CACMIN 02 08 2001
FEBRUARY 8, 2001
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session
Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner
Woodard led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Denise Diamond
Commissioner Leslie McMillian
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Chairperson)
Commissioner Stewart Woodard (Vice Chairperson)
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
A. Approval of Minutes of January 11, 2001
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for January 2001
C. Monthly Department Report for December 2000
It was moved by Commissioners' Reynolds/Woodard to approve the Consent Calendar with one change
to the minutes, page 003, paragraph 6, Commissioner Shamis requested that the record show that she
was passing along information to the Commission that she had received from a Council Member
regarding the arts festival purchase and placement at the La Quinta Court site. Unanimous with
A. Civic Center Art Purchase Committee
Commissioners Shamis, Reynolds and Woodard expressed a desire to participate in the Civic Center
Art Purchase Committee,. After some discussion, the three interested Commissioners chose numbers
to select the two Commissioners to attend the arts festival. The first round, Commissioner Woodard was
selected, after round two, Commissioner Reynolds was selected.
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It was motioned by Commissioner McMillian/Shamis to appoint Commissioners Reynolds and
Woodard to the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee. Unanimous.
B. De Martino Artwork Modification
Staff provided a review of the modifications that Mr. De Martino had suggested be made to the art
piece that he designed on the northeast corner of Washington and Hwy. 111. Staff met with Mr. De
Martino to discuss the modifications. Mr. De Martino will provide pictures of the modifications to the
art piece and the costs associated with each at the next Commission meeting.
C. Map of Public Art Work
Commissioner Woodard reviewed the City Council's comments regarding the public art map in 1998.
He stated that each Commissioner should take one city and research the cost of the publication and
the distribution method.
Commissioner Diamond stated that she had an extensive conversation with Carolyn Miller of Palm
Desert regrading the City of Palm Desert's Public Art Publication "Diversity". Palm Desert is planning
to do another publication in the near future. The "Diversity" publication was budgeted for $25,000
and when it was finished, the cost was $50,000. The quantity that was printed was unknown. The
next publication will have a budget of $45,000.
According to Commissioner Diamond, one of the most important issues to the success of the
publication is the photography of the artwork. The photography was the most significant aspect of
the budget. Photographs of the art work should be completed before the document can be
Commissioner Diamond recommended that the Commission document and photograph the public
art pieces as the first step to the public art map.
Commissioner McMillian brought up the unlimited clause needed in the art purchase agreement if
the art piece is to be used in photography. This is not applicable if the City owns the art piece.
Commissioner Diamond stated at in the City of Samona, the artist provided the photograph of their
artwork. Commissioner Diamond stated that the quality of the photographs was inconsistent and
some were color photographs and some black and white, ,which was not the quality that this
Commission is looking for.
Commissioner Woodard asked if Palm Desert felt that this was a useful tool. Commissioner
Diamond stated that Palm Desert wanted a comprehensive publication. According to Ms. Miller, the
title of the publication "Diversity" did not accomplish the goal that was intended. The title didn't link
the publication to public art.
Commissioner Diamond also stated that the 65 pages of the Palm Desert publication became an
issue. The new publication will be limited in the number of pages offered. And the plan calls for a
pocket to be added to the publication so that new art work can be added to the publication.
Ms. Miller also reported that more organization was needed in the preparation of the publication and
that the printing was sent to Ontario instead of locally. No advertising was sold in the Palm Desert
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Commissioner Shamis suggested that Phil Cordova be contacted, as he has participated in the Artist
Partnership Day for several years, and has been very good to the Commission in volunteering his
Commissioner McMillian stated that Mr. Cordova is well respected in the field.
It was moved by Commissioners Woodard/McMillian to direct the Commissioners to compile
information of existing art pieces for the purpose of developing a program which would then be the
first phase of the City's public art brochure, which will then be submitted to the City Council for
consideration. Unanimous.
D. CALAA 25th Anniversary
Commissioner Sham is stated that provided for the Commissioner's review is a brochure from CALAA
regarding a "Year in the Arts". This brochure outlines each month with a special theme. She also
mentioned that the City celebrates October as National Arts and Humanities Month. Commissioner
Shamis then stated that the Commission should pick a month and focus on that in addition to the
Arts and Humanities Month.
Commissioner Shamis then stated that perhaps the Commission should put more energy into
celebrating the City's 20th anniversary next year, perhaps in conjunction with the Civic Center
Campus grand opening.
Commissioner Diamond stated that CALAA is offering information on their anniversary and that the
Commissioners should check the CALAA website that is listed on the bottom of the brochure. She
also stated that the year 2001 is CALAA's 25th anniversary and that the goal is to bring over 1,000
people to Sacramento to focus on the arts.
Commissioner Diamond also stated that by linking local arts to the year long celebration in the spirit
of cooperation will enhance both organizations by letting people know about the arts and how the
arts enhance the community. Commissioner Diamond also stated that CALAA provides a press kit
to help promote the event.
Commissioner Reynolds asked about hiring a lobbyist to lobby for arts funding. Commissioner
Diamond responded that the Arts Advocate will hire a lobbyist for that purpose.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the State allocated 10 million dollars for local arts councils and
Riverside County received $10,000 which is negligible for a county the size of Riverside.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the City must offer a proclamation, awards and honorarium for
the 25th CALAA anniversary.
Commissioner Shamis said that she would contact Colleen McBride and other organizations in La
Quinta to enhance all the organization's exposure to the arts.
Commissioner Diamond stated that CALAA is looking into funding for local organizations. There
are two opportunities for consideration by the Commission:
1. What is the Commission already doing that can link to the celebration
2. What can the Commission do to enhance the CALAA program
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Samona's publication was designed for a different purpose and therefore advertising was sold in the
publication according to Commissioner Diamond.
Commissioner Woodard asked how many pieces were published in the Palm Desert brochure, in
which Commissioner Diamond responded about 100 pieces.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that San Luis Obispo reproduced business card size ads in their
brochure to offset the printing costs.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the art work must be documented in a technology that is
Commissioner Woodard asked if this task was identified in the Commission's workplan. Community
Services Director Horvitz responded yes, it was, under the publication of information regarding public
Commissioner Woodard stated that the information cannot be pieced together, that the Commission
should present all the information to the City Council at one time for consideration.
Commissioner Diamond stated that she felt the first step is to archive the art pieces.
Commissioner Reynolds nominated Commissioner Diamond to document the art pieces.
Commissioner Diamond stated that a professional photographer must be hired to get the art piece
at its best and this information provided in a multi-use document. She also stated that the
Commissioners could be simultaneously collecting information regarding the art pieces and pulling
together the history of each piece.
Commissioner Woodard stated that the information would have to be compiled before the
photographer could begin work.
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that all the information is available in the storage room,
but in several different files and methods of storage. The Commissioners are encouraged to
volunteer to coordinate the information and produce a master file for all art work.
Commissioner Diamond offered to do some of the cataloging and Commissioner Reynolds agreed
to help.
Commissioner Woodard offered to draw a map of the City and locate the public art pieces.
Commissioner McMillian suggested that a photographer could be hired at the "day rate" to take
photographs of the artwork.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the City of Palm Desert paid over $16,000 for the photography
of their artwork.
Commissioner Woodard asked what the City's policy was on hiring a photographer. Community
Services Director Horvitz stated that the City policy requires that any amount spent over $999
requires three quotes be obtained before the work is commissioned.
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Commissioner Diamond stated that the minimum that should be done is to issue a Proclamation of
the arts and link CALAA's name to other arts events. She also stated that CALAA recommended
using local celebrities to talk about the arts through various mediums. Another recommendation is
to offer an "Arts Day" either just La Quinta or to sister-up with other Cities in the Coachella Valley.
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that the Community Picnic is being offered on April 28
and the Commission can sponsor a booth at the Picnic, offering an interactive activity for all ages
regarding the arts.
The Commission requested that the Community Picnic be placed on the next agenda for
consideration of the activity.
Commissioner Sham is suggested that one major event be offered instead of several smaller ones.
Commissioner Diamond stated that CALAA has several promotional items that can be obtained,
some for free, others with a charge. She will check the CALAA website and report back to the
Commission at the next meeting on the items available and the costs associated with each.
Commissioner Woodard suggested the Commission could provide "hand prints" for picnic
participants to decorate, and then perhaps display them on a mural. This can be discussed in more
detail at the March Commission meeting.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the picnic can incorporate CALAA's anniversary activities. She
also stated that October 10 is California Arts Day in which statewide activities will take place. This
may be an opportunity for La Quinta alone or in conjunction with the other cities of the Coachella
Commissioner McMillian stated that the Commission's participation in the CALAA conference in June
is extremely important.
Staff reported that as soon as information is received from CALAA regarding the conference, it will
be presented to the Commission for consideration. The City Council must approve any overnight
No formal action was taken on this item.
E. Cultural Symposium Review and Follow-up
Commissioner Shamis stated that she would like to have the article regarding the symposium sent
to each of the speakers as well as the review provided by Jack Mackie. She would like a cover letter
to be included from the Commission.
Commissioner Woodard stated that he would reduce the article and provide it to staff to be mailed
to the panelists.
Commissioner Shamis stated that she would like the City Council to receive a copy of the review and
comments by Jack Mackie.
Commissioner Shamis asked the Commissioners what they thought was the best way to follow up
on such a successful symposium.
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Commissioner McMillian stated that the most important aspect is to continue communication. She
felt that the Commission should contact the symposium participants every three months, to give an
update as well as ask for input.
Commissioner Shamis asked what specifically can the Commission do to follow up on the
Commissioner Reynolds felt that communication with the symposium participants was extremely
Commissioner Woodard stated that perhaps a newsletter regarding the arts in La Quinta would be
in order. Staff stated that the City has five pages in the Chamber Newsletter. An article regarding
the arts could be included in this publication. Commissioner Woodard will write an article about the
Civic Center Campus and fax it to staff.
The Commission stated that perhaps the article for the April edition could focus on the picnic and the
Commission's booth activity.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the symposium follow-up should include inviting people to a
meeting outside of the regularly scheduled Commission meeting.
Commissioner Woodard stated that people could be invited to a regularly scheduled Commission
meeting and asked to RSVP so the Commission would know what room the Commission would need
to use for the meeting.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the thought was not to invite people to see the Commission and
its procedures, but to discuss the symposium and offer follow through. She also stated that using
other various agencies to conduct a "rolling event" to link the symposium to other events would be
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that perhaps the Arts Alliance could assist in this
Commissioner Woodard stated that a round table summit with a select group of people to discuss
specific goals would be a good way to follow up on the symposium.
Commissioner Shamis stated that the Alliance may want to do the CALAA celebration. She also
stated that any event must be smaller than the symposium in order to be effective.
Commissioner Woodard asked what outcome would be expected of the meeting.
Commissioner Diamond stated that it would be to focus on an activity that all agencies could work
on together. She mentioned that California Arts Day would be a good program to have all agencies
work together.
Commissioner Shamis stated that the comments from Mr. Mackie would be good highlights to use
for a round table summit. She stated that everyone received Mr. Mackie's comments in their packets
and that the main theme was the art/education link.
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Commissioner Woodard asked that the City Council receive a copy of the e-mail from Mr. Mackie.
He also requested that a round table event be scheduled with 12 people to come and discuss
specific topics.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that the topic would have to be one that would excite everyone.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the CALAA brochure states that the entire month of December
should be dedicated as local arts month, or a California Arts Day theme could be what could each
agency do together.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that December is a busy month for everyone.
Commissioner Woodard stated that October is a good month for this type of event. He asked that
this item be placed on the March agenda.
Commissioner Diamond would like to see a united way to talk about how the Commission can link
themselves to the CALAA activities.
Commissioner Shamis requested that the article be sent to the panelists and that on the March
agenda an item titled "Review Applicants" be placed to review the round table participants.
No formal action was taken on this item.
F. Artist Live/Work Symposium
Commissioner Woodard reported that he met with City staff and land owners to discuss the
possibility of the City providing low cost housing for artists to combine their studios and residents in
the Village. He reported that a group from Los Angeles tried this in the past and were unsuccessful.
It was Commissioner Woodard's thought that the City Council was receptive to this !dea.
Commissioner Woodard then stated that Bill Morrow owns land around the La Quinta Grill and would
like to see artist studios develop in that area in the future.
Commissioner Shamis asked what the Commission could do to help with this issue.
Commissioner Woodard stated that the way it was being proposed, only artists could live in the
studio and what would qualify as low income. And the question came up as what happens when
they become successful and no longer qualify as low income. He also stated that Redevelopment
Funds require that funds be used to generate additional revenue, so there may not be financial
resources from the City.
Commissioner Woodard then stated that the first step would be to talk to Mr. Morrow regarding the
available land. Commissioner Woodard believes that if the buildings had charm, they would
encourage more businesses to move into the Village as long a visitors from the Village would be
encouraged to visit.
Commissioner Shamis stated that the focus of the Village is in the City's best interest and in the arts,
and not low income housing.
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Commissioner McMillian stated that the City of San Diego has accomplished something like this off
of "B" street.
Commissioner Woodard stated that many Cities offer subsidized housing and they become
successful. La Quinta could accomplish this if a land owner would be interested in participating.
Commissioner Shamis stated that she is excited about this project. Commissioner Woodard stated
that the City has to have some physical attributes to show other than golf.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the studios could be advertised as in close proximity to
affordable housing in the cove.
Commission Woodard talked to Jerry Herman, the Community Development Directorregarding this
project, and he will talk to the City's consultant regarding available land for this project.
Commissioner Woodard also stated that Wells Marvin expressed desire to build an artist's
warehouse on property he owns in the Village. Commissioner Woodard stated that a warehouse
does not offer the charm of individual studios.
The Commission will research other cities and bring the information back for the next meeting.
No formal action was taken on this item.
G. Temporary Art Program
Staff gave a review of the opinion by the City Attorney stating that the Art in Public Places Ordinance
was designed for the purchase of art, and has no provision for funding temporary art.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that the ordinance would have to be changed so that temporary art
could be included.
Commissioner Diamond stated that perhaps another ordinance could be adopted just for temporary
Commissioner Woodard asked if there were locations identified for temporary art. Community
Services Director Horvitz stated that the Art in Public Places Commission had provided a list of
locations in the past. She also stated that the City has a temporary art program, and that should an
artist desire to display work, they may; however, they are responsible for the insurance and
installation of the piece.
Commissioner Shamis stated that artists feel that they are being used because they get no money
for their work.
Commissioner Woodard asked that the Temporary Art list be placed on the next agenda for review.
No formal action was taken on this time.
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A. Artist Workshop
Commissioner Shamis would like to meet with a group of artists to discuss their ideas and concerns
and interests. Local artists feel that they can't be heard, that the artists feel the Arts Festival leaves
them out. Each Commissioner should invite five artists to the Culture in the Courtyard to discuss
Commissioner Diamond suggested that the time for Culture in the Courtyard is not conducive to
It was suggested that this item would be placed on the agenda for two meetings.
B. Culture in the Courtyard
Commissioner McMillian suggested that the format of Culture in the Courtyard to include several
artists instead of just one artist.
Commissioner Shamis suggested that the event be casual.
Commissioner McMillian stated that artists network with other artists over coffee.
Staff reminded the Commission that the Meet the La Quinta artist was the idea of the Commission
and was designed to provide a "snapshot" of the artist.
Commissioner Diamond suggested that the Starbucks be the location for the artists to meet, in the
outdoor patio places for people to visit. Perhaps the program could rotate through various
The program is not focused and interactive according to Commissioner Diamond. She
recommended that the Commission should focus on one event per year to recognize the artists
instead of each month.
The Commission requested that the Meet the La Quinta artist program and Culture in the Courtyard
program on the next agenda.
C. La Quinta Court Art Piece
Commissioner Reynolds stated that she discussed the La Quinta Court project with a council
member regarding the art piece for the La Quinta Court. It was recommended that an art be
commissioned from the La Quinta Arts Festival to produce an art piece of the corner of Washington
and Hwy. 111.
Commissioner Reynolds then introduced a sketch of an art piece by John Kennedy titled "Good
Morning" that she envisions sitting on a pile of rocks, welcoming people to La Quinta with 20% of the
cost going to the La Quinta Arts Foundation for their new building.
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Commissioner Shamis asked for an update on the City Council's direction on the La Quinta Court
Staff gave an overview of the City Council's direction: that there would be a curved water feature with
rippling water. The modified version submitted by Mr. Frank included the eight walls that may
produce water in a tiered fashion. The Commission had recommended an RFP be sent out to
include the art piece, the water feature and landscaping.
The City Council did not want to stop the project for 12 weeks waiting for the RFP process and
directed staff to work with Mr. Frank on the water feature.
Commissioner Woodard stated that he resented the City Council designing the art feature. The
Commission is responsible to selecting the art piece and felt that the City Council should not be
involved in the selection process.
Commissioner Woodard stated that the City Council should not have been by-passed.
Commissioner Sham is stated that the City Council should not engage in "plop art". She is adamant
that art work should be an after thought.
Commissioner Diamond stated that an emergency meeting is needed to discuss the process. The
problem began after the Commission began asking Mr. Frank questions regarding the water feature
and art piece. She also stated that there needs to be a definition between water landscape and art
with water.
Commissioner Woodard stated that the Commission suggested the RFP process and not the water
feature but it be included in the total program.
Commissioner Diamond stated that water with art is important to be included in the RFP process.
Commissioner Woodard stated that the City Council should have given the Commission direction
to work with the artist and come up with proposals.
Commissioner ReynoldS asked if the ordinance will allow for the water feature. Staff answered yes,
if it is part of the art feature.
Commissioner Woodard stated that if the City Council continues to by-pass the Commission, he
would resign from the Commission.
Staff reminded the Commission that the Commission's direction in the past that artists will not be
rushed into presenting information, therefore, the process for this project could take a minimum of
three months.
Commissioner Diamond pointed out that Commission was being a good steward of the Art in Public
Places funds.
Commissioner McMillian stated that she was not at the meeting last month, but she was concerned
that the City Council was spending the funds without the Commissioner's input.
Commissioner Reynolds would like to see a piece of artwork at this site.
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Commissioner Diamond stated that she was concerned that anyone would have a problem trying
to find an art piece for that corner.
Commissioner Sham is stated that she was concerned with the Commissioner's feelings.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that the Commission could find a good local artist.
The Commission discussed the City Council's actions and how they felt personally regarding the art
Commissioner Shamis stated that the City Council has bypassed the Commission, yet, there are
several other tasks before the Commission. The Commission has many tasks to complete other
than one art piece.
Commissioner Shamis thanked the Commission members for their dedication to the Commission.
It was moved by Commissioners McMillian/Woodard to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
March 8, 2001 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
. Washington & Hwy. 111 Art Piece Modification
. Map of Public Art Work
. Continue discussion on Community Picnic
. Review Applicants for Round Table Presentation
. Live/Work Program
. Temporary Art
ervices Director
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