SBA 1990-032CITY OF LA QUINTA O O PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I APPLICATION FOR C'TBACK ADJUSTMENTS �O SECTION 9.188, L.Q.M.C. APPLICANT: Submit this form with three copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $100 is required when the Application is submitted. Check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf. ---------------------------------------------------- Please Print or Type Applicant's Name Karen Kirk Mailing Address Box 574, cit Owner's Name y La Quinta State Same as above Mailing Address Date Oct. 1.9, 1990 Phone ( 619 ) 564--4730 Ca. Zip 92253 r City State Zip Street Address of Property 78-585 Saguaro Rd Legal Description of Property (may be attached) : 0*W��374bT��� i9� 90 • ""A Lot # 108 Tract Name Desert Club Manor Assessor's Parcel Number �(� — 38 — ��$ Adjustment requested Relocation of_proposed 4'equipment wall and existing pool equipment. Reason for request Heater is within 5' set back,and would need 6" clearance to walls This would place wall on the pool and could possibly damage the pool struct-ure. The yard is small and relocation to the corner would increase access to the pool and the noise would be minimal because of the 6' block walls and the adjacent lots being 5' lower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUSTIFICATION: No request for a Setback Adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that the adjustment is consistent with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setback requirement, and that the adjustment will be not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare'of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. - ---------------------- STAFF USE ONLY Case No.: -C)_ �e Existing Zoning: SR Related Case(s) Date,of Decision: Assigned to: GL File Closed: I i peUD I 41"Ll BJ / FORM .12 2 �S f TU a-�'p'G cG?,kca . CITY OF 'LA OUINTA I 005182 10 7706 10-19-90 i4 MISC. i i00.00 0013400034010 10 CASH i TOTAL i i00.00 i AMOUNT TENDERED i00.00 CHANGE .00 THANK YOU I T461tt 4 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 October 30, 1990 FILE COPY Karen Kirk PO Box 574 Setback Adjustment #90-032 La Quinta, CA 92253 Location: Cove 78-585 Saguaro APN: 617-383-008 Legal: Lot 108 Dear Ms. Kirk: This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback adjustment, pursuant to Chapter 9.188 of the City of La Quinta Planning & Zoning Regulations. The following setback adjustment has been approved subject to conditions and in accordance with attached Exhibit A. SETBACK ADJUSTMENT: Swimming pool equipment on rear and side property boundary. FOR: Swimming pool equipment. CONDITIONS: 1. The.pool equipment shall be enclosed in .a masonry block noise -attenuating enclosure. 2. The equipment shall be located in the rear corner of the yard no more than 10-feet away from the rear property boundary. 3. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of GTE, letter attached. After review and the attachment of conditions it was determined - that: 1. This adjustment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance. 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. These special circumstances are: this is a small lot with limited rear yard space. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRGL.111/CS 1 3. This adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Grti'�u'� S Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs Attachment: Exhibit A Letter from GTE cc: Building & Safety Department LTRGL.111/CS 2-, October 26, 1990 Ms. Glenda Lainis City -of La Quinta Planning Department ' P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Lainis: GTE California Incorporated 1500 Crafton Avenue - Box 1-18 Menton , CA 92359 In Reply Refer To Desert'Club Manor Tr. No. 1, MB 22/53 . Lot 108, APN 617-383-008 OCT 2' 1990 CITV OF ,LA QUINTA PLA NNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. . SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT WITHIN 5.00 FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AS PROVIDED BY DESERT CLUB MANOR, TRACT NO.1, MB 22/53 Our company has no objection to the placement of the pool equipment and the accompanying block wall within the Southwest corner of Lot 108. We realize that this is within the area of the 5.00 foot PUE, along the Southerly line of the parcel. We request that the footings for cement block walls, and other permanent structures within the easement area, not extend lower than 30 inches, as we have facilities in this area. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me in Mentone, Area Code 714 at 794-8220. Very ly yours, PA MILLER Right of Way Agent y ACAN 0� S� oweQ cJ/ 13 I d c k 57-v c c o &J,411 7� S 5% pie ; e GtJ � ii/ IPR os e d E241; /01 I -All' 33• e ANd • i I RPs 5"cle C IOGI� ST4�G� Gv�I f ON C ni CD / 4 7+ o'e :pro oS �d �. EXHIBIT 1SISA_CASE NO. � �23a APPROVED BY PANNING DIVISION �n r�wW �00 650 57 OD _ 130 — tQ6 !000 � � e• �3.O ,•„�OG L•73So4 co I - N. O co,z3"W. 5soo2 11 Po 40 4^ 1Ob3o �50 o i '-- Oda-- A o . 2 30 ' 30 2 'b 130 CA ti 0 �p c� tb 2 I o� tz-60 ti -P =50 — o — o-- o— 50- O o•u W. --/oo—N.O• /00--- b ShP�E o ioo o'a I ' � N I I I •. N 'o tc II ti .o - SA I - Cb ta it cbLN iLh X'S. Boek 3 pg 4 See. Lir7e M..0- . , - . 7 S74 eT 1 .60 _ 55 AW1�57a •. IJ ! 58 .30 ID k 'JAI _ SS - —SS _ _ _ 5J45 --IV -,VCrZ4W W p ILh 0 W O I II , , I Lh • ! II e I ii1 s i I� ii .oi // o7 ii ze I L �. ii o II I I LZ es r II v w II e 4 SERT CLUB IvrtANO'R k; !. L,. TRACT NO, I } AM 1.9 OW Beina Subdivision of Fhe Nor4h'h of fhe S.W, Y4 of fhe S.E.%4 oF 44CIC A C-=Y, �w { Sec}lon-- July,1347 Scale: 1" -100' ,� 'ZPITv S � hereby cerli Mal wew are fhe owners of , or have some r jh/, f.//e or inle�s i in •� • F DAY 1 D S O N , Civil E ng i n e e r � f � rn and /:, the real property me/%ded wi/h-47 the subdivision shown on the anvaeXed era ,and / hereby cerfi{y fhaf a bond ir7 /he sun o{,i'soo �hes Lien fj W with /h.Based p fhaf we are lhle on/ persons whose consents are raec�essary to pass a a/ear !/!/e !o .raid o{Su rv,,-s o{{he Counly of Riiersio(s,Sfdfe o!'Ca/il6rnia, ca�dfroxd upon die �y- properly and hereby consent fo the making of said map and subdivision as shovun pe Sfax �' rnenf of a// fares, ounfy or/oca/, and a// species/ assessrr�enfs co/%g%d 4s 1�.res, � w 7, the colored border Imes, and we hereby ohgr for dedicafbn !o pub/ic ux for street / which of the lime of fi'/inq o{ fhrs map with /he Counly /,?-corder are a lien ainsf pup ses, Lof s ,4 fn D inc/usivle, and Ygr- conslrucbi n and rw ntrnance of a/I pub//c hereby carhlyMai accordcnyr fo fhe records ,I fh;s 09z:,- as o! 1h,s dlr/e l wle ,mid prnperly but roof ypl payable, end ,seAid band has been dci/y appre�ved by ss d u/i//lies , /he f, ve -tool edserr7en/s shown b do4d /roes and deli riled as 5 -P. U.E. are no liens .against the prtmperly ..hown on fhe wrihin map fair unpaid Sfafe Count y 9 y Board al'JS ipervlsw u ° or loco/ faxes or sp�cia/ assessments co/%clad ash es except faxes now a lien i. bu/ not yr/ pay able w rch arse imafed �6 be ,�`� Dated this �� - a/ay o{i4cs G u S T } 1947. , y THE DESERT CLUB Dated fh,cs G�d r o{ le-d 7. �F -f�--- y GoRoory A. PEOIJE GN,I T P. T. H/CKS , County Aud.,*tor County Clerk :nd er-or¢7cio Clerk of'lhe Boerr' al 'SuperYiso v o{/!x o��Pivte'rS . C;auniy - - - sacra fa.•y. U !i' De �; , STATE OFCAL/FORN/A $' S.S The County of iPiverside, Sfafe of C-711 mia, by and /hro h ifs duly aulhor�d COUNTY oFQ/VEQs/DE officers herby approves Phis //na/map as fhe oAicia/ map of ESERT CL UB / hereby cerfi{y fhaf / am a , Peyis/emd Crvi/ En irxer V/ hie S/afr Q1'C.O kVWAi cam, fhrs/s day of�uevar /5�47, before me �a� R, Boo,�e_ a /yo/ary MANO�Q, TQ.+cTNo. 1 ffe S1r�sefJ 4/et/yr7aled fae,►eor� ds LofJ,4 /6 D,inc/usi►ro,�6rir� /hal this n?a�v consrsfiny of'one('1Jsheef correct/y rrp+ssenfs a surrtryn�eds u�br ' A1,61c /n and Jar fhe Coup/y of ',Qiisrside, Sfafe ol• Ca/ifornra, res1Wii�y flierein drool duly not accgofed as public sl eats and fhe f:ve fool ub/ic ufi/il edser�xnls bee ace- kd comm/ssioned and sworn, persona// appeared Edw. Ghck4Pran Stone, as such m ,beha/�o! /he �6/ic. Da/ed /hisl�da oft9 u G u sT. /9,47. p my superwsion in ,July /9�7, 1ha/ a// r»onurnenfs shown her>pOn ac�Ually EX/Sf seed . known fb rr7e fb be fhe f3esident ar�d Secrefar re c y /hal fheirpo�silions are correcIly shown. y spa f/ vely of TYE DESERT CLUB, the corporal/an Mal executed the within ins1run en1, arm known fo nx k be /he persons AT TES T : CouivT ✓ of lTi vE Rs/D TAT of C.4trFoRN/A r who exe cufeol fhe same on beha/l { of fhe ca mrafon named !ham in ar*J arknwv hedged GoRoiyoA A. PE pquF-G N,4r fo me !fief such corporation execu/nol ifie same. Ce k b{fh/erid a.gcio by �/J red Ci✓i n rneaer I'/v W/rrvess WHEREOF S haul-- hereunto subscribed my name .and Vffxcd my uperVIsors. C airman o ffwe oard Supervisory g official sea/ Me dsyarrJ yda'r in Phis cerb'{ ca ' fi' f afove wr/ffisn. ,by Deputy / hereby cerfi{y /hat / have examined the w,fhin map; fhaf Me subdivision shown Notary Riblic in arad far the Cavnlyof Rivers de, Sla% of Co/{orni�. hereon is subs4rnb LyO /he sore/- as it sppearrd on flae knlafiwe rrrap,ar/o/any �vproHad ' a/ferafron s !hereof /het a// envisions of Sla% Law sod Coup/ Old/;7= /Ko. ZA0 /,mow . been car►, I ' d wilt, errd /a sat sf" d lfaaf <his rrraa%I cor f lead. N.e3b�' -_- %6 Sec�i i �I f Irw l vi 1q 1 /� . on L ne N B9"47'E-79'1�"�T� ate+ c L1�990— p C 4 V- L o f B Counly Surveyor of ,Qi Versicre Counly. j V • 6J30 50 n • ' a • w w o w w w a .. n ., n .. „ .SO 30 < <. �. I /07. M n o o ti R �+a `� `� 3 4 5 ti 6 N 7 8 9 ti /O // /2 /3 /� /5 /6 "� i7 /B /9 ZO "� 2/ ?T.'� 23 2W 25 Ne9•si a, i �, :' ,4pprov+ed by fhe lTivertrdo County P/anniny Commission in accordance with the y Nt 2 C j /e9►uiremenfs of law /n duly rul/ior3ed meelin9 held qv9. /8 ,13d 7. ; S. •s/'W. S'- AVE. �t b o O � Secre ary N&-9 5/•E. I , 4e 47 46 45 44 .43 4Z d/ 4V 39 .3B 37 36 35 .34 33 32 3/ 30 29 2e 27 26 f '.SQ EYVGI V EEK:5 NOTE.' _R- r-11 e9•sl' w. _ The basis o{ bearin �r {his map is >ta�Een as fhe Wesi //ice of /he S. E. o>< g Lo / C o\ Section 3/, T. 5 S., P. 7 E ., S. QB. �` M., R.S. Bao.F 9 Paye 4 acovds of /Piversh e Counly. • / so • w n so 3, 0 W \ o i»dicales 44 lion P* rnonumenf se/ unless olherwl'se roofed. o '�J e 2'X2' �dwood sla.Ers, painted whiles, se/ a/a// /ol corners. o, � 532 54 95 66 57 5B 59 CO 6/ 62 6*3 64 65 66 67 66 69 70 7/ 72 73 74 0 7SI` ° 52 0 �j 3 99 2 L10*5P& Se 97 96 93 9.4 93 92 9/ 90 69 Bd 67 B6 9s 84 B3 B2 B/ 6h 79 7B 77 76�30�►. I Q w w O a <. Y