CC Resolution 2006-091RESOLUTION NO. 2006-091 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY'S AMENDED BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 181h day of March, '1997, adopt, under Resolution 97-16, the La Quinta Bicycle - Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2000, the City did reaffirm said Plan for the purpose of remaining eligible for Bicycle Transportation Account funding from the State of California; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta wishes to continue to utilize these state funds to further the goals and objectives of the City's General Plan, the City's Amended Bicycle Transportation Plan (Exhibit A), the region's bicycle commuter needs, and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments' System of Non -Motorized Facilities regarding a bicycle network. WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify the recommendation for reaffirming the approval of said Bicycle Transportation Plan. 1. The Proposed Plan will not adversely affect the planned development of the City in that it will implement General Plan policy by designating specific locations of bike paths, lanes, and routes on select City streets and off -road areas. "The City shall facilitate the use of alternative, non- vehicluar modes of transportation through the identification of conceptual bicycle corridors throughout the City." 2. The Proposed Plan would not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City because the Plan is designed to insure unsafe conditions do not occur. 3. There will be no significant impacts resulting from the Plan which, by it's nature, creates conditions that enhance, control, and are compatible with planned development. Resolution No. 2006-091 2006107 Amended Bicycle Transportation Plan Adopted: August 1, 2006 Page 3 4. The California Department of Transportation requires Bicycle Transportation Plans to be current on a biennium basis for Bicycle Lane Grant Accounts acceptance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Council in this case. 2. That it does hereby approves the Amended Bicycle Transportation Plan for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 for the reasons set forth is this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 1 st day of August, 2006, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None &In� LL— - DON ADOLPH, Ma r City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: DEBORAH H. POWELL, Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) Resolution No. 2006-091 2006/07 Amended Bicycle Transportation. Plan Adopted: August 1, 2006 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6` M. KATH'ERINE JENS N, -City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Exhibit A AMENDED BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN CITY OF LA QUINTA RE -ADOPTED AUGUST 1, 2006 BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN CITY OF LA QUINTA I. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal 1 Establish bicycle facilities within the City of La Quinta, consistent with planned regional routes, to encourage biking as a mode of transportation and recreation. Goal 2 Establish a local system of bicycle lanes and paths to encourage the use of the bicycle as a safe and convenient mode of transportation and recreation. Objectives: a. The City will establish a system of bicycle lanes within the street right- of-way to meet the needs of both the recreational and commuter cyclist; b. All bicycle trip destinations, including schools, public buildings, shopping areas, and parks should be equipped with bike racks; C. Include sites that are appropriate for educational or recreational purposes at appropriate schools, libraries and parks as part of the bikeway system; d. Where possible, require provision of designated bikeway segments by developers, and their connection. with the Citywide network; e. The bicycle system will include a hierarchy of linkages, including the following linkages: 1) Bikeway connections to Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) regional paths, including paths along the Whitewater Wash, Highway I I I connecting to Lake Cahuilla via Jefferson and Madison Streets; docfb.20 2) Safe bikeways to schools, including the 50th Avenue school complex, the La Quinta High School, La Quinta Middle School, and Adams (currently under construction) and Truman Elementary Schools; 3) Bikeways to parks, playgrounds, 50th Avenue Sports Complex, Fritz Burns Park, La Quinta Community Park, Adams Park, and potential park sites along Bear Creek Channel; f. Off-street bikeways should use open space corridors, flood control and utility easements where possible. Such trails will minimize automobile cross traffic. II. BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN 1. Background. La Quinta General Plan, CVAG Regional Plan, Subdivision and proposed Zoning Ordinance The La Quinta General Plan, adopted in 1992, consists of eight elements Land Use, Circulation, Parks and Recreation, Environmental Conservation, Open Space, Environmental Hazards, Air Quality, and Infrastructure and Public Services. As part of the Circulation Element, the City adopted a Bicycle Corridor Policy Map. The Map identifies conceptual bikeway corridors throughout the City, promotes the use of bicycles as a safe and convenient mode of transportation and recreation, and provides a framework to build future bicycle facilities. The Bike Route Plan implements General Plan policies. The Bike Route Plan identifies local routes that are consistent with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Non -Motorized Transportation Element. The La Quinta Subdivision Ordinance (Section 13.24.140 Special Improvements) requires bicycle lanes be designed and built as development occurs consistent with the General Plan Circulation Element standards. The Zoning Ordinance requires bicycle parking standards and bicycle racks for all new nonresidential uses to mitigate motor vehicle pollution and congestion. 2. Bicycle System docfb.20 The La Quinta Bike Route Plan includes provisions for bicycles and pedestrians throughout the City. The proposed bicycle plan is designed to satisfy current and future requirements for safe and functional bicycle commuting and recreation in the City. Many bikeways can be implemented by signing and striping in conjunction with parking prohibitions, thereby causing minimal disruption to existing traffic patterns. Bicycle lanes will also be included in the construction of new street facilities or in the scheduled improvements of existing streets. Three classifications of bicycle facilities. are incorporated into the City of La Quinta street system. The primary hierarchy of bikeways includes: Class I (off-street) facilities along selected off-street corridors; Class II (striped on -street) facilities along Major and Primary Arterials; and. Class III (shared on -street or on the sidewalk) facilities along all other roadways. These three classifications are consistent with the CALTRANS Highway Design Manual, (Section 7, Chapter 1000) and are defined as follows: a. Class I Bikeways Class I bikeways (bike paths) are off-street facilities with exclusive right-of- way, serving the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians. Sidewalk facilities are not considered Class I bikeways because they are primarily intended to serve pedestrians. By State law, motorized bicycles are prohibited on bike paths unless authorized by ordinance or the agency having jurisdiction over the path. Methods for discouraging the use of off-street bikeways for motorized vehicle use include removable bollards and prominent signage. The minimum width for Class I bikeways is eight feet for a two-way path and five feet for a one-way path. All Class I facilities proposed for the City Bike Route Plan conform to this standard. Class I facilities are the Bear Creek Channel, the Whitewater Wash and Lake Cahuilla Park paths. b. Class II Bikeways Class II bikeways (bike lanes) for preferential use by bicycles are established within the paved area of roadways. Bike lane stripes are intended to promote an orderly flow of traffic. Bicycles have exclusive use of a bike lane but must share the facility with motor vehicles and pedestrians crossing it. Bike lane docfb.2Q stripes can increase bicyclists' confidence that motorists will not stray into their path if they remain within the bike lane. Motorist must obey traffic laws regarding bicycles in the right-of-way. Bike lanes are one-way facilities. The width for these facilities is five feet. Class II facilities are included along Primary Arterials, including Miles Street, Adams Street, 48th Avenue, Eisenhower Drive, Caile Tampico, 52nd Avenue, 54th Avenue, Airport Boulevard, 58th Avenue, Jefferson Street, a portion of Washington Street, and Madison Street. Class II facilities consist of a five- foot striped bike lane off the roadway with a six-foot pedestrian path adjacent to the curb. (See attachment, Road Cross Sections). C. Class III Bikeways Class III bikeways are intended to provide continuity to the bikeway system. Class III facilities are shared facilities with motor vehicles on the street, and pedestrians and bicycles as a -secondary use on the side walk. In the case of the -- City of La Quinta Bike Routes, these will consist of those streets identified on the Bike Route Plan. III. IMPLEMENTATION 1. Bicycle Lane Account The Bicycle Lane Account (BLA) is a funding mechanism for bicycle facilities outlined in Chapter Eight of the State Streets and Highways Code. Funds are part of the State Transportation Fund, and may be allocated to cities and counties for bikeways and related facilities, planning, and safety and education. Facilities may include new bikeways to service major transportation corridors; removal of travel barriers to potential bicycle commuters; bicycle parking; bicycle carrying facilities on public transit vehicles; installation of traffic control devices to improve safety; the elimination of hazardous conditions on existing bikeways; and safety, education, and routing signs. All bikeway projects must comply with minimum safety design criteria established by the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), and no funds may be used for maintenance. Funds are limited to $90,000 per project and $90,000 per agency. Local agencies must fund 10% of the project cost. aootb.io To be eligible for these funds, the City of La Quints has an approved General Plan for Bikeways (i.e., Bikeway Corridor Policy Map), and the project(s) must have the potential of encouraging motorists to commute by bicycle --this excludes purely recreational facilities. Design of the project must conform to CALTRANS Design Manual Section 7, Chapter 1000 relating to bikeway planning and design, and.the guidelines of Section 2386 of the Streets and Highways Code for allocating funds. To retain eligibility for funding, all new bike routes proposed by this Bicycle Transportation Plan conform to the minimum CALTRANS design standards. Z Elements of the Bicycle Transportation Plan (BTP) La Quinta's Bicycle Transportation Plan is consistent with Section 891.2 of the Streets and Highways Code. a. The current estimate of 2,681 existing bicycle users in La Quints is based on the General Plan EIR Circulation Element and uses a .007 modal split factor from the total daily -traffic trips. The projected 9,396 bicycle users in La Quinta are based on the same modal split for the build -out scenario used in the General Plan, EIR Circulation Element. b. Attached is the 2005 La Quinta General Plan Map. C. Attached are the 1996 Existing and Proposed Bike Route Plan, and the CVAG Non -Motorized Transportation Element, map of proposed facilities. d. Attached is the 2006 Existing and Proposed Bike Path Route Plan that identifies current end of trip bicycle parking facilities. Proposed facilities will be obtained from new development through development stipulations. The facilities identified below are for employees of that business. (The Boys and Girls Club facilities are for employees and patrons.) The existing facilities include: 1. Boys and Girls Club of Coachella Valley La Quinta Unit 49-995 Park Avenue La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks, changing lockers, and showers docfb.20 2. Ralphs Grocery Company 50-929 Washington Street La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks and changing lockers 3. Vons Grocery 78-271 Highway l l l La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks and changing lockers 4. Stater Bros. Markets 78-630 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle Rack 5. La Quinta Resort and Club 49-499 Eisenhower Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks, changing lockers and showers 6. La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks, changing lockers and showers 7. Truman Elementary.School 78-870 50th Avenue La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks, changing rooms and showers docfb.20 8. La Quinta Middle School 78-900 50th Avenue La Quinta, CA 92253. Bicycle racks, changing rooms and showers 9. La Quinta High School 79-255 .Westward Ho Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks, changing rooms and showers 10. Riverside County Fire Department 78-136 Frances Hack Lane La Quinta, CA 92253 Changing lockers and showers 11. Riverside County Fire Department 54-001 Madison Street La Quinta, CA 92253 Changing lockers and showers 12. Stein Mart 780945 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Changing rooms, no lockers 13. Marshalls Store 79-395 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Changing rooms, no lockers aoorb.zo 14. Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse of La Quinta 78-865 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Bike racks and changing rooms 15. Target Stores 78-935 Highway I I I La Quinta, CA 92253 Bike racks and changing rooms 16. Office Depot 78-987 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Changing rooms, no lockers 17. Big Five Sport 7 8-7 10 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Bike racks and changing rooms 18. Kohl's Department Store 78-950 Highway I I I La Quinta, CA 92253 Changing rooms, no lockers 19. La Quinta Public Library 78-275 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Bicycle racks doctb.20 20. United States Post Office 79-125 Corporate Way La Quinta, CA 92253 Employee only accessible bike racks C. Sun Line Transit Agency buses accommodate bicycles on all of their fleet. f. Future facilities for changing and storing clothing and equipment at bicycle parking facilities would only be considered by each new private development. Although no public facilities for changing and storing clothes and equipment are currently planned, facilities would only be considered along the regional Whitewater Wash bike route. g. The Riverside County Sheriffs Department (which provides police services to La Quinta) conducts bicycle safety programs at the schools in La Quinta. The programs are typically held at the start of the school year and just prior to summer. The Sheriff's Department reports that due to the training and bicycle safety programs, the incidence of vehicle vs. bicycle accidents are extremely low in La Quinta. Statistical findings indicate from 2001 through 2005, an average of 2.6 bicycle vs automobiles injuries were recorded yearly. The Sheriff's Department actively enforces provisions of the Vehicle Code regarding bicycle operation. h. Letters of support are attached. The La Quinta Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission have approved for adoption the La.Quinta Bike Route Plan. The City Council has adopted the Plan. i. The plan has been reviewed by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments and was found to be consistent with their planning efforts. The Plan is consistent with all State, regional and local air quality plans. The Riverside County Transportation Commission (ROTC) will review and approve the Bike Route Plan. docfb.2o j. The attached map identifies project priority for implementation. k. The City's policy is to obtain future bikeways including lanes and sidewalks through the development process. There are two bikeways that require future financial funding: Based upon the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Non -Motorized Transportation Element plan, the estimates for completion of Class 1, Class.2 and Class 3 projects would be: Coral Reef Mountain Bikeway $330,000 to implement; and the completion of the White Water Channel bikeway $400,000 to implement. The City completed the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path at a cost of '$280,000 to implement. docfb20 o W Q WJill, � f 2 (c) CHAPTERS: BOCYCLE PLANS ri Existing and Proposed •' a: 'M_; Bicycle Facilities City of La Quinta W stward Ho ; Wf r P,/ 1f'„,�"' ` 'lry • . tef - .�� • '11.1 lam"'"` ,� .. �. r �T• / �. _Ave 4 � _:' .. =:•l _ '� ��.Y-� �' .i�`:.._.- ' 09- c, Ave 50: Ca11 rTam' t . eEKpa • , _ 'Li -Ave 52 K' $macU C611eZ-1n•0'a' • 'T CD• i i ..: Ave 54 Calle Tecate _A it LEGEND * Ave 58 N Existing Class 1 Bikeway N Existing Class II Bikeway Existing Class Ill Bikeway —. �'• Proposed Class 1 Bikeway 1 ; Proposed Class 11 Bikeway _ - . - - - -- - - --- — - �- ---�-- Proposed Class Ill Bikeway • 001\ ® Existing Parking Facility t Schools Activity Centers Ave 62: ...... - - 0 0.5 1 Miles i e; ;f •`CVAG Non -Motorized Transportation Plan � � td7 2H CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION of 00VERNMENTS Blythe • Cathedral City • Coachella • Desert Hot Springs • Indian Wells • Indio • La Quinta • Palm Desert • Palm Springs • Rancho Mirage County of Riverside • Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians • Cabazon Band of Mission Indians . Tomes Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians April 14,2006 Tom Genovese, City Manager City of La Quinta 78-49.5 Calle Tampico La Quinta, :CA, 92253 Re:, Letter of Support for the La Quinta Bicycle Transportation Plan Dear Tom: It is with great pleasure that we once again write a letter of support for the City of La Quinta's Bicycle Transportation Plan update for 2006. This plan is a perfect fit and conforms to the CVAG Regional Non -Motorized Transportation Plan (August 29, 2005) developed and implemented by the Coachella Valley jurisdictions through CVAG. The CVAG Non -Motorized Transportation Plan was funded by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and is to be included. in SCAG's Regional Mobility Element. The La Quinta Bicycle Transportation Plan will further strengthen and support the opportunities for Bicyclists not only in the City but in the entire Coachella Valley. The La Quinta Plan envisions a network of bicycle corridors throughout the City with connections to the regional routes. It is my -belief that the La Quinta Bicycle - Transportatiom Plan will help immeasurably in achieving the goals of the Regional Plan. Therefore, I fully endorse your efforts for updating, maintaining and implementing your part of the Regional Plan within the City of La Quinta. John Wohlmuth Executive Director '7Q_71n Frori %A1=r4nn nraio Qiiitn 9nn . Palrn nocorF rA Q99Rn . f7Rni 2/(a;_1197 . PAY f7Rnl'IArLRQAQ CHAPTER 5: BICYCLE PLANS • Class II on Madison Street from Avenue 54 to Avenue 58 (2 miles) ■ Class II on Airport Boulevard from Madison Street to city limit (1 mile) Proposed La Quinta has proposed 18 bikeway projects to be included in this Plan. They include two Class I projects, 15 Class 11 projects, and one Class III project. The .projects are listed below by priority. Top priority project costs are based on past expenditures for bikeways throughout California. Costs for individual projects will vary by location and complexity of the project. Class I projects are estimated, at $500,000 per mile, Class II projects are estimated at $50,000 per mile, and Class III projects are estimated at $10,000 per mile. City of La Quinta Top Priority Projects Class Street/Path From To Mileage Cost Destinations Whitewater River - I Happy Point SR-111 Washington Street 0.50 $250,000 Regional Connector connection Avenida Bermudas II soutfibound only Calle Sinaloa Calle Tecate 1.50 $37 500 La Quinta Cove Calle Tecate II westbound only Avenida Madero Avenida Bermudas 0.50 $12,500 La Quinta Cove 11 Avenue 52 Eisenhower Drive Washington Street 0.75 $37,500 City Hall, La Quinta Cove City of La Quinta 2nd Priority Bikeway Projects Class Street/Path From To 11 Washington Street norther city limit Avenue 50 II Jefferson Street northern city limit Avenue 54 City of La Quinta 3rd Priority Bikeway Projects Class S(reet/Path from To I Whitewater River Washington Street Indio city )imit 1 All American Canal Avenue 50 Avenue 54 II Fred Waring Drive Washington Street Jefferson Street 11 Miles Avenue Washington Street Jefferson Street 11 SR-111 Indian Welts city limit Indio city limit II Avenue 50 Washington Street Madison Street 11 - Calle Tampico, Park Avenue Washington Street Avenue 50 It Avenida Bermudas Calle Tampico Calle Sinaloa II Avenue 52 Washington Street eastern city limit II Avenue .54 Jefferson Street eastern city limit 11 Avenue 58 Jefferson Street eastern city limit CVAG Non -Motorized Transportation Plan 2 (J)