CACMIN 04 11 2002 e e CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES April 11, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Sham is presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Dan Baxley Commissioner Denise Diamond (Left at 8:05 p.m.) Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of March 14, 2002 B. Financial Report for March 2002 C. Department report for February 2002 It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Loudon to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 20th Anniversary Celebration Musical Entertainment Plans Commissioner Loudon gave an overview of the entertainment lined up for the Celebration. She has been working with Mr. Bugg in coordinating the event. Chairperson Shamis reported that the plans are going well and on schedule. Mr. Bugg has been attending the 20th Anniversary Celebration meetings. Robert Craven is working with Mr. Bugg and Commissioner Loudon to coordinate the details. 002 S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.04-11-02.DOC Chairperson shliS handed out an outline of the ptram for the Commissioners to review. Chairperson Shamis reminded the Commissioners that this event is the Commissions contribution to the 20th Anniversary Celebration, and therefore each of the Commissioners are expected to participant and to work the event, doing whatever needs to be done to make the event a success. The Cultural Arts Commissioners agreed to assist with the Chamber of Commerce Mixer on April 25, to clean up the area. B. Annual Work Plan: The Commission reviewed the annual work plan. After some discussion, Commissioner Diamond will complete the artwork inventory, with Commissioner Reynolds assisting. Commissioner Reynolds reported that the Temporary Art Agreement should be reviewed as to the language in paragraph six in which the City reserves the right to remove an art piece within 30 days of notifying the artist. She stated that John Kennedy was willing to participate in the program, however, he was uncomfortable with that paragraph and therefore withdrew his application. Commissioner Reynolds asked that the Commission review the Temporary Art Agreement as part of the tasks identified in the annual work plan. Commissioner Loudon reported that Casa Blanca Video has been unresponsive to the Commissions request for information regarding a public art video. The Commission agreed that they do not have expertise in grant writing and this task should be dropped from the work plan. The Commission would like to make minor changes to the Meet the La Quinta Artist program but would like to continue the program. It was motioned by Reynolds/Loudon to forward the Cultural Arts Commission work plan to the City Council for consideration after minor corrections were made. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Chairperson Sham is stated that the Coachella Valley Alliance for the Arts is planning an event in which all of the Cultural Arts Commissioner from the Coachella Valley will S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.04-11-02.DOC 003 be invited. Thi~ planned for May 17 in Rancho Mle. The Alliance is also forming a planning committee to work with the cities to coordinate activities. B. Chairperson Shamis reported that she was a judge at the Desert Sands Unified School District's Standing Ovations program and was thanked for her participation. C. Chairperson Shamis also reported that Mr. De Martino is working on the color of the pigment for the gem. D. Chairperson Sham is also reported that there is a partnership between the Palm Springs Desert Museum and the McCallum Theater to share art pieces and performers. E. Commissioner Reynolds reported that the Soroptmists will be honoring Terry Henderson, Susan Francis and Marilyn Smith as Women of Distinction on May 14. F. Commissioner Baxley reported that there is a new art gallery at COD that will display travelling art pieces. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Loudon to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8: 18 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION May 9, 2002 7:00 PM La Ouinta Civic Center Study Session Room mmunity Services Director S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.04-11-02.DOC ~ r 4 l -: t l...,v