CACMIN 01 11 2001
January 11, 2001
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session
Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner
Diamond led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Denise Diamond
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson)
Commissioner Stewart Woodard (Vice Chairperson)
Leslie McMillian
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Valerie Corrigan, Recreation Coordinator
It was moved by Sham is/Reynolds to excuse Commissioner McMillian as she was delayed due to a
winter storm in Big Bear. Unanimous.
A. Approval of Minutes of December 14, 2000
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for December 2000
C. Monthly Department Report for November 2000
It was moved by Commissioners Woodard/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar with grammatical
changes to the Minutes as presented. Unanimous.
A. La Quinta Court Proposed Art Project
Staff presented the La Quinta Court Art Project history for the Commission's review: At the
November Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission was asked to review a sculpture
presented by Mr. Dale Frank, the developer of the La Quinta Court Project. Mr. Frank had submitted
a proposal for the southeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 111 which consisted of a .
terraced water feature with a bronze sculpture as a part of the water feature.
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The Commission requested additional information from Mr. Frank regarding the uniqueness of the
bronze piece and expressed concern regarding the maintenance of the bronze surface. Staff was
directed to contact Mr. Frank regarding the two issues and invite Mr. Frank to the December Cultural
Arts Commission meeting. The Commission also determined that they would not support Art in
Public Places funds being spent on a water feature.
Staff contacted Mr. Frank and expressed the Commission's concerns and asked that Mr. Frank be
present at the December Cultural Arts Commission.
Mr. Frank attended the Cultural Arts Commission with a revised plan of the project with the water
feature replaced with a terraced landscaped area. The Commission's request for information
regarding the originality of the piece as well as the maintenance issues were answered by Mr. Frank.
After some discussion, the Commission recommended for City Council consideration that the art
piece proposed by Mr. Frank be approved in the amount of $75,000 and that the lighting for the art
piece be brought back at a later date.
Staff presented this information for City Council consideration at their January 2, 2001 meeting. The
City Council reviewed the Commission's recommendation and determined that the corner of
Washington and Hwy. 111 is a significant corner and therefore the art piece should be significant.
The art piece was not approved. However, the City Council did recommend that a water feature be
incorporated into the La Quinta Court project.
The Cultural Arts Commission reviewed the original La Quinta Court Art project proposal by Mr.
Frank which incorporated the terraced water feature. Discussion took place regarding the comments
of the City Council regarding the art feature. Community Services Director Horvitz stated that the
City Council would like to see a water feature of some type at that location, but did not approve the
Beasley piece.
Commissioner Shamis recommended that the original water feature be included in the project, and
perhaps a pad could be placed in the fountain for an art piece, possibly purchased from the La
Quinta Arts Foundation Festival, to be placed there in the future.
Commissioner Woodard stated that in his professional opinion, water features such as the one being
proposed for the La Quinta Court project do not work in reality. He stated that within five years,
99.99% of these type water features are turned into landscaped planters or left as dry wells. The
maintenance, vandalism, and security of the pieces make them too cost prohibitive.
Commissioner Woodard also stated that the Washington/Hwy. 111 corner is significant and the art
piece should emphasis art and not water.
Commissioner Diamond asked for clarification regarding the funding of the terraced water feature.
Ms. Horvitz stated that should the City Council consider the water feature an artistic element, Art in
Public Places funds can be used to fund the project. Commissioner Diamond then stated that it was
the unanimous decision of the Commission to not fund the water feature at the November meeting.
She stated that the funds should be used toward an art piece.
Commissioner Diamond also stated that La Quinta already has water features at the entrances to
the City along Hwy. 111. There will be too much competition with an additional water feature not far
from the entrance monuments. She also mentioned that there is water at the entrance to the
Miramonte Hotel in Indian Wells. There are several water features within a five mile area, as well
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as water at the Civic Center Campus.
Commissioner Reynolds asked for clarification on the amount of funds requested by Mr. Frank for
the water feature. According to the information presented by Mr. Frank, the amount for the terraced
water feature would be $55,000.
An alternative presented for the Commission's consideration was to review the water
feature/sculptures submitted for the Civic Center Campus. Commissioner Sham is stated that the
only one she would remotely consider would be the Sphere submitted by Robert Ellison. After some
discussion, Commissioner Woodard stated that the projects submitted would not work, as they are
not in the right scale for the La Quinta Court project.
Commissioner Woodard suggested that the Commission and City Council should consider the "big
picture" for that location, and allow an "artistic eye" to design the space. He asked why the
Commission and/or City Council would limit the artist creativity by having to design an art piece to
be "plopped" in the fountain. Commissioner Woodard also stated that vertical water features pose
problems near public sidewalks.
Commissioner Woodard recommended that the space be left vacant and allow the buildings to
continue on their construction schedule. The fountain and/or art feature can be included later.
Commissioner Diamond suggested that the Commission encourage a relationship with the City
Council to develop a well thought out plan for public art, and develop a planning process for public
art. This is what the Commissioners are constantly hearing from the artists. There should be a
comprehensive concept that is thoughtful.
Commissioner Woodard stated that a water feature with moving water on a windy day is not good.
He also stated that $55,000 is too much for this project. He does not support funds for a water
Commissioner Sham is agrees that the sculpture is very important and the water feature is second
priority. She also stated that the scale is very important, that the sculpture at the AAA building is lost
in its setting.
It was motioned by Commissioner WoodardlDiamond to request that the City Council consider
issuing a Request for Proposal to allow artist to design a water feature and sculpture within strict
guidelines and work with the landscape architect, property mivner and the Commission on this
project. Unanimous.
B. Map of Public Art Work
Staff gave an overview of the history of the Art in Public Places Brochure project that was proposed
in 1996. The Commission requested $16,000 for the brochure, the City Council thought that cost
was too expensive and did not approve the project. The City Council also wanted the brochure to
be updated on a regular basis.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the Commission was in favor of doing this project and stated that
it should be seriously considered by the City Council.
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Commissioner Woodard stated that the brochure could be used for marketing and tourism.
Commissioner Reynolds passed around a brochure of public art from the City of San Luis Obispo.
It is a city of 40,000 people and she felt that the City produces a nice brochure which is sold for
$2.95 by the Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Reynolds suggested that if Art in Public Places
funds cannot be used to produce a map, perhaps General Fund money can be used.
Commissioner Woodard stated that the cost of the map production was $16,000 in 1996. The
Commission does not know how much it would cost today to produce.
Commissioner Diamond stated that she is not convinced the City Council is sold on the idea of an
Art in Public Places map. Perhaps they should be shown a prototype with a general cost along with
the Cultural Tourism aspect of the brochure.
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that there is no budget for this item this year. She also
stated that the Commission may wish to address this issue during the work plan discussion. Ms.
Horvitz also stated that the City Council does support the concept of an Art in Public Places map and
has provided the Commission with several avenues in which to produce such a publication, such as
an insert in the Community Services Department brochure, the City's website and possibly the
Chamber of Commerce City map.
Commissioner Shamis suggested the Commission do their homework and gather information
regarding the possibility of different mediums.
Commissioner Woodard suggested that staff contact other cities to gather pricing information as well
as the pros and cons regarding their public art brochures. Ms. Horvitz stated that the brochure is
a Commission task and therefore the Commissioners can contact the cities to gather information.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the Commission is not ready to start producing a brochure at this
time. The art work must be cataloged with a brief history of the piece.
Commissioner Woodard pointed out that the San Luis Obispo brochure had paid advertising in it.
It was motioned by Woodard/Reynolds to have Commissioners begin calling cities to gather
information on their art in public places brochures.
A. De Martino Artwork Modification
The Commissioners were encouraged to be present when Mr. De Martino does his sample
modification to the art piece on the northeast corner of WaShington and Hwy. 111. Ms Horvitz
reminded the Commission that no decision can be made regarding the art work modification by
Commissioners in attendance due to the Brown Act regulations.
B. Memorandum from Mr. Cain
Ms. Horvitz stated that the City Council tabled the request to provide art work along the Bear Creek
Trail. Neither the Commission or staff can bring the item back for City Council consideration. Only
a City Council member may bring the item back for discussion.
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Commissioner Woodard is very concerned that the City should not "dilute" the artist's creativity by
having such rigid guidelines. If an artist approaches the Commission and makes a recommendation
for a project, the Commission should do it's due diligence to research the proposal thoroughly. Once
the Commission is satisfied with the artist's proposal, the recommendation should be forwarded to
the City Council for consideration. By providing such strict guidelines, the City is sending a message
to artists that the City is not interested in new and innovative projects.
Commissioner Reynolds stated the Commission takes direction from the City Council and should
work on priorities.
Commissioner Sham is stated the Commission cannot accept one artist unless references are
Commissioner Diamond stated that there should be a pathway established for an artist to approach
the City to do an art piece that does not involve the RFP process. She also stated that the average
artist should be able to come forward and execute the art piece and not be denied.
Commissioner Sham is stated that if other artists are not allowed to compete, there may be legal
issues. Commissioner Diamond stated that not every art piece has to be an RFP process.
Commissioner Shamis suggested that a place be defined where new artists can exhibit their artwork.
In the Denver airport, new artists can display their work in the gallery located there.
Commissioner Woodard asked if an artist can bring in an art piece and have it reviewed by the
Commission and then forwarded to the City Council for consideration. Ms. Horvitz stated that if the
Commission would like to implement this type of process, they could make these recommendations
to the City Council.
Commissioner Shamis stated that she has been on the Commission for several years. The idea for
the Cultural Symposium was formed five years ago, and just this year it was implemented. She
asked the new Commissioners to be patient, and to make sure all the homework is done before
rushing into a project.
Commissioner Diamond read out loud from the Powers and Duties of the Commission, as stated in
the Municipal Code. She believes that those tasks allow the Commission to encourage artists to
approach the Commission, present a proposal and the Commission is enabled to present this
proposal to the City Council for consideration.
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that this has been done in the past, with Mr. Fernandez.
Commissioners Reynolds and Sham is gave a brief overview of the project, and how it evolved from
a pinata hanger to two pieces of playground equipment. This project was unsolicited and has not
been completed by Mr. Fernandez.
Commissioner Woodard would have preferred to hear from the City Council as to why they did not
approve the Bear Creek Bike Trail art work locations. He is not comfortable with the notion that the
City Council tabled the item without detailed information that can be passed along to the artist that
made the proposal. He would like to have specific details so that a letter can be written to the artist
stating such. He felt that the letter sent to Mr. Cain was insignificant.
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Commissioner Woodard also stated that he felt that the Commission nurtured the artist and then
disappointed him when the item was tabled by the City Council.
Commissioner Sham is stated that the Commission had no authority to promise Mr. Cain he would
get this job.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that some artists in the past have been led to believe that they would
be hired by the City to produce an art piece, when in fact, they were only being recommended to the
City Council for consideration.
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that this happened last Spring when Jennifer Johnson
presented a water feature for the Civic Center Campus. When her project, along with others was
recommended for City Council consideration, she was under the assumption that she had a SO/50
chance of getting the commission. Ms. Johnson stated at the time of the incident that a specific
Commissioner stated that she had the 50/50 chance, however, she did not mention the name of the
Commissioner. Ms. Horvitz also stated that this situation created a great misunderstanding between
the artist and the City, and the artist was extremely upset that she did not get the commission, when
she was led to believe she would. Ms. Horvitz also stated that the perception from the artist
community may be that once the Commission supports their concept, that they will get the
commission for the artwork. The Cultural Arts Commission is an advisory body to the City Council,
and therefore the City Council makes the final decisions. The Commission should be very clear to
the artists that they do not make the final decision.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the Commission should bridge the artist to the City Council. The
Commissioners must be diplomatic when dealing with the artists. She also stated that the
Commission should continue to re-advocate for items to the City Council that are important to the
Commissioner Woodard stated that Mr. Cain did due diligence in researching the items the
Commission had concerns regarding, such as the graffiti removal. Ms. Horvitz stated that Mr. Cain
had not received any direction from the Commission regarding this information, and that the City
Council was asked to consider the Bear Creek Trail location and not specific art work.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the Commission must impress upon the City Council the
philosophy and policies of the Commission.
C. Letter from Commission to Symposium Participants
Commissioner Diamond stated that she was disappointed that the letter sent to the Symposium
participants did not. contain information regarding the comments from Mr. Mackie. Community
Services Director Horvitz stated that Mr. Mackie has not returned the comments from the
Commissioner Diamond would like to devote one Cultural Arts Commission meeting to discussing
the Symposium and plans for the next one.
CALAA Conference Review:This will be placed on the next month's agenda. To be
discussed will be the 25th Anniversary of CALAAand the City's activities celebrating such.
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Symposium Evaluation:
To be placed on next month's agenda.
C. Village Live/Work Studios
Commissioner Woodard would like to explore the possibility of hosting a symposium for various
business leaders, City officials and artists to develop a Live/Work concept for the Village area.
Commissioner Woodard stated that since La Quinta is known as the Art Capital, the City should be
encouraging artists to have studios in the City.
Commissioner Woodard would like to discuss an "Artist Symposium" as a round table to encourage
artists to use the Village as there is land available and it is affordable. Commissioner Woodard
believes that by encouraging artists to set up studios in the Village, this will bring an energy to the
This will be placed on next month's agenda.
D. Bali's Round-abouts
Commissioner Reynolds visited Bali during the Christmas season and saw many round-a bouts that
contain art pieces in the middle. She stated that the drivers are not distracted by the art in the
middle and perhaps the City Council could reconsider placing artwork in the round-about that is
planned for Jefferson and Avenue 52.
It was moved by Commissioners Woodard/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
February 8, 2001 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
. Washington & Hwy. 111 Art Piece Modification
. Map of Public Art Work
. Continue discussion on CALAA Conference
. Continue discussion on Symposium
. Meeting date with the City Council
. Artist LivelWork Symposium
. Services Director
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