SBA 1978-765June 2, 1978 Indio Administrative Center 46-209 Oasis'Street, Room 304 5M:6216 Indio, California 92201 -(714) 342-8277'_ . Frank Oliver ' b12 Highway 111 alm-Desert. California 92260 RE:' •Setback Adjustment No. 765 52565 Vallejo , La Quinta District R-1 Zone - Assessor's Parcel No. 773-292-014 Dear 14r. Oliver: , �r Dhis.letter is to _report approval of your recent application for a setback adjust- nt, pursuant to Section 18.33 of Ordinance No.�348, to permit a 214a encroachment into the required 5-foot-side setback for a house. It has been determined from a study of the'case that special circumstances epplic- able to the property do exist. Due.to size and shape of the lot, if the wodifi- ation were not granted, the subject property-trould be deprived of privileges joyed by other properties in the vicinity and the sacra' zone classification. . Enclosed for•your file,is a 'Copy of the'approved Exhibit "A" and a receipt for the fee paid. ; Very truly yours, - RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia N!"th, A.I.P. - Planning Director Scott McClellan - beputy Director Encll . - cc: Dept. of Bldg. A Safety, Land Use Div. Riverside office - s• A) CASE NO..765