CACMIN 12 20 2001
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December 20, 2001
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study
Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Sham is presided over the meeting.
Commissioner Baxley led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Baxley
Commissioner Denise Diamond
Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson)
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Loudon to move Business Item C. to before Business Item
B for consideration. Unanimous
A. Approval of Minutes of November 1, 2001
B. Financial Report for October 2001
C. Financial Report for November 2001
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Loudon to approve the Consent Calendar with one item
for clarification: staff is to check the amount of interest income posted to the financial report.
A. De Martino Art Piece Modification Update
Mr. De Martino gave a review of the modifications being done to the art piece on Hwy. 111
and Washington Street. He stated that the bronze mountains will be refurbished, the gem is
being revised, the cement base is having a stain applied and the entire piece will be re-Iit.
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Mr. De Martino .ed that the original gem had no pre.ce in the art piece and did not do
what was originally intended. He also stated that the original color of the cement gave it an
institutional look. A richer, darker color of the cement will allow the base to fade into the
surroundings. The lighting system will be installed once the gem in placed in the art piece,
so to provide the correct amount of light and at the right angles.\
Mr. De Martino stated that the original art piece had a dark blue gem, however, from the time
of original design to construction, the art piece went through several owners and revisions.
The gem ended up being a clear Lucite.
After some discussion, Mr. De Martino stated that he will do another mock up of the gem at
the correct size for review before the final material is cut for the gem.
The Cultural Arts Commission, at their May 15, 2001 meeting, recommended that an
aquamarine colored gem be placed in the art piece. Mr. De Martino stated that green is the
only color that is highly susceptible to ultra-violent light. He has contacted all the pigment
manufactures he knows of to test their products. The gem will be made of a translucent
material that will be colored after the construction of the material.
The Commission agreed that gem be constructed of a translucent aquamarine material that
has some "life" to it.
Commissioner Baxley is not comfortable with the color choices Mr. De Martino has presented
for consideration. Mr. De Martino will darken the color of the samples and present it to the
Commission for consideration at the January meeting.
Commissioner Baxley suggested that additional testing time might be needed to find the right
Commission Loudon asked Mr. De Martino for his professional opinion regarding the color for
the gem. Mr. De Martino suggested that more blue is needed in the pigment to resist the
effects of the sun. Mr. De Martino stated that he will mix four samples and provide them
for the Commission's review before the January meeting.
No action was taken on this item.
C. Consideration of "Hands" Artwork
Mr. Amit Katz of Le Arsi Gallery presented information on the artist lIan Averbuch. Mr.
Averbuch is an internationally known artist that has an art piece "Hands" available for sale.
The art piece is made of cast iron with a slab of concave stone to be filled with water with
hand prints carved out of the stone.
Commissioner Sham is stated that the piece is dramatic and strong, as well as exciting.
However, she pointed out, that the City of La Quinta has not opened to the door to galleries
to bring art work for consideration. The City has historically commissioned art pieces for the
Art in Public Places program.
Mr. Katz stated that he lives in La Quinta and would like to see this artist's work displayed in
"his" city.
Commissioner Baxley asked if a site has been considered by Mr. Katz for this piece.
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Commissioner Bay stated that selecting an art Pie_without a specific site would be
premature. Mr. Katz stated that the Community Park would be a good site for the art piece.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that the City has a Temporary Art program and could this piece
be displayed as temporary art? Mr. Katz stated that the art piece is in New York and would
have to be shipped back for display. He was not sure the artist would pay the shipping costs.
Commissioner Loudon stated that the piece is beautiful.
Commissioner Diamond stated that the Commission is an advisory body to the City Council
and mandated to represent the community's interest in all forms of art.
Commissioner Shamis asked as to the availability of funds and prior commitments. Staff
responded that there is $152,596 in the APP account, as of November 30. The future
projects that may be considered for the APP funds may include additional bridge railings for
the City's bridges at Eisenhower, Jefferson and Washington Street.
Commissioner Diamond stated that she felt that there was no opportunity to prioritize the
purchase of art pieces. Staff reported that the prior APP Commission has recommended to
the City Council that artistic bridge railings be included on all City bridges. The future bridge
railings are based on past Commission recommendations.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that she is favor of the artistic bridge railings for all the City's
Commissioner Baxley asked if the Commission was interested in purchasing the art piece being
presented this evening.
Commissioner Shamis recommended that the artist be thanked for the presentation, and
perhaps the piece can be considered in the future, when all the prior projects have been
completed and the funds are available.
Commissioner Diamond asked at the City Council be made aware of the offer by an
internationally known artist wishing to display his work in the City, specifically in the
Community Park.
No action was taken on this item.
B. 20th Anniversary Celebration Musical Entertainment
Commissioner Loudon gave an overview of the 20th Anniversary Committee's recommendation
that local high school entertainment be used at the Grand Finale for the 20th Anniversary
Commissioner Shamis stated that she thinks it's a wonderful idea to use local talent and
thanked Commissioner Loudon for all of her hard work.
For the remaining 20th Anniversary Celebration meetings, both Commissioners Loudon and
Sham is will attend.
Commissioner Loudon stated that Principal Bugg from the High School will coordinate the
entertainment events. Commissioner Diamond suggested that the 20th Anniversary
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Celebration com!ee get commitments in writing from !articiPating organizations so there
are no misunderstandings.
No action was taken on this item.
A. Commissioner Shamis stated that the Symposium was very successful. The goal was to
gather public support for the arts and she felt that was accomplished. The program
evaluation forms were taken by Colleen McBride, therefore there is no formal review of the
program. Ms. McBride also has the original sign in sheet.
Commissioner Diamond stated that she would like to see this event happen again next year
and would like to see local artists display their work. Commissioner Shamis stated that the
Coachella Valley Arts Alliance has expressed interest in hosting the event next year.
B. Commissioner Sham is stated that Commissioner Loudon did an outstanding job in coordinating
the Alliance's fund raiser dinner/dance.
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Loudon to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
January 10, 2002 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
Next agenda:
. 20th Anniversary Celebration Musical Groups Plan
Submitted by:
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