SBA 1980-1374I( t.Vlat:; 11►I: CI II1N'I'1' I'I.ANN I NC DI-'I'AR1'MENT t1t'I' ACA'I'L(1N FOI,' til•'TBACK ADJUSTTENT SI:C't'.I►►N I.8.3.1 ORDIN,,NCI! NO. 348 ArVI. ICANT: Sul0ulll. LhiS lulm wiLh five k:oI,ivs of a scaled blot flan drawn to tale specification r�luil,.;1 oil t.h„ aLL<aclwd Che,'k 1ASC. A filing fee of $-60 is req►.!ired when the Appl i..':.►LI,Iu is Suhul.iLLed. Chuck must he m,ldc payable to "County of Riverside.." 1.1 Lh..• Appiii'auL Is not the owner of Lhtt prohirlLy, a ieLL'ur must be submitted by the owt►er auLhur.i.zlnb the Applicant Lo executc Lh:i.s document in Ilis behalf.. Please 1'cillt or Type App I i.uaut.'s Nmiiu HAENEL_& BUETTNER'(S Date --juiy--3D-s--1.980----- Ma1]iul; Acid rL:s6 Post Office Drawer__IQ2Q_— phone rr,4-4228 City _La Quin Ow►►ur's Name Same as above Mailing Address __Same , SLate California 'LIP 92253 City Same State same zit' same SLreeL Address of Property 49-475 Avenida Montero Desclpt.i.►n of Property (May be attached) Lot 18 of tract 3448 as per ma recorded in book 58, pages 20-21 of maps, records of Riverside County. A...,essoL's Parcel No. ► / �%-� k_3.f _ Q- Adjustment: requested °' Zero setback from front property line for swimming pool equiptment, eason for request ilable for pool equiptment ,. „v . �/ � . � .,,: //, ,, � . nM , t.- �1�•� . _ Ki, Ate, i1 , •. �t�ii f� r���,l 't�./e� ��_ ,�yN7/Yh�,r„ .1US11141tfION: No cq st: for a setback adjustment shall be granted unless it is deterb&fted that the adjustment is conslatet►L with the intent and purposed of this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, Lopobraphy, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setbac requirement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to ,the health, safety, and genera welfare of thu conwnani.ty or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which the adjustment .lS L.que-sted. XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)UIX. XXXXXXX}CXXXXXXXXXX STAFF USE Receipt No. District for Are' I) Z o n i n g_ f-` Supervisoriai Dkstri.ct r V D- DO- 8 0 --- By:7 Date keceived: 1,4 =� Adjustment No,: ✓ ..Module No.: ILL. l.rd ! "'_i3-C1 0, .M�%�� �t^)FLL1 �lw� -, -r 0 August 18, 1980 DM:7444 DO Haenel & Buettner P.O. Drawer 1020 La Quinta, CA 92253 Gentlemen: RIVERSIDE COUNTY 0-ANNIN.G 0 E P A R 3 T 1 PLANNING COMMISSION ELMtH M KAT`ZENSTEIN, Cha.rmen, Rubiduux KAY S, CtNICEHOS, Ha(11al DAVID W. TER BEST, Culimeau JESS E. LILLWHIUGE. Cusuna RUSSELL E. CAMPBELL, Blythe KAY H OLESEN Palm Jeaert MARION V. ASHLEY, Pernt PA I RICIA NEMETH — A.I.P. — PLANNING DIRECTOR 4060 LEMON STREET, 9th FLUOR, HIVEMS IDE. CALIF OMNIA 92601 Indio Administrative Center 46-209 Oasis Street. Room 304 Indio, California 92201 (714) 342-8277 RL: Setback Adjustment No. 1374(429) Legal Description: SW., Sec. 31, T5S, R7E. Assessor's Parcel No.: 617-431-005-5 • t This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback adjustment. pursuant to Section 18.33 of Ordinance No. 348. to permit a five foot intrusion•into front yard setback for swimming pool equipment. It has been determined from a study of the case that special circumstances applicable to the property do exist. Due to size and shape of the lot, if the modification were not granted, the subject property would be deprived of privileges enjoyed by'other properties in the vicinity and the same zone classification. 1Lucloaed for your file is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A" Yours very truly. RIvERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, A.I.P. - Planning Director John L. Libiez -Associate Planner JLL:jd Encl. cc: Dept, of b ldg. & Safety - Land Use Div.'(2) Riverside Office RC PANEY POM P. ®. ®0X 2208 PALM DESERT, CA W k,a CASE NO.: %.3 Z3 LO W I uL gDiOTFt-0