SBA 1980-1351K kS LDL COUNTY PL.ANN 1NC DLPARTMEIJK APPIA CATION FOR SLTBACK ADJUSTMENT SLCION 18.33 ORDINANCE NO. 348 APPLICANT: Submit this form with five copies of a scaled Plot Plan drawn to the specification required on uhu attached Check List. A nonrefundable filing fee of $60 is required when the Application is submitted. Check must be made payable to "County of Riverside.1° tf the Applicant is nut the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf. Please Print or Type Applicant's Name ��&,,Q"Ei 4-�n/(1� Date co' CO- b° Mailing Address �� �i�A(N � /UOUI� �� Phone City yti �,qC State L" ZIP q��3-= � - Owner's Name `] iAYV6.7-r-( Mailing Address City QQirfTA-, State ZIP Street Address of Property _ Legal Desciption of Property (May be attached) -774- 073 — 94 FbPr-Se I 1 O-- I A (� .9-< sC_ Lies -,A-, / 9, ebaV-0 Assessor's Parcel No. Adjustment requested J/A/wA A. IN Reason for request -77-7' 4, 093 -oaf � ( �o ►� ��� �itt� �1�2©ram ii� � o . (�r N � JUSTIFICATION: No request for a setback adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that the adjustment is consistent with the intent and purposed of this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setback requirement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X STAFF USE Receipt No. District or Ar�.�� WUIK b Zoning + �c T Super.vi.sorial District �- PD-DO-80 By:' -DM Date Rec ived: L2C Adjustment No.: ? _ Module No.: J LL: 1 rd C 9 1 V E I i S;3E COUNTY PLANNING DE�PA_R_TM- NT — r'i)I'N I- If t. June 9, 1980 DM: 7346 DO Preferred Spas & Saunas 1109 N. Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 Gentlemen: PLANN ING COMMISSION 1 L ME. II M. KATZENSTEIN. Chairman, Rubidoux K,AY S C(:NI(A:IIQ:; Itomef JI.:iS f, LILLIBIODGE,Cmuna KAY I1. Ol 1. !: !. N, Pal in Deselt DAVID W. TER BEST, Callmesu RUSSELL E. CAMPBELL., Blythe MARION V. ASHL;EY. Perris PATRiCIA NEMETH - A.I.P. - PLANNING DIRECTOR 4080 LEMON STREET, 9th FLOOR, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92901 Indio Administrative Center 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304 Indio, California 92201 A 714) 342-8277 RE: Setback Adjustment No. 1351(429) Legal Description: A portion of the *S11 Sec. 12, T6S, HE. Assessor's Parcel No.: 774473-024 This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback adjustment, pursuant to Section 18.33 of Ordinance No. 348, to permit a 1Y encroachment -into a 5' rear yard setback. It has been determined from a study of the case that special circumstances applicable to the property do exist. Due to size and shape of the lot, i.f the modification were not granted, the subject property would be deprived of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and the same zone classification. Enclosed for your file is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". Yours very truly', RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, A.I.P. - Planning Director i Kevin M. MantlrnSF- Senloff Planner KMM:mj V Encl. cc: Dept. of Bldg. & Safety - Land Use Div. ✓ Riverside office 1*L'PEJI REU 1109 N. Palm Canyon Dr. PL OT FL p-OUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Palm Springs, CA 92262 / ! /At N , , (714) 327-007S CEP ,f.TMENI OF. U t : �.l r . Sf�.F L1Y C'.I:7 r:, tZ 1 S X' � I z STT ,j E I A-PJ C-- (lBy TE �. L4E'!Vr(/f �/c�C/ APP;.,vd v. ni.:a s!i.a not Gar constmed to ba a V,.rn r.t wr, .,:� „�prn•; �I oi, any •relation of any of ZC�IL — /^\ �� Nr� /� C ���� S� he ,wisans of the state or county• laws. This W (/`-,fT) plans must be kaot on the lob Wltll tomnletln^ � .LOT W DT z`�� 1� %'V C�t�✓Nzz� CCRNER LOT INTERIOR LOT Cj E 5�' Zpyi _ 30 �1 t 1 , i Ti o �,(,R d a� 1 t SIDE I C � V MWE PROPER Y n, 0?—=R TY LA — — -- — — — FRO14T 'PRO'Pr-RTY U. � Sl"'R3rl EET CASE NO. l