SBA 1994-239MAR 2 5 1994 DEPF R"LY YT 7 7 Tb10K POR SET3ACV; kD47U TIOG.�� ::�,w4a ca �• � T n w Su,.� _ this ,arm with two copi_s of a scaled si:.e plan r �r"C�i1'i: 40 rciY :rlE'P4 the nature o �iie requas A ::�i'_aa�ie :ee of �_DO is regal. red. w^en .. .: '.:ham k?p� = • i ._ _Aic-a,._cn s .., �, a .. nk ....� bn s, bmitteu. Che. make able tc Pal' the "Citt of _ La. u'u• intt" ,,:,,;._ r `• T 1 n 1i the �pp� ..a,:^.t. .�s not � s c���:er of the proper=Y, a '_ette.r s: Sun.m:l_ted, by the ck^er authloriz_rlg the APPIicart to execute this -6ocu:m_nt r. =s behalf xxY,7i;*****i*****tit#:7lr*V,.W v,*,ry,'**A***-,ii**Wi`r*tkNr*0.*WxP*S.It. *v**W******t►71w*X*tktk+k*W1,*k! dLdress i% CUB C-Ss STREET kDP SS OF rkDPERTVY -. `i LEGAL DES RIPT*1'0 OF PROPrF=: ASSESSOR'S PkRCEL N-MER: AD.7LTSTKEN REQUESTED: ___�> "�r- V . \(�R�D,V, LOT REASON FOvA REQUEST: \ XV.�h��`(2cS E.� HONE C` C aa3 9 late) s y PRJNE "M 1 u f TRACT JMSTIFT_CATION: No request for a Setback Adjustment shall be granted unless it is determ4ned that it is consistent with the intend and purpose of this brdinan.ce; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, tomography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setback reG,:irement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the area of the parcel fcr which the adjustment is requested. *w****x•x %tttrw***********'� x*****#***w*******rt*****sr****wfii= *********k�*x***w* FOP.M. 0i3/CS 0 TW�l 4 4 a" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 28, 1994 Dodson Pools SETBACK ADJUSTMENT: 94-239 68805 Perez Road LOCATION: 44-965 Malia Circle Cathedral City, CA 92234 (Quinterra) Dear Mr. Dodson: This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback adjustment, pursuant to Chapter 9.188 of the City of La Quinta Planning & Zoning Regulations. The following setback adjustment has been approved subject to conditions and in accordance with attached Exhibit A. SETBACK ADJUSTMENT Reduction of rear and side yard setback from 5-feet to 3-feet, and pool a ui me from 5-feet to 3-feet in the side yard. q P nt FOR: Pool/Spa equipment. CONDITIONS: 1 • Obtain a building permit from the Building Department. 2• The fencing requirements of the R-1 Zone shall be met. After review it was determined that: 1 • This adjustment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. These special circumstances are: small size of rear yard.. 3 • This adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested . LTRfiT.179 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR c� EG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT : kaf Attachment: Exhibit A cc: Building & Safety Department SPA SPECS. GENET. SIZE SIZE 7 RAISED _7 DEPrri UTE /00 WATTS SKAPE C TRI LEVEL SEATS TILE sCM 22' 24. 27' L 2�rTU DAMWALL WIDTHOOPM SPILLWAY SIZE X " COPING( SPILLWAY 6 POOL CA CPEN ✓&OS® PUMP CP L4=np 4 R /O MAIN DF S HEATER GASUNE UNIN 'AS • Vr. Tv ap. CONTRE Z,,/ cw, c 4 responsii curbs, sip —AMA ly cement: Aty4fz _ lawns,tre walls. sp or shrub: through - - understo _. a APPR 4 0 G 4NNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY. ' .� DATE EXaB'T ®., CASE NO. ._ D MAR 2 5 1994 SHOWROOM 68-805-A PEA CATHEDRAL PHONE (619 UC # A-5741: