SBA 1979-944,I ';�, .,..,,�•_�.I_��t.�: ,�,<<� „�I ,. ', i�iU;_I,�TV.. CC'll•.� ICI I CO -',�,Ir Cou,�rti PLAi�„�T\G D" AR1►^c?►; I `' R I vE R S.I D E 1; . A?Oi. CATION FOR SETBACK ADJUST MEN T %SEC'iiO�V ' c- 8.3� ORDINANCE �0. 343 1 I, ! APPLICANT: Submit this form •`' r Plot Plan vn to t'r,e' speci-"ic« tvi th ►1 ve copi as.. o ► . a scaled required on'the attached Check List, A ncnrefun4able filing fee,o► $6 is required when t App1 i cati on. i s, Aubmi tted•. Check mus t to- 'ade p vab ; e �a "County of versi de." the Applicant i s . not the owner of- the rop c'�- • r •^'�y, r» letter mush: be submitted by the owrser i authori zing the '•Aapl i.cant to exacute ' r �niJ l.V�,V,,,V„•V iii rilS LJ , • . ' PZeasor ype _.�(.lhUPX f C Apal i ca�t's Name ; hey a) 0S S P0�)S . Date ' .MaiIIng Address I LL A M :; Phone 3L :3 � V Z - I .! di ty-,'•' � Y i G� S to t2, /n A , '_... ,p n � Owner's .Name 1 l,U I :. -1 e Ti Mailing Address — _ id Vara) City � '. state v�n im— ZIP Street Address of Property -456 APj2 i"d Q r Legal 0escri tion of Property ' P� , P �'/ (May b,6 ra ttached� ' o 0 Adjustment 'requested G G �Gr 5 J/� .•Reas.on for request � . JUSTIFICATION: No request for a setback,adjustmenlo shall be granted unless•it is'determi that the adjustment Is consistent with *the intent and purposes of this Ordinance; that t'r are specia� circumstances appJJcable'to the proN:rty, including sucj factors as size, shl: taposi'ra by ►cad on �" sIlr� i'nlr. lr���;. 1;h1:, ills' n.� .1. i� ICI ii I I I I I II II iI 1 I II' II, I ( III i 1� 'i I I "� � j' II•�' 'i ,I III 1. 11' ; I �I 1 , I I i ,il .I�� II, 1 (II� III ;I' II :; � �� I II III I,, L•I ,, II I ! I. It I I I I I I ;' ,, , ill 1 1 1 ;lli• I' ! � I I � I I � I • � � � II I.� 'I i ''I I. 'II• i I jll�l,i I�°'I I I •I II'll, I ' ,I I I I I I I I1I it; ,I 11 �,. I• ill,.11 I ij,, I Il I ' ' I 1 III1 I•I, 1 I i ..',I' I i I.� •II I I .1 , ' i I �I I I •j i I�ti ' I i�lj I I I IIII'll1 ' I � I• ,I I •' '! I I Iit t • i III�� ��III jf I. ,;j ��:1�' ;Iil�( 'I �', � � I., I. 'I I'� I I II I :i I i I� I j ! •1 i' ;; � 'I, 11 I 'I ' i � li �, , ji) l� I. I .j I �, 1 . I ; ! � 'l i �. I • � � � I i `I ����� ►1V60c C©al\;.RttvG DtcPAiVMcNT 'ilr"r lli ;COUNTY -.~1T{ PLANNING COMMISSION 1? 1 VER SI DE. �.,.7#..1J ELM ER M. KATZENSTEIN, Chairmen, Rubidoux KAY S. CENICEROS, Hemet DAVID W. TER BEST, Calimeso JESS E. LILLIBRIDGE, Corona RUSSELL E, CAMPBELL, Blythe KAY H.OLESEN,,Palm Desert MARION V. ASH LEY, Perris PATRICIA NEMETH — A.I.P. PLANNING DIRECTOR 4020 LEMON STREET, 9th FLOOR, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 February 22, 1979 Indio Administrative Center. �u-209 Oasis Street, Room 304 JLL:6632Do Indio, California 92201 (714) 342-8277 Sttn Saver Fiberglass Pools , 750 Williams Road.. Palm, ,SpringQ, CA 92262 . RE: Setback Adjustment No. 944 52-540 Avenida Navarro La Quinta District R-1 Zone Assessor's Parcel No. 773�275-010 ` Gentlemen: This letter is to report approval of your recent 'application for a setback adjustment, pursuant. to Section 18.33 of Ordinance No. 348, to permit a 1-foot encroachment into I rear yard.setback for a pool. It has been determined from a study of the case. that special circumstances applicable to the property do exist: 'bue to size and'shape of the lot, if the modification were not granted, the.subject property would:be deprived of privileges enjoyed by•other properties in the'vicinity and the same zone classification. Enclosed for your fi l e is. a. copy of..the approved Exhibit "A". Yours very truly,. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, A.I.P. - Planning Director C;n)& L. Libiez Planner I KMM:mj Encl. cc: Dept.:.of Bldg. & Safety Land. Use Div. Riverside -office RIVc cSICc CCUN"i`! PLA�V�II\G DEPARTMENT . . . r COUNT }' �•-s:ar:.� .. IV RS.IDE APPLICATION LICATION FOR SETBACK ADJ.USTMENT SECTION 18.33 ORDINANCa NO. 348 ' APPLICANT: Submit this form with five 0' r o tI copies' es o C .4 scaled ,lot Plan n to the speci fi cat i or required on'the attached Check List. A non refunuable filing fee.o, $6 is required when the Application is aubmitted. Check must be made pGyable to "County of �verside." if the Appl i cant is not the owner of the p'r00c;^ty, a l ett&r must be submitted by the owner authori zi ng' the Applicant to execute t;r� i s ocu�;� r,-- i -. his be'r _ . Saw rPlease Print or Type Applicant's NamS e u Vl ,i� F1 2 Q 0SS Date o� ' Mailing. Addres s__� 0 W I LL I A AA 'S Phone .32 3 - y.), 3 city I n� �V i Yl �� C—�zI Statey1- • � — P. . Owner's Name _ �U� j-)J, I ' Mailing Address - J` — j(� ,4Ven id ot-, W Varr7) :ii' • ' City o�f A— , State C4z ZIP Street Address of Property y — A a Ida rr Ii Legal Description of Property (May be attached). �o C I SCd" i3 - 2, 9 0.0 Adjustment requested a C Gi 5 . nq e_-,n7L I I; Reas.on for` request I JUSTIFICATION: No request for a setback.adjustment shall be granted unless -it is determined '',.'that the adjustment is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances appl i cab�l e • to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setba requirement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health,. safety, and gener welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the'parcel- for whit the adjustment is requested. STAFF- USt Receipt No. BY: District orA4 a 1__ QgU 0-r0t- Date Received: 2-i -7 Zoning :?,- Adjustment No.' ' Assessor's Parcel No. -, -Z �-z, -7S•-c�� a PO-75-55 . � �ll.l'J;•bbs •• • sum, MY" qLASS FMIS, I'vc P/* AIV PTAILIANS ROAD V R I cA 62 (714) 32342 3 . 3q / • 1 i. _ _ _ .. � -- .... ir'L.{• U. � .... ♦1S • fin. � I t .'I � + ' � � �... ....... w.+..... .r era •vn .. ... r. i,.. is..-.�..�..... n..... .....+.. ..r.•. w.a. .a� • � T I " 3y------------- I V PJ T :!V'2R310E_ COUN►Y i . 1%Ni I NG DCP.A2,TMcNT PLANNING COMMISSION ELMER M. KATZENSTEJN, Chairman, Rubidoux KAY S. CENICEROS, Hemet DAVID W. TER BEST, callmesa JESS E. LILLIBRIDGE, Corona RUSSELL E. CAMPBELL, Blythe KAY H. OLESEN, Palm Desert MARtON V. ASHLEY, Perris PATRICIA NEMETH - A.I.P., - PLANNING DIRECTOR 4000 LEMON STREET, 9th FLOOR, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92601 February 22, 1979 Indio Administrative Center.` 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304 JLL:6632D0 Indio, California 92201 (714) 342-8277 Sun Saver Fiberglass Pools , 750 William' Roed'• ` Palm Springe. CA 92262 •' :' RE: Setback Adjustment No. 944 52-540 Avenida Navarro.- La Quin ta' District R-1 Zone Assessor's Parcel No.-773-275-010 Gentlemen: This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback adjustment, pursuant to Section 18.33 of Ordinance No. 348, to permit. a 1-foot encroachment into rear yard setback for a pool. It has been determined from a study of the case that special circumstances applicable to the property do exist: Due to size and shape of the lot, if the modification were not granted, the subject property would be deprived of privileges enjoyed by.other properties in the`vicinity and the same zone classification. Enclosed for your file is a copy of..tne approved Exhibit IIA", Yours very truly, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, A.I.P. -Planning Director n L. Libiez Planner KMM:mj _ ._..._.__... Encl. cc: Dept. .of Bldg. & Safety - Land Use Div. Riverside office FILE COPY .j I �� I. ,I I ' . � ' I •I � i ' � . � I ,� . �