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SBA 1990-013
J CITY -or LA PLANNING AN DEVE OPMENTTDEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR SETBACK -ADJUSTMENT' SECTION APPLICANT: Submit this form with thred copies of:a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of.the request. A nonrefundable fee of $100 is required when'the'Application i be made payable to the "City of La Quint's". s•submitted. Check must If the Applicant is not the owner *of the 'proper.ty, .a letter must -.be submitted by the owner authorizing the •Applica document in his behalf. nt to execute this ------------ --------------------- Please Print .o'r- Type - Applicant's Name P-4gA4et4 R4LAAtAr :. Date• Mailing Address `73-57 /'scliv C19rV� Phone &I - 3 y1- City State Zip 4ZZ4, o Owner's Name �i�w: o.c,Q l3•g�h�r�dGu-, Mailing Address 73-5-3 / Su.ti Li¢nJ£ PityState eA Zip C12.2.'60 Street. Address of Property 15'/-3yS L r7 Legal Description og !/i! C. � ocr.lttiyt 3Un� /be attached)': Tract - 7✓t �• Lot Y V% !c 2_ , c Tract Name o1S� • �h�� EtM4 -6ru�e--,b(on Assessor's Parcel Number 773 —DYL — oO G �Z d� 773 0 V Z. o07 Adjustment .requested _411&ctJ-I'svi;y„y ' F'o4L �yi7Xltiv 3 e c IuAkz id/w/1&/L-;j CIA e. w.. A-e c a W+ , - AS SADWN Reason for request tiy/ 2 L VC4"e�¢.r-0 Ai9 -r Vic, o� a . . ulc-P�.1e..�r-m,t 6'e�4<<o...a..�- �'•R.�}.Efu 'Z_� �:�'��� ��•'�"'�'-- -- �� -P. •vG7yv'.Tif�T TH�•c-e '}QP JUSTIFICA1tON t�o-ceque�t-zoc'. a' setback Adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that the adjustment is consistent with the ' intent and purpose of this Ordinancej• that there are speci a,. �_p circumstances applicable .to the*Property,. including such fa� ors size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justifyithe�l i.�TAL i9-901 00.0010 approval of the adjustment of the. setback requirement; and that the adjustment will be not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity -..the-parcel-for which .the adjustment is requested'. ----------------------------------- **#...*.:ar:*•t*��•.r,rf:tts*******r*tttt.•«•,t*•�«t**.:....**.tt**,rr,t.**,r STAFF USE ONLY Case No. s O Existing Zoning: Related Case(s) Date of Decision: Assigned to: �,�, File Closed: BJ/F09M.122 • 0, 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 February 20, 1990 Mr. Raymond Baldhosky 73-531 Sun Lane Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: SETBACK ADJUSTMENT 90-013: APN 773-042-006 AND THE SOUTH HALF OF 773-042-007 Dear Mr. Baldhosky: Your application for setback adjustments as shown on the attached Exhibit "A", is hereby approved. The City of La Quinta Planning and Zoning Regulations state the following: 119.188.080 Conditions for Setback Adjustment. . No request for a Setback Adjustment shall be granted unless . it is determined that the adjustment is consistent with -the intent and purpose of_ this title; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify.•the approval of the adjustment of the setback requirement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of .the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. In the above case it was found that: 1. The SR Zone requires a rear five foot setback for swimming pools, spas, and related mechanical equipment. 2. The Applicant has requested a setback of three feet along the rear side of the property for the swimming pool and spa. 3. A setback reduction was. also requested for ,the air conditions units and swimming pool and spa equipment. This Department has determined that a three foot setback would allow sufficient access space behind the mechanical structures in question. BJ/LTRGL.103 - 1 - MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504• LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4. The Applicant has also requested a setback reduction from five feet to three feet between the house and. the swimming pool. This is considered acceptable if the Applicant complies with the pool reinforcement building code requirements. 5. Neither the pool, spa or related equipment encroach into the five foot sideyard on either side. 6. The waterfall proposed is allowed to be located within the rear setback. 7. The rear side of this lot abuts open space and a wash. 8. This setback adjustment is therefore in compliance with the La Quinta Planning and Zoning Regulations. In particular, the adjustment to the rear setback will not be detrimental to property in the vicinity for which the adjustment is requested due to the presence of a wash to the rear of this property. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL:bja .cc: Building Department_ File BJ/LTRGL.103 - 2 - O x �!• 00 • ,OGV.YVA7V :M,j r VO/NIi1't� 140 �a N O • SO �. N $ b V • y• b �' ot. p s • p .0 •�. � �.J d O . O O. • O. 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