SBA 1981-1551E Z.;rti ss / RIVERSIDE! RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICaTI0N FOR SETBACK ADJUSTMENT SECTION 18.33 ORRINANCE NQ. 348 i x 100 �PLiCANT: Submit this form with fie -copies of a scaled Plot Plan draw to the specifications squired on the attached Check List. A nonrefund;:51e filing fee of is required when the pplication is submitted. Check must be made paya6la to,"County of Riverside." f the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter rust be submitted by the owner jthorizing the Applicant to execdta this cocume-,, i; his behalf. lease Print or Type palicant's Name Date _1' ��l ailing Address_ _ ra. Phorle--I s'— /ft� City Pc�i✓1 �1Sir� , State zip %2 ZG wner's Name _Ice i 1 i ng address moo. C i ty P�1 State (f treat Address of Property .e5al Description of Property (May be attached) poi g�,�,E Z 73 4,,,,7- ,vo, � .; E,ve�cocea►c svT � � r. o . W jus tmient requested ! eA I r'72> kai&_az leason for request o;.IW -Z, Z. �. )USTIFICATION: No request for a setback.adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that the adjustment is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setbacl requirement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and genera' welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. s,O,•lj�� l ' Receipt No. / STAFF USE BY: District a Date Received: Zoning l o,. c% Rz4. djusvnent `o. Assessor's Parcel No. — "— on Ir.. KC RIVERSIDE. COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT C'OUNT}' i P L A N N I N G C 0 M M I S S 1 0 N l ELMER M. KA'FZENSTEIN, Chauman, Hueidoux �— RONAL.D W. SULLIVAN, Hemet RUSSELL E. CAMPBELL, Blythe JESS E. LILLIBRIDGE, cu,ona MARION V. ASHLEY, Perris KAY H. OLESEN, Paim uesert Date: August 17, 1981 PATRICIA NEME-rH - A.I.C.P.. PLANNING DIRECTOR S LB ' 81 O9 DO 4080 LEMON STREET. 91-H FLOOR. RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501 Mr. Gary Hill P.O. Box 3000-505 Palm Desert, CA 92260 RE: Setback Adjustment No. 1551 Location:Lot 5, Block 273, Unit No.25, CarmelitK at Vale La Quinta M.B. 19/51 Dear Mr. Hill: A/P No._ 774-261-005 This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback ad- justment pursuant to Section 18.33 of Ordinance No. 348 to permit construct a single family home. subject to substantial compliance with Exhibit "A". It has been determined from a study of the case that special circumstances appli- cable to the property do exist. Due to odd shaped lot if the modification was not granted, the subject property would be deprived of privileges enjoyed by -other properties in the vicinity which are in the same zone classification. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". A receipt is available upon request. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, AIP, Planning Director Sandra L. Bonner, Assistant Planner CI:T15 Enclosures cc: Land Us D,v :,ion NY P! A AT ow Joy - q- TO 'u. 4-ay" "to n4- W, A MWAS i ice YAQ 0 %LyAVTV4 ­>X, . I- "', I- , , A now 1 Q 4"WOK,"," Q! Ilk' 4- cow" -0, ITS A ant Von of -A A-m- V - r " Wig -� - -, -", a, "N let not q WAV I, L4,1 lowo. it 0 , , _ - n TAT AIR -­Q A WAY `,,�Jsy All ks 1 Win 1, J A In - V 0, " V� ­ K -I- � 1. � I Q I too aj­- -I -W ON Q A WAS— Q ny,, An"�, z . om JIM 10101: it, U,­, 1`­!',� 4, ''V" . - , I . ­_­ �"N o" I I , " q1 i "I n 0- - . I � , , 4=�h%,Wb- oil xv� An Qj n� A V, f tool un Q­ "-A 04 1� 1 _ VL IT, xwn� A'A"j, ­A'r. I I , - �'; i'. .., " " %, . , _ . . , , z A Q � -I ­'.� I I' irt - �, , - , , , '' . 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