CACMIN 07 26 2001
July 26, 2001
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Dan Baxley
Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson)
Commissioner Denise Diamond
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Terri DeTamble, Secretary
Community Services Director Horvitz requested that Business Item D be moved up on the Agenda to Item
A. Approval of Minutes of June 21, 2001
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for June 2001
C. Monthly Department Report for May 2001
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Loudon to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted.
A. Election of Chairperson
Community Services Director Horvitz opened nominations for Chairperson. Commissioner Reynolds
nominated Commissioner Shamis. Commissioner Shamis was unanimously appointed Chairperson.
B. Election of Vice Chairperson
Commissioner Shamis opened nominations for Vice Chairperson. Commissioner Sham is nominated
Commissioner Reynolds. Commissioner Reynolds was unanimously appointed Chairperson.
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Friends of The Laeinta Senior Center
Mr. Bob Alcala, President of the Friends of The La Quinta Senior Center requested approval for a mural
to be painted on the back wall of the stage at the Senior Center. He explained that the mural would
incorporate images of the old La Quinta Hotel on the left side of the wall, on the right side would be the
new Civic Center and in the center the hotel fountain with the mountains as a backdrop. The La Quinta
Arts Foundation recommended artist Susan Evans who has painted a mural at the La Quinta Resort. and
at a grammar school in Indio. Mr. Alcala spoke with Susan Evans who also recommended having some
of the seniors who take watercolor and painting classes at the Senior Center assist with the mural. He is
waiting for Susan to return from a trip, to discuss the cost of the mural. The anticipated deadline for the
mural is December 2. The Friends of the La Quinta Senior Center will be holding its second annual open
house and members meeting on that date and this would be a perfect venue for the unveiling of the mural.
The Friends would like to hang a semi-permanent, lightweight curtain in front of the mural while it's being
Commissioner Sham is commented that she is delighted that the Friends of the Senior are working on this
project. She requested that Mr. Alcala bring a sketch of the proposed mural to the next Cultural Arts
Commission meeting so that the Commission could review it.
Commissioner Reynolds also requested a sketch at the next meeting. She also stated that she would
like to go over to the Senior Center to take a look at the stage wall where the proposed mural would go.
She asked Mr. Alcala if the mural would be visible at all times. Mr. Alcala responded that it would be visible
at all times, however, if a group was using the Senior Center and preferred not to have the mural as a
backdrop, the curtain could be pulled.
Commissioner Loudon commented that she liked the idea of the mural.
Commissioner Baxley asked if the issue of the mural had been referred to this Commission because the
Senior Center is City property. Director Horvitz replied yes. He asked if the mural would be permanent.
Mr. Alcala responded yes. Commissioner Baxley asked if.this Commission had ever previously approved
a mural. Director Horvitz responded that a tile mural had been approved at the carwash on Hwy. 111.
Commissioner Baxley asked what would happen if a future Commission or the City decided that they
wanted to make changes to the mural at some point in time.
Director Horvitz explained that once the City adopts the donation by Resolution, the donation becomes City
property. If it is determined by the City that the mural needs to be refurbished or if it outserves its original
purpose, then it is the City's responsibility to do as they see fit with the property. Director Horvitz explained
that no public funds will be used towards the cost of the mural. All costs will be assumed by the Friends
of the Senior Center.
Mr. Alcala stated that the Friends of the Senior Center would be responsible for any maintenance required
to the mural.
It was moved by Commissioners Baxley/Renolds to approve the concept of the mural at the Senior Center,
while awaiting the sketch which will be presented at the next meeting. Unanimous.
D. Point Happy Art Piece
Commissioner Shamis gave a brief background for the new Commissioners, regarding the Point Happy
Art Piece project. She also asked Ms. Valerie Miller, the consultant for the project, if this proposed art
piece is one of a kind or if the artist has created others pieces which are the same.
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Ms. Miller replied that the.posed art piece is being created SpeaallY for the City of La Quinta. She
also gave a presentation with regards to the information and revisions requested by the Commission at
the July 26 meeting. She provided a drawing of the art piece and its size in relationship to the setting, as
well as an alternate design for the shape of the water feature. Ms. Miller explained the new concepts and
changes. She also explained the cost of the art piece is increasing due to the changes. The length of the
water feature is now 50 feet long.
Commissioner Sham is asked what the dimensions of the piece will be. Ms. Miller answered that the piece
would be six feet high on top of the pedestal. Ms. Miller stated that she would prefer seven feet.
Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds agreed that seven feet would be preferable.
Commissioner Baxley asked for an explanation of the Art In Public Places program.
Ms. Horvitz explained the Art In Public Places ordinance. The funds can only be used to purchase public
art which is accessible to everyone. Funds can also be used to pay for maintenance of the art piece as
well as amenities to the surroundings of the art piece. An artist must produce a one of a kind art piece,
it cannot be commercially produced. There is a pool of $262,000 in the APP fund at this time. The
Commission and City Council just approved the La Quinta Court Art Piece to be paid for out of this fund,
but there are no other expenditures anticipated out of this fund in the near future.
Commissioner Baxley asked if the art piece would become City property. Ms. Horvitz answered that
anything paid for out of the APP funds becomes City property. There will be a 25 year commitment from
the developer to keep this art piece as is on the property.
Commissioner Baxley asked what the expected date of completion is for the property. Ms. Miller answered
that it would take approximately three to four months for the artist to complete the project.
Commissioner Baxley asked about the process of approval and what impact the timeline of the art piece's
completion would have upon the development.
Ms. Horvitz explained that the Commission makes a recommendation regarding the art piece, the
recommendation is presented to the City Council at the next meeting. The developer may wish to have
the piece completed by the time the development is ready to open, however, that mayor may not be
possible, based on several issues such as the City's timeline as well as the artist's timeline.
Commissioner Loudon stated that she felt the new plan was very effective and very much liked the concept
as presented although she questioned what the final cost would be.
Ms. Horvitz questioned where the entrance and exits would be and how this would affect foot traffic. Ms.
Miller explained that there would be no problem with pedestrians crossing any driveways.
Commissioner Baxley stated that he liked this second concept as presented, but was concerned about the
cost. He stated that he would be more comfortable if there was a reasonable price cap attached to the art
It was moved by Commissioners Baxley/Reynolds to approve a price cap for the art piece at $100,000,
and to approve the Point Happy Art Piece modifications presented. Unanimous.
E. Temporary Donation and Acceptance Agreement Application
Ms. Horvitz explained that the attached form has been previously approved by the City Council. There is
an artist requesting a change in procedure as explained in section #6 on the form. He is requesting a little
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F. List of Locations for Temporary Art
Ms. Horvitz gave a background regarding this item. The Art in Public Places Commission and the Cultural
Arts Commission determined locations where they felt that temporary art would be nicely placed. The issue
at hand is whether we keep this priority list as has been established or to select a location based upon the
piece of art work. By selecting a location based upon the size and scale of the piece, the Commission is
providing greater flexibility in selecting a location rather than working from a list of prioritized locations.
Commissioner Shamis commented that if changes are to be made then locations already prioritized should
be re-visited.
Commissioner Reynolds commented that as the City takes shape and changes, then priorities change as
After some discussion, the Commission decided to take no action on this item.
G. Cultural Arts Events
Ms. Horvitz gave an explanation of this item for the new Commissioners. The Cultural Arts Commission
has hosted cultural events in the past, the most recent being the "Arts and You" Symposium last
November. One of the tasks identified in the Cultural Arts Commission Annual Work Plan is to provide
cultural events. The Commission now needs to decide which event they would like to offer first.
Commissioner Shamis explained that last year's symposium took a great deal of time and effort. This year
the Riverside Arts Council, the California Council for the Arts and CALAA are all willing to bring information
in support of the arts to the valley. The California Council for the Arts matches funds. The date of this
year's symposium is tentatively set for November 3, 2001. The Mayor has indicated that he would be
happy to have the City of La Quinta host this event.
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Baxley to approve the November 3, 2001 Symposium as a
Cultural Arts Event.
H. Fall CALM Event
No action on this item.
I. August Meeting Date
After a brief discussion about an August meeting date it was moved by Commissioners Loudon/Reynolds
to go dark in August. Unanimous.
A. Ms. Horvitz stated that the City Council has requested to meet with the Commission on September
25, the time will be determined at a later date. Each year the Commission and the City Council
meet to discuss the year ahead.
B. Commissioner Loudon commented that she was very impressed with Ms. Miller and her
presentation of the Point Happy Art Project.
C. Commissioner Shamis mentioned three dates of importance for the Alliance. October 29, there will
be a Breakfast with the Media. If anyone is interested call Kathryn Hull at 771-1041. On November
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A. Ms. Horvitz stated that the City Council has requested to meet with the Commission on September
25, the time will be determined at a later date. Each year the Commission and the City Council
meet to discuss the year ahead.
B. Commissioner Loudon commented that she was very impressed with Ms. Miller and her
presentation of the Point Happy Art Project.
C. Commissioner Shamis mentioned three dates of importance for the Alliance. October 29, there
will be a Breakfast with the Media. If anyone is interested call Kathryn Hull at 771-1041. On
November 11 there will be an American Indian Dance School performance. On December 6, there
will be a dinner at the Ritz Carlton to give a Service Of The Arts Award to a deserving recipient.
D. Commissioner Shamis asked the Commission their feelings about the Commission issuing a
proclamation to honor the La Quinta Arts Foundation. After a brief discussion it was moved by
Commissioners Reynolds/Loudon to issue a proclamation to hono the La Quinta Arts Foundation.
E. Ms. Horvitz asked if any of the Commissioners would be available or interested in being on the 20th
Anniversary Celebration Committee. Commissioner Reynolds nominated Commissioner Shamis.
It was moved by Commissioners Loudon/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
September 13, 2001 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
Next agenda:
. Artist Partnership Day
. Cultural Arts Symposium
Submitted by:
Terri DeTamble, Commission Secretary
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