SBA 1979-986RIVERSICE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT V TV �i;,�1•C' p RlVERS.lDE :I�'T -� APPLICATION FOR SETBACK ADJUSTMENT. SECTION 18.33 ORDINANCE NO."348 APPLICANT: Submit this form with five copies of a scaled Plot Plan drawn to the specificatior required n the attached Check List. A nonrefundable filing fee.of $60 is required when the Application is submitted. Check roust be made payable toy"County of Riverside." If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, -a totter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the • Appl i cant to execute this Gccu,;,en . i n r;i s behal f. Please Pri n ; or Type Applicant's Name A (�IZZZ&f}TD/Y Dote Xai 1 i ng Address, f-733 46A,67Z Phone 3 ✓� Ci tY State Ddner's Name Mailing Address City Street Address of Property D Stnt2 Legal Description of Property (May be attacned)..4 7` 2 ZIP � m Adjustment requested 6-Z"_,P% 02 lNr,D lfzDilllfl� 13— S//��`' y, ,0e.o Reason for request cS/) ,rZl/� 1XZ2 JUSTIFICATION: No request for a setback.adjustment shall be granted unless it is.determined that the adjustment is consistent with -the intent and purposes of'this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances applicable'to t^e property, including such, factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setba requirement, and that the adjustment w4l l not be detrimental to the health, . safety, Iand gener welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for whic the adjustment is requested. w A^ STAFF USE Receipt No. District or Area Zon i ncu �— Assessor's Parcel No. "77V—. /— Dom PD-75-55 Dated'fieco i ved. Adjustment No. FILE C 5 OPY �.w.... �., �V ..nS�.� „C1.�1 L•N1�G. DCPA►,4M�, f ..1 i, i=: COUNTY � / f P L A N N I N: G C 0 M M I S S 10 N v C =� J:JVERSi'd YAr..lui/ ELMER M. KATZENSTEIN, Chairman, Rubidoux (.- KAY S. CENICEROS, Hemet DAVID W. TER BEST, Collmase, JESS E. LILLIBRIDGE, Corona RUSSELC E..CAMPBELL, Blythe KAY H. OLESEN, Palm Desert MARION V. ASHLEY. Perris PATRICIA NEMETH — A:t,P,. PLANNING DIRECTOR ' I 4010 LEMON STREET, 9th FLOOR, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 I March 29, 1979Indio Administrative Center 4C-209 Oasis Street, Room 304' xr�1:6668D0 Ind;o; California 92201 (714) 342-8277 R. V. Corporation, 68-733 Perez..Road Cathedral City,•CA'92234 RE: Setback Adjustment No: 986 54-780 Ave. Ramirez. —� La Quinta District Zone R-1 Assessor's Parcel No. 774-301-003 Gentlemen:_ I. This letter is to report approval of your.recent.application for a setback adjustment, pursuant.to Section 18,33 of Ordinance No. 348, to permit a 2-foot encroachment. into the _required 5-foot side yard setback for a fireplace. Is It has been determined from a study of the case that special circumstances applicable 6 to the property do exist: Due to size and shape of the lot, if the modification were I not granted, the subject property would.be deD•rived of privileges enjoyed by.other properties in the vicinity and the same zone classification. Enclosed for your fil e is a copy of .the approved Exhibit "A". Yours very truly, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT i Pacrica`Nemeth, A.I.P. -'Planning Director -Kevin M. Manning - Senior P1 ner ' KMM:mj Encl. cc: Dept..of Bldg. & .Safety - •Land Use Div. Riverside office i Pl-p•-j for ' � THE__I-A-C�Utt�1TA F��Je�GT 5� o J.H. E;vAN �. A3SOC1/�T�S