CACMIN 12 14 2000 'V. CONSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES December 14, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Sham is presided over the meeting. Commissioner McMillan led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Chairperson) Commissioner Stewart Woodard (Vice Chairperson) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cheryle Kortman, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Ms. Horvitz requested that "Business Item B. Point Happy Project", be removed from the agenda. The Commission confirmed the agenda as updated. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of November 9, 2000 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for November 2000 C. Monthly Department Report for October 2000 Commissioner Woodard asked staff about the increased attendance in the department report. Ms. Horvitz said this is primarily due to two factors: school resuming and "season starting". Commissioner Diamond asked if there was a class minimum, she noted there were only five people in some computer classes. Ms. Horvitz indicated that the computer classes are atypical (there are only eight computers available at the senior center) therefore the class size is appropriate for the equipment available. It was moved by Commissioners Diamond/Woodard to approve the Consent Calendar as updated. Unanimous. v. PUBLIC HEARING - None l c;~ G: \M y Data \CRIST AL\CA C\CA CMIN .12-14. wpd VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. La Quinta Court Proposed Art Project Dale Frank, partner/developer of the La Quinta Court project, gave a brief review of the project, which is located at the Southeast corner of Washington and Hwy. 111. He also provided an updated rendering of the project to the Commissioners. Commissioner Woodard stated there are limited funds for art pieces. Commissioners Woodard and Sham is requested clarification about the associated costs, such as landscape, which they believe should be the developer's responsibility. Mr. Frank indicated that the pedestal lighting is not included in the $75,000 cost quoted for the art piece. He also indicated $10,000 was the basic fee for professional drawing, but the physical work is being absorbed by the developer. Commissioner Woodard felt the Commission should pay for the art piece. Ms. Horvitz indicated the Ordinance does allow Arts in Public Places funds to do this. Commissioner Sham is asked about the visibility of the art piece from the road. Mr. Frank responded that the art piece will be visible from all vantage points, extensive planning was done to make the corner attractive. The rotunda will be 26 feet high. The facility will be an art statement for the City of La Quinta. Commissioner Reynolds asked about the proposed color for the bronze coating. Commissioner Shamis asked about the type of patina proposed. She was concerned about the effect of weathering on the art piece, which would affect the color of the piece and require maintenance. Mr. Frank assured the Commission that a similar bronze piece was installed in Seattle, Washington 20 years ago and there has been no discoloration of that art piece to date. He also stated the art piece will be angled at the La Quinta Court, thereby giving it the best definition. When the Commission asked which direction the art piece would face, Mr. Frank stated Mr. Beasely, the artist, will decide on its optimum location. Commissioner Diamond requested clarification of lighting costs for the art piece. Commissioner Woodard requested clarification about insurance and transportation costs for the art piece. Mr. Frank suggested allocating $5,000 for associated fees such as transportation and insurance costs. Ms. Horvitz reviewed the Ordinance. The artist is responsible for insurance and the structural system of the art piece until installation. Transportation cost is typically included in the artist's fee for the artwork. Commissioner Shamis thanked Mr. Frank for choosing such a good art piece. The developer would deposit $10,000 into the Art in Public Places account to initiate the development process. Commissioner Diamond wanted clarification of what is included in the $75,000 cost, as the Commission needs to protect the City's interests. Commissioner Shamis indicated the Commission likes the art piece but the City Council is the final authority on approval. Ms. Horvitz clarified that lighting of the piece is extra. She stated the Commission has some options, such as recommending approval for the art as submitted by the developer with a $75,000 maximum, with the exception of lighting installation. This associated cost would need to be provided by Mr. Frank prior to the City Council meeting. Mr. Frank indicated 70% of the project is currently leased. Mr. Frank asked about the payment procedure. Ms. Horvitz responded that payment requires City Council approval. Upon Council approval, one third of the payment would be made. A motion was made by Commissioners Woodard/Reynolds to recommend the art piece for the La Quinta Court project at a cost not to exceed $75,000 (excluding lighting) to the City Council at its ..January 2,2001, meeting. Motion passed with Commissioner Diamond voting in opposition. Mr. Frank will contact the architect, landscaper and artist regarding the cost of lighting installation and provide that information prior to the City Council meeting. G:\MyData\CRIST AL\CAC\CACMIN.12-14.wpd I ," t· B. Washington & Hwy. 111 Art Piece Modification Louis De Martino, the artist who provided "The Gem of the Desert" piece located at Washington and Hwy. 111, gave a brief history of the art piece and indicated it has not weathered well. He also stated that the original proposal included landscaping (several Washingtonia Palms) as well as lighting but these items were not included. The "Gem" is fabricated. He made some recommendations: (1) make the gem bigger and fill it with neon; (2) strip the patina, go back to brushed gold effect and seal it. Mr. De Martino indicated Mr. Shovlin is the owner of the art piece, so any proposed changes would require his approval. Mr. De Martino stated maintenance would be required approximately every five years to keep the gem in good condition. He discussed the possibility of using decomposed granite, natural ground cover or a dry creek bed at the base. Commissioners Diamond and Shamis asked about the color of the art piece Commissioner Woodard asked about the dollar amount that has been paid into the Arts in Public Places fund. Ms. Horvitz indicated a large commitment has been made from the fund for this art piece as well as some additional pieces proposed for the theater. Commissioner Shamis expressed concern about the appearance of the gem, it has not aged well, does not reflect light as was expected, some residents have questioned if the art piece is finished. Commissioner Diamond questioned if consideration had been given to moving the art piece, since it is not very visible to motorists or pedestrians in its present location. Mr. De Martino indicated this has been considered. The Commission continued this item to its January 11, 2001, meeting to provide Mr. De Martino sufficient time to contact Mr. Shovlin and to clarify several issues: Provide a specific landscape and lighting plan for the project. Identify the source of funding for the project. Identify the material to be used for the "gem" and the base of the "gem". C. Map of Public Art Work Ms. Horvitz stated the map would identify the location of all art pieces throughout the City. She also stated the Community Services brochure had included a four page insert with a map of art pieces, but this has been discontinued. Following discussion, the Commission asked for guidance to pursue this project, since artwork is a good means of marketing the City. The Commission requested staff action on the following issues: Staff needs to research the City Council's position on the Map of Public Artwork. Staff needs to contact the City of Palm Desert. They have done a map of artwork and should be a good information source regarding the process they used for the map. Ms. Horvitz cautioned the Commission not to make a commitment to anyone on this matter. The Commission continued this item to its January 11, 2001, meeting for further discussion. G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.12-14.wpd .". /' L: -' VII CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Bear Creek Bike Path Ms. Horvitz reported the City Council has tabled this item. Since the Commission has several major projects it is addressing, the Council feels the Commission should give full consideration and attention to those project prior to taking on additional projects. The Commission asked how long this project would be tabled. Ms. Horvitz explained the item "remains on the table" until the City Council deems it appropriate to remove the item from the table. She stated the main purpose of the Commission is to administer the Art in Public Places fund. Commissioner Shamis stated the Commission can talk about matters but should not make comments or promises to artists. She believes limiting the amount of artists at an interview is appropriate. Resident William Cain suggested a letter be prepared concerning all the benefits of the artwork being on the bike path and take this matter to the next step. The Commission did not act on this suggestion. B. Call for Artists Juried Art Show - This item was received and filed. VIII COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Symposium Evaluation Ms. Horvitz indicated a formal report will be provided later by Mr. Mackie. Commissioner Diamond read a summary of the focal points of the symposium. Commissioners McMillan suggested that staff send a letter to participants. B. Twenty-nine Palms Mural Project Commissioner Reynolds attended the meeting and reported on this project. The Commission discussed how the City could benefit from the information gained at this meeting. Commissioner Reynolds mentioned the possibility of having a mural on the wall near the Main Street Marketplace. Commissioner Reynolds requested mileage reimbursement for attending this meeting, Ms. Horvitz said she would take care of this. C. CALM Conference Commissioner Diamond reported Governor Gray Davis has provided a $1 OM budget state- wide for the California Arts Council. She suggested consideration be given to providing an honorary award or certificate to Governor Davis from the City of La Quinta in recognition of his support of the arts. She also suggested consideration be given to preparing a proclamation in conjunction with the City's Birthday and the California Arts Council's 25th Anniversary in 2001. Commissioner Woodard suggested the Commission develop an event and work plan for these suggestions. Commissioner McMillan suggested joining the Arts Advocate Council to speak out for Riverside County. Ms. Horvitz indicated staff would look into these suggestions. G: \M y Data \CRI ST AL \CA C\CA CMIN .12-14. wpd ( ",~' D. Initiative Policy for Artwork Commissioner Woodard commented about this issue. The City Council minutes directed this item to Engineering staff. He feels this should be a joint venture regarding technology and whether it is artistically appropriate. Ms. Horvitz indicated an artistic component will be involved with the water landscape design. Commissioner Reynolds requested review of the RFQ for the La Quinta Arts Association. Ms. Horvitz indicated a copy was sent to the Commission in April 2000. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Woodard/Shamis to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION January 11,2001 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Washington & Hwy. 111 Art Piece Modification · Map of Public Art Work · Continue discussion on CALAA Conference · Continue discussion on Symposium Submitted by: ,.,M_ ...... j< ~ : ( / / > ;'j~ ~ ~ L {/~, Z 1 ( / Cheryle Kortman, Commission Secretary G: \M Y Data \CRIST AL \CA C\CACMIN .12-14. wpd (' / ..