CACMIN 05 10 2001 " e IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES May 10, 2001 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner Diamond led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of March 8, 2001 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for 2001 C. Monthly Department Report for January 2001 Commissioners McMillan/Reynolds moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Annual Work Plan It was moved by Commissioners McMillanlDiamond to approve the Annual Work Plan with revisions. The revisions include adding Commissioner Time to each project, as well as deleting the Artist Bank Task and reviewing the Art in Public Places Master Plans. Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director, will do a redline version and submit for Council consideration at the June 5 meeting. Unanimous. B. CALM 25th Anniversary Events It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/McMillan to approve a proclamation on behalf of the City of La Quinta, to thank Governor Gray Davis and CALM for their support of the arts. Unanimous. S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.05-1 0-0 l.wpd 002 e e C. Artist File Format Commissioner Diamond discussed her concerns regarding the lack of information available to appropriately identify the City's art pieces. Her recommendations were to implement a standardized process which would identify all pertinent information regarding each art piece and each artist. The question about whether or not certificates of authenticity should be required needs to be answered. Labeling of each art piece should be decided upon and remain as consistent as possible. The issue of allotted space and presentation for each art piece needs to be discussed. The issue of public access and interest should be a high priority. With regard to Art In Public Places, Commissioner Diamond has gone through all the art piece files available and found the information to be incomplete for the most part. Dodie has submitted an "Art In Public Places Fact Sheet" as Attachment A, which would appropriately identify and provide pertinent information regarding each art piece. Commissioner Shamis agreed that the Fact Sheet should be used. All information should be found so that files can be completed and so that the process remains consistent. Commissioner Diamond will provide Ms. Horvitz with all the information required to complete the files and Ms. Horvitz will research. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Picnic Responses As indicated by the public's responses, the performing arts seem to be a popular interest. Items such as concerts and puppet shows were recommended often. B. De Martino Art Piece Modifications The City Council accepted the Commissions's recommendation for Mr. De Martino's art piece, however, they did exclude the two sixteen foot light poles, as well as the recommendation to put a light on the Triple A building and a light in the tree. External lights can be added at a later date if needed. Commissioner Shamis would like to know what Mr. De Martino's plans are and to request that he remove the gem that was placed as a marquette. C. Jefferson Street Bridge Railing Enhancements The City Council approved the Commission's recommendations and thought they were a great idea. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Shamis Commissioner Shamis requested to change the next meeting date due to being unavailable on the 14th. It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Diamond to change the next meeting date to June 21. Unanimous. The Mayor has indicated that he will meet with the Cultural Arts Commission in September. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:27 p.m. S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.05-1 0-0 l.wpd 003 e e NEXT MEETING INFORMATION June 21, 2001 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Next agenda: . . . Submitted by: i~ ~'} ;1 Terri DeTamble, Commission Secretary S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACMIN.05-1 0-0 l.wpd 004