CACMIN 01 10 2002 . e IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES January 10, 2002 I. CAll TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 6:56 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Sham is presided over the meeting. Commissioner Baxley led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Dan Baxley Commissioner Else Loudon (arrived 7:05) Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond (Excused) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Vianka Orrantia, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of December 20, 2001 B. Financial Report for December 2001 C. Department reports for September, October and November 2001 It was moved by Commissioner Baxley/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar with corrections. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. De Martino Art Piece Modification Update The Commission reviewed color samples for the gem given by Mr. De Martino. It was agreed upon by the Commission to form a subcommittee made up of Commission Sham is and Reynolds to review the two choices, A 1 and B2 with Mr. De Martino. \\LAQUINT A \VOL 1 \SHARED\COMMUNITY SERVICE S\CACOMM\CACMIN. 0 1-1 0-02.DOC 002 e e A. De Martino Art Piece Modification Update {cont'd}: Commissioner Shamis will schedule a meeting with Mr. De Martino. Once the subcommittee selects a color, this will be forwarded to the City Council for approval. B. 20th Anniversary Celebration Musical Entertainment Plans Commissioner Loudon shared with the Commission the letter she received from Mr. Bugg, Principal of La Quinta High School, regarding confirmation of entertainment for the 20th Anniversary Celebration. Commissioner Loudon stated that Principal Bugg would waive the fee for the use of the high school football field for this event. Commissioner Loudon feels that the high school can come up with a time frame for the entertainment for the Commission's review and for any changes. Commissioner Loudon has been in contact with Merv Griffin's personal secretary and has requested that Mr. Griffin be the Master of Ceremonies for the event. Commissioner Loudon also spoke with Keely Smith to sing the National Anthem. Commission Loudon also spoke with the General Manager at Simon Motors and asked if they would consider donating a Cadillac as a raffle prize for a drawing during the 20th Celebration, all with City Council approval. Commissioner Baxley feels that the Commissioners from the Cultural Arts Commission should be mentioned at some point in the ceremony. Commissioner Shamis suggested that the Cultural Arts Commission be mentioned on the flyer. Commissioner Sham is stated that due to upcoming 20th Anniversary, the entertainment event will make the City of La Quinta eligible for matching funds from the California Arts Foundation and with the help of Community Services, staff will download the application for completion and submittal. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Reynolds stated that they are still waiting for an art piece from John Kennedy to be considered for the Temporary Art Program. Commissioner Baxley commented that the Council had approved the sculpture on the corner of Highway 111 and Washington at Point Happy and would like to know the status of this item. Mrs. Horvitz stated that the anticipated completion date is in May. Commissioner Baxely also asked the status of the Senior Center Mural. Mrs. Horvitz stated that the mural was approved and painting has begun. Commissioner Baxley commented on the sculptures on Calle Estado and suggested that the other Commissioners take the opportunity to view the artwork at dusk. S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.O 1-1 0-02.DOC ca3 e e VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS (cont'd) Commissioner Baxley asked if there would be an art piece at the Jefferson and Avenue 52 roundabout. Mrs. Horvitz advised the Commission that it is currently only scheduled for landscaping. Commissioner Reynolds asked when the Civic Center Campus construction was going to begin. Mrs. Horvitz advised that construction is now beginning, there will be five art pieces: one piece that was commissioned by Mr. De Martino in 1996, a sun and moonbeam piece (a 14 foot jagged piece, a 6-foot round disc); a bronze relief map of the Coachella Valley; animal footprints in the sidewalk at various locations; acknowledgement plaques, the criteria for those who qualify will be decided by the City Council and the locations will be in various areas throughout the Civic Center Campus; and mosaic art pieces of Native Americans in the sidewalk with descriptive legends. Mrs. Horvitz advised the Commission that she would be meeting with the contractor to determine installation schedule. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Loudon/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION February 14, 2002 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Next agenda: . 20th Anniversary Celebration Musical Group Plan Submitted by: y:d~ Vianka Orrantia, Secretary S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.O 1-1 0-02.DOC (' ~lll vU":t