2006 06 20 RDA Minutes LA QUINT A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 20, 2006 A regular meeting of the La Guinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Osborne. PRESENT: Board Members Adolph, Henderson, Kirk, Sniff, Chairman Osborne ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION Chairman Osborne did not participate in Item No.1 due to a potential conflict of interest due to a former client of his firm being involved with this matter. 1. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Michael O'Connor, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located at the southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street. Property Owner/Negotiator: CP Development La Quinta, LLC. 2. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Thomas P. Genovese, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located at the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. Property Owner/Negotiator: Theodore Lennon, DDC Desert Development, Inc. 3. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property identified as APN: 649-030-016, -017, and -40. Property Owner/Negotiator: Anne J. Mazzella. The Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 June 20, 2006 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of June 6, 2006 as amended (adding a notation that Chairman Osborne did not participate in Closed Session Item No.2). Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR In response to Chairman Osborne, Executive Director Genovese stated the amendment in Item No.4 decreases the amount of area for the exclusive right to negotiate. The agreement originally covered the entire 525 acres but now excludes a portion in the east and partially to the south. He referenced the distribution of a modified agreement that reflects changes in the boundaries. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 20, 2006. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2006. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2006. 4. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN DOC DESERT DEVELOPMENT, INC. AND THE LA QUI~JTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR CERTAIN DEVELOPABLE PARCELS WITHIN SilverRock RESORT. it,.: , 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-006) MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Kirk/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item No. 5 being Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 June 20, 2006 approved by RESOLUTION NO. RA 2006-006. unanimously. Motion carried BUSINESS SESSION 1 . CONSIDERATION OF NATIVE AREA ENHANCEMENTS AT THE ARNOLD PALMER CLASSIC COURSE AT SilverRock RESORT. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. In response to Board Member Adolph, Ms. Hylton confirmed the improvements include the requirements made by the PGA Tour. Assistant Executive Director O'Connor stated the improvements should allow the Classic to be held at SilverRock in 2008. Executive Director ,Genovese stated the indication received from the PGA Tour is if the 'improvements are consistent with the site visit tour, they see no reason for not making the 2008 timeframe. Board Member Henderson asked if the improvements would enhance the course, aside from the Classic. Mr. Genovese stated both landmark and Eric Larsen have recommended the improvements be done for the betterment of SilverRock. Board Member Henderson stated she doesn't have a problem making the improvements but doesn't want to tie them to the Classic. Johnny Pott, representing Landmark Golf Management, stated he feels the improvements are necessary to repair the native areas damaged by rain. Board Member Sniff noted it hasn't rained on the course for some time, and the Avenue 52 flood control changes will not affect all of the native areas. He asked if Landmark can guarantee the native areas won't have to be redone in the future. Mr. Pott stated he can't guarantee it but noted the course was new when the previous rains hit, and the ground had not had time to properly settle., He noted the new drainage is designed to control Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 June 20, 2006 runoff from the mountain, and that the proposed improvements are some remaining repairs that never got completed. In response to Board Member Kirk, Mr. Pott stated the original improvements were taken out of the bid to save money, and if the DG (decomposed granite) had been done, it would have been destroyed by the severe rains two years ago. Board Member Kirk inquired as to how many acres were included In the original $270,000 amount, and if there would be any value in applying DG to all of the acreage instead of just 16 acres. Mr. Pott stated he doesn't feel it's necessary to cover the entire 40 acres but confirmed it would be his preference. Board Member Kirk suggested if the objective is to create the highest quality golf course in the area, maybe the DG should be covered on the entire 40 acres as originally planned. Mr. Pott stated he believes the PGA Tour's concerns will be accommodated by covering the 1 6 acres but he feels it's more important to do the improvements for the daily golfer. Board Member Adolph indicated he agrees the ultimate goal should be to do whatever is necessary to make this a world class golf course, and not base the improvements on the Classic. He stated he has a problem with the Classic because they have not given the City fair treatment. They don't offer invitations to play in the tournament as they do with other clubs, and none/of the non-profit organizations in the City receive grants from the Classic, although two of the golf courses are in the City and the City pays for police traffic control. Due to changes in the Classic, he feels it's less necessary to provide the cost of police traffic control. He stated he will support the financing needed to make this a first class course. Mr. Pott stated he feels the City has a competent team running the golf course, and that the playing conditions are as fine as any other course in the Valley. He commented on the marketing benefit of having the Classic because SilverRock is the only public course, except for the Classic Course, where golfers can play on a course where the Classic has been played. Board Member Sniff voiced agreement with Board Member Adolph's comments, and stated he supports improving the course as a City Redevelopment Agency Minutes 5 June 20, 2006 course, and not necessarily a Classic course. He also supports taking a realistic look at the value of the Classic, which he feels is diminishing. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the native area and bunker enhancements at the SilverRock Resort, Arnold Palmer Classic Course as recommended by the golf course architect at a cost of $172,312. A brief discussion ensued regarding covering of the entire 40 acres, and Board Member Sniff agreed to amend the motion as follows: AMENDED MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the native area and bunker enhancements at the SilverRock Resort, Arnold Palmer Classic Course as recommended by the golf course architect and to cover the entire 40 acres with decomposed granite at a not-to-exceed amount of $275,000. In response to Board Member Kirk, Mr. Pott stated he feels it's important to do the improvements as soon as possible. Motion carried unanimously. The Redevelopment Agency recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO CONSIDER AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (SCHDC) TO CONVEY CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 78-990 MILES AVENUE AND SCHDC's SUBSEQUENT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF AN AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 80 DWELLING UNITS RESTRICTED FOR RENTAL TO AND OCCUPANCY BY, VERY LOW- INCOME FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS AT A RENT AFFORDABLE TO SUCH HOUSEHOLDS. The Chair declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:03 p.m. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 6 June 20, 2006 It was noted a request has been received to continue this item to July 18, 2006. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff IHenderson to continue the public hearing for an affordable housing agreement with Southern California Housing Development Corporation to July 18, 2006. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION 1 . DISCUSSION REGARDING PERIMETER ENHANCEMENTS AT SilverRock RESORT. Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, and Rob Parker, representing Pinnacle Design Company, reviewed the landscape enhancement options. Board Member Sniff voiced concern about the number of shrubs proposed to be added to the landscaping. Mr. Parker noted one of the ways to make the landscaping more lush is to increase the quantity of plant material but they will walk the site to determine placement of the plants. He noted the current plant palette for the interior doesn't have much color. In response to Board Member Henderson, Mr. Parker stated new plant varieties are made available each year, and all of the plant material being proposed has been established as viable. Board Member Adolph spoke in support of filling in some of the open spaces with plant or ground cover material. Mr. Parker stated some of the open space will be addressed with DG (decomposed granite) and some with additional plant material. He asked for direction regarding Option 1 or 2. Board Member Adolph stated he supports leaving it to the discretion of the landscape consultant. Board Member Henderson asked about the possibility of transplanting some of the bougainvilleas from City Hall. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 7 June 20, 2006 Mr. Parker advised they don't transplant well, and noted any transplanted plant material would not be warranted. He then reviewed the DG options, and confirmed the brimstone color is similar to Palm Springs gold but with more texture. He recommended using the brimstone. In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Parker stated the darker colors don't fade as much as the Palm Springs gold. In response to Board Member Kirk, Mr. Parker stated the initial specifications called for 2,600 one-gallon shrubs and 3,000 five-gallon shrubs, and they have all been planted. He is recommending to increase another 50% of what was originally specified. Board Member Adolph noted it's the size of the plant material that matters, not the size of the containers. Mr. Parker pointed out five-gallon shrubs will be less noticeable as an addition because of the size. He recommended going with Option 1 up to $98,000. Board Member Sniff suggested leaving some modest open spaces and using some interesting variations in planting instead of a fixed pattern. He agreed with using brimstone DG, and doing some small accent areas with burnt sienna. He agreed some variation is needed in the plants, placement of the plants, and accent material. Mr. Parker noted the use of a larger size cobble will provide additional accent. Board Member Henderson asked for support to add some gray granite rock with silver specks to contrast with the brimstone. Mr. Parker stated there is cobble available that would work and be relatively moderate in price. The Agency concurred to go with Option 1 for 2,800 shrubs at a not-to-exceed cost of $98,000; and to leave the mix of the brimstone and gray cobble to the discretion of the consultant. Mr. Jonasson noted the actual costs will come back to Council for approval. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 8 June 20, 2006 Mr. Parker stated more color options are now available for vinyl fencing, and the installed cost is approximately half the cost of recycled material fencing. A third option would be pre-cast concrete fencing. In response to Board Member Kirk, Mr. Parker stated he recommends using recycled material fencing. He noted the previous warping concerns have been addressed, it has a 50-year warranty, and the use of AB939 Funds would offset the costs. Board Member Adolph indicated support for using two rails instead of three. In response to Chairman Osborne, Mr. Parker stated he recommends using the weathered wood color. Board Member Sniff suggested using tan because it's darker and more distinguishable. Board Member Adolph stated he feels the white would provide more contrast. Board Member Henderson commented she feels white looks good next to grass but this will be mixed with shrubs, desert, and mountains. Board Member Adolph noted white fencing is used along Avenue 54 with shrubs but stated he doesn't mind using another light color. Mr. Parker pointed out the original design concept was a custom steel- tube rail fence to provide a special identity for SilverRock. He recommended using something different from what occurs on other properties. In response to Board Member Kirk, Mr. Jonasson confirmed the City standards require ranch fencing between the multi-purpose trail and the meandering sidewalk. He referenced the possibility of changing the ordinance to no longer require fencing. In response to Chairman Osborne, Mr. Parker stated there is some physical separation and landscaping between the multi-purpose trail and sidewalk. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 9 June 20, 2006 In response to Board Member Henderson, City Attorney Jenson stated the City is in the process of reviewing a specific plan, and modifications to the standards can be made through that process. Board Member Adolph spoke in support of not installing split-rail fencing. The Agency concurred to defer a decision on the ranch fencing, and to consider it during the specific plan. Board Member Sniff stated he feels fencing would help to delineate the area, and believes it would be a big mistake to eliminate it. He inquired about the width of the rails, and Mr. Jonasson responded the rails are /12/1 X 6" and the posts are 4" X 4." Chairman Osborne stated he tends to agree with Council Member Sniff, and feels the split-rail fencing would provide a nice touch and delineation. Board Member Kirk noted the existing block wall provides delineation. Board Member Henderson pointed out there are areas around the perimeter where a wall doesn't exist. Board Member Kirk stated he still feels the wall delineates the project, and doesn't see a need to pay $520,000 to keep horses out of the grass. Board Member Sniff stated he feels the point is visual. Board Member Adolph noted fencing will block the view at eye level from the street. Board Member Henderson commented on the possibility of considering the fencing after the plant material is in. Mr. Jonasson suggested installing 200 feet of recycled material fencing at the end of Avenue 54. He noted it would secure the area from vehicles going over the curb, and give an opportunity to see how the fencing looks. Board Member Sniff inquired about the space between the two rails, and suggested the possibility of increasing the distance so people can Redevelopment Agency Minutes 10 June 20, 2006 see through the rails. Mr. Parker stated the distance is between 12 and 1 8 inches. Board Member Henderson asked about the possibility of doing the end posts out of stone work. Mr. Jonasson noted the cost would be considerably higher. Mr. Parker explained the non-decorative fence sections on Jefferson Street are temporary to secure the future access points. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Parker stated the recycled material would tend to melt rather than burn. Board Member Adolph asked if the improvements include fixing the boards on each side of the multi-purpose trail. Mr. Parker stated they intend to pursue that issue with the manufacturer because the product does not perform to its specifications. The Agency concurred with installing 150 to 200 feet of gray-colored, recycled material fencing to secure the area along Avenue 54, with pilasters on each end. Chris Hentzen, representing GMA International, reviewed sign options for the roundabout. Board Member Henderson questioned the need for additional panels in Option 1, noting they will block the view. Mr. Hentzen stated the base of the wall in front of the sign in Option 2 is approximately five feet high with the sign extending eight feet beyond that. He indicated no lettering is proposed on the five-foot high wall. Board Member Henderson suggested using the center panel in Option 1 and rounding it off some. In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Hentzen stated the center panel in Option 2 is 1 3 feet high and 1 2 feet wide. .ll^ ._.-....,,"!' .- Board Member Henderson suggested using just the logo on the roundabout sign since the monument at the Jefferson Street entrance Redevelopment Agency Minutes 11 June 20, 2006 is where the statement should be made. She stated she doesn't see anything attractive about having concrete blocks at the roundabout. Board Member Sniff suggested using a horizontal design. Board Member Adolph stated he prefers a horizontal design a little above eye level from the street. He noted the logo could be larger with SilverRock Resort and City of La Quinta underneath. Mr. Jonasson asked if Council prefers something similar to the temporary sign at the Avenue 52 entrance with a metal logo above the stone. Board Member Adolph noted it could have a slight curvature to go along with the roundabout design. Board Member Henderson suggested retaining the sign at the Avenue 52 entrance until the entrance sign on Jefferson Street is designed. The Agency concurred to go with a monument sign at the roundabout similar to the temporary sign at the Avenue 52 entrance but with a slight curvature, and to retain the temporary sign on Avenue 52 until the Jefferson Street entrance monument is designed. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - None The Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session as delineated on Page 1. The Redevelopment Agency meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ~-ef~ JUNE S. GREEK, Secretary City of La Quinta, California