SBA 1992-145`,y�, ice.. fr/� - �t�i.•_.ivJu'. a..:�VD!:L' T� 1 DEPA - 1%MN FOF. ar`L'::;�t. t ti`ci£ form L,'i_h two cop,:s are ,-' 4CJ of -at,r r...V ast • A i:Virg ��✓i =ee el 1'_00 is required ,her, the �.^�:__eat?c is su :T tted. Chec),: make p yable -c the "C_`t. 0-f La =f the ;=Pp i-ant _s not `.:^.s owner of the property, $ iot' er :�-_ �?: sub:*. �ted by the cwr:zr autncr�z_nu the %pp' ca to ex�^ute i t -1-- r is accur.._ -�t -V*,,:ft.y;frikxt!•75•IE**V:xrltir..***%'*irk***"k0!*W**vrwwr,*tW*y'.. t•�yrsa•�ctyx�;,i•7FxttrYrY:rY-�1�ir>tvY•w� Ll �_� T ^•.. 2.. A. �h. rzs /1T-n� �� TT rat nr 11b ` 6 (3 Ck k :tress) k�_.L%_ 'OW ER ° S NMIE : STREET kD1.0_ ,rSS JF PRI'DPErT V.: l �3 �S� VEZ R(N' LEGAL OF PRCPF.F,:':: Lv ' # ASSESSOR' S PhRCEL NMNIBER: ;Z.:.VS T VMN REQUESTED: J 1 \� 12N, 110�0 REASON FOR REQUEST: PHC"NE _ � ta�a3 Sat - ; Piam,'r_-71 L/ --,),4 -�, - 511al Ca- C UAT. �-k@\';,_t1 rA TRACT 18'' kH 16jh AL i1-11,00.0010 rJSTIFICATION: No request for a Setback Adjustment shall be granted unless it is deterMined that it is consistent with the intend ant purpose Of this ordinance; that there are speciai circumstances applicable to the property, inc_udinr such factors as sire, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setback reG::irement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimentGl to property in the area of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested, ******x•xw,�•*�r******�r****six,c,r�:**#,+t•**�********,r***w,�****x*�-•*,r**�***>�•*��x***** F'OPM.013/CS •T H E C I T Y A La inta 1112 - 1112 7cn Carat Decade October 16, 1992 Mr. Steve Dodson Dodson Construction, Inc. 68-805 A Perez Road Cathedral City, CA 92234 SUBJECT: SETBACK ADJUSTMENT 92-145; 79-370 DESERT ROCK COURT Dear Mr. Dodson: The above referenced application for a setback adjustment allowing the proposed pool to encroach up to three (3•) feet from the rear property -line, has been approved. Attached is a copy of Exhibit A with the approval stamp for your records. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR LESLIE BLODGETT Associate Planner LB:ccs Attachment City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 LTRLB . 0 0 4 / CS Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design. 64a- j&:772 equipment wall not by Dodson Pools_by others 6.75' (4) sprayhead fountains with individual adiustment valves spa +18" raised w/ the on pool end 1 325 as �a 0 as L u c 0 u. L C • ay r Rn G en 11 E f r (4) square raised pedastals 6" high x 24 I trim the a 11 itepp &benches . . I i - 20' bench cu b stepup a/c e �35' whnte decodrain THE PLANTZ RE SIDENCE SPA SPECS. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SIZE 6'X6' 24'x36sgft SIZE 9 X 30 AREA 250 RAISED +18" -' DEPTH 3' to 5' to 3' LITE 100 WATTS SHAPE PERIMETER 75' TRI LEVEL SEATS. TILE SIZE 2" 22" 24" 27" TILE COLORMXTX 260 mauve DAMWALL WIDTH 1 -C-041Iaame tile for trim lrow 2' SPILLWAY SIZE 3 X 12" COPING COLOR ----------------------- SPILLWAY POOL CAPACITY 8580 GALS PUMP CAPACITY ----------- GPM OPEN X CLOSED MOTOR HP STA MAX II HP1.5 FILTER AMER QUA 3j5FSOFT FILTER RATE ------------ ,;s r:f. p;v'..r..asi��?"PART�,fEINT TURNOVER--------------'......fiw M. f� VACUUM LINE & d SKIMM5ER EXHIBIT /7 MAIN DRAIN AMERICAN CASE NO. s9a`�'7 SKIMMERMODELCHECK VALVEfor rais HEATER LAARS SIZE 325 BTU GASLINE BY 60' NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPING NOT BY S.D.C.. POOL LIGHT r SPA LIGHT NOTE: ACCESS WALL TO BE CLOCK 990 V com ool REMOVED AND REPLACED ELECTRIC BY S.D.C. 130' BY OTHERS. ELECTRICAL BONDING BY: S.D.C. TILE AND COPING S.D.C. 35USQftnat. DECKING BYS.D.C. 35'decodrain ft salt concrete 585s kool deck X 89 BLUSH in sideyard CONTRACTOR cannot assume responsibility for damage to BOBCAT ACCESS curbs, sidewalks, driveways, cement slabs, sewers, lawns,trees, fences, retaining walls, sprinklers, telephone lines or shrubs. When access is made through a neighbor's property it is understood that you, the owner, have that neighbor's permission and assume full responsibility. Name: Jennie and Roy Plantz Address 79370 DESERT ROCK CT. tIY: LA QU I NTA Topaz lot #16 mot. son SHOW ROOM 68-805-A PERZ RD• STE. E-9 CATHEDRAL CITY CA. 92234 PHONE (619)324-1232 LIC " A-574127 Jeffrey