CACMIN 11 09 2000
November 9,2000
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Denise Diamond
Commissioner Leslie McMillan
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson)
Commissioner Stewart Woodard (Vice Chairperson)
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Marni Kunsman, Recreation Supervisor
No public comment.
No changes, additions or deletions.
A. Approval of Minutes of October 12, 2000
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for October 2000
C. Monthly Department Report for September 2000
Chairperson Sham is noted some minor grammatical corrections to the Minutes of October 12, was
moved by Commissioners Reynolds/McMillian to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous.
A. La Quinta Court Proposed Art Project
Ms. Horvitz gave an in-depth report and description of the proposed art work for the La Quinta Court. Ms.
Horvitz said that a developer, Mr. Frank, has chosen the artist Mr. Bruce Beasely to produce art work for
the proposed location at the southeast corner of Highway 111 and Washington. Commissioner Diamond
had concerns regarding the art work, the City's existing ordinance, the vision and the unity of the proposed
art work with existing pieces.
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Chairperson Shamis mentiont;u that she would not like to make any det;lsions until the Commission had
a chance to meet with the artist at a meeting. This would give the artist an opportunity to answer all the
questions the Commissioners may have and allow the artist to express his concept in person. Ms. Horvitz
explained that the report and proposal before them was not something out of the ordinary. The
Commission has been approached with this kind of proposal before. Ms. Horvitz discussed the Arts in
Public Places Budget in depth, item by item, detailing all the past art work that has been commissioned
by the City, private organization or developer.
Commissioner Woodard said he had reviewed the art work proposal and found it unpractical for the City
to have to cover any costs associated with the proposed water feature of the piece. Commissioner
Woodard also questioned if any funds given to artists could be tracked as the funds are spent. Ms. Horvitz
said that all monies go directly to the artist. Chairperson Sham is requested the presence of the developer
and the artist at a future Commission meeting. Commissioner Diamond mentioned that the proposed
water feature looks unapproachable and the colors and textures should be thought about. Commissioner
Woodard again mentioned that he did not support the water feature either by concept or financial support
and thought that the feature may be built regardless of their efforts to support the concept.
A motion was made by Commissioner Woodard/McMillan in favor of not supporting the proposed water
feature and for the project to follow the existing city ordinance in regards to public art. Motion passed. A
second motion was then made by Woodard/Reynolds to approve the proposed sculptor and invite the artist
and developer to a meeting to further discuss the concept and ideas. Motion passed,
B. William Cain Art Piece
Ms. Horvitz asked the Commission to look at the history of past practices regarding the placement of art
and the support of local artists. Ms. Horvitz continued by saying it is uncommon that a Commission would
request an artist to take their issues directly to the City Council. It is common, however, that the
Commission review the work, support the concept and then make a recommendation to Council for further
consideration. Commissioner Woodard asked fellow Commissioners if they in fact liked the "Carpet of
Dreams" ideas as presented by Mr. Cain. Commissioner Woodard said it was important to establish that
first before moving on. Commissioner Woodard then addressed Mr. Cain and said he would like to see
more examples of the proposed art work. Commissioner Reynolds added that she would like to know if
the title is a copyri~Jht, if the work is original and if it will withstand graffiti. Chairperson Shamis mentioned
that the Commissioners are only an advisory group and cannot make decisions concerning the City.
After considerable discussion questioning of the authentication and ideas for Mr. Cain's art work, a motion
by McMillan/Diamond to recommend for City Council consideration to have an artistic enhancement of the
Bear Creek Bike Path. Motion passes, Chairperson Sham is abstained from the vote, due to the need for
additional information.
C. Jefferson Street Bridge
Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that the City Council has approved the recommendation made at
the last meeting for the bridge railing enhancements for the Jefferson Bridge be similar but not the same
to the construction of the Washington Bridge, and to contract with the Navarete Studios for the artwork.
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A. Symposium Evaluation
All the Commissioners thanked City staff for their efforts and work for the Symposium. The Commissioners
concurred that they thought the event was well received and successful. Chairperson Shamis said that
the Art Alliance, led by Ms. Kathryn Hull, wanted to take over this project in the future and be the party
responsible for the Symposium. Commissioner McMillan and Commissioner Diamond disagreed with the
concept of turning over the symposium to an outside party. Commissioner Diamond then added that the
Commission has their work cut out for them presently with trying to make a connection and advancement
with the information and results obtained at this first event. Commissioner Diamond said that they as a
Commission should not be thinking about future symposiums but should address the issues at hand, which
was the reason for the symposium in the first place. Chairperson Shamis agreed and said that there are
many things to do just by addressing the information obtained from the event.
B. CALA Conference Evaluation (Tabled for December Agenda)
C. Twenty-nine Palms Mural Project Evaluation (Tabled for December Agenda)
It was moved by Commissioners Woodard/McMillan to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
December 14, 2000 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Proposed La Quinta Court Art Work
· CALA Conference
· Twenty-nine Palms Mural Project
Submitted by:
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Marni Kunsman, Recreation Supervisor
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