CACMIN 05 09 2002 e e CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES May 9, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Sham is presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Dan Baxley Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Else Loudon (Arrived at 7:45 p.m.) Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of April 11, 2002 B. Financial Report for April 2002 C. Department report for March 2002 It was moved by Commissioner Baxley/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar with stated corrections to the minutes. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Sedona Homes Art Piece Proposal Mr. Lance Alacano of Sedona Homes gave an overview of the proposal. He would like to provide artist gates at the Sedona Homes project located at the corner of Eisenhower and Avenue 50. The gates would be similar to the gates found on Washington Street at the Tucson development. The gates would be designed with a Spanish look with aged cooper. S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.05-09-02.DOC 002 Commissioner ~mond asked if the developer wa"eqUesting a sign as well. Mr. Alacano stated that he would like to ask for a sign in the future, however, at this time, he is only asking for consideration on the gates. Commissioner Baxley asked if the artwork would be incorporated into the gate. Mr. Alacano reported that the gate design is the artwork. He is asking for consideration for two gates, side by side at the entrance to the development. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she felt that the developer should pay for the gates, since the gates are a part of the development. Staff reported that the APP funds have been used for gates at the Fritz Burns Pool House. Mr. Alacano stated that the general public will be able to view the gates. In the staff report, the dollar amount paid into the APP fund by the Sedona Homes project was misrepresented. The amount paid into the account is significantly higher than that reported in the staff report. Commissioner Baxley stated that he is not comfortable funding the request for the gate project, regardless of the investment the developer pays into the APP account. Commissioner Shamis felt that the Commission wants to work with the developers and whatever the developer wants to pay for privately, the Commission will support. Commissioner Diamond would like to see the City go in the direction of interactive art. Artist Kathleen Schooley reported that there will be sidewalks that lead past the gates and that the APP fund has been used to fund the bridge railings on Washington Street and the Fritz Burns Pool gates. Commissioner Shamis asked where exactly the art piece would be located. Mr. Alacano reported that the art piece will be on the corner of Eisenhower and Avenue 50. Commissioner Shamis recommended that the Commission consider the entire package of artwork: gates and art piece as a unit. Commissioner Baxley is uncomfortable with the fact that public art funds are being considered for an art piece that is designed to keep people out of a development. He questioned how a security gate meets the needs of the public regarding public art. Commissioner Baxley asked staff to contact the City's legal counsel regarding the use of APP funds for a gate that it is designed to keep people out of a development. Commissioner Diamond brought up the fact that if APP funds are used, the City then owns the art piece. Therefore, the City has to have foresight on how to use the art in the future. S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.05-09-02.DOC 003 e e Commissioner Sham is stated that art should surround "us" therefore landscaping should be included. She requested that the entire concept for the project be presented in June for consideration. The Commission concurred. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Chairperson Shamis thanked everyone for their hard work on the 20th Anniversary Celebration event. She stated that the entire weekend was great. B. Chairperson Sham is gave an overview of the meeting she had with the Mayor. She said that it is the hope to have the Civic Center Campus completed in six months. The Marachi Festival was also discussed, and the Mayor asked Mrs. Shamis to check on the event, to see if it is going to be offered this fall. Commissioner Shamis reported that according to Dee Smith of KSL, the festival will take place, however, an actual location has not been determined. Commissioner Sham is asked for an update on the itemizing of the art pieces and cataloging it. Commissioners Diamond and Reynolds will work on the files on May 29 at 9:30. Music in the community was also discussed, and the Mayor suggested the Commission look to future events to host musical entertainment. The holiday season, Civic Center Grand Opening and other established events were discussed. The Mayor suggested offering modest events and build from there. Commissioner Shamis recommended using the McMillian performing art students for events. C. Commissioner Reynolds would like to see a puppet show and choir performance. D. Commissioner Shamis also referred to the comments from the last symposium. She stated the large portion of them were positive. Most of the people responding are in leadership roles. Commissioner Shamis complied a master list so that a cover letter can be sent to the organizations. Colleen McBride would like to have a form letter attached to the cover letter. She will follow up on the forms. Commissioner Sham is has sent all the information to Ms. McBride. E. Commissioner Reynolds shared the Big Bear Magazine which reports many cultural events that take place in that area, such as concerts and theater. S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.05-09-02.DOC 004 e e F. Commissioner Reynolds shared a photograph of the unveiling of the John Kennedy piece in New York. She also stated that she would like to see the Temporary Art Agreement clarified so that artists are clear as to when their art work will be removed. G. Commissioner Baxley asked for an update on the fountain at LG's and the Senor Center mural. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION June 13, 2002 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room unity Services Director r,n5 lnJ S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CACOMM\CACMIN.05-09-02.DOC