CAC 04 12 20010 0 T,,&t 4 4 Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 April 12, 2001 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of March 8, 2001 B. Arts in Public Places Financial Report March 2001 C. Department Report for February 2001 V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. De Martino Artwork Modification B. Community Picnic C. Round Table Presentation D. Jefferson Street Bridge Railings VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. La Quinta Court Art Feature Vill. COMMISSIONER ITEMS IX. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING INFORMATION May 10, 2001 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room S:\Community Services\CAComm\AGN04-12-01.wpd U IV. CONSENT CALENDAR B. City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds Deposits collected through development Interest earned City Contribution Total Sources Less expenditures: Operating expenses Maintenance expenses Art purchased Total Uses 03/31 /01 Equity Available before encumbrances and committments: Add back Accounts Payable Reduction for Interest Receivable Cash Available before encumbrances and committments: Less Encumbrances - Less Commitments: Hwy 111 TDC - Credits Hwy 111 TDC - Future Louis De Martino K.Emerson & A.Dematteis Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction Civic Center Art Purchase Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall City Entrance Monuments Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers Civic Center Campus Water Feature - La Quinta Court Phase 1 - Jefferson St Bridge Artwork Total Commitments (9,418.07) (14,581.93) (13,217.00) (960.37) 0.00 (2,324.00) (2,798.50) 0.00 (10,151.00) (269,083.96) (65,000.00) (3,000.00) $1,357,337.71 162,822.90 50,000.00 1,570,160.61 (22,225.02) (865.00) (890,541.92) (913,631.94) 656,528.67 0.00 0.00 656,528.67 0.00 (390,534.83) Total available funds 03/31/01 $265,993.84 - 006 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 03/31/01 Page 1 Operating Expenses: Expended Conference - Phoenix 07/24/92 Bank of America 821.66 07/31/92 Meg Robertson 244.08 $1,065.74 10/15/92 A.E.S. 23.70 01/12/93 Jerry Allan 2,275.00 03/10/93 Regents - University of Calif. 105.00 03/31/93 Martin & Chapman 242.05 03/31/94 City of La Quinta Admin Fee 6,000.00 05/10/95 Rositas Shamis - Reimburse for supplies 35.91 06/30/98 Charrie Chappie Travel 325.21 06/30/98 Elaine Reynolds Travel 360.61 O6/30/98 Rosita Shamis Travel 2,141.01 O6/30/98 Susan Benay Travel 1,125.32 06/30/98 Americans For The Arts Registration 150.00 09/30/98 Susan Benay Travel - Reverse (1,125.32) 01/25/99 Art in La Quinta Inserts (Arrow Printing) 1,150.00 05/07/99 Recreation Brochures 473.50 05/29/99 Summer Brochures (Arrow Printing) 1,239.13 O6/30/99 Patrick Welch - Anderson Travel 428.00 06/30/99 Welch/Reynolds - Atlanta Hilton 1,313.28 06/30/99 Susan Benay - Best Western 245.00 06/30/99 Ca Assembly of Local Arts 199.00 06/30/99 Welch/Reynolds - Americans for the Arts Reg. 600.00 06/30/99 Susan Benay - Travel 272.36 O8/19/99 US Postmaster: 05/19/1999 Appropriation -Summer Brochure 160.00 08/29/99 Arrow Printing - brochures 1,481.60 11/29/99 CA Assembly of Local Arts 75.00 12/14/99 US Postmaster: Brochure 160.00 01/08/00 Arrow Printing - Brochures 1,636.75 02/11/00 Travel & Conference - Credit (931.64) 03/06/00 Americans for the Arts 150.00 5/2/00 U S Postmaster - postage 160.00 6/30/00 Russell Jacques - Art Base 693.75 7/31 /00 Russell Jacques - Art Base (693.75) 8/00 Maintenance -art piece 500.00 8/00 Global Mural Conference 2000 100.00 8/00 U.S. Postmaster: Brochure 320.00 9/00 Reclassify maint. to separate account (500.00) 2/01 Art Wall Certificates 268.81 Total Operating Expenses $22,225.02 Art Maintenance Expenses authorized by Council: 8/00 reclassify Aug. pmt $500.00 9/00 Maintenance -art piece $200.00 2/01 Maintenance -art piece $165.00 Total Art Maintenance Costs charged to APP $865.00 007 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 03/31/01 Page 2 Grf Purchases• Total Balance of Commitments Expended Commitments 06/09/92 Adams/Truman PTA 846.00 $846.00 0.00 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Paid 47,578.99 47,578.99 0.00 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC -Credits 10,810.63 1,392.56 9,418.07 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Future 36,610.38 22,028.45 14,581.93 12/15/1992 Ministrelli TT25429 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 04/14/93 Louis De Martino 73,500.00 60,283.00 13,217.00 O6/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis 51,000.00 50,039.63 960.37 06/06/1995 Bear Creek Path Art Work 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 01/16/1996 Fritz Burns Park 16,786.00 16,786.00 0.00 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Paid 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Credit 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 12/17/96 Fritz Burns Park - Art Fernandez 37,000.00 37,000.00 0.00 06/17/97 Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 06/17/97 Eagle Hardware -Credit 43,000.00 43,000.00 0.00 05/05/98 Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Nary 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 07/07/98 Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwy111/Wash. St 18,800.00 18,800.00 0.00 09/15/98 Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Nary 39,500.00 39,500.00 0.00 10/20/98 Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction 21,999.00 21,999.00 0.00 03/16/99 Civic Center Art Purchase 7,327.00 5,003.00 2,324.00 04/06/99 Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall 4,000.00 1,201.50 2,798.50 05/18/99 City Entrance Monuments 299,713.00 299,713.00 0.00 07/01/99 Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers 35,312.00 25,161.00 10,151.00 09/07/99 City Entrance Monument Right -of -Way (#655) 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 01/18/2000 Civic Center Campus 348,600.00 79,516.04 269,083.96 05/02/00 Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall 2,693.75 2,693.75 0.00 02/06/01 Original concept water feature/LQ Court 65,000.00 0.00 65,000.00 02/01/2001 Phase 1 - Jefferson St Bridge Artwork 3,000.00 0,00 3,000.00 3/01 Monument bases installed 700.00 700.00 0.00 Total Art Purchases $1,281,076.75 $890,541.92 $390,534.83 File: APP.WK4 • 0 City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Interest Earned Annual Interest FY 1990/91 3,525.59 FY 1991/92 11,646.54 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 7,137.38 FY 1994/95 11,444.17 FY 1995/96 14,109.65 FY 1996/97 16,170.79 FY 1997/98 14,845.19 FY 1998/99 28,328.00 FY 1999/00 32,168.62 Total Accumulated Interest $151,532.89 FY 2000/01 Interest YTD 11,290.01 Interest Through 03/31/01 162,822.90 Note: The City records interest earned on pooled cash quarterly. 00g File: APP.WK4 • IV. NSENT CALENDAR C. / T of U > TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNgIL FROM: DODIE HORVITZ, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: MARCH 20, 2001 SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2001 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2001: April 1 Spring Adult Soccer League, La Quinta High School Practice Field April 2 Latin Ballroom Dance Lessons, La Quinta High School April 2 Polaroid Transfer Photography, La Quinta Senior Center April 2 *Free Financial Counseling April 3 *Intermediate Dog Training April 5 Beginning Oil Painting, Senior Center April 5 *Third Annual Senior Tennis Tournament and Luncheon April 6 *Music Magic Program April 6 *Watercolor Lessons April 6 *Play Reading Workshop April 9 *Conversational Spanish Lessons April 9 *Putting Contest April 9 Spring Break, Camelot Park, Fritz Burns Park Rec Room April 10 *Free Health Screenings April 10 *Palm Springs Museum "Jump Start Your Art" Workshop April 10 Spring Break, Ice Skating, Fritz Burns Park Rec Room April 11 Spring Break, Fritz Burns Park Party, Fritz Burns Rec Room April 12 Spring Break, To the Movies, Fritz Burns Park Rec Room April 12 *Multi -Generational Talent Show April 13 Spring Break Finale, Oasis Water Park, Fritz Burns Park Rec Room April 14 Annual Egg Hunt and Chalk Drawing Competition, La Quinta Sports Complex April 16 *Tennis Koffee Klatch April 16 *Braille Institute's Mobile Van April 16 *The Art of Rug Hooking April 17 Beginning Yoga, La Quinta High School Dance Room April 17 Continuing Yoga, La Quinta High School Dance Room April 17 *Free Hearing Consultations April 18 Tappercize for Men and Women, La Quinta High School April 18 Youth Workshop, Senior Center April 19 Beginning Yoga, La Quinta High School Dance Room April 23 *AARP Mature Driver's Course April 25 Intermediate Computers, La Quinta Boys & Girls Club April 25 Photo Deluxe 2, La Quinta Senior Center April 26 Culture in the Courtyard, La Quinta Civic Center Courtyard April 26 *Free Legal Consultation April 26 *Volunteer Recognition Luncheon April 26 Photo Deluxe 2, La Quinta Senior Center April 28 Annual Community Picnic and Birthday Celebration, Fritz Burns Park April 28 Mastering Microsoft Power Point, La Quinta Boys & Girls Club * Senior Center Program, Class or Event 010 Program Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of February 2001 Summary Sheet 2001 2000 Variance Meetings Per Month 2001 2000 Leisure Classes 446 234 212 32 15 Special Events 227 97 130 5 4 Adult Sports 447 313 134 10 10 Senior Center 2503 2560 -57 145 145 Total 3623 3204 419 192 174 Senior Services Senior Center 708 911 -203 19 19 Total 708 911 -203 19 19 Sports Complex Use AYSO Soccer 675 550 125 10 8 Total 675 550 125 10 8 Total Programs 5006 4665 331 221 201 Vnlnnfoar Wnnrc Senior Center 858 1,162 -304 Meals on Wheels 917 48 869 Total Volunteer Hours 1775 1,210 565 11Ann4hly Ravanna Senior Center $ 6,673.00 $ 7,985.00 $ (1,312.00) Community Services $ 4,753.00 $ 7,249.00 $ (2,496.00) Rental Income $ 440.00 $ 1,072.50 $ (632.50) Total Revenue $11,866.00 $ 16,306.50 $ (4,440.50 Da.i-a Vanr fn Iln+a Senior Center $ 44,480.11 $ 45,294.94 $ (815.00) Community Services $41,323.85 $ 32,195.00 $ 9,128.00 Rental Income $ 7,866.50 $ 5,420.50 $ 2,446.00 Total Revenue to Date $ 93,670.46 $ 82,910.44 $ 10,759.00 G1 Community Services Program Report for February 2001 nnn4 onnn 7nnn 2nn1 2000 Participants Total Participation Partici ants Total Participation Variance Meetings Meetings Leisure Classes Be innin Yo a, Tu. 27 108 0 0 108 4 0 Be inning Yo a, Th. 15 60 0 0 60 4 0 English Riding Lessons 6 12 0 0 12 2 0 Basic Cake Decorating 3 3 0 0 3 1 0 Learn to Draw 16 32 0 0 32 2 0 Photo Deluxe 2 6 18 0 0 18 3 0 Latin Ballroom Dance 24 48 13 52 -4 2 4 Conversational French 24 96 28 112 -16 4 4 Beg. Computers Mon. 10 30 10 30 0 3 3 Pilates 6 18 0 0 18 3 0 Microsoft Excel 6 6 0 01 61 1 0 Int. Computers Wed. 5 15 101 40 -251 31 4 Totals 1 148 446 611 2341 2121 32 1 15 .3nnn gnnn 2nni 2000 Participants Total Participation Partici ants Total Participation Variance Meetings Meetings Special Events Mexico Excursion 109 109 0 0 109 1 0 Neighbor/ Pet Show 30 30 20 20 10 1 1 Newport Beach Trip 11 11 0 0 11 1 1 Tiny Tot Olympics 52 52 57r 57 -5 1 1 Culture in the Court and 25 25 20 20 5 1 1 Totals 227 227 97 97 130 5 4 ^An jnnn 2nni 2000 cvv Participants Total Participation Participants Total Participation Variance I Meetings Meetings Adult Sports 87 87 133 133 -46 7 9 Open Basketball M/T Adult Soccer League 120 360 180 180 180 3 1 Totals 2071 4471 3131 313 134 10 10 Recreation Totals 582 '111201 4711 6441 4761 471 29 Page 2 G1,2 . Senior Center Attendance - 2001 2000 2000 ota e istere ota Meetings artici ants artici anonrn artici anon anance 2 01 2000 error ctivities Ballroom Dance, Complimenta 8 8 12 -4 1 1 Bridge, ACBL 301 301 300 300 1 4 4 Bridge, Duplicate/Social 546 546 493 493 53 101 10 Dog Training, Complimentary 13 13 15 15 -2 1 1 Golden Tones 53 53 126 126 -73 4 9 Ice Cream Social 55 55 39 39 16 5 3 Monthly Birthday Pty 33 33 0 0 33 1 0 Monthly Luncheon 90 90 86 86 4 1 1 Movie Time 76 76 78 78 -2 41 8 Nabisco Putting Contest 105 105 91 91 14 1 1 Putting Contest 9 9 8 8 1 1 1 Seminars 25 25 73 73 -48 2 5 Tennis 175 175 169 169 6 10 10 Tennis Social 19 19 14 14 5 1 1 Senior Activitty-Totall 1508 1508 1504 1504 4 46 55 Senior Leisure Courses Ballroom Dance 18 40 18 23 17 3 3 Ceramics 11 29 12 45 -16 4 4 Computer 39 54 89 164 -110 15 24 Dog Training Class 19 21 13 13 8 3 1 Exercise 58 409 68 437 -28 11 11 Music Magic 14 22 0 0 22 4 0 Play Reading 2 4 0 0 4 2 0 Spanish Lessons 10 16 25 18 -2 4 2 Stained Glass 9 12 0 0 12 21 0 Watercolor 12 43 0 0 43 41 0 Senior Leisure Courses Total 192 650 225 700 -50 52 45 Senior Leisure Classes Arts and Crafts 24 24 25 25 -1 4 4 Bridge Lessons 146 146 93 93 53 8 6 Computer Tutor 10 10 23 23 -13 10 9 Painting 20 20 28 28 -8 41 4 Quilting 43 43 46 46 -3 4 4 Rug Hooking 5 5 0 0 5 3 0 Tai Chi 39 39 37 37 2 4 5 Tap Dance 24 24 62 62 -38 3 5 Woodcarvin 26 26 0 0 26 3 0 Writing for Profit Senior Leisure asses Total 8 345 8 345 42 356 42 356 -34 -11 41 47 8 45 TOTAL SENTWPROGRAM9__ 2045 2503 2085 2560 -57 145 145 enior Services A.A. R. P "55 Alive" 52 52 48 48 4 2 2 A.A.R.P. Tax -Aide 49 49 54 54 -5 4 5 Ambassadors 71 71 99 99 -28 n/a I n/a FIND Food Distribution 298 298 388 388 -90 4 4 Health Screenings 31 31 63 63 -32 2 5 Hearing Consultation 4 4 4 4 0 1 1 I.I.D. Energy Assistance 4 4 0 0 4 2 0 I.I.D. Energy Assistance/No fee 3 3 0 0 3 2 0 Information/Referral/Outreach 190 190 223 223 -33 n/a n/a Medicare Consultation 3 3 26 26 -23 n/a n/a Share Meetings/Sign-up TML SENIOR SERVICES 3 708 3 708 6 911 6 911 -3 -203 2 19 2 19 27531 3211 2996 3471 -2601 1641 0. Vj Page 3 �.. . OVI. BUSINESS ITEM A. tC �'yJ OF iNti� CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 12, 2001 ITEM TITLE: De Martino Artwork Modification RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the December 14, 2000 Cultural Arts Commission, Mr. Louis De Martino presented ideas for improving the art piece on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Hwy. 111. Mr. De Martino would like to install a larger lucite gem, remove the dark patina from the bronze and enhance the base color of the gem. On March 8, 2001, Mr. De Martino presented a marquette of the "Gem of the Desert" with the modifications for the Cultural Arts Commission's review. Also, Mr. De Martino stated that he would place an enlarged "gem" in the current art piece, to give a sense of perspective of the suggested modification of the gem. The enlarged "gem" was placed in the art piece at the corner of Washington Street and Highway 111 for review by the Commissioners. Attachment A is a list of modifications being proposed by Mr. De Martino and the cost associated with the modifications. Once the Commission reviews the modifications and provides recommendations, these will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Approve one or more modifications to the "Gem of the Desert" art piece as proposed by Mr. De Martino and authorize the expenditure of Art in Public Places funds for the modifications; or 2. Do not approve one or more modifications to the "Gem of the Desert" art piece as proposed by Mr. De Martino; or 3. Provide staff with direction. G1 S:\Community Services\CAComm\CACRPT.245.De Martino Artwork.wpd • is Dodie FTorvitz, C6mm4nity Services Director Attachment A: Modifications and Price List for the "Gem of the Desert" Art Piece 015 SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACRPT.245.De Martino Artwork.wpd FROM : Lcuis DeMartin6 FAX NO. : 909 763 2360 0 Q ATTACHMENT A L2ur5 hTK1R9TiN2 April 3, 2001 Dodie Horvitz City of La Quinta Community Development Department 7$-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 PROPOSAL FOR REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS TO OASIS l l 1 SCULPTURE Acid -etch and texture the concrete plinth to a variegated charcoal color to match the background mountains, when they are in the deep shadow$ of twilight. Remove the existing patina of the pyramidal bronze mountains. Resurface the bronze and refinish to a matt -polished surface. Seal and protect the bronze finish with a twenty-five year clear urethane. Reface the base of the plinth with bronze date to depict continuity with pyramidal bronze mountains. Create a new translucent acrylic jewel designed, to glow as a cut and polished sapphire. The new jewel size will be approximately eight times larger than the existing gem (or slightly ten percent.less than the Styrofoam mock-up model on the site). Create and fabricate bronze retainers that will act as a setting for the new gem. Add a complete lighting system that will include two sixteen foot lighting poles for down lighting; a new interior lighting system to create A radiating glow for the gem; and new ground lighting for frontal illumination. The lighting system shall include a complete control system, all conduits, junction boxes, lamps and power Wiring. COST: $ 36,700 Spbmitted by, Louis DeMartino v.o. sox 391370 4 3$921 i 2NRRW Rs>1v . snzA. Tm • 92539 Pr13PIF= 1909) 763-1315 • r?lXt 19091 763-2360 016 •0 VI. BUSINESS ITEM B. U S CF`y OF fN�v CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 12, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Community Picnic RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the February 8, 2001 Cultural Arts Commission, the Commission discussed promoting the arts through a booth at the Community Picnic. Staff stated that each booth at the picnic is requested to provide an interactive activity for participants. At the March 8, 2001 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission agreed to participate in the Community Picnic on April 28 with an interactive booth. Commissioners Reynolds and Diamond stated that they are unable to represent the Commission at this function. Commissioner Shamis will take the lead in developing the theme and activity with assistance from the Community Services Department staff. An update on the activity will be presented at the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: Provide staff with direction. ee orvitz; CommAity Services Director SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACRPT.257.Community Picnicmpd 017 • CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 12, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Round Table Presentation RECOMMENDATION: OVI. BUSINESS ITEM C. a" As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the February 8, 2001 Cultural Arts Commission, the Commission discussed the possibility of offering a Round Table Presentation as follow up on the items discussed at the Symposium. At the March 8, 2001 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, Commissioner Shamis requested additional time to conduct research. An update will be provided at the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Provide staff with direction. e Horvitz, Comm'knity Services Director 018 SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACRPT.258.Roundtable Presentationmpd • �I. BUSINESS ITEM D. � oz U S cFM of Mti0 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 12, 2001 ITEM TITLE: Jefferson Street Bridge Railing Enhancements RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the November 9, 2000 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission forwarded a recommendation to the City Council that the Jefferson Street Bridge located over the All American Canal should contain artistic railings, similar to the Washington Street Bridge. The City Council approved the use of Art in Public Places funds for the artistic component bridge railings at the November 7, 2000 City Council meeting. At the February 20, 2001 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the Art Purchase Agreement with the Navarette's for two concepts for the Jefferson Street Bridge Railing enhancements. Per the direction provided by the Commission and the City Council, the Navarrete's were to provide two similar but different concepts for the Commission's review and ultimately the City Council's consideration. Attachment A and B are the two concepts provided by the Navarrete's for the Jefferson Street Bridge. Attachment C is the final design for the Washington Street Bridge Railings as a reference. Once the Commission reviews the concepts and makes a recommendation, the recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Approve one concept as submitted by the Navarrete's for the Jefferson Street Bridge Railing Enhancements; or G1l9 SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACRPT.259.Jefferson Street Bridge Railings.wpd • i 2. Do not approve either concept as submitted by the Navarrete's for the Jefferson Street Bridge Railing Enhancements; or 3. Provide staff with direction. 41�1 odie Horvitz, Co munity Services Director Attachments: A. Concept A for Jefferson Street Bridge Railing Enhancements B. Concept B for Jefferson Street Bridge Railing Enhancements C. Final Design for Washington Street Bridge Railing Enhancements G2Q SACommunity Services\CAComm\CACRPT.259.Jefferson Street Bridge Railings.wpd ATTACHMEIm I A low 1W SA11A1Q1QU-tU- SIFUI)IC P.O. Box 2251 • Taos, New Mexico 87571 • (505) 776-2942 i.arch. = `/, 'Wl liod'Le ,~iorvitz ommunit e viceE: s �iirctor Clit:7 of Laui.nt -0 pox 1504 '��3-�+95 ;;alle lair�pico C:a �uinta, California 92253 Tjear Dodie , inclosed you will. find. two 11 x 17 inch line concept dravain ,s for the Jefferson Street Bridge. As per the Council's directive, the new drawin-s, both t,-te .raili.nTs and concrete barrier walls, are similar to the ',,lashinton Street �ri.dEe . ',Je look forward to the Council's response. also included is our invoice. Sincerely, Patricia davarrete C2� • b' -I_ 10 ATTACHMENT C 024 I