CACMIN 06 21 2001
June 21, 2001
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Sham is presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Denise Diamond
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson)
Commissioner Leslie McMillan
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Terri DeTamble, Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2001
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for May 2001
C. Monthly Department Report for April 2001
Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Unanimous.
A. Point Happy Art Work
The Point Happy Project is located on the northwest corner of Washington and Hwy. 111. The developers
of the project would like to include an art piece in the center of their project. The building style of the project
is somewhat of a Santa Barbara/Mission style, with warm beige, terra cotta and deep green tones. During
the excavation, Indian remains were found, so it is believed that this could have been some type of sacred
Ms. Valerie Miller, representative of the developer, gave a presentation of the artist's work to the
Commission. Overall height of the piece will be approximately 9 feet high, which includes 2 feet for the
fountain base. Ms. Miller presented a marquette of the piece which will be a bronze sculpture, depicting
four female Indian figures in various poses, one of whom is holding a child in a pack on her back. The
approximate width of the fountain basin will be 10 feet wide. The color in the piece would be different
shades of warm beige and bronze patina.
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Commissioner Reynolds .ed where exactly the sculpture woula located within the project. Ms.
Horvitz commented that it does need to be accessible to the public. Ms. Miller explained that it would be
in the center of the complex and accessible to the public. Ms. Miller said that the price of the piece would
probably be closer to $85,000 than to the $70,000 - $75,00 which was originally expected.
After Ms. Miller's report on the art piece was complete Commissioner's asked questions and gave their
opinions about the sculpture.
Commissioner Diamond commented that she likes the concept and the art piece itself, however, the
proportion of the art piece as depicted in the drawing is somewhat unbalanced, the art piece seems much
too large. Also, the art piece seems to have no relation to the plaza itself and seems to be sitting out there
with nothing to draw the public in for a closer look. She stated her opinion that the water area doesn't
necessarily need to be round, and any other shape might be more inviting to the public.
Commissioner Shamis agreed that the height of the piece as shown in the drawing seems much too large
in proportion to the buildings.
Ms. Miller responded that the sculpture depicted in the drawing is shown much larger in proportion to the
buildings than it would really be. The art piece will actually be approximately six to seven feet tall, four feet
wide, and setting on top of a two foot tall pedestal. The diameter of the base is approximately ten feet
across. The courtyard around the piece will about 25 feet in circumference.
Commissioner Shamis commented that she would like to request another more accurate drawing so that
the Commission could get a more actual visual depiction of the art piece.
Commissioner Reynolds commented that the basin below the sculpture which holds the water, seems
too commercial and looks poured as opposed to being a work of art. A base made out of stone or rock
or something more representative of nature, rather than cement, would enhance the sculpture rather than
detract from the art. She also agreed with Commissioner Diamond on the point about the basin not
necessarily needing to be round.
Everyone agreed that benches placed outside the building so that people could sit and enjoy the art piece,
would be a great benefit to the public as well as to the businesses in the complex.
Ms. Miller said that she would take all suggestions presented at tonight's meeting and discuss them with
both the artist and the developers. She reminded the Commission that changes could possibly mean an
increase in the asking price for the art piece.
Ms. Horvitz suggested that the Commission might provide direction to Ms. Miller to address all of the
issues which the Commission had concerns. When all the details are worked out with the artist and the
developers, then the price tag can be looked at, rather than trying to make necessary changes within an
already established price tag.
Commissioner Reynolds asked if the water fountain was a necessary component of the art piece or if it
could be done away with.
Ms. Miller answered that the developer requested the fountain.
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to proceed with this art piece and requested that Ms.
Miller return with the modifications for the Commission to consider. Unanimous.
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A. CALAA Conference Report - Diamond
Commissioner Diamond explained that due to a family emergency she had not attended the CALAA
Conference, but that Commissioner McMillan had attended in her place. She stated that she had spoken
briefly with Commissioner McMillan, but had not come prepared to give a full report since she assumed
that Commissioner McMillan would be here to give the report herself. However, she did know that the
conference went very well, Governor Davis was not in attendance and the City of La Quinta was the only
one to present a proclamation which was very well received. The City should be receiving a letter of
acknowledgment for the proclamation. Commissioner Diamond will present a report at the next meeting
after she's discussed the details with Commissioner McMillan.
B. Commissioner Shamis commented that she went to an art show with Commissioner Reynolds, met artist
Jeffrey Fowler and he sent her pictures of his sculptures. She would like his information kept on file.
Commissioner Shamis requested a report on the Cultural Arts Committee budget and whether or not it was
approved at the last Council meeting.
C. Commissioner Diamond said that she and Commissioner Reynolds were both at the Coun.cil meeting and
the budget was approved at $3,000 per event, and that would include three or four events.
D. Commissioner Shamis asked Ms. Horvitz for an update on the De Martino Art Piece at the corner of
Hwy. 111 and Washington.
Ms. Horvitz stated that the Art Purchase Agreement was signed. The patina on the base is going through
stages of darkening. She shared a sample of the aquamarine color which Mr. De Martino plans to use.
The swirls on the bronze area are going to be worked out to be wider and less conspicuous.
Commissioners Diamond commented that in her opinion the base is dark enough as it is at this point.
Commissioner Shamis suggested that each Commissioner should each take a look at the art piece again
and call Ms. Horvitz if they would like to make a recommendation to Mr. De Martino that the base is dark
Commissioners all felt that the color presented was not a true translucent aquamarine that had been
agreed on, but rather it was closer to a turquoise opaque color. Ms. Horvitz explained that Mr. De Martino
was having trouble matching the color exactly to an aquamarine translucent shade. Commissioner
Diamond stated that she had a concern with this choice of color. Commissioner Shamis suggested that
they should look at the color again and think about the contrast to the other shades of color used in the
piece before making a recommendation to change it.
E. Commissioner Shamis commented that she spoke with artist John Weidenhammer regarding the
Temporary Art Program, and learned that unfortunately his insurance company will not cover his art work
if it were to be displayed at City Hall. He will not be participating in the Temporary Art Program.
F Commissioner Reynolds asked if it would be possible to set up an artist's bank for the Performing Arts.
Also, she requested that the application for the Temporary Art Program should be reviewed as artists have
mentioned to her that they're not exactly sure what the City is looking for. Ms. Horvitz explained that the
application had been reviewed approximately two years before, however if the Commission requested it
could be reviewed again.
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Commissioner Reynolds S.d that there is a corner at the Senior car off of Calle Tampico which would
be perfect for a sculpture. She asked artist John Kennedy if he would be interested in displaying one of
his pieces at this spot as a temporary art piece. Mr. Kennedy submitted a copy of his most recent
sculpture for consideration, Commission Reynolds doesn't believe that installation and insurance would
be a problem for him. He will be advised to complete an application for the Temporary Art Program if he's
Commissioner Diamond asked why the art piece couldn't be permanent rather than temporary, since the
Senior Center is such an important and permanent part of this community.
Commissioner Shamis answered that this Commission has a list of priorities which have been previously
established and it would be unfair to take the priorities out of sequence.
Commissioners agreed that the list should be reviewed again to make sure that priorities were well placed
and still applicable.
Ms. Horvitz requested that the next meeting date of July 12, be changed due to the fact that she would be
out of town at a conference. It was moved by Commissioners ReynoldslDiamond to change the next
meeting date to July 26, 2001. Unanimous.
It was moved by Commissioners ReynoldslDiamond to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
July 26, 2001 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
Next agenda:
. Cultural Arts Events
. Election of Officers
. Fall CALAA Event
. Artist's Bank for the Performing Arts
. Temporary Art Program Application
. List of priorities
. Meeting dates
Submitted by:
Terri DeTamble, Commission Secretary
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