additional questions, please contact me at-760-777-71'25.
Sincerely, `
Planning Manager
C: Building & Safety Department
Rowrdino Requested By
�� �2003—M46315
peas s of 15
Regarded in Off lcial Racorda
County of 91+rnr6ide
Return Ter
GWq L. Orso
LOAN 6 607M720299
,gnO.maar County Clark
�a Recorder k
ill 41111
BLO6 700, FILE RECEIPT M=P1. r----
.1ACKSONV ILLE, Fi 32256 M
s v rvcZ oT aR,�R 1 `
air Lam.
16POee ATb�owc, Thin i\nc
R COP! LOH] Re►YMf !c r. E�4U1
Nox CCOtis]
D 1 :T:D• 1 F
TRUST Loom 7G299 �
WOrds tMd in multiple sections of t1& document ure defined below and other worW-.s are defined
V '
in Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21. Ce twin Riles regsid:ng the usag6 of wards used in this
document are aisu provided in s:titn1 I6_
(A) "Security In9trugn0at' mw-tnr-thin rtru-nerr-ni. Alic:lh is t1aYP9 h! 11;11.57 12, 7(Yi�
together with all iiie.ers to this ducurn :nt.
(B)"Borrower":s PETER J. A. HUDMOLM AND
Ritrntwrr is the ti'llator udder this Seciu'ity ingrument.
f Cj "Lender" is SANK OF AMER I CA _ N . A.
organized and existing tuidcr ttic ia%s of The (R 1 TED S 1 A I ES Cr A&tL-k I CA
vise.. 11 o
65131GA1 wo u. YMP MOMAGE PORMS - .assls21-7191
WCR Oii/ Z192 12:32 PA MMYjazig
icnenr'sarr'r;rs's 6300 NORMAN CENTER DRIVE 41000. GLOOMikETON. flied 554371391
Fender is the beneficiary under this Security Instniment_
(D) "Trustee- is pRLAp, INC.
(E) "Xote" means the prornissorF note signed bF Btmower and dated AL1 ,ST 73.. 2003
11c; XuLr, htatcs tl_at Rorrc)v%vr utml; I.cltticr T1V0 H1IWNW f) S 1 XTY F I `JF THOI ISAM7 SFVFN
Tiles i'L(rmt, Burro-cr has prumisexi iii fay this c'rbt it re ll rs
Periodic Payments anti to pas the debt in cull nut laver t:1an SEPTEMBER 01. 2033
{Pi "Property" means the property that is described below under the heading "Trander of Rights
in t'se Property."
(G) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Vote, plus interest, any prepeyrnent charges and fate
charges e:uc under the !Vote, and all sums due under this Security Instrumert, plus interest
(g) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Insvullrent that are executed by Borrower_ The
following Riders ars to be executed by Borrowed (check box as applicable):
Adjustable Rate Ricer Condomuji uln Ridm.
iialtgoq Rider � c
[� Planned [:nit Development Rider j0Second Home Bider
' 0lheres) [s?eci!y]
24 Family Rider H Biweekly Payment Rider
(I) "Appfieablc Lacy" means aft tiontrolfing appiic;a;ic fCderal, state and focal statutes,
regulations, ordinances and admi-usrrative rules and orde-s (alai have thta ci'ecx of ]a%-) as tell as
all applicable final, r_olrappealable judicial opinions
W "COMMunilY Aissociation Dues, Feest and Assessments" means all dues, foes,
assessments and other charges ilia: are imposed an Bur -over or the Property by a condominium
assix;(alion, homeowners assor._ation or similar organization.
(K) "j:fcctronic Funds Transfer' moans al)T tratisfcr of funds, other than a transaction
uriginated by tilled►, draft, Or similar proper instrument, which is iniiiattid through an ulet,-tronic
Lt:rmitlat, wh;Ftltntic; ;;jKlrumc;rtt, GT1Rlpu'Lt;r, err magrzut;c; laps; au 6= :U UT-Jur, ;Tiedruc;L, Ur audrar;&u
a fi=enciul 1mtitvtivn to debit or cred:i an aecowrL Such ternn isx-Iudca, but is aw,, I"itc3 to,
r,oint or c aid trans fvrc, trvw mytud tulle:- mauhine tranewfin:le, tranercre initiated by w1uphunv, wire
trans-fers, and automated ctearinahouse transfers,
(L) "Escrow rtcrns" MOMS those itGMA ThHL are dcscr:bcd in Sunjou 3.
(XI) "Miscellaneous Proceeds' meals any compensation settlement, award of damages, or
Pruz-As paid by any iMm' Party (utbrr than iLsurantx pruc-crcls paid uitdrr Lhe WVcragcs
described in Section 51 For_ W damage to, Of des -ruction of, the Property; GO condemna6con or
other taking of ali or any part of the Yrope_-tp; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv)
rnisrt:Iwc,x-ncaticnr� or. ear ennir.�ilmK ax ia►, the Vattu: WILY11r 0)-it itiaan i►r LIM Vnap erq.
(N) "Mortgage Insurance" means itwai_-arce pmtacting arm against the nnnPayment nf, or
default on, the Loan.
(0) "Periodic Payment" mean the regula_1y sebedvicd amount due; for G) principal and
interest under the titres, plus (h) any amounts under Section 3 of this Sece;rily instrument..
(p) "RESPA" means the Real Estate: SettletllYnt Pracechims. Act (17 I,.S,C. Section 2601 et seq.)
and its i'nPlementing regulation, Regulation li (24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as itley might be amended
from time to time, or arty addhional or stit~tzor legislation or regulation that Governs Lbe smme
subject mattur_ As used in this Se LuritJ Instrument, "RE -SPA" refcxs to all rNUiftments and
ass(CAJ a3om
riw 2 0• 1s
UCA 03/12103 12:32 AN E07C375299
ilYV�IaII-fill AI11tl�IN�IMI�p
restrictions Mat are .tnposed in regartf ro a-fcdc,-taliy rcta'ed mart t
vqj,:,x tluc 'Vatic! -EwIl5rally ev:aee1� ,d mutt ter► �� [ffin " even it the. Loan
R VSrt3.p{�'':L.'
(Q) "Successor in interest of He rrowcr' means aw party that has taken dale to tl:e Pr
tvh8 er or not t3tat Party ttes tls�umcd Barrowces cibligagcros antic r tiie'tiole andlo: t5is Sr ;t
"This Sa:uri(y ieiArument secures to T enrir;r;
(i) the regeP-nel:t of the Loan, at_d all renetLals,
catrnbions and tuuc3ifi�eYiu]is uP 'Lc; -IUw; anr2'(ii) (iic ]xa-rurmarne ur iiurrutieer'ti tarvcnanis and
agMmenrs under this Security- Instument and the 1%te. (:r7 t6i„ purp�e, Borrow ir-evoca6iy
grants and conv* ni Tr•ttste�c, ;a trust, with puwcr ur sair, the fullowinR described property
Lowed in the COUNTY ul' R 1 b'ERS I DE
f'r re of )tecrWdinp Lirk dictipa] [Name of Reror+d rR Jurisdictiaal
Parcel C ALLE ILr 17b-o9:-ouz-4
5UEi40 e�hdch curr by has the address of
LA QUt1ITA tstretu
("Pruparty ddrt xs"); t{:,tyi , California 92253 l'Giy C:ade3
ca,er•, 0 fiEN HER WT1*H all the itr_pnn1-,mcnt8 now or hu:caf_cr erected on the property, and all
nlnrrfrranrr�. anti firnirrs, nrm nr hnrAfrf'r a cart of the: DrCIDexty- 4,11 ret+iacenaF-ats
mid additions shEll also be covered by this Security Instrument.
in this Security Instrument as the "Prop"'" :] of the furceoing is refer-cd to
BORRONFP..R COW.',I,TA-N- t3 Lhat &)rrowcr is lawfully seised o'the estate her cnn►eyed
and has the s;9l t to avant and coney the NOMM and that the P
for encumbraacea of record Bnrmwe:r warrsnt4 and trill defend gftwrAl p the r�e to th�r p� t.
against all claims and demands, suhiect to any encumbrances of record.
THIS SECLTRIT'Y MTRLZI•f1:11T combines uniform covenants or national use and
non tinifurm coveaan's with 1?mited cariatkm by jurisdjcr ion to cons[i�tte a uniform security
instrument covering real property_
L1'IFORM C0VFN- AX-TS_ Borrt'wer and Lender covenant and agree ts: tntictN.,z
I. Pa}ment of Principal, Interest, !Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late
CStsrgrs_ Sdsxrorrcr ahsl'_ Fa; whesdua the. priatyFal of, and irtcress tnt. the debt cvidmcc6 by the
BSSICA} r.our
CdCA 06I R 03e0'0,379295
I �III����1► IIW, � I�t IN 41es. �bt � SEA
NuiC ant] ally Pl-t:jraytut:ii L 0kRI j; l; ails] late t:11argr% due eateicr 1iiG kIr11C, BUMINcs shall also par
funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3. Payment-, due under the None and this S=ni
Inatruncr_t shall ac made in U.S_ currency_ IIowelmr, if ary check nr other instrilrneot rix:Cirril h
LtxxJcr ss Payrnrnt under the \ute or thL- Securit} Instrument is retirned zo bender unpaid,
Lender may rcquirc that any ter air winscT enr implic,-, ttrrt� Jlltae'r tttB Vpte atcd this SCcuri[y fasffumen; be mode in uzsP ar ttit W of he fal(versng forms, as 9d=t2d by I.ercfes: ,aj cash; (t )
rntmey crdcr, (e) ctrtified chi3et, tank check, ir—Amirer•s clnerk or cRshier's chrc1;, Wovide6 any
sexy Lbeep is drawn upon sn iMtiwtiOE 'those deposits ars insured by a federal agency,
lmtrulneiltalit}, Or auLily; ur (d' Uzmtruniu t`tmds'1'ransfer_
Paymenti arc deemed r=,-, cd by I tder when-ecej:ecl at the for tiuv drsigltat_-J ill tllr.
Notr ur at soul: uther location as may be designated by Ler_der in accordance wi-h the noti_e
Mu isiulls in Sex tiuu 15. Lender may rmunt ally pa�Ine:n� or partia gaymeltt :f the payment or
partial payments are incnlfficient to bring •he Lem mirrent. Lender may accept any payment or
Partial Payment insufficient to bring the Loan Current, without waiver of any sights hereunder or
I-nig uct; w its rights to rr Lwc sut'li payment or partial payments in the future, but Deluder fs tot
ubligzard to acplrty such paytrez:nts al the time smell Paylftt:nts are ac
'd. It' t:dCll I'Crtuclit:
Payiueut is applied ab Of its ts(.ftcttuial tine date, 1t=1 1AMId l iM=j iitui Fray iulere5l tn, In,:y171�_tal i
funds. Lender may hold such :lnapplied funds until Borrower makw Mment :a brink the Loancurrent. ri Borrowerdncs not dr) qa within a reasonable perind of time, rA.itdf1r email eir.lxx itflly
sLa:11 funds or return d'XM to Burm'-wer_ If not applied darker, nu --A i'unds will be app'isd to the
outstanding prim:ipltl tlactance corder the Na.e immediately prim to forecintaIre. No nif5r'.t or ristim
xhicll l3nrro m:gfit have now or in the filture again. Verder ahali reliet2 harrower I'men
making paYmmlts due Undm did _'tiute and this SM-uritt Irls:rurnmt or Wfurming the covenants
e:ld aglMISlt=ts scculr l by this Sextxity IMUVmcul,
2_ Application of Payments or Proceeds_ Except as ntherni_sa described in this Section
a'l paymVits H=cptxd and appficd by Lender shzfl be applied in the folfotcing under of priority;
(a) interest duc under the Notc; (;j principal due under the Note; (c) amounts due under Section
3. Such DvYmenrs shi11 be applied to each Periodic Payment in -he order in which it became duo.
8 to
An_v rernaining amfxj;tts Shall be applied firm to late cha: es, sectlnd io any other arnotxtt8
folder this Security Imtrutucnt, WId thm to rad me the principal balanm of the \ate.
If L=der Ie mv(-s a payment from borrower for a dehaqueriz YcTiodic Payaitrtt e'llich
incl:ides a suffieiait aliir/unt to pay rury lace Cl:alt;e ttite, the lrwymtnt may Im rjZaitxl lit .1►r
delinquent payment and the late % arge, if more than one Periodic FkYment ib nutatanding, Lender
tea} alrPI. aft}' }ra; mtall tatrci morn 13tn-ruwta• to Ric t
and LV :hC C1LCtit plat, mull Payment t�ti be Paid is full. '1 here tx eot that any excess eltis;Zs after
the paYmment is applied to the full payment of one or more Periodic Pay:nezts, such esee , may be
applied to any late cbarges due, b'tiluntarJ f rWaYME is t: MH be applied first to any prepayment
charge~ and 5',en as &-% ribetl in LIr hlclte
'may applicc-tion of payments, insta-altoe proceed-R. of \4i&tdlaaenuq Prcceells to prim.'ipat dLa: under the Note shall not extend or PO%tpooc the dLc date, or change the amount, of the F'etiodic
Ikt inalits.
3. Funds fOT I3scrOw Items_ Burrower shall pay A Lender on the day Periodic Payments
are due under the Note, 1mti! the Nte ais paid in full, a stern itile'Funda^? ca Pro ide for payment
of amounts due fur. (a) terra and msemmcnta and tnhcr i.tcros which can attain priority over this
Security, Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; t37? least hold pay Items or ground
I'Cllki V1 111C ft"PGILyt, if allY; (0 p3'Miums Air any dud air insurau: c rcuutrW by Lender under StrCtiol: S' and id) Mostgag- Izlmt rar_cc pr-:- : uir-=, if any, or any stlzw payable by Bormw--r to
Lender in lieu of tlar payment t)f MLITEgage in. -Mane prcmitims in amwdance with the rm►isirn.q of .sex;titm 1Q mutt, are tailed °pi;Ln)w Ttlms" At iiti�ilLaticnI or at airy time dining dm
8561CM LoD:21
a a ]s
C'/CA OV12103 .2:32 pN 6.37037E29g
term of the Loan, Lender May require that Comr vmity Azot iation T)uL;,
if an;;, ba escrowed by Borrower, and such &es, fees and a�ssments r,1ta1 a and
ew Item*
� (nn)wtt sha21 promptly fth u'9it tv Lender ell rAttcc3 of a[tto:urta tea be paid tender thin Section,
I3otrovrerormwer sttaSl Fay Let> the Funds for Escrow Items uniem tender waives fiarriywer's
obligation to pay the lends for any or all Escrow fl ms. Lender may waive Rormwa-'s ablipatinn
w Paytin . Lender ant o for any or tall Escrow Items at any time. Any arch waive- may only be in
writing. In the event of such Waiver, Borrower shill pay directly, a+hcn and srscm y 0311 lo, the
amounts duc for any ):scrow Iterns fir which payment of Fim:lei fia� },tail_ wHj vrst fiy T r-.n:[rr xrut
if lender requires, shall furni�t to Leader remipts e%id--acing such paymt-[tt �itLin such time
pCriuti as l�etldCr tray require_ Rtlrrotter'a ufiiigal;nn to mate stub payments and To provide
receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to be a covenant and agreement contained in this
5ex:urity 1:tstrument, as the phrase "rpvcm . and agreement" is used in Sion 9. If Borrower is
rtbligattxi to pe+y Ebcruo items directly, pursuant to a waivra, and Bo_ -rover fails to pay the
amount due for an 1�craw Stem, (.ender may exercise its rights under 5ectian .4 Real pay attch
amuum and Borrower shall then he ObligMed :tnder .4ectiem 4 m• repay � T,e�� any attctt
amount. accords may revoke the 15 an : as -n am or all F_ti� MW Items. at any time by s Vtntirr.
Liven ill accordance with LL8, S�vgLl a 15 artd, upon such revocation, Borrowtw shall pay to Lender all
Futlds, and its auc ll amuunta, altar arc thtsa rcy.tirod under ;11i4 Sm-lion 3.
Leader may. at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount (a) sufficient .lender to aMJY the Punds at the time svecired to permit ui der R�SP_A, and {b} not to exceed the
matimum amut;nt a lutdcr Can T041 TC under RRSPA. Lender tiha41 ntimate: the artnun! of iit►ndr
true via lho boar: vl curet:( data and roabur_ablc ts:imatcs of wwnditures of future f .%'row items
[]r utberwisc in aucordance; with t3pplicabie Law.
The Funds shall be. held in an iWtitution whose depo2its are insured by a i'9deml. agency,
in nzlnentafit}, nr entitT fineludirte Larder, if Lendt;r is an iststitution chase deposits zte so so
insusecS) ur in any 1'ederdS Home Loan ilasY. Ler6er salad apply the fames tea l the Scam TtarnR nn IAM-r than the time. Rncci`e:xl :tnrls r RF Pq h otter- shall not oharpr Rr► mWcr fnr
Molding and applying the Minds, annually analyzing the cscror acco:3:►t, or verifying the lircroty
Items, unless lender Trays Borrower irtc-c..-t on the Funds and Applicable i,an permits Tender to
snake >c.a 1i it elaatL, thtle,s an agiCt nirm ix tnaele ill Nritiuh c►r Algdir,.lhtr. i.ltr trtlilitrst itr[rrr41
to be paid on the funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrover any interest or earnings on
the Funds, Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, hoRvver, .that interest shall be paid on the
Funds. lzudcr shall gvc to AurruNcr, W'dluut cltargc, an ann:lal acatuniing e�f the Funds as
rlxl[nrcd by RFSPA-
if tht:re is a svrNM flf fnix&- field iII =OW. as defift-d }rattier Rl`'SPA, f miler sbafi account
to Borrol%-cr for- trio c -es i�tnde ire accortiaG%-v with RESPA. If there is s short�z; of Fa:ncf3 held
in ebarwr, as eyeliner uudt:r RBSPA, Lt3idcr sl;all nutify Burruwvr as 1n4uirtx3 by RFSPA, and
Borrower shall tali 10 Leader the armaunt necenary 10 stake up the shoarrage in sdscbarisnc+e with
RFSP 1, but in no mare than iZ man:hly paTmentr. 1f there is a deficiency of Furcg held in
=roa, as dCfined e.rdcr KLSPA, Leader shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and
Borrower shall pay to I.crtdcr the amount nee lary to make alp the deficiency in accordance with
RESPa, hart in no mare than 12 meutthly payments
Upon payment in full o' all sums attired by this Scctlritt; Imtrumcnt,.Lcadcr shall promptly
refund to Burrower wv Funds hull by Le nde r-
4. Charges; liens. iittrrower shall pay all taxes, asse�smentr,, charges;, fine anti im itiorlr;
t't table tar the 1'rupe:rtq which can attain priority over this Bel urit7i Il1s"etent, leasehold
payments or ground remr; (in the Property, i' any, and community
Ala;rltaatiun Dues, Pees, and
semeats, if 2ny. 1v the ett9eett that tb:roe, ite[n5 are 1~9'roW! treats, Borrower shall pay thsm is
tat manner provided in Section 3.
R561Gn1 cools:
t;7LA U811:JUJ a:37 FU ti3,Lrd1?799
IU, .9 -W 1z)
'Wlrl'UWrr Aaal) ltrtlrnpt3y dixLargr. an}• 3ien s►ltirh has print -it; over This Securityinsrrument
unless 13or:'0W--f' (2) agrees in writing to the paymeni of fie ebligatior. secured by the hen in a
nlaruier a«cpLabic to Lender, bu6 only so ltng aS i30rconer iti p6r orMitiL' such agreement; (b)
1'"tcats the iictt in good fa`tin tr , or dctcnds against enforcement nt• LhF 'ie-t ills IE a[ lmx untiings
which it Lender's opinion operate to prevreni The enfnrarm4nt of the lien Bede th0.-e proceedings are. Funding, but orate until such proceedings are Wnult:ded; or (c; from the holder of the
Iier_ an agreement :attsFactnrp to l.enrer nnhnrdinatinp rhr. lien n, th R Cnc-,7,-;ty Instrument. If
i.cuclrr iGirrminr_c t�,at any part of the YraF,ert► is SIN& t to a lien uhith can a-tain prinrity over
LHa Seuurity instt'ument, :.ender may gjve Yorrouer a no"C'& itkntifying sht: lien Within l0 days
flf the date. on which. that notice is giYE•n, Burrower shalt satisfy the lien or take ore or mnrr_ of the action set forth above in this Section 4_
Lender mat• require Borrower ttt pap a ore time charge for a reml es,-
ats � verification
repurtiug scnix used by lender in mmuection ujrh this AM
S. Propertg [nsurancc. Borrower shall 6ccp the ;mptovemcnts tlow existing or hereafter
umle a on [be Property insured against lmn by tire, hazards included within the term "eBLeftded
t.-uvoragc," sod an}• uthcr lxt•Larrls including, but not limited to. e3rthquakm and floods, for whM
deader requirtG veis) and fee e. Ihta r Lsuranoe shall be maintained in ter.: amounts (including
he periods that Lender reovires What I.cndcr rcgttires pursuant to the
Ilrnx.d;llg %entrn= t:an t'b:ange dining the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier
'm""rMn;' -.4101 be. rhrtarn h prOVidirlar the
> Rnrrnwra v,lhiflrr to 1 rn1r.-'c right rn rfid-per+ RnrrpW� c �heL'i�e•, tvblch tight shall not be ezerciswi unreas•�onablp_ Lander may require Borrower to pay, in
andc0flLr c n with this Loam, either. (s) a one time chttrgc for flood tome dcrcrmiration . oertIticatiou
>xrtcl Lrecvteiug scnic+:s; or jbj a one time ch:.rge for flood zfwe determination and c�erufication
Services and subsequent charges each tame remapr�ngc or nmilat.chenge_c Occur which reasonably
Might dfwt gudt dti rrnination or certification. Mrrowcr shail alio be responsible for the
lrtyrnouL ur any reel im-jtjved br We Fbacral Ptmerguncy lfanagement Agency ir=orrwztion with
the rcvicw of any flood zone determination rer,'oWng from an objection by Burrower.
If Korr-awer fails to maintain any of the coverages des cibe;i ahc,ve, lender :nag Ailtain
insurance coverage, at Lenders aption and BomoAcr's c cress,
ure`utse anSp � Leader 15 Under no O�ligdLioSIl LO
F y parLicular type err (mount elf coverage. Therefnre, er:b coverage r,hAll Cover bender,
tart migl,s or rnigi,Y Tint prnr,rr TinrrnviPr. TI—rnn•er'c srpSTy in Tt►r P-nrlrTl. ry T?*-. ,�m,�nty r,r
Lhc Pruperty, agaiox any r_sk hazard or llablitry and mtgttt provlae greater or lesser coverage
than was previotuly in effect Barrow= acknowledges that tac cost of the insurance coverage: so
obtained r 'ght significantly exceed the ruin of insurance that: Borrower crndd have, n-',ainnd Any
amuu vs disb•r_red by I.e.-tder under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower
recumd by this Sec w ty lcstrument. These amnunt% hear interest Till the hose rstP frn n *.hp
date of dir burwrncnL and shall arc payable, with such intcre.�ti upnr. nntica from i ender to
Bnrrnv,er requesting payment.
All incur m--. rinlirio-—71ri-W by l P"t" anil rwrw3aly nF cnr}► __ru--11
Cfl7fQ 4iTAIl %1f c4`htw•i' ter
Le-nder's right -o disapprove such poKcirx, shall ilrcluda a SLlndard mortpape claivi., ant9 rdtall
name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an aMtiatlal loss payee and Borrower fbr[her egret:,, to
Runeraliy assign rights to insur-ance premeds to the holder of the Dote W to Lire amount of the
outstar_Ciog roan i,aiaRcc. i.crider shall h3 c the right to hold the policies and renewal certificaws.
It Lender requires, Borrower sl•�ll promptty give to Lander all receipt of paid :nemi of and
Ivrrat+al uuLtcq. If liurrutser ublaius arts rurm ur irriurancc tuvCrake. not uLhcrwisr rrgttircd by
Lender, for damage tO, or drstructitn of, the Property, Such
Policy shall dard
morLgagr. clat/ac and strait Lame Ltztticr as mortgagee andfor as an addetior_ailiom payee and
Borrower further agrees to ge terall.r atsig 1 riglt4 to ;rmurance proms to *x holder of the Note
UP to the amount ci the outstanding loan bralance_
6S6lCAi iwiz,
L'4:A US/We! 72:.=7 2iYJ E0T3375795
]n tht; event of lass, Tiarralycr steal] give prompt notice to the immirance earlier and Leader.
Lender may make P-nnf of ln�.R if,nni mar!. pmmrhr Ty Tinrrnvre.r. Unlemt Nnn4jer aryl Botts-jWp
o_berwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether ur nut t.`te underlying insurance ass
rt ilireli by Lender, all be applied �o r5waration or repair of the Frope.rty if the restoration or
rr-pir i5 economically feaaibi"r a d LFen�er'security s is nest lessened. Uuriug such repai: and
rk^stonstioa prriud, Lcacicr shalt ha, tiro fight two hold 6=?% jar
tsranee pmocais unfit I.cn3er [vim tetrad
:!n e_slllxn.utucy w Eusixxc �ucti Property Lu ra�urC ire Work nas DMI1 c;umpu:u;u _u LencerS
sa►isfac:ticln, prov;,ded that such inspection chall be tMdgrtaken promiAly. Lender may disuumc--e
proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a singe payment Of in a series of progress payments as
the cork is completed. Unless an agreemon: is made in writing or Applicable ruq-r Ter. intereat to be, paid on Such i'MraDrd proceeds, Lenders) -a;) not be requ-5d to pay Burrower any interest of
carni-iM on such proceeds. Pots for public adjusters, or rrther third pa_rdes, retained by Borrrnver
shall curt he ?aitj out of the insurance proctc& and shall be the We oVigation of Borrower. It the
restoration or repair is noes ecxmomicatty feasible or Larder's seclrity would be lessened, the
insurance tt'oceeds shall be applied to the Burns Fwcured by this Se=1-ir1 1ratrnment, whether nr not
then due, witf the exc:ecs, if any, paid to iiorrnwer. Such insurance arnceedr. §Half be apnlfed in the
order provided fur in Srutioo 2.
If Borrower abandons the Property. Lender may file, acgotiate aaci settles any available
hsurance claim and related matters. It Fiormwir dnnn nm rEmpnnd withi n 30 days mn a nfwire from
l scurry 1l:sar Ihr. i n�9msitt r [esrrirr hac esif�rtni tr► sw.tsln a rl>ais�_ tlu+n T vn[ivr y nPgnriatp anti s rttlP
the claim. 'ine s[i'day period will ilegin *'ten the notice is given. In either m, t, or if leerier
acquires the Ptcsperty under Section 22 or otherwise. Borroter hemby wdgm to Leader ta}
Burrvwc s rights to any :tuuralux proctxxis in at: amount not to escm,,j tLe amounts unpaid under
the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of llorrower`s rights (other tl•an the right to
any refund of unearned premiums paid by Bomwetl under aft insurance policies covering the
Property: irsufar as such rights are applicaable to the co erap! of &e Property. Lender may use the
insurance proceed, either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid imder the lute
or this Securiti Instrument whether or not then due
6_ Occupancy_ liormwer shall [xcups. establish, and use *e Property an harrowers, principal
residence within (A days after the esrrtttinn of this; Sorority Tnssrrttment any; s;hail enntinure to nr nmr
the Froperty as Borro-,ver's principal tesiden5 for at leas: one year aft-r the date of occupancy,
unless Lender otherwise ag; ees in writing, winch consent shall not be unreasonabIs withheld, or
Unlem extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control.
7. Yrescrvation, Maiatenance. and Protection of the Prop", Inspections_ Borrower
3110 nut clrstruy, damage or impair the PrcTpeny, allo+vc Yrupt rtv w.ckcerioratt or aummii ?Baste
on the Property. Whether nr nor Hnrrnv�w is; resisting In the Yrorserty, Borrower shall mainTa°n the
P:operty in order to prevent the Property frm-n deteriorating or decreasing :n value due to its
cundiLiur-' Unless it 's c?ccermincd pursuasL to Sevauru S that repair or restoration is not
rcunomiValll feasiblt; Mrruwtx shall promptly repair the Pnrprvy if damaged to avoid 'UrLhvr
detcrioraLiuse sir darna,ge. if insurasusc sir urudcmrlalimr pral[:ry_L�.; arc Paid its tannrcuLitns tsioi camage
-o. or the utkang Of. the 13ropertp. Ikrrower sha:1 be responsible for repairing or restoring the
Property cssdy if 1xit TCr loss rt:ICMJ d proccml% roc %w-h Purperim. Lender may c isbursc pnx�mrd.�s rur
the repairs and resttorat-an in a sing:c ptynxnt or :n s series of progm Pagme nts a4 the work
completed. If the 1n5lIMCC; or condemnation proceeds are not sufficieatt to repair or restore the
n'uperr'i, Bar:owrr is not r !ieved or Borrower's ubligatiutr for dLC ;aTrnpl�tioss of such repair or
>s TluraLiust
Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Props: ty. If it has
rcasrunahJc a au5e. mender may i11_r�ect t.�C iptericur of i)ie in fin the YrorrrfY. I,rnde7
shall give Borrower notice at the time o! or prior To stub an interior inspection 6T-edifying oich
reasemab!e cause.
13551CAY ena m.
-WA 061!erU3 17_37 PM SCID319299
t3. Borrower's Loan Apptication. Borrower shall, b; in default if, during the 1,iian apfl�;cat;nn
lsrurrba, Burrower or wary pCrsvlla or C]nlitleb at tiug Ili the dimcdun vi �iurlvwet e with r Bornnatinn
3:nowlcxl or consent gave matt:rially false, misleading, or or
infrmmatism or statemenuix,
Lender (r failed to provide Lender with material irfofmation) in crinnec6nn with tie 1_,oat1.
Material reprcscntatinrs inclutie, but are not li]nitm in,
L:retrle�ntatir�rua crJrner]]ing R►irrt►xrr°ti
tfCul]:Jt�cp rrr lilC Yl, rcrty xs ,tiurruN rr'a pniuvipal_ ralur
9. Protection or Lender's interest in the Property and Righis Linder this Security
Instrument. If (a) Borrower fails to perfnrrn 'he covenants and agreements contained in thin
Security Jrsirttiment (b) there is a legal proeeedirg that migLt sip,Itificentll• affect Lender's interest
in tilt ]fr�JCrtY z]ttl�n ]i�t�l� unLle] Il»� nea:nrily T ivV'irrn��l (ran:lr ti a tir<Krcrlin� in l�autingitl:p.
probate, fir GUndemnatinn nr forN.titre, for enforcemem of a :ien w `thin. Security Instriomen'- or to enforce la%vq or regulAtirmg), of lcl linnrrrn e� hastAhandority over
nned tar.. ?rapertz:, then I-nder may do and pay for WbAtec' is ressonehlc ur a3+suut<nnrc to
interest in the Pro PmtCYt,LCndcr'q
Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including protecting and/or
assessing the value of the Property, and sect]rirg andhoi• renwring the property- Lender'n a tinm rstn
include, hilt are not limited tn. (a) rsayinn ant sums srectned t+y a lien Which ha>~ �tiirtity nn�er
rrteya this
.`=1rity lAstrument; W appearing in court; and (L) Wl•ing t�asonable atlofees to Yrote+ct.irs
interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrctncnt,'includin� its mcured position
in a bankruptcy proceeding. Srwring the Property includes, bt.-L is not Emitod to, entering the
Pr to make repairs, change locks. repplace or board up doors and windows. drain water from
pipes, el, irninatc buEdirrg ur utlit;wcic Viu e'tions or clau
on o- off. 31rvtct cxmdititsns, all(: Late utiliLJCs turned
t!Iutlgh 3,eneiet• tnay take action tinder this Section 9. Lender does not have o7 do so wool
is not tinder and' dutg or obliotion to do so, I: is agrood that Lender int,•u-s no liability for not takiny.
any or all a. - Lions aurh0ri7ed under this Set.-tion 9.
Any amounts disbursed by Lender,under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of
Borrowcr socurcd by .his Security Instrument, These amounts shall Dear isterest at the Not.- rate
fror: the date of disburscrnmt aryl stall be payable, with such interest; upon notice f_ om TCnder to
Borg%ver rcqutwaug paymcid.
if 111L4 Security insinlment is on a le astlu]ld, Btorrober.shall urnply with all the provi.,innc of
'he testae. If linrrou er acquires fee title to the Prnpeny, the lesSehntd and the fee title Shall not merge
unless Lender agrees to tho merger is writing.
10. Mortgage 10surancc. If J.cnder rcgt;ircd Mortgage IpgUranec as a condition of making tl;e
I.roan, linrrower „hall lvty the prern:ltrns ragturfa9 to ttlAt:lt8ia the _Lirntgage hlsttranue in cki t. h for any reagn:t, the Mortgage Ir trance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the
rnurtgagr. iuhurrr drat Im %iuusty Ewovidcd taint irisuraut7c and bvnu*,+ex was required to make
ratpar8LGty drsiguaLw P8clnralls toward Liz prrmiums'fur furtgage hingance. tkurower shah pay
the preraiuMs required to obtain coverage substantially equit;aient to the .lortgagE Insuro3nce
1ltCY]ULAty in efftx{I aL a Lxmt suW31itiall_ .exluivale nL to Q1G «L ;u Burruwtx ur Lite Muripgo
irirtramx Wev:OUAY :u e1fect_ fnml all alto it.. mvrlgagc iuntrGr zirlvL=lcxl' by Let]dcx_ I[
substantially cqui v alcnt Hlortgagc lnsurancc cotcragc is not available. Borro�+cr shall co:ttinue to
lotty to Lender the »rnnnnr, of the separately dedgnaTied payments that were due when vie insltrano-
r-uvt:L7Ll,'C C'C:..n l fu be ]]] Cf t!E;L• I.cuttC]' Welt UMCpj. tJtiC a:Ld rCL•di_L L'tmic payinums d5 a 111►u re'undablc
loss reserve in lieu uF -Mortgage InsL]raacn Such lass resew- shrill be 'non refundaNci
]er]lvritLslautiirib tl]e raa;t LltaL ifte: i.ernriN .elt;matdy paid in Puff, a:td i.Cudn- dw:j lint hC te:t{aircJ Lt�
Pay fitn•1vu er any interest r earnings on such lass reserve Lender can no longer require loss reserve
)laymenus i1 Mvrtl;akr h]tvrant s; La►vrrakts tin Lhe alnc►Lunt anti Tear theprrjtX1 that I.W.1dur requires)
12rtJvfdcd by an insurcr 0e1tirted by Lvriderr cgafu betutnra �v�ilable. r,I ubttL;rwtt, text Ztxt:ie: recfult n
se rarely desigr,ared payment; toteard the premiums for Mortgage lnsure;tce. If Lender required
Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making tic .Loan and I30r.-O of was mquLrcd to make
separately cksignaxd pa; incurs toward the Premiums for Mortgage Insurance;, ldurr owcr shall pre;• the Pfcmiums required to maintain Mortgage insurance in ef:etx, or to provide a non-r>:fundei lt; lass reserve, unti: Lender's requirement for hfortgage Insurance ends in accordance With am written
agrminemt btaweel tiurtvtver and LCILt:rr pruvidirg fur such t.~rminadon or u]Ltil termination is
rrifLtirtrl by Applkablc Law•. Nothing in Lhs SmLiou 10 afle cts Burruiiex's ubligatius tri pay iutt!rrst
at tits ra r provided in tht: Nuu;. • '
ES5fCAI m5r,
CVCA 08/12f03 12.32 FU E070379299 "90 00. 1,3
Mortgage 111surancu rrimbur%cs TAmder ter any entity that _rchagfrs the fiote} for certain
lasses it 1jaT incur if Rrnmvrex cinre nett testy tht- I nnrt Aa agrU�rower is not a party to the
Mortgage Inslurative•.
Viurtgay: insurers evaluate their h- tzt] risk or. all such insurance in forec fror Limy; in time, slut
11:ay elegy i:ILu ay,rCUMUutb wf t11 udWr yME.Li lilac Marc or mucPfy their rila[c, or reduce 1
a s:rricaccy ar•: c,rc 4LTM% aloe, ovuliciaas lust are aatistmcr m cl G1c too losses. •1•ltew
part/• (ur parliml to these al�neecr_en�, These agreements oorrnarWdP; insumr and cle �r�set
Payments U5111g any your= of runcis that Me mortgage insur�ertmre have, avaaf.abi ( IIich ake
Include funds ulo.aittcd from klfwtgagc lnsurance premiums}
le ,is a resull of these 89eemMts. Lender, any porch-ser nP t;, \70tt anntlter insuret, an}•
rein_a►rer. any other entity, or any afii)iatc of any of the forcgri_to, may receive (directly or
indirectly) amoliltS List dtxltre from joy might be-haraetcrized as) a portion of Borrower's
PasmCtrts'ur lbtvrCga itrsara=, in exchange tbrsharia ar nladI' n rhs rnort
or ttxiwiitg lus-st� If b u;h a rmment g BEd insut�r'S risk, g pruvtde that an afiiiiate of fender takes a sure of the
inst:t w's ii�k i,r r�uLattgc fur a slsane u' tltc I�rCrniurns paid to tltc irmurar, thr arratt tttcnt is uiten
termed-captivere:nmtrance., �'iu*har
{a) Any such agreetrntnts will not affect the amounts that Borrower has aRreed to pay
for -klortgage Insuraaec. c`r any other terms of the loan. Such zgmwa essts will nutincrease
the amount Dorrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they wilt not CntitlC Hawn
to stt refund.
(1) Any such agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has - if anp - with respect
to The klortgage lnaurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 nr atty other
law. These rights may inelWe the right to receive certain disclosures to r
equesad obtain
caumllatiun of the 142urcgagc Insurance, to Have the Ziortgage ti;suraanceterminated
autumalically, and/or to receive a refund fir any Mortgage lnsuranee premiums that were
unearned at the time of such cancellation nr termination.
I1_ Assigarbcat rir %4i&ccliarrecjmv }'rrxeads, Furreitur-, AN Ali. Narlrxncs )'rrrcrxxL; a
hereby assigm-d too ace "I be mid to Lender•, re
If the Property is dumagcd such Nfiscchaneous Proceeds shall be 8 repair of ti)e Property, if the res oration or o ble Pnd Lender's security
not legsened. Thtring wch repair and restora�prn r tperind. economically
have thr 1;gTO 1 ld such
Nliscellaneow proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to enure the
work hts been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall bx undertaken
promptly_ l.cndi r may pay for the repairs: and ttxtnratinn in a Single dishttrrement ru in a reties of
prugrc:cs paymen is as the w nrk is c ompte*ed,17nleR; an agreement is made in writing or Aprlicable
Law requires interest to bo paid on such Miscell8pt'Qt.'3 Proceeds, Lender shall not be rquirad to pay
Borrower any interest or Carnirtyg on sucb Misccllancous Fr p
cxunutnicall► trasiblc ur Lt> elees smut -Ay would be Itwen �e Miscellaaneoouss nor
ruceecis rhallnbe
apPlird to the sums secured by Ulis Security Ins --rumen_, wbether or not lh:eat due, with the eness, if
ally, Paid :u Borrower. Such Misteilaneous Proceeds shall be a
Scction 2. oplied in the order provided for in
In tt•-e event o? a natal taking, desn fiction, or lore in value or the property, ttte A4iSmTla1jt:otL4
Proceeds shall be applied to the Rona Aneured- by this Seeur'ty instrument, whether or not then dice.
with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower.
Tn the event of a partial takingr destruction, or lnss in valtcc OF t:•lc 1
market vale of the Aw3ert ?mP i in which the ra;r
,1ai u� c,r I+immediately before :he partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is
be partial
r ki g the triatrni ttf tht: sums inlay"/ T?y t}t�s Security instrument immeaiairJy
before the partial taking, destrrctkm or lose in vsltx t.-n)em Borrower End Lender otherwise agree
in wri-ing, tic sums socttrcd by this Security Instrument shall be rechiced by the.amnimt of the
Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the WDwing fraction: (a) th- total amount of
he sums
secured immeiiate:y befog the partial Ukdng, tttstrtli.tioll, or lt>;s fist value diviaied by (b) the fair
markd vahlc of ti1h, Nropertg immediately hel'Ore the partial taking, d-sin tion, or Im- in valtt;.
Any balanm snail be paid to florrnger,
lit the t-vrnt of a rartis_l taking., distrurtiort, or toss in value pi tine Yrvpe rty in uvhi�.11 t
than the Iv. Fair rnarkCt eafuc.uf the PruPt: ty irnmediatcly befure the partial taking, destnwlion, U.- 1� in value is
to ,mount of L1e ,ices �as_•ed imsn'vliati,ty , more the r*ial Eating,* dp ;tic ,:don. or
63MV i ;w in
C7XA 3VII7003 17:37 PM 63f03fV99 page got .g