CACMIN 04 12 2001 e IV.,NSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES April 12, 2001 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Sham is presided over the meeting. Commissioner McMillan led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Terri DeTamble, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A Approval of Minutes of March 8, 2001 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for 2001 C. Monthly Department Report for January 2001 It was moved by Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar with the following changes to the minutes: page 03, Article VI. B, paragraph 2, sentence should be completed to read "by the end of next week"; page 04, Article VI!., A, paragraph 3, Commissioner Shamis requested that the record show the words "for a piece of work"; page 04, Article VII!., B. paragraph 2, sentence should read "Commissioner Reynolds noticed an error in the record that states the dates for Culture in the Courtyard". Page 03, Article VI., C, paragraph 1, Commissioner Reynolds requested that record should be changed to read "and possibly have a hands on art project for the participants". Unanimous with changes. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A De Martino Artwork Modification Commissioner Shamis asked all Commissioners to comment on the Proposal For Revisions And Additions To Oasis 111 Sculpture, which was submitted for review by Mr. De Martino. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the color, size and lighting of the gem, as well as the additional cost of $36,700. S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.04-12-0 l.wpd GOG '~-'""'_:, The following was agreed u. e · Paragraph 1, no changes. · Paragraph 2, sentence 1, consider changing gem from sapphire to aquamarine or diamond, sentence 2, jewel size would be better if size was 50% between the mock up size and the original size. · Paragraph 3, lighting might be better if attached to the building, trees and one pole as opposed to using only the poles. Mr. De Martino agreed that every suggestion would be considered and all changes would be field tested until it's right. . Paragraph 4, Cost, no changes. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to approve the proposal with changes. Unanimous with changes. B. Community Picnic Commissioner Shamis reported on her meeting with Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor, regarding the Community Picnic. The Community Services Department will provide tables, canopy, keychains, pinwheels, tablecloth, butcher paper, markers, primary color paints and writing pads. Commissioner Shamis will bring baskets for the supplies. Commissioners Sham is and McMillan will be available for the entire event, Commissioner Diamond can commit to a few hours in the morning. Commissioner Reynolds will be unavailable to participate. Commissioner Sham is asked that above all, Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor, be thanked for all her hard work. Commissioner Shamis recommended the purchase of two spiral balloon columns to be used for the event. The purchase of the balloon columns was discussed and the suggestion made to donate the columns to the Senior Center after the birthday celebration. It was moved by Commissioner McMillan to approve the purchase of the columns at the cost of $40.00 each plus tax. Unanimous. C. Round Table Presentation Commissioner Shamis suggested that there are two areas to be considered with regards to follow up on the Symposium, one area is in terms of Coachella Valley and the importance of supporting the arts for all nine cities, and the other is how we address special items that Jack Mackie recommended in terms of where La Quinta goes in the Cultural Arts. Commissioner Sham is stated the need for a focus and a reason for inviting people to a Round Table. If Mayor Peria and the City Council direct the Commission to offer a Symposium then it can considered and discussed at that time. Commissioner Shamis stated that she feels there is no further discussion needed on the issue of Round Table Presentation. D. Jefferson Street Bridge Railings Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director, explained the differences between the proposed plans, Attachments A, Band C. Each Commissioner discussed which plan they preferred and why. Commissioner Shamis recommends Attachment B mountains, with the railing and base to be the same as the Washington Street Bridge. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/McMillan to approve the recommendation. Commissioner Diamond abstained. S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.04-12-0 l.wpd OOJ e e VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. La Quinta Court Art Feature The artist is redesigning the water feature. Council requested a stair step fountain effect. It is anticipated that artwork will go before the City Council on May 1 for approval. Due to timeframes the Commission will not be able to view the changes prior to approval, but could attend the Council Meeting. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Shamis Commissioner Shamis discussed temporary art. Art In Public Places funding cannot be used for insurance or installation of temporary art. Artist John Widenhammer is interested in hanging one of his large paintings in the Council Chambers and will consider it if Commissioners fax the contract to him. He will find out if his insurance will cover his painting while it is on city property, and if they do he will offer his painting. The City Council must approve any loans of temporary art. B. Commissioner Diamond Commissioner Diamond discussed issues of identifying the public art pieces. These issues came about due to the discussion about having a map or brochure to identify where all the public art pieces are located. She discussed the two art categories in La Quinta, the Civic Center Art Awards and the Art In Public Places. The Civic Center Art Awards has about 40 pieces of art displayed and represent a significant investment. The art work is on display, however the acrylic labeling is difficult to read. Documentation needs to be correct and up to date. Commissioner Sham is agreed that this is a good point that will need quite a bit more time and asked that this issue be put on the agenda for the next meeting. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Diamond/McMillan to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION May 3, 2001 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Next agenda: . CALAA Event . Artist Files . Work Plan ~u~~:~ Terri DeTamble, Commission Secretary S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.04-12-0 l.wpd 004