2006 08 01 CC Minutes LA QUINT A CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 1, 2006 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: ABSENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION Council Member Osborne did not participate in Item No. 2 due to a potential conflict of interest resulting from the close proximity of his residence to the site. 1. Conference with the City's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located southwest of the intersection of Highway 111 and La Quinta Center Drive. Property Owner/Negotiator: Stamko Development Company, Chris Clarke. 2. Conference with the City's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located at the northwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Palm Royale. Property Owner/Negotiator: The Robert Mayer Corporation, Robert L. Mayer. Jr. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00. p.m. 3:00 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None City Council Minutes 2 August 1, 2006 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mayor Adolph requested Consent Item No. 15 be pulled for separate action due to a potential conflict of interest. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the City Council Minutes of July 18, 2006, as amended (adding Council Member Kirk's name to the affirmative votes on Business Item Nos. 5 and 6). Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED AUGUST 1, 2006. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL PARK AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION 2006 CONGRESS IN SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, TO BE HELD OCTOBER 10-14, 2006. 3. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY MIGUEL ISIJARA: DATE OF LOSS - FEBRUARY 9, 2006. 4. APPROVAL TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TRI-STATE FOR CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SERVICES. 5. APPROVAL TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LANDMARK FOR MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES. City Council Minutes 3 August 1, 2006 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXiTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 31202-4, RANCHO SANTANA, OAK TREE INDUSTRIES. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-084) 7. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 31202-4, RANCHO SANTANA, OAK TREE INDUSTRIES. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-085) 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 31202-3, RANCHO SANTANA, OAK TREE INDUSTRIES. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-086) 9. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 31202-3, RANCHO SANTANA, OAK TREE INDUSTRIES. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-087) 10. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 31202-2, QUAIL RUN, EHLlNE BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-088) 11. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 31202-1, RANCHO SANTANA, DESERT CHEYENNE. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-089) , 12. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 31202-1, RANCHO SANTANA, OAK TREE INDUSTRIES. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-090) 13. APPROVAL TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING FOR MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES. 14. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY'S AMENDED BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-091) City Council Minutes 4 August 1, 2006 15. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE LA QUINT A PLAYHOUSE FOR THE 2006/2007 PERFORMING ARTS SEASON. (See separate action below.) 16. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND TWO MEMBERS OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD TO ATTEND THE 2006 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTEMENT FUND (LAIF) CONFERENCE, NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 1, 2006, IN SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. 17 . APPROVAL OF RATIFICATION OF A CONTRACT WITH LENNAR HOMES BY THE CITY MANAGER FOR THE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION OF FRED WARING DRIVE FROM JEFFERSON STREET TO PORT MARIA ROAD. 18. ACCEPTANCE OF WASHINGTON STREET MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2003-09, AND APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.6. 19. APPROVAL TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PSOMAS FOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item No. 15 and with Item Nos. 6-12 and 14 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2006-084 through 2006-091 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. Item No. 15: In response to Council Member Henderson, City Manager Genovese noted Exhibit A of the contract indicates the La Ouinta Playhouse tent will be placed next to the EI Ranchito Restaurant in the Village. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Kirk to approve a Contract Services Agreement with the La Ouinta Playhouse in the amount of $50,000 to be used for the 2006/2007 performing arts season. Motion carried with Mayor Adolph ABSTAINING due to a potential conflict of interest. City Council Minutes 5 August 1, 2006 BUSINESS SESSION 1 . CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT REQUESTS. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. Council Member Kirk commented on the difference in the number of financial statements included with the requests, and asked how it can be made more equitable. Ms. Hylton advised organizations are asked to provide bank statements but some include previous audits. The following representatives urged approval of their requests: Fran Hern, 78-870 Avenue 50, Truman Elementary School Rick Meza, 7885 Anadale Avenue, Desert Hot Springs, The Ranch Recovery Centers, Inc. Katrika Katrow, President of the La Quinta High School Speech and Debate Team Donna Martin, 49-320 Avenida Fernando, and Jeannette Knight, Cathedral City, McCallum Theatre Beverly Montgomery, Soroptimist International of La Quinta/Coachella Valley In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Katrow clarified the grant money for the debate team would not be used for uniforms. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Knight explained the Truman Elementary grant request is for the Aesthetic Education Program, whereas the McCallum Theatre grant request is for a field trip series that is done at the theatre. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to approve the grant requests as submitted. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to approve the following Community Services Grant requests from the Special Projects Contingency Account: Truman Elementary School, $1,400; Ranch Recovery Centers, Inc., $2,000; La Quinta High School Speech and Debate Team, $2,000; McCallum Theatre, $2,000; and Soroptimist International of La Quinta/Coachella Valley, $4,050. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 6 August 1, 2006 Council Member Kirk referenced the need to address the issue of how much material is included in the grant applications, and suggested the Community Services Department review the issue. Council Member Henderson stated she feels it's reasonable to expect applications for funding to be contingent upon the proper documentation being provided. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A FACILITY USE AGREEMENT WITH THE LA QUINT A ARTS FOUNDATION FOR THE USE OF THE CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Osborne, Ms. Hylton stated the fees for use of the Senior Center and Civic Center Campus are not broken out separately. In response to Council Member Kirk, Ms. Hylton stated both facilities are rented frequently on weekends. Council Member Henderson noted the rental fee for the Chamber of Commerce would have been much higher if calculated on an hourly basis. She asked if the facility use fees could be broken out separately, to which Ms. Hylton responded, "Yes." In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Hylton confirmed the rental is for a few days before and after the event. Christi Salamone, representing the La Quinta Arts Foundation, asked about including language for a possible extension of the two-year agreement, and questioned the two year period listed in the Facility Use Agreement. City Attorney Jenson noted the Facility Use and Contract Services Agreements are separate, and do not supersede each other. She advised a provision can be added to the Facility Use Agreement that indicates it's subject to an extension if both parties agree. As for the dates in the agreement, she believes they are correct. She advised that ~he Arts Foundation's attorney has not reviewed the document, and recommended the agreement be approved with a caveat that any changes be subject to the approval of the City Attorney and City Manager. City Council Minutes 7 August 1, 2006 In response to Council Member Kirk, Ms. Salamone stated she understands there is sufficient parking in the Village to accommodate the use, but the location still needs to be determined. She added Merv Griffin has agreed to be the Guest of Honor at the gala dinner on March 3, 2006. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve a' Facility Use Agreement with the La Quinta Arts Foundation for the Civic Center Campus, subject to any changes being approved by the City Attorney and City Manager. Council Member Henderson asked if it includes waiving the fees for the , 2007 Arts Festival event, to which Council Member Sniff responded, "Yes." Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Kirk encouraged staff to work on a solution to use available parking in the area for the event. Ms. Salamone stated they are working on a shuttle system throughout the Village. She hopes local restaurants will get involved, and accommodate some of the parking in exchange for some type of reciprocal action. 3. CONSIDERATION OF CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT AREA APPLICATIONS. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff commented on the limited number of names being nominated for the Sports Figures and Artists Acknowledgment Areas. Council Member Henderson stated she intended to submit the names of Ernie and Marlene Vossler for the Sports Figures Acknowledgment Area, and requested their names be included, subject to the proper paper work being completed. Council Member Sniff suggested including Johnny Pott's name. Council concurred with adding the three names. Council Member Henderson recommended the presentation of the awards be done on an appropriate day, such as Veteran's Day for the veteran awards. City Council Minutes 8 August 1, 2006 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Kirk to: 1 ) authorize the names of veterans and sports figures, including Ernie Vossler, Marlene Vossler, and Johnny Pott, to be added on bronze plates to the appropriate acknowledgment areas; and 2) authorize the expenditure from the Art in Public Places Fund for the cost of the bronze plates. Motion carried unanimously. (See Page 10 for reconsideration of Item No.3.) 4. CONSIDERATION OF TOBACCO LICENSING AND ENFORCEMENT EFFORTS AND AN ORDINANCE REGARDING LICENSING TOBACCO RETAILERS IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. Assistant City Manager O'Connor presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, City Attorney Jenson advised State law allows the City to adopt more-limited restrictions and to have a higher threshold for revoking licenses. If a City license is revoked, the retail business would not be able to sell tobacco products in La Quinta. Council Member Sniff asked what additional costs would be involved for the Sheriff's Department to oversee this matter, and what additional performance levels they would provide for enhanced enforcement. Police Chief Meyer, of the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, commented he feels the City Police Department can do a better job of enforcement on this issue than the County Public Health Department. He stated the efforts would become a part of their regular duties but set at a higher priority. Lieutenant Navarro, of the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, stated a member of the Special Enforcement Team and Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) have contacted 1 2 out of approximately 20 vendors in the City selling tobacco products. He indicated the purpose was to educate the managers and clerks on this issue, and the vendors were very receptive. He confirmed the remaining vendors will also be contacted. Council Member Sniff suggested the vendors be contacted on a frequent basis as an initial step to help determine if anything additional is needed. He asked if the Sheriff's Department is involved with overseeing the sale of tobacco in the County. Chief Meyer responded they are not usually involved unless specifically requested. City Council Minutes 9 August 1, 2006 Council Member Sniff questioned the need for an ordinance if it can be included as part of the Police Department's regular duties. Chief Meyer advised the Police Department will deal with the issue with, or without, an ordinance. In regard to the use of juvenile decoys, he stated they are photographed before and after the sting operation to confirm their age appearance. He noted the intent is not to deceive but rather to attain compliance. In response to Council Member Osborne, Chief Meyer stated a tobacco decoy program would probably be done separately from the current alcohol decoy program to avoid confusion. In response to Council Member Henderson, Chief Meyer advised both the educational component and sting operation would be a part of the current contract and normal target team duties. Council Member Henderson indicated she feels. a sting operation has a place in enforcement of this issue. She suggested proceeding with what has been started, and getting a report back from the Police Department in six months to see if an ordinance is needed. Chief Meyer advised if this is done outside of the target team's normal course of duties, annual grant monies for special enforcement efforts can be utilized to help cover the costs. Council Member Kirk expressed appreciation for the initial step taken by the Police Department, and commented on the need to go beyond education and sting operations. He noted it takes a number of violations under State law to get a license revoked, and a more-stringent ordinance may be needed to discourage the violators. Chief Meyer pointed out the City pays for a higher level of law enforcement than many other communities, which provides greater flexibility in addressing issues like this. In response to Council Member Sniff, Chief Meyer advised a photo California Identification Card from DMV can be used to establish the age of purchasers. Council Member Sniff suggested letting the Police Department move forward, and report back to Council in 120 days, at which time Council can consider additional action if needed. City Council Minutes 10 August 1, 2006 Mayor Adolph concurred, and encouraged the use of a sting operation if needed. Council gave direction by consensus for the Police Department to move forward with an educational effort, and a sting operation if needed, and to report back to Council in 120 days. No formal action was taken. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to reconsider Business Session Item No.3 at this time. Motion carried unanimously. 3. RECONSIDERATION OF CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT AREA APPLICATIONS. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to amend the previous motion to include the name of Joe Walser to the list of names to be added to the Sports Figures Acknowledgment Area. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF EVENT PLAN AND LOGO FOR THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson stated the La Quinta Arts Foundation and the La Quinta Historical Society are both planning galas that will be substantially dedicated to the City's 25th Anniversary. Council Member Sniff suggested increasing the letter size of "La Quinta," and changing the words to dynamic, diverse, beautiful, and charming. Council Member Henderson explained how the words proposed on the logo were derived by the 25th Anniversary Committee. Council Member Kirk stated he supports enlarging the City name on the logo but feels the words should be eliminated altogether because of the difficulty of using it in a small format. Ms. Hylton stated the words would not be included in small formats. She added the Committee discussion focused mainly on the size and location of the City name. City Council Minutes 11 August 1, 2006 After a brief discussion, Council concurred to increase the size of the City name and to eliminate the words.- MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to approve the Event Plan and Logo for the 25th Anniversary Celebration, eliminating the words and increasing the size of the City name. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE SALTON SEA AUTHORITY PLAN FOR MULTI-PURPOSE PROJECT AND AN APPROPRIATION OF $5,000 FOR COMMUNITY OUTREACH. Assistant City Manager O'Connor presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, Rick Daniels, representing the Salton . Sea Authority, commented on the importance of local cities expressing their preference for the alternative developed by the Authority because the other alternatives dry up the sea and will create air quality problems. Town meetings and newspaper inserts will be used to gain support for their alternative, and they will be going to other cities and tribes to seek support and funding. In response to Council Member Kirk, Mr. Daniels confirmed the Salton Sea Authority intends to remain located in La Quinta. They are seeking funding from all of the cities, and have had discussions with the City of Palm Desert for $25,000. Council Member Kirk noted La Quinta is included in national and state publications because of the Authority being located in La Quinta. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Daniels explained the purpose of a local outreach is to demonstrate that their alternative is the only one supported locally. Council Member Sniff asked how the amounts requested from each city are determined, and Mr. Daniels stated it's up to the individual jurisdictions. Council Member Kirk spoke in support of La Quinta being a leader in this issue. City Council Minutes 12 August 1, 2006 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-092 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT TO THE SALTON SEA AUTHORITY. It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2006-092 as submitted, and to appropriate $20,000 for community outreach. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Animal Campus Commission - In response to Council Member Henderson, Building' & Safety Director Hartung advised staff is handling the distribution of the draft ordinance on micro-chipping for animal control. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson reported on the success of the League of California Cities Annual Conference. CV AG Executive Committee - Mayor Adolph reported the multi-species habitat program is moving forward without the City of Desert Hot Springs, and will take about 15 months and $1.2 million to complete. He commented on Proposition 90 that will be on the November ballot, and how it will have a significant effect on the cities. He has asked CV AG to come back with a worst case scenario on how it will affect the habitat program. * * * * * * * * * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. City Council Minutes 13 August 1, 2006 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1-A. DEPARTMENT REPORT REGARDING LENGTH AND EFFICIENCY OF COUNCIL MEETINGS. City Manager Genovese presented the staff report. Council Member Osborne spoke in support of looking at ways to reduce the length of Council meetings as long as business can be done in a manner that benefits the City. He would not be supportive of limiting discussion on certain items because of their effect on the City now and well into the future. Council Member Henderson stated she supports the concept, but prefers closed session items being done earlier in the day rather than going back into closed session at 10 o'clock at night. She commented on the importance of finishing items as early as possible that require the use of highly-paid consultants, and the difficulty of knowing how much time to allow for closed session in the afternoon. She noted using a half hour of the dinner break for closed session, and an hour earlier might be enough to finish with the consultants by 7:00 p.m. If a 10:00 p.m. deadline is set, she feels Council should have the latitude of continuing if needed. She has some concerns about setting a deadline in the evening because she isn't sure a lot of unnecessary time is spent on public hearings. She recommended trying the suggestions and re-evaluating this in 90 days to see whether or not it's working. Council Member Kirk stated his greatest motivation on this matter is the impact long meetings have on the public's ability to participate in the meetings. He feels there would be more participation and involvement by the community if the meetings were more concise. He noted the La Quinta City Council meetings are twice as long as other cities in the Valley, and that some improvement has already been accomplished by paying more attention to the issue. He agrees some discussions can't be limited because of complex issues but feels there are times when Council could do a better job of managing themselves. He feels it's important to have a clear start time and ending time because the tendency is to use whatever time is allotted. He agreed with having the latitude to extend past the deadline if there is a need, and indicated he is in full support of the recommendations. Council Member Sniff voiced opposition to the recommendations, which he feels have been generated mostly by staff, and are self-serving to some degree. He feels the recommendations reduce the position of the City Council and the City Council meetings, and are a significant change from a City Council Minutes 14 August 1, 2006 Council meeting agenda to a staff meeting agenda. He expressed dissatisfaction with Council Member Kirk's comments in a recent newspaper article about the Council conducting business on the same level as the DMV and a preference for the meetings to resemble more of an "In-N-Out" style. He doesn't feel the recommended changes accommodate a comment made by Mr. Kirk that certain items could be trimmed and more time devoted to larger rssues. He believes the City has been well served and successful for 25 years under the current format, and particularly for the last 20 years that he has been on the Council. He believes people attend Council meetings when they have a problem or a particular interest, and doubts changing the hours will produce higher attendance. He stated he doesn't feel 16 to 20 hours a month of Council meetings is a burden to the Councilor the public, and that any Council Member who really cares about good performance and the City's value and benefits should not have a problem with it. Mayor Adolph commented on Council meetings in other cities in the Valley running 3 to 4 hours and La Quinta Council meetings running 8 hours, and voiced concern about how productive Council can be when meetings go to 12:00 or 1 :00 in the morning. He also commented on the effect late meetings have on staff. He would like to see if Council can do a better job in less time. He feels it's important to allow some latitude for public comment but noted Council sometimes gets involved in issues beyond what is on the table. He doesn't want to stifle anyone but would like to be better organized so things can get finished in a shorter timeframe. Council Member Henderson indicated she doesn't view public comment as an issue but agrees Council Members could be more aware of when they are rambling. Regarding changing the start time, she is concerned about being able to fit in study sessions between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. She doesn't have a problem with the evening meeting going from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. as long as there is latitude to continue the meeting with a majority vote. She referenced the amount of time the art awards program takes, and suggested the possibility of having one of the City commissions present the awards, or coming up with another suggestion. She stated she has no reason, nor knowledge, to believe this report came to Council from staff, or was generated by staff with staff's interest in mind. Council Member Kirk asked about the possibility of scheduling study sessions, on a case-by-case basis, at 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. if the regular starting time is changed to 4:00 p.m. City Council Minutes 15 August 1, 2006 City Attorney Jenson advised the Council meeting start time is established by resolution and needs to be fixed. She confirmed a study session could be set to start in advance of a regular Council meeting but the study session would be a special meeting. In response to Council Member Kirk, Mr. Genovese stated the frequency of study sessions varies. There haven't been many over the last four meetings, but prior to that they were consecutive. Council Member Henderson noted study sessions on the Vista Santa Rosa issue generate public attendance, and should probably be scheduled on a different day. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Genovese referenced a chart in the staff report regarding other cities' meeting schedules, and noted the City of Palm Springs has special meetings for study sessions. Mayor Adolph suggested this matter come back in September. The committee could meet to see how this can be put together, and have it brought back to Council for consideration. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mayor Adolph confirmed it would come back as a business item. 1-8. LA GUINTA SPHERE OF INCLUENCE UPDATE. City Manager Genovese and Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. Mr. Evans stated he believes appointments to the Vista Santa Rosa (VSR) Task Force are made by the Board of Supervisors or Supervisor Wilson, and that the idea is to have City representation to voice concerns the City may have when issues are discussed. He noted City staff attends the meetings but has held back in voicing City concerns because it's a County Task Force. He reported the Task Force meets twice a month and deals only with land use policy. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Evans stated development review is done by the VSR Community Council, not the Task Force. He stated City staff attends the meetings to monitor discussions and provide factual information when necessary. He indicated that under the MOU being negotiated with the County, potential developments would come before the Council, and Council will be able to define what level of review they want City Council Minutes 16 August 1, 2006 staff to take. He anticipates the MOU coming before Council in September. He stated staff has indicated the City would prefer a County/La Quinta specific MOU as opposed to a generic one, but Supervisor Wilson has expressed a desire not to do that. The Supervisor has brought up the issue of a pre-annexation agreement outlining the more-detailed issues, and staff has indicated the City can live with that process. Council Member Kirk commented that when he and Council Member Osborne toured the VSR area with two of the residents and Supervisor Wilson, the Supervisor spoke of his request for the Council to be involved in his process, and they reiterated the City's request for the County to reconsider the financial terms of an annexation. He recommended forming a subcommittee of two Council Members to participate on the Task Force, and being involved in negotiations with the County on the financial aspects. He volunteered to participate on the subcommittee. Council Member Osborne stated he is also willing to serve on the subcommittee. Council Member Henderson indicated she too is willing to participate but isn't sure about the value of participating on the Task Force. She feels it may be intimating to some of the members, and there is a chance a Council Member may accidentally cross a fine line when reviewing projects. She sees value in having Council representation in the financial matters but recommended waiting until staff has had a second meeting with the County before appointing an elected. Council concurred to recess to the Redevelopment Agency at this time, and to come back to this item after the public hearings. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). PUBLIC COMMENT - None City Council Minutes PRESENTATIONS 17 August 1, 2006 The Mayor and Council Members presented art awards to the following students of the YMCA whose artwork has been displayed at City Hall: Brandon Alexander Thomas Alvarez Imad Atik Joseph "JoJo" Banks Eduardo Barajas Natalie Barajas Ashley Bruhn Juliann Carson Oscar Castellanos Kayla Castillo Luis Chavez Mackenzie Collier Yasmine Cuevas Anthony Curtis Steve Davis Chloe Deapen Isaac Delafuente PUBLIC HEARINGS Luis Diaz Cheyenne Duke Dominic Figueroa Connor Forrest Tomas Gastineau Adriana Gonzalez Isaac Gonzalez Aaron Jimenez Nia LaCoste Natally Langarica Aidan Lewis Bianka Lomer Mark London Armando Luna Ailani Navarro Jacob Nunez Anthony Olloque Karyanne Orme Isaac Rangel Alyssa Raposo Ruben Rodriguez Alexis Romero Porter Rue Angel" Jose" Sanchez T erah Sanchez Nicholas Schwik Angela Segovia Layla Seltz Pierce Sterling Alyssa Valdez Ashley Vega Jaden Wetzel Eeron "EJ" Wilson 1 . JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL' AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 53-760 AVENIDA VALLEJO BY AND BETWEEN THE LA QUINT A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND DEIDRE MOORE. Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:23 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:23 p.m. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to approve the sale of 53-760 Avenida Vallejo to maintain an affordable housing unit in Project Area No. 1 for a purchase price of $165,000. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 18 August 1, 2006 2. CONTINUED JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO CONSIDER AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (SCHDC) TO CONVEY CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 78-990 MILES AVENUE AND SCHDC's SUBSEQUENT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF AN AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 80 DWELLING UNITS RESTRICTED FOR RENTAL TO AND OCCUPANCY BY VERY LOW INCOME FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS AT RENT AFFORDABLE TO SUCH HOUSEHOLDS. RSG Consultant John McMillan presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. McMillan confirmed SCHDC will pay $13.9 million to the City, and the amount of the Agency loan is '$11.7 million, which is the balance of the purchase price that SCHDC cannot finance. Consultant Frank Spevacek explained SCHDC will pay the $13.9 million in cash, and the City will convert a portion of the $32 million already invested in the project into the loan amount of $11.7 million. He added the loan will be repaid partially out of the residual receipt revenue generated from rents. Council Member Osborne commented on the short time frame Council had to review the document. Mr. Spevacek explained why the document was not included with the staff report, and confirmed there is no timing issue requiring this to be started sooner than later. He referenced the possibility of minor modifications, and the need for the agreement to come back once the tax credit financing is secured. City Attorney Jenson confirmed her office has worked closely with RSG on this agreement, and she will make a final review of the document before it is executed. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Spevacek advised the document, entity, and financing package are similar to the agreement with the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition. He indicated the item was agendized because of the award of contract for the construction bid. There being no requests to speak to the continued public hearing, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:36 p.m. City Council Minutes 19 August 1, 2006 In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. McMillan stated the application process for funds available through the local electric and gas utility companies will start with construction. The credits are strictly for energy saving features such as tankless hot water heaters, reflective radiant barrier paints in the attic, clear-finish concrete floors, and thermal-chimney effect windows. RESOLUTION NO. 2006-093 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, CALIFORNIA. APPROVING AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LA QUINT A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 78-990 MILES AVENUE. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2006-093 as submitted (with the Affordable Housing Agreement being subject to review by the City Attorney). Motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENT REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . continued 1-B. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE UPDATE. (continued from Page17) Council Member Osborne requested the issue of participation on the VSR Task Force be brought back as a business item. In response to Mayor Adolph, City Manager Genovese stated Council Members appointed to the Task Force will have the same responsibilities as the Task Force, which is currently reviewing the guidelines. Mr. Evans indicated the Task Force has reviewed one development at the request of the VSR Community Council, but their primary role is policy formation. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Evans stated the Task Force is an advisory body to the County, and the County would probably expect the City to consider the policies they form, especially if Council Members participate on the Task Force. He stated staff is working on the strategic plan, which will duplicate some of the Task Force roles and develop City policy and programs to utilize in the VSR area. City Council Minutes 20 August 1, 2006 Mayor Adolph voiced concern about the Council Members on the Task Force having to abstain when a development reviewed by the Task Force is placed on a City Council agenda. Mr. Evans noted that would depend on what role the Council Members have on the Task Force. Council could determine its role is to observe, and let staff do most of the discussion relative to future policy. He noted if the Council Members were very vocal at the meeting, a group of people could give strong credence to what they have to say. Mayor Adolph voiced the need for assurance that the Council Member position would not be compromised by being on the Task Force. City Attorney Jenson advised decisions on annexations are legislative in nature, and not subject to the same type of pre-determination challenges. Therefore, she doesn't have any concerns that a Council Member could be disqualified because of expressing an opinion at the Task Force. Council Member Kirk commented on the significance of the Task Force's recommendations, and stated he feels it's more important to have a subcommittee that performs a role similar to the SilverRock Subcommittee, wherein issues are brought back to Council on a regular basis for Council consideration. Mayor Adolph noted the Task Force deals with land and people that are not part of La Quinta. Council Member Osborne stated he feels it's a matter of information from those meetings getting back to the Council. Mayor Adolph indicated he feels staff could provide that information. Council Member Osborne questioned that happening so far. Council Member Henderson noted reports come back through the weekly Items of Interest. Council Member Osborne commented on the information being minimal, much like it was with SilverHock before the subcommittee was formed. City Council Minutes 21 August 1, 2006 Council Member Henderson questioned Council receiving much more information now on SilverRock than it did before. She commented on the movement that is taking place by the people, regarding what they want to see in VSR, without the help of the City Council. She feels Council has enough to deal with trying to blend City policies and General Plan into the new development. She has concerns about elected officials participating on these type of committees because the members tend to acquiesce to what the elected officials say. It will be hard not to comment when something comes up that the Council Member knows will not blend with what the City is doing, but if nothing is said, the Task Force members will want to know why when issues are brought up before this Council. She stated she is not supportive of putting two elected officials on the Task Force. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Evans stated he doesn't know how many members there are on the Task Force but it's a large group and very interactive. He suggested the possibility of sending a Council Member to attend the Task Force meeting when County staff makes a presentation on its interpretation from the Task Force, and having the Council Member report back to Council. He indicated staff can provide a more in-depth report of the meetings if given a week after the meetings to make the report. He feels Supervisor Wilson would like to have City elected officials and staff at the meetings to let Task Force members know when they are going in a direction the City feels is inappropriate. He feels the City should let the County facilitator continue to do his work. Council Member Kirk noted Supervisor Wilson has agreed to discuss the financial issues but has also asked the City to participate in the Task Force. He feels Council Members or staff should speak up if something is brought up at a Task Force meeting that may not work in La Quinta. He has concerns about stakeholders in the VSR area working hard only to find out, when it comes to annexation, that some or all of what they've worked toward doesn't work for the City. He is concerned about dual work programs,. and feels some involvement by elected officials might help in addressing that issue. Council Member Henderson stated she doesn't view the Supervisor's invitation to participate on the Task Force as a requirement to discuss the financial issues. She also doesn't feel a Council Member has the authority to state at a Task Force meeting what the Council would or would not like. She commented on the voice of the people being critical in an annexation application, and the number of steps involved before any of this becomes a reality. City Council Minutes 22 August 1, 2006 Council Member Sniff spoke in support of sending two Council Members to provide reasonable input at the Task Force meetings for the purpose of potentially influencing the process and making annexation more compatible with what the Council is hoping for. Mayor Adolph stated he doesn't mind sending representatives but they have to be very guarded in what they say. Council Member Sniff stated the representatives would have to be sent with the understanding that they have no authority to speak for the Council in total. Council Member Osborne stated he feels it would provide an opportunity to have information brought back, either orally or written, on what is going on. Council Member Sniff suggested sending two Council Members and staff to the Task Force meetings to have an influence without speaking with a decisive voice. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Genovese confirmed staff can come back at the next meeting with information on the Task Force membership. Council Member Sniff requested the report include the potential appointment of two Council Members to the Task Force. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Evans stated the next Task Force meeting is August 17th. 1-C. REPORT REGARDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 2006. Council concurred to hold the regular September 5, 2006 City Council meeting as previously scheduled. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - None -- -- - "tit.. City Council Minutes 23 August 1, 2006 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Osborne/Sniff to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~4J...., f2-w Q Q ~ DEBORAH H. POWELL, Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California