SBA 1982-1760RIVERSIDE CUIIN'I'Y PLANNING h1-;41Ak'1'MLNT APPLICATI.oN FOR SI:'I'I1ACK AD.JUST1 WN'1' SECTION 1 N. 33 Ok1.11 NANCI: No. 348 APPLI.CAN'I': Submit. Llfis fut'iu w.ILh I:lve .:k�I,ivs uI a LiCalud VIOL Plan drawn to the speeifl.caeion$ required Ott Life. . aLt.lc:hc;d ChCLk List.- A uunr1.:l undabIC 1'IJ Iris; fee of •4,15 is required when the Appi.lcaLiun .16 suhm.ltted. Check mu:iL be made payab.l.c Lu "County of Riveral.de." It' the Appllc:aril is nut the owr►cr of• the prullc;cty, a IuL'Lur must be submitted by Cite owner ' auLhurl.Z1.116 the AppllL:aut Lo execute Lhls dUC:L1111CrlL 4.11 Itl.s bchaaf. ------------._..----------- ---- -Please Pr i ut or 'CYPe - Applicant's Name _ Landmark mark Land Comaany- Inc. Uate A-23-82 Mailing Address P 0 Box 1000, La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone 345-2888 _ Atten: Kevin Manning State Zip Owner's Name Same Mailing Address City , State ZIP Street Address of Property 49-350 & 49-380 Avenida Fernando Legal Description of Property (May be attached) Units 1 and 2 of -Recorded Tract 167136 Assessor's Parcel No. (� 3 90 Adjustment requested A three foot encroachment into the required ten.foott rear and setback. Reason for rtrquest Original concept of acquiring adjoining golf course land wag not achieved, therefore, we wish to leave structure as built, and reaugst AddjUstmPnt- JUSTIFICATION: No request for a setback adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that tiie adjustment is comiLstent with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance; that there ace special. circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as fuze, shape, Lupography, locaLlun or surroundings that justi-fy the approval of the adjustment of the setbacl requireutettL, and that tite adjustment. will uoL be detrimental to the health, safety, and genera wal fare of the c:uimnunity or be det.rlme:ntal.,to property In the vicinity of the parcel for which Lhe ndiu5culent Is re_i uesl_e_d._-- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXK:<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX STAFF USE RL!LCij)L No. BY _� UlatricL fir: Aret, Dale Received: _.�f_�_..._._: r /1� �_,_'� ZonIfig __.}_.---•-•_-- Adjustment No.: 1240 Supervlaor.lat Uixtri.cC _^ Mudu.le No.: I'U-DO-80 f JI.I.: I Ed I • Date: .1110e In i 9g2 1WRIM.• 111 La Quinta. CA, 92253 RiVERNDE: coull M? FL.Anninca iDaA:wnmnx Indio Administrative 46-209 Oasis Street, Indio, Ca. 92201 (714) 342-8277 4080 i.ENION STPE 1 901 FI.GOP 1'u:,ER51DE (.;:•L1h7jA 1A 92`_01 Center Room 304 RE: Setback Adjustment No.-76C)_ ,• 1 �• SI ' -• .. A/ P N o .�.,= This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback ad- justment pursuant to Section 18.33 of Ordinance No. 348 to permit ee feet ~---� subject to substantial compliance with Exhibit "A". It has been determined from a study of the case that special circumstances applicable to the property do exist. Due tonritlinal coAcapt of aGguiri.nq adjeimiHg gelf eeurse land was not achieved, therefore, we wish to leave structure as built, and request adjustment. if the modification was not granted, the subject property would be deprived of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity which are in the same zone classification. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". A receipt is available upon request. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, AICP, Planning:Director i DM:,h rm Dale McKenzie - Assistant anner Enclosures cc: Land Use: Division N89°58'30"E 135.88' _ 411EN/04 OITRN,41W400 a C� l x . Saw JF ®/NN ' PRIER,VIA Q c, G• 08°37 z :>INN IK � y � �k) O 00 ,syj�