0206-081 (RER) LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION PERMIT# 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that 1 am licensed under provisions of BUILDING PERMIT ozob-moi C4 WF- Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and DATE VALUATION LOT' TRACT Professionals Code,and my License is in full force and effect. 08/15200 S75,0W.00. 0 License# Lic.Class Exp.Date LU`n 'JOB SITE 734381. B HIC 04/30/2( ADDRESS 80-600 AVFAWE 58 APN ~Z r~. Date Signature Of Contractor OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER cOt• J U co OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION r RICHARD BAIMR 14ARMOLRADZI NER&ASSOCIATES AIA W W I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's 955 CARRILLO DRIVE SUITE 100 2902 IMRASKA•AVF- ~C License Law for the following reason: LOS ANGEL Fit CA 9004.9 SANTAMONICA CA 90404 Z. ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole (310)264-1814 CBL# compensation,will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044,Business&Professionals Code). USE OF PERMIT as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed RESIDENTIAL.REMODEL contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code): N () I am exempt under Section ,B&P.C.for this reason SQUARE FOOTAGE ADDED O N Date Signature of Owner rn WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION o z I.hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 75,000.00 LS U5 H O ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' CONTRACT AMOUNT X LL- W compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the O J Q performance of the work for which this permit is issued. m Q U ( ) I have and will maintain workers'compensation insurance,as required by O U Q Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this o Z permit is issued. My workers'compensation Insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier STATE FUNDS - Pollcy No. ---- 1614151--02- - - - ESTIKATED COST OF GORMUCTION 75,1 .00 Q _.- _ PERMIT FIS SUAD"RY g (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for$100.00 or less). CONSTRUCTION FEE 101-000-418-000 $527,00 ( ) I certify.that in the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued, PLAN CHECK FEE 101-000-439-318 $411.91 ;t I shall not employ'any person in any manner so as to become subject to the FEE DEPOSIT 101-000-439-318 4500.00 _ workers'compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become . MGIiANICALEE 1Q1-000-421-000 subject to the workers'compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor 526.00 ' Code,I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. ELECTRICAL FEE 101-000-420-000 SSS:6S Date: Applicant PLUMBING FEE-. 101-000-419-000 $58.50 .,.,,. Warning:Failure to secure Workers'Compensation coverage is unlawful and STRONG MOTION FEE-RESID 101-006-241-000 S7.50 shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to$100,000,in 1 addition to the cost of'compensation,damages as provided for in Section 3706 � . of the Labor Code,interest and attorney's fees. ' IMPORTANT.Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety b for a permit 'subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application'. a 1.Each person upon whose behalf this application is made&each person at SUB-TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND PLAN CHECK 1 whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to i F9g pRg.pAID FEES -i49 O08686..49 any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to,&shall,indemnify 1^ &hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2.Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if TOTAL PERAW FEES DUX NOW �v5$bA9p work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit,or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is I IIIIIII VIII III VIII ILII correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building 55 construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon IE the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED - INSPECTOR Signature (Owner/Agent) Date LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION PERMIT# I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of BUILDING PERMIT H Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and (V W Professionals Code,and my License is in full force and effect. DATE 081105=VALUATION $ISI M LOT TRACT License# Lic.Class Exp.Date O W r �i �i � iJ�RL CJ+N'3SaS{ ADDRESS JOB SITE APN QZ � Date Signature of Contractor OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN INEER (00 f` OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION x�'IWZ77D RAiMR K OL D70Mt' ISMA '� AI J L) r 9.55 C,�Rtr1 L0 DWE RTITE 100 2902 9'11��W-M&A E W W I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's ~ License Law for the following reason: 1�Q*1 AhTG-F FUS CA, 90048 S.-ANTAZeN1C?�ICA CA 90404 Z (. ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole (3310)64-181 C:81IN compensation,will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professionals Code).. • USE OF PERMIT ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed IANDE15M.ALl contractors to construct the,`project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). Rl";:t9ODE1,&J•14TZPJ,0 2 JMP110V1"La3E't TS TO 11V..I.a IXO RESIDYMCF, NO � () I am exempt under Section B&P.C.for this reason OLTI UE,)<'t�CS`�,�t �.AD DED O.N Date Signature. of Owner 4 ,,- rn Z WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION It C Q � 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: GCa3�TFf.r1C'T AMOUNT 19,t►i1a,;r0 IF'1 � O ( ) 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' X w ILL compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the O � Q performance of the work for which this permit is issued. m Q U ( ) I have and will maintain workers'compensation insurance,as required by OU Q Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this CC rn H permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are:. Z Carrier STATF.FUN 7 Policy No. 161451$1-02 E.Tr111r$A'7("1W Cogs M CON11a".?.1M!,:,`".1'10N "00 O FlEt;RMff 1(i" ,1s'SUMMARY Q (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for$100.00 or less). CONS'TRUCT10ld PRE 101-000-418-000 00.418^'000 ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, PIAN CHECK FEE 101-000-4 39-31 S $41 L94 I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the IEE DFPOSIT 101.000-439-315 -3500.00 workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers'compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor. J�51 .J fAIdfC1AJa J?%F,. 101-000-421-.000 $n6.G4 Code,I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. FI,IW TIUCAI,lir 101.19)0-49W-000 SSSI65 Date: Applicant P1..UMlNO FEE I01-OW-41 9-000 $58..50 Warning: Failure to secure Workers'Compensation coverage is unlawful and S'I1ZOM M'OTICIN Ni l?-RUITT) 101-000-24 1.000 ,C ISO shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to$100,000,in addition to the cost of compensation,damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code,interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1.Each person upon whose behalf this application is made&each person at 8'1116-`L`C7`T11L C jRWMUC°s_1031 A.M PLAU C;k;C.f:tM $' I'OR-6 451 whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to I4E,`1� � , �� -hatJv.0�1 any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, &shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2.Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if IWAL P. RVU IMES DUE NOW ��'�t.•�� work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such — permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. 1 certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII 56 • correct. I agree to comply with all City,arid State laws relating to the building IE construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FI D INSP OR Signature (Owner/Agent) Date 4 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms&Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K.to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Q!l/�( G �!�' Compressor Insulation _ Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall-Int.Lath Q2 Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL A PPROVAi S steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg.Test Final Gas Piping PLUM IN G APPROVALS Gas Test _ Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final 'Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out _ _ Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans �r/'1 ��/ O.K.for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Testj� �� � Appliances Final COMMENTS: �� Final D`Z���(14� I-61,41 0Z Utility Notice(Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp.Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures s Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles + G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp.Use of Power Final Utility Notice(Perm) LICENSED CONTR At�T OR DECLARATION PERMIT# •: `�jq I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of BUILDING PERMIT My)- All I— Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and DATE VALUATIONLOT TRACT C14 W Professionals Code,and my License is in full force and effect. W ' � �• License# Lic.Class Exp.Date OdLC) JOB SITE _.s4�l�1 � 11� :7�J3L�J2� ADDRESS 80-500 A PIVE.'S APN CZ �. Date 1 ��ignature of Contractor~ ' �l�" ' t'0 OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN (NEER H OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION W W I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's �, , V . 8 SANTA IVIG IC.A C A ,104 H a T.f 1,�e�I+ iL�o J:+ Glr�, �1a'w . . License Law for the following reason: Z' ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation,will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044,Business&Professionals Code). USE OF PERMIT ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed R)MMUTALPSMp;Cj1.1L contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ;R•NCti.V3,&YNTERIOR tPdik'Ik4, 'EiV.ilf NTS TO r'XIS I'I?dO RMSIGF,NC E. ;qO () I am exempt under Section , B&P.C.for this reason 2QarAF E dOO`l`'AM,ADDED N Date 0• /1 6 7 Signature of Owner �+—i i i• r 11-y'Vey O rn d Q WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Ip Q � 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: C<Jt�l .2 .C''Ys�i1 OL 1,1 lS�F►'��',Otl O ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' 113 X W �= compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the mJ Q performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Q U (I ) I have and will maintain workers'compensation insurance,as required by O U`Q Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this d rn H permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: v Z Carrier STATZ FUND Policy No. 16141M-42 16fWATEb CO (IF 1,'•094,5 C'1R`C'MID 75,MOD cob O PURU I Tt°:M SGUMUM g (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for$100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, PL-AIN CHECK WEE_ i 01-WO-109-318 $4.1�.FA I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the FEE17FPOSSIT workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become Iy!tTt",IIANIC,AL FLS subject to the workers'compensation.provi,�ion of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,I shall orthwith comply with tho`seirovisiri Ia;f, C`P1i1s;' 7,171t 1f1'°1t ' 2C"Q�3C $$"°'b Dater" ...( Japplicant r� b.e� 1/�1^ .� PL17Mf INO n i f13.- Qf3�$] -Qf3C $5 .3ti Warning: Failure to secure Workers'Compensation coverage is unlawful and MIONO MOTION M.-RUSID 101 M000.241 000 971% shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to$100,000,in addition to the cost of compensation,damages as provided for in Section 3706 1 of the Labor Code,interest and attorney's_fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the pond itions-and..restrictions set forth on his { application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made&each person at SUB- AND MAN CWXX $1,4fs6•49 whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to A\` LM ' s PAU)1F y 4500,00 any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, &shall, indemnify ` W & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. i y 2.Any permit,issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if= nn [° `AL Y• M FMEH_DM 14OW work is not-,commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such 6r 1 1�U2 permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. Itcertify that I have read this application and state that the above information is Cljlj of LAQUINTA 53 ! ' correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building p,w,NCECEPy IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City;to enter upon IE the above-mentioned property;+or inspec•Ion purposes. RECEIPT DATE BY', DATE FINALED INSPECTOR atef Signature (Owner/Agent) -3� +D - - 2 / INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms&Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K.to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans&Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines ' Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall-Int.Lath Final � Final POOLS- SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg,Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure r Shower Pans O.K.for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utaity Notice(Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp.Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp.Use of Power Final Utility Notice(Perm) ' IIIIIIIIVIIIIIIVIIIIIII 25 Bin# �i C't/ of QInta uIE I I ���� Building er Safety Division --- Permrt# �0 �X4/"' P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La.Quinta,CA 92253- (760) 777-7012 to • A Bu ing Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: D b 0 0 VQ n k/•e, 8 Owner's Name: X R I eh xr-d BeA k e v— A.P.Number: 12 Address:X C, 5 Fj Crdr 1 o D f. S o. Legal Description: City,ST,Zip: X Los An -e le S (,Pc Q of y g – 4 b e-6 3 14 Telephone: 3z3 Address: Project Description: )( ke In od 4 � City,ST,Zip:Y_ t M YOV e m�m S Telephone: X \ D 0 h e a 2 d2 G r S v e. � � � e S 1 State Lic.#: X, City Lic.#: CIA4 eA }-o <ci*,,• bUt (d('n 1 Arch.,'Engr.,Designer: O&v-mol koA7-;ner +Ass oGi c11; N Address: 290 2 iJ e b raska A\/,e- City, J,e-City,ST,Zip: SoLh -A. M v n i`C-A ck 9a y o q _ 1 ne: 5 �, Telephone: aVVI 0 � i Construction 1" 2.by 8 € C s tonT e 1 3 �� u an P I � c ' Y P P Y 1✓iv �J/1 e ✓r✓I State Lic.#: 2 C - 3 1 6L ;:.>:.,.;:...::";,; ;. . Project type(circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: f jobb Fees Sq.Ft.: 29q g #Stories: 0 JV F #Units: Telephone# of Contact Person: 3 J 0–2,b y– /8 Estimated Value of Project:x MV APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Q� # Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES V Z Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Za � Structural Calcs. Reviewed,ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit —S��•°— Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 14 Calcs. P ns picked up Construction Flood pla ns resubmitted Mechanical IILOI Grading d eview,ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontac L st Cal ed Contact Person Plumbing Grant Dee C r-IMANCE ..EpT Pla s picked up S.M.I. H.O.A.Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '"'Review,ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub.Wks.Appr Date of permit issue School Fees ` co P/nor✓ a L 7A Act Total Permit Fees ���(S /✓o T•r x,:,.I �'ftv.19,y " i�T' k&,-A- ,t/-t' SS �a 4y f ' OF T1 Letter of Transmittal To: YOUNG ENGINEERING Date: &A�oZ Project: $D boa 4✓A s8 /446-y.�, . eF S� Attention: Lot/Tract: Telephone: P/C #: c�;) 6—D p I # of Copies Description: S T P4.4A✓- Comments: This material sent for: Your Files At Your Request Your Review For Approval Checking si At the request of: ,>o Other:_ / /T�vi E c✓ dv /���� From: ED RANDALL Telephone: COUNTER TECHNICIAN . Office (760)777-7012 voice (760) 777-7012—Building& Safety Department—(760) 777-7011 fax YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Engineering Architecture•Surveying•Building&Safety Services Letter of Transmittal To: City of La Quinta Date: 06/17/02 Project: 80-600 Ave 58 Remodel of SFD Attn: Ed Randall PC#: 0206-081 (1" check) Tel No.: (760) 777-7012 Tract No.: We are forwarding: x By Messenger By E-Mail Your Pickup No. of Copies Description: 1 Set Redline plans 1 Set Structural Calcs coRfrcrlup w s Comments: Plans not acceptable for approval Thanks This Material Sent for: Your Files Per Your Request Your Review Approval x Checking At the request of: Other By: Eric A. Frenzel Phone # 342-9214 47-159 Youngs Lane e Indio, CA 92201 (760)342-9214 Bronz Young City of La Quinta Building and Safety Department Plan Check Corrections Sfr=0 tU�( Baker Residence Engineer: Lonnie Mount 80-600 Ave. 58 Plan Check No.: 0206-081.0st check) La Quinta, California Date: 6/17/02 1. Specify on the plans that structural observation per UBC 1702 is required. 2. All structural plans and details must be reviewed, stamped and signed by the engineer of record. 3. For seismic calculations submit soils report or other documentation to justify Ca, Cv, Na, Nv coefficients. 4. Provide continuity (drag collector) connections between shear walls along lines of lateral resistance where continuous plates do not transfer unit shears. Refer to redlines on plans where D is keyed. Note and respond to any red-marked items noted on plans, but not specifically noted on this checklist. Return all red-marked documents with resubmittal to facilitate recheck process, and provide an itemized written response to each item on this list with resubmittal. Please incorporate requested corrections into plan sets and reprint. Plan Reviewer. Eric A. Frenzel. Phone No.: 760-342-9214 Fax No.: 760-342-6164 = M E T R O SCAN PROPERTY PROFILE = Riverside (CA) **************************************************************************************** * <<< OWNERSHIP INFORMATION >>> * * * Parcel Number ' :762 240 012 5:21 T:06S R:07E Q:SE * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Swenson Danny Richard * CoOwner * Site Address :80600 Avenue 58 La Quinta 92253 * Mail Address :80600 Avenue 58 La Quinta Ca 92253 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant: * * * <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION >>> * * * Transferred :05/01/1993 Loan Amount * Document # : 190515 Lender * Sale Price Loan Type * Deed Type :Trust Transfer Interest Rate * s Owned : 100 Vesting Type * * * <<< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * * * Land :$127,730 Exempt Type * Structure :$36, 427 Exempt Amount * Other Tax Rate Area :20-073 * Total :$164, 157 Taxes - :$3, 495.38 * % Improved :22 * * * <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> * * * Map Grid. : * Census :Tract: Block: * Land Use . :Y01 Vacant,Land With Misc Structures * Legal : 9.78 ACRES M/L IN POR SE 1/4 OF SEC * :21 T6S R7E FOR TOTAL DESCRIPTION * :SEE ASSESSORS MAPS * Sub/Plat : * Book Page: * * * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * * * Bedrooms Stories YearBuilt: AgPreserve * BathFull Units MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr Bldg SgFt: Street ADDITIONAL * BathHalf Gar. SgFt : Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :No Gar Type : Elect Svc: RmAddtns :No * Cntrl Ht :No Lot Acres:9.78 Gas Svc RmAddSF * Cntr1A/C :No Lot SgFt :426, 016 WaterSrce: AddGarType * Pool :No Roof Type: SewerType: OthrPkng * * Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. 1 . l 0002 Loll I b�'� 'Ills]'Il9nq spluulb 9 p lOP 1C99 'ON M 130NYd99-59/9L Ad li'9d i9lAB dYISdD5S355Y LLC9'ON M 133BVd LL16I Ad. I LO LZ I 9L 0 99L 9siptsi b mm —e 0 i HOG --^-- - n _ II II II II JHaV IYr I I lxaYVY aY roY 1 I aV roY 1 1 war9 I I ware a O I I 9D 3 C 01 51 15 O 5 rare I I rave a ave el 1>rxre I 1 � I its I �Z O ar flea 1 �� 'svva ar are cress av etre a 1 ><vam Y I Sin av rsY�/iaar nn war ro'm ea av seY xxaresY rare sxw 1O I UMM rel 9uuw alaxae Val ' 090020 Yal ' 7 ar rues �� `�. s m•"`� y BZ O dg zCl •- CIOOrO Yal � . a•317a floe a•e»z n SI .acs .1 7 ecoaxo vYs l Z ' 11 � av ccn BO 110-oto 090 020 t0-19L oro-oto V1NIOo Vl 30 Al I a 533"1010 ills aN1a11a9 to ales-101 mm 91u 110M ION rVn ti Z Z 9 oto-o:o Tal 3L'a 'S9'1 WAS X35 A111 ovii aN 31110 S9r0sa�elfWYIMS3SSY ICA nn M SJYB d1�1 SV sl MlIFIFADOM9n7iM s o e t OBfL—StbE'008—L City of La Quinta, Building &Safety Department RESIDENTIAL PLAN CHECK CORRECTION LIST DATE: 7/1/02 ADDRESS: 80-600 Avenue 58 STATUS: First Review DESCRIPTION: Residential Remodel PLAN CHECKED BY: Gary Showalter APPLICANT: Bobby Rees TELEPHONE NUMBER: 760-777-7012 PLAN CHECK#: 0206-081 This submittal has been checked for compliance with the 1998 California Building,Mechanical,Electrical, and Plumbing Codes(CBC, CMC, CEC, and CPC,respectively),the City of La Quinta Municipal Code, and the 2001 California Energy Code. APPLICANT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT STAFF: The following items are being returned to you for DO NOT accept any resubmittal unless ALL of the correction: following items are included: 2 sets—Red-lined Plans 2 sets—Red-lined Plans 2 sets—Structural Calculations 2 sets—Corrected Plans 2 sets—Energy Calculations 2 sets—Structural Calculations Structural and non-structural correction lists 2 sets-Energy Calculations 1 set—Site&Floor Plan for County Assessor Structural and non-structural correction lists Written responses to corrections INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: 1) Provide a written response to each comment on the following pages,noting specifically where the correction can be found. Responses such as, "Sheet A-3,"or, "Handrails shall be per CBC Section 1003,"are not acceptable. Show or note specifically how compliance with a code requirement is achieved. Responses such as, "Added note 16 on sheet A-3"are appropriate and will help expedite your back check. 2) Plans and/or Calculations prepared by a licensed Architect or Engineer may not be modified by anyone other than that professional. 3) Corrections may not be made by handwriting on existing drawings. Revise originals and reprint Plans and/or Calculations as necessary. 4) Return all red-marked Plans and/or Calculations with your resubmittal. 5) Return this list,your written responses, and all documents listed above with your resubmittal. 6) Each sheet of resubmitted Plans and/or Calculations shall include the preparer's name and telephone number and shall be wet-signed by the preparer. If the preparer is a licensedarchitect or engineer, all documents prepared by that licensed individual shall also bear his/her stamp as prescribed by the California Business and Professions Code. Resubmittals will not be accepted with signatures missing. 7) Any response that does not conform to the literal requirements of the Code can only be approved by the Building Official. 8) As further information is provided and reviewed, additional corrections may be required. Residential Plan Check Correction List Page 1 of 5 City of La Quinta, Building & Safety Department SECTION A-GENERAL 1) Provide the Assessor's Parcel Number(APN)and complete legal description of Project on the first sheet of Plans. 2) Note on Plans: "All construction shall comply with the 1998.California Building,Plumbing,Mechanical, and Electrical Codes and all other local codes and ordinances."Remove notes referencing other Codes. 3) Note on Plans: "All `or equal' substitutions must be submitted to, and approved by the Building Official prior to installation of the item." SECTION B—PRECISE/SITE PLAN/ZONING 1) No corrections apply. SECTION C-ARCHITECTURAL 1) Provide water-resistant gypsum board under tub and shower enclosure materials to a height of 70" minimum above the drain inlet. (CBC §807.1.3) SECTION D-MECHANICAL 1) No corrections apply. SECTION E-ELECTRICAL Special note:Please verify that all electrical devices, existing and new, are shown on plans and clearly differentiated Using the corrections below,please review and revise the Electrical Plan for resubmittal. If specific questions arise regarding this portion of the plan,please feel free to telephone Greg Butler, Building &Safety Manager, directly at(760) 777-7015. 1) Provide on the plan location and ampacity of electrical meter and all sub-panels. (CBC §106.3.1) 2) Provide electrical load calculations. (CBC §106.3.1) See CEC Chapter 9,Example No. 2(b)for one method. 3) If one or more sub-panels is utilized,provide a single-line diagram showing: a) Service panel and its ampacity; b) All sub-panels,their location and ampacities; c) Conduit size from service panel to.sub-panels; d) Number of conductors,their size, material, and insulation type(CBC §106.3.1) See CEC Articles 215, 220 and 310. 4) Note on Plans: "Aluminum conductors are permitted only if size 1/0 or larger, and only to feed main or sub-panels. All other current carrying conductors shall be copper."(LQMC §8.03.030) 5) Telephone jacks are required in all habitable rooms except a Dining area which is immediately adjacent to a Kitchen or Living Room. (LQMC §8.03.040) Show all telephone jack locations on Plan. 6) Cable Television outlets are required in all habitable rooms except Kitchens and Dining area. (LQMC §8.03.040) Show all television jack locations on Plan. Residential Plan Check Correction List Page 2 of 5 City of La Quinta, Building & Safety Department 7) Note on Plans: "Provide(or verify)at least two 20-ampere small appliance branch circuits to serve kitchen, breakfast room, and dining room. Such circuits shall have no other outlets."(CEC §210-52(b)(1)through 210-52(b)(3),220-4(b)) 8) Note on Plans: "Provide(or verify)at least one 20-ampere branch circuit to serve laundry appliances. Such circuit(s) shall have no other outlets."(CEC §210-52(f), 220-4(c)) 9) Note on Plans: "Provide (or verify)at least one 20-ampere branch circuit to serve bathroom receptacles. Such circuit(s) shall have no other outlets."(CEC §210-52(d)) 10) Specify GFCI protection for outdoor receptacles. (CEC §210-8(a)(3)) 11) Specify GFCI protection for receptacles serving the kitchen countertop. (CEC §210-8(a)(6)) 12) Kitchen and Dining Room Countertop receptacles shall comply with the following(CEC §210-52(c): a) Provide a receptacle outlet at each wall counter space 12 inches or wider. b) Provide receptacle outlets at each wall counter so that no point along the wall line is more than 24 inches,measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in that space. c) Provide at least one receptacle outlet at each island counter space with a long dimension of 24 inches or greater and a short dimension of 12 inches or greater. d) Provide at least one receptacle outlet at each peninsular counter space with a long dimension of 24"or greater and a short dimension of 12"or greater. A peninsular countertop is measured from the connecting edge. Informational item: Receptacle outlets shall be installed not more than 18 inches above the countertop. Receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by appliances fastened in place or appliances occupying dedicated space shall not be considered as these required outlets. 13) Provide at least one receptacle outlet accessible at grade level and not more than 6'-6"above grade at the front and back of the dwelling. (CEC §210-52(e)) 14) Provide in every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room,parlor, library,den, sun room,bedroom, recreation room, or similar room or area of dwelling units,receptacle outlets so that no point along the. floor line in any wall space is more than 6 feet,measured horizontally, from an outlet in that space, including any wall space 2 feet or more in width and the wall space occupied by fixed panels in exterior walls,but excluding sliding panels in exterior walls. The wall space afforded by fixed room dividers, such as freestanding bar-type counters or railings, shall be included in the 6-foot measurement. (CEC §210- 52(a)) See Plan for locations.not meeting this requirement. Informational item: As used in this section, a"wall space"shall be considered a wall unbroken along the floor line by doorways, fireplaces, and similar openings. Each wall space 2 feet.or more in width shall be treated individually and separately from other wall spaces within the room. A wall space shall be permitted to include two or more walls of a room(around corners)where unbroken at the floor line. Receptacle outlets shall, insofar as practicable,be spaced equal distances apart. Receptacle outlets in floors shall not be counted as part of the required number of receptacle outlets unless located within 18 inches of the wall. The receptacle outlets required by this section shall be in addition to any receptacle that is part of any lighting fixture or appliance, located within cabinets or cupboards, or located over 5-1/2 feet above the floor. 15) Provide at least one wall switch-controlled.lighting outlet in every habitable room; in bathrooms,hallways, stairways, attached garages, and detached garages with electric power; and at the exterior side of outdoor Residential Plan Check Correction List Page 3 of 5 City of La Quinta, Building &Safety Department entrances or.exits. (CEC §210-70(a))Please show all switch legs on Plan. 16) Provide 120-volt smoke detector(s). (CBC §310.9.1) Show all locations on Plans. Locate no less than T-0" from air register. Informational Item: "In dwelling units, a detector shall be installed in each sleeping room and at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each separate sleeping area. When the dwelling unit has more than one story and in dwellings with basements, a detector shall be installed on each story and in the basement. In dwelling units where a story or basement is split into two or more levels,the smoke detector shall be installed on the upper level, except that when the lower level contains a sleeping area, a detector shall be installed on each level. When sleeping rooms are on-an upper level,the detector shall be placed at the ceiling of the upper level in close proximity to the stairway. In dwelling units where the ceiling height of a room open to the hallway serving the bedrooms exceeds that of the hallway by 24 inches or more, smoke detectors shall be installed in the hallway and in the adjacent room. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit in which they are located."(CBC §310.9.1.4) SECTION F-PLUMBING 1) Provide an access panel (12"x 12"minimum)to bathtub trap connection. (CPC §405.2) 2) If applicable,note on Plans: "Hot-mopped shower pan shall be inspected upon completion of hot-mopping and shall be filled with water for inspection."(CPC §412.8.1) 3) Provide access to water heater by means of an opening or doorway not less than 24 inches in width and not less than 30 inches in height. (CPC §511.0, 511.1)Please specify door size. 4) Note on Plans: "Provide a non-removable backflow prevention device on all exterior hose bibs."(CPC §603.0, 603.1) 5) Note on Plans: "Provide pressure regulator for water service where static pressure exceeds 80 psi."(CPC §608.2) 6) Note on Plans: "Provide a combination pressure and temperature relief valve at all water heaters, set to open at not more than 150 psi. Drain pipe shall extend to outside of building and terminate not more than 2 feet nor less than 6 inches above the ground and point downward with the end unobstructed. Any other termination location shall require approval by the Building Official."(CPC §608.3, 608.4, 608.5) SECTION G—ENERGY EFFICIENCY 1) Specify the following information from Energy Calculations at each new or replaced glazed opening (window, door, skylight)on the Floor Plan: a) Area of glazing(in square feet) b) Required U-factor 2) Show all required energy efficient lighting in Kitchen. Alternatively,provide a clear description/details for alternate lighting on Plans. (California Energy Code §150(k)1-4) Informational Item: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy of not less than 40 lumens per watt. General lighting must provide a sufficient light level for basic kitchen tasks and provide a uniform pattern of illumination. The high-efficacy luminaire shall be switched at an entrance to the kitchen. One fluorescent light in a kitchen,installed over the.sink or under one cabinet would not meet the Residential Plan Check Correction List Page 4 of 5 City of La Quinta, Building & Safety Department "general lighting"requirement. Examples of acceptable lighting configurations are(1)fluorescent lighting around the perimeter of the kitchen(over or under cabinets), or(2) a fluorescent light in the center of the kitchen. 3) Show all required energy efficient lighting in Bathrooms. Alternatively,provide a clear description/details for alternate lighting on Plans. (California Energy Code §150(k)1-4) Informational Item: Each room containing a shower or bathtub shall have at least one luminaire with lamp(s) with an efficacy of 40 lumens per watt or greater. If there is more than one luminaire in the room,the high- efficacy luminaire shall be switched at an entrance to the room. SECTION H-CONVENTIONAL LIGHT-FRAME CONSTRUCTION 1) No corrections apply. SECTION I-STRUCTURAL 1) See separate structural correction list, attached. SECTION J—SOIL/FOUNDATION 1) See separate structural correction list, attached. SECTION K-MISCELLANEOUS COMMENTS 1) Red marks on Plans, even if not specifically mentioned in this list,indicate items needing correction. Revise Plans as necessaryand provide written response,noting where correction can be found. 2) Provide contractor information to complete the building permit application form. 3) Provide a valuation amount(estimated labor and materials)for the work proposed under this permit to complete the building permit application form. END NON-STRUCTURAL CORRECTION LIST SEE STRUCTURAL CORRECTION LIST ATTACHED Residential Plan Check Correction List Page 5 of 5 J � cF�OF �w Letter of Transmittal T0: YOUNG ENGINEERING Date: Project: gp -foo 4,14 sS, Attention: I CA, i R Nz�L Lot/Tract: Telephone: P/C #: c-�) 2 6–o g # of Copies Description: _�l S j�-T ?64A/j, dZEivEs /SST N F- s F-T 0 G a/ s�T �✓ Cod/�c�N �3J� Comments: This material sent for: Your Files . At Your Request Your Review For Approval Checking AO 'At the request of: —� Other: 2v;Ec✓ d�F 7/ s�b�� From: ED RANDALL COUNTER TECHNICIAN Telephone: Office (760)777-7012 voice (760) 777-7012- Building & Safety Department- (760) 777-7011 fax Jul 1.7 02 09: 56a Richard Baker (323) 4668016 p. 2 TI" 1: GO. DOG a Z00Y-5ZZ415 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: I 10/25/2001 08:09AFee:36.00 Page 1 of 1 Doe T Tau Paid ORrNGE COAST TITLE COMPACOMPANY Recorded in Official Records 111U3DT R-202943-1 County of Riverside ENN g MM HH NN pp AA Gary L. Orso WHD UNL OLOTA RS EMENTS �V&D• Assessor, County Clerk 8 Recorder RICHARDMBAKER 11111111111111111111 I11 111111111111111111111111111111 80600 AVENUE 58 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 M s U PAGE SIZE DA POOR NOCOR SMF MSG. j GRANT �- �r A R L COPY LONA REFUND NCHG EXAM The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s) : Documentary transfer tax is $935.00 (XXX) Computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( i Computed on full value less- liens �Lnd encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( i Unincorporated area: t ) City of and ) FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, s ?; DANNY RICHARD SWENSON,TRUSTEE OF THE DAN SWENSON FAMILY LIVING TRUST, DATED FEBRUARY -" 20, 1993. (. herebv GF.ANTT r cl to RICHARD�iBAKE;R, A SINGLE MAN the real property in the City of LA QUINTA, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: S, The East one-half of the West one-half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian Dated September 24, 2001 State of California /^ \'P County of W it iCre i d_p: } S.S. SWE SON TRUSTEE On ,LQ_/ /RICHARD before me, ;an 3. �i 1se.4, personally appeared I ,nnr/i t�tinsan — 9erss=air knno- rr+ mP� (or proved to me on - the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person;wr whose namej?9) Sar✓e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that &&be- they executed the same in - /he {ttreir authorized capacity(�es) , and BRIAP)J.WATSON #1269155 r Qpat by is >aetiTBir signature444;3- on theOmy Notary Public—California instrument the person -, or the entity upon RNerside County behalf of which the person(si- acted, executed Comm,Expires Jun.29,2004 the instrument. WITNESS my hand arid official seal. Signature (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX ST o JUL-17-2002 10:22 323 4668016 96% P.02 ` = MET R OS CAN PROPERTY PR O F I L E = Riverside (CA) **************************************************************************************** * * * <<< OWNERSHIP INFORMATION >>> * * * Parcel Number :762 240 012 S:21 T:06S R:07E Q:SE * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Swenson Danny Richard * CoOwner * Site Address :80600 Avenue 58 La Quinta 92253 * Mail Address :80600 Avenue 58 La Quinta Ca 92253 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant: * * * <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION >>> * Transferred :05/01/1993 Loan Amount * Document # :190515 Lender * Sale Price Loan Type * Deed Type :Trust Transfer Interest Rate * Owned :100 Vesting Type * <<< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * Land :$127,730 Exempt Type * Structure :$36,427 Exempt Amount * Other Tax Rate Area :20-073 * Total :$164, 157 Taxes :$3,495.38 * Improved :22 * <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> * * * Map Grid * Census :Tract: Block: * Land Use :Y01 Vacant,Land With Misc Structures * Legal :9.78 ACRES M/L IN POR SE 1/4 OF SEC * :21 T6S R7E FOR TOTAL DESCRIPTION * :SEE ASSESSORS MAPS * Sub/Plat :. * Book Page: * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * * * Bedrooms Stories YearBuilt: AgPreserve * BathFull Units MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr Bldg SgFt: Street ADDITIONAL * BathHalf Gar SgFt Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :No Gar Type Elect Svc: RmAddtns :No * Cntrl Ht :No Lot Acres:9.78 Gas Svc RmAddSF * Cntr1A/C :No Lot SgFt :426, 016 WaterSrce: AddGarType * Pool :No Roof Type: SewerType: OthrPkng * * Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. SCALE IN 1110 OF AN INCH 1-800=345-7334 ' z s a s ' THIS YAP WAS PREPAREONOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY.NO LIABILITY SEC.21 T.6S. 1R.7E T.R.A. 020-025 762-24 IS ASSUMED FOR THE ACC92ACY OF THE DATA SH0824.ASSESSOR'S PARCEL CITY OF LA QU INTA 761-09 MAY NOT COMPLY WITH IO10,L LOT-SPLIT OR BUILDINO SITE ORDINANCES. 020-040 020-060 020-073 08 17 5.33 AC lb, '/R 21 TRA 020-025 i - 9 O ] 0 1' - 400' 15 rs;B ANGLE=0 me 24.48 AC: I �•C neeae TRA 2G 020-050 TRA 020-073 33 O0 I 19.64 AC LO aL"mzoa .o<�a� 1. _ TRA 020-060 rM ism 4eoae fs,w ]aom TRA 0201040 �nme TRA 020-073 I PAR 1 PAR 2 - . PAR} -O O 6 Q Fe 7 i - 4.465ACOR 4.65 AC GR \ 70.03 AC GR 163 AC NT 0.64 AC NT �Y\ A m042 a It;ema] 9.78AC 9.78AC 9.70 AC 19.55= 25 1 8.89 AC � / I I PAR 3 <I t o PAR 4 PAR 2I PAR 9O m 10 5AC GR I I SACGR - 1 - 4.63 AC I I 4.63AC 4..ETACNT I 1 4.51 AC 1rT 31 130.m 21 22 ]10.01 If11Ym Y)Y4] ]0 9 Sim i w WNTA IrvuNrts 28 I 27 O DATA:PY 192 6-21 w 19>/1.2 766 07 IPM 19/77 PARCEL MAP N0, 6377 ti JUL ASSESSOR'S NAP BN762 PG.24 OAll8834 U 6 - Riverside IeSnIT, CSIiE. �� PM "75/65-66 PARCEL MAP N0.I 1 Noy 2000 4W YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES Engineering Architecture-Surveying-Building&Safety Services Letter of Transmittal To: City of La Quinta Date: 07/25/02 Project: 80-600 Ave 58 Remodel of SFD Attn: Ed Randall PC#: 0206-081 (2nd Check) Tel No.: (760) 777-7012 Tract No.: We are forwarding: x By Messenger By E-Mail Your Pickup No. of Copies Description: 1 Set Plans-Redlines/ 1 Set New 1 Set Structural Calcs-Old/ 1 Set New 1 Correction List Comments: Plans are acceptable Thanks This Material Sent for: Your Files Per Your Request Your Review X Approval Checking At the request of: Other By: Eric A. Frenzel Phone # 342-9214 47-159 Youngs Lane Indio, CA 92201 (760)342-9214 Bronz Young *** CITY OF LA QUINTA *** BUILDING DEPARTMENT' DATE : 7/30/02 r—�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 26 LOG FILE NAME: 0206-081 JOB ADDRESS : 80-600 AVENUE 58 JE OWNER NAME : RICHARD BAKER MAILING ADDRESS : 955 CARRILLO DR, STE 100 CITY, ST ZIP PH# LOS ANGELES, CA 90048-323-466-6324. USE OF PERMIT : INTERIOR REMODEL TO EXISTING RESIDENCE CONTRACTOR NAME : 0 CONTRACTOR ADDR : 0 CONTRACTOR PH# : 0 LOT/TRACT : 0 ASSESSOR PARCEL# 762-240-012 (C)OMM or(R)ESID :I I R ** BUILDING CONSTRUCTION VALUATION UNIT UNIT$ TOTAL GOOD CONSTR(SF) 0 77.90 0 AVERAGE CONSTR (SF) 0 54.30 0 PORCH/PATIOS (SF) 0 13.30 0 GARAGE/CARPORT(SF) 0 19.60 0 BLOCK WALL(HT/LF) 0 0 0.00 0 BLOCK WALL (HT/LF) 0 0 0.00 0 WOOD FENCE (LF) 0 8.50 0 SPRINKLERS (SF) 0 1.70 0 A/C -- RESID (SF) 0 2.90 0 A/C --COMM (SF) 0 3.50 0 VALUATION 75000 1.00 75000 ESTIMATED VALUATION TOTAL 75000 ***SUMMARY OF FEES UNIT CONSTRUCTION FEE 527.00 PLAN CHECK FEE 411.84 PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT -500.00 MECHANICAL FEES 26.00 ELECTRICAL FEES 55.65 PLUMBING FEES 58.50 STRONG MOTION (RES) 7.50 STRONG MOTION (COMM) 0.00 TOTAL VAL GRADING 0.00 75000.00 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEE 0.00 PRECISE PLAN 0.00 ART IN.PUBLIC PLACES (RES) 0.00 TOTAL FEES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES (COMM) 0.00 586.49 Page 1 *** CITY OF' LA QUINTA *** BUILDING DEPARTMENT' JOB ADDRESS : 80-600 AVENUE-58 ** ELECTRICAL FEES UNIT UNIT$1 TOTAL FLOOR AREA(SF) 0 0.04 0.00 GARAGE/CARPORT (SF) 0 0.02 0.00 ELECTRIC UNITS (EA) 0 3.00 0.00 SUB-PANELS 0 7.50 0.00 CONSTRUCTION POLE 0 15.00 0.00 SERVICE (AMPS) 0 18/37/75 0.00 SWIMMING POOL (EA) 0 30.00 0.00 SPA(EA) 0 15.00 0.00 ELECTRICAL DEVICES 20 0.75 15.00 ELECTRICAL DEVICES 57 0.45 25.65 PERMIT FEE 1 15.00 15.00 ELECTRICAL SUB-TOTAL 55.65 ** PLUMBING FEES UNIT UNIT$1 TOTAL POOL/SPA(0, 1 OR 2) 0 21/27 0.00 WATER PIPING 1 3.00 3.00 ROOF DRAINS 0 6.00 0.00 SEWER CONNECTION 0 22.50 - 0.00 GAS PIPING 1 4.50/1.25 4.50 WATER HEATER 0 7.50 0.00 FIXTURES 6 6.00 36.00 SEWAGE DISPOSAL . 0 45.00 0.00 LAWN SPRINK. SYSTEM 0 9.00 0.00 OTHER - 0 0.00 0.00 PERMIT FEE 1 15.00 15.00 PLUMBING SUB-TOTAL 58.50 ** MECHANICAL FEES UNIT UNIT$ TOTAL DUCT ALTERATION (FF) 1 4.50 4.50 EXHAUST,HOOD,FAN(EA) 1 6.50 6.50 HEATING <=100000 BTU 0 9.00 0.00 HEATING > 100000 BTU 0 11.00 0.00 EVAPORATIVE COOLER 0 6.50 0.00 COMPRESSOR <= 3 TON 0 9.00 0.00 COMPRESSOR > 3 TON 0 16.50 0.00 SWIMMING POOL HEATER 0 24.00 0.00 OTHER 0 0.00 0.00 OTHER 0 0.00 0.00 PERMIT FEE 1 15.00 15.00 MECHANICAL SUB-TOTAL 26.00 4 Page 1 PLAN CHECKBY.- VALUATION SQ. FT. VALUE. TOTAL VALUE ' 1 ST FLOOR 2 ND FLOOR COVERED PATIO GARAGE TRELLIS A/C _ FIRE SPRINKLERS TQTd� MECHANICAL FANS 1 TRASH COMP. BEATERS Doel GARB. DISP. COMPRESSOR OVEN EVAP. COOLER RANGE 1 APPLIANCES COOK TOP _ REFRIGERATOR ELECTRICAL - ICE MAKER DRINKING FOUN SQ. FT. LIV WASHER SQ. FT GARAGE DRYER SUB PANELS DISHWASHER MAIN SER FREEZER PLUMBING GAS PIPE Mau TOILET RJRES -'-"— BIDET WATER HEATER URINAL --- SEPTIC SYSTEM LAV 1 _ SEWER -SHOWERS ( ROOF DRAINS BATHTUB �._ FLOOR DRAIN SINKS KITCHEN SINK BBQ/BAR SINK VEG SINK TUB/SHOWER LAUNDRY TRAY BBQ FIREPLACE ------------- � a �- - -� p'0 91 s•er G Q-33 �1.."s>>E:F����I.fi%.�?Afil.'�f_'L�t�.,���":1�ww•\' '...%,<.:�_:��-=;,.�� ._ .RUN MWMPdSj=MKjtf� �• �'�P I�gra��•�C.�T�T_=��IL_v��ta'ti��.���il����" .'�':�'•.:.�...;_''=;�.o_ Wink E'FRI :F-17:7 rL ILI IN Ira on P.I-Fml-I m i I Li Me MR WE k1 Sea Q-35 Joe venv f7 City of La Quinta Building and Safety Department Plan Check Corrections Baker Residence Engineer: Lonnie Mount 80-600 Ave. 58 Plan Check No.: 0206-081(1st check) La Quinta, California Date: 6/17/02 1. Specify on the plans that structural observation per UBC 1702 is required. 2. All structural plans and details must be reviewed, stamped and signed by the engineer of record. 3. For seismic calculations submit soils report or other documentation to justify Ca, Cv, Na, Nv coefficients. MP fh&k- Q -Vf 4. Provide continuity (drag collector) connections between shear walls along lines of lateral resistance where continuous plates do not transfer unit shears. Refer to redlines on plans where D is keyed. CoNTWOOLt. TOLD f 1a4011�69_ sKE�p� Note and respond to any red-marked items noted on plans, but not specifically noted on this checklist. Return all red-marked documents with resubmittal to facilitate recheck process, and provide an itemized written response to each item on this list with resubmittal. Please Incorporate requested corrections into plan sets and reprint. Plan Reviewer: Eric A. Frenzel. Phone No.: 760-342-9214 Fax No.: 760-342-6164 28 � IE 78-495 Calle Tampico,La Quinta,CA 92253 (760)777-7015 voice;(760)777-7011 fax City of Quinta Building Department Fcix To: Huay Wee, Marmol Radziner&Assoc From: Greg Butler, Building&Safety Manager Fax: 310-264-1817 Pages: Five, including cover Phone: 310-264-1814 Date: July 30,2002 Re: Baker Residence Remodel CC: ❑ Urgent X Per your Request ❑Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Following is the City Business License application paperwork for Contractors. For preliminary approval, the completed forms can be faxed to(760)777-7011. If questions arise,we can attempt to resolve them over the telephone before someone makes a long drive. Also,the total permit fees dues at issuance are$586.49 All checks need to be made payable to: City of La Quinta. Call the Building Department at(760)777-7012 if you have further questions. Sincerely, ��r,Q-�r � � u��,rr,�, . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 30 �� '71 Y) 76/� P.O. BOX 1504 Building Q l—`DO 7&105 CALLS ESTADO APPLICATION ONLY Address (l v /�/ LA QUINTA,CALIFORNIA 92253 Owner �� Mailing BUILDING: TYPE CONST. OCC.GRP.J/ r/ vJ Address �� 7 OOr A.P. Number 76 7o j013 City _ Zip 04 Tel/-/� 1y7 /` Legal Description Y- Contractor 1 �3f �T 7 Project Description Ail/ /(Zr Address City Zip Tel. State Lic. City &Classif. Lic.# Sq. Ft. No. No. DIN. Arch., Engr., Size Stories Units — Designer - New ❑ Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Address – T "1-1 . of �y a l o City Zip / State Macro l-e [i Lic.#,22_12,Y)l LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code,and my license is in full force and effect. SIGNATURE DATE OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Estimated Valuation Q I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: (Sec. 7031.5,Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to PERMIT AMOUNT the provisions of the Contractor's License Law, Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or that.he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit Plan Chk. Dep. subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars($500). I;I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation,will Plan Chk. Bal. Q , 2 do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale.(Sec. 7044,Buisness and Const. 26.Q� Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does Such work himself or through his own employees, Mech. •y(/ provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden Electrical of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) I 1 I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to con- Plumbing struct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for S.M.I. Z such projects with a contractor(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.) Grading t7 I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C.for this reason Driveway'Enc. Date Owner Infrastructure WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self-insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance,or a certified copy thereof.(Sec.3800,Labor Code.) Policy No. Company 177 Copy is filed with the city. ❑Certified copy is hereby furnished. TOTAL CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM REMARKS WORKERS'COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less.) I certify that in the performance of ih�work for which this permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers'Compensation Laws of California. Date Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption you should become ZONE: BY- subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith Minimum Setback Distances: comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Side Street Setback from Center Line I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.(Sec.3097,Civil Code.) Side Setback from Property Line Lender's Name Lender's Address FINAL DATE INSPECTOR This is a building permit when properly filled out,signed and validated,and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. Issued by: Date Permit I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building . construction, and hereby authorize representatives sof this city to enter the above- mentioned bovementioned property for inspection purposes. Validated by: Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address Validation: City, State, Zip ,� BUILDING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE NO. ELECTRICAL FEES NO. PLUMBING FEES 1ST FL SO.FT.Q $ UNITS 2ND FL. SO.FT.CcL YARD SPKLR SYSTEM POR. SO.FT.@ MOBILEHOME SVC. BAR SINK GAR. SQ.FT.0 POWER OUTLET ROOF DRAINS } DRAINAGE PIPING CAR P. SO.FT.(9I WALL SO.FT. DRINKING FOUNTAIN Y SO.FT. URINAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION VALUATION g WATER PIPING NOTE:Not to be used as property tax valuation FLOOR DRAIN MECHANICAL FEES WATER SOFTENER VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP.COOL HOOD SIGN WASHER(AUTO)(DISH) APPLIANCE DRYER GARBAGE DISPOSAL FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED LAUNDRYTRAY AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM KITCHEN SINK ABSORPTION SYSTEM. B.T.U. TEMP USE PERMIT SVC WATER CLOSET COMPRESSOR HP POLE,TEMIPERM LAVATORY HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER BOILER B.T.U. SO.FT.@ c BATH TUB SQ.FT.@ c WATER HEATER MAX.HEATER OUTPUT,B.T.U. SO.FT.RESID Q 11A c SEWAGE DISPOSAL SQ.FT.GAR rn 3/<c tGAS SEWER I :E NG PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE EE DBL TOTAL FEES MICRO FEEMECH.FEE PL.CK.FEE CONST.FEE EI-Et77FEE SMI FEE PLUMB.FEE qV//nn STRUCTURE PLUMBING ELECTRICAL HEATING R AIR COND. SOLAR SETBACK GROUND PLUMBING UNDERGROUND A.C.UNIT COLL.AREA SLAB GRADE ROUGH PLUMB. BONDING HEATING(ROUGH) STORAGE TANK FORMS SEWER OR SEPTIC TANK ROUGH WIRING DUCT WORK ROCK STORAGE FOUND.REINF. GAS(ROUGH) METER LOOP HEATING(FINAL) OTHER APPJEQUIP. REINF.STEEL GAS(FINAL) TEMP.POLE GROUT WATER HEATER SERVICE FINAL INSP. BOND BEAM WATER SYSTEM GRADING LUMBER GR. FINAL INSP, cu.yd. FRAMING FINAL INSP. g plus x$ =$ ROOFING REMARKS: VENTILATION --- FIRE ZONE ROOFING FIREPLACE SPARK ARRESTOR GAR. FIREWALL LATHING MESH INSULATION/SOUND FINISH GRADING FINAL INSPECTION CERT. OCC. FENCE FINAL INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURESIINITIALS GARDEN WALL FINAL 11111111111111111111 IN 31 IE Q, OF 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 February 17, 1994 Robert Vaughan RVI CORPORATION 2744 Frankfort Street San Diego, CA 92117 Dear Mr. Vaughan: The Building Permit No. 12303, issued to you on January 14, 1994, for the installation of cellular telephone equipment at 81-600 Avenue 58 in La Quinta, California, includes fees for all applicable trades for the construction of the facility building. If you have any further questions, please call me at (619) 777-7012. Sincerely, BUII, ING AND AFETY DEPARTMENT Kelly Tro ple Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 "03/14/1995 08: 53 2:137482271 SMITH Eh•9ERV CO PAGE 02 $MITU-EMERY COMPANY The Full Service/ndtWndent Testing ittborafory, Established 1904 781 Ba•1 Wahhtgeott t;ovlevard • Los Angeles,Califomia 90021 • (213)749-3411 • Fax:(21))7467728 1'.O.Box 88M.Hunter a Point Shipyard 81dg.114 • San Francisco,CaUfomia 94188 • (415)693.1000 • Fit.:1415)3.90-man)026 • Fax.(714)�9JI+134 5427PAIe1lA�eAvenue • Anahcim,CaGfomia92807 • (714)693- Filo No. �l1698 March 08, 1995 LAb No. 49S!337 Cost Ctr.fY 2425 Client: AWN`�OUCH CELLULAR-LA l�t0.Pox 19707 M9bo,CA 92713 Alk Judy L,*ano Project: AottOUC®CELLULAR 10-01p0 Avenue 58 Lt Quina, CA SUBJECT: Camptesaive Snngth Tests on Concrete Core Specimens STANDARD: ASW C 42-87"Standard Method of Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and 88I1�d BMW Of Concrete LOCATION: Poutillip Northwest Section "-"l OF TES"Il'S Test No.: l Laboratory Con.No.: 13227 Date Powted.' 2/3/95 J Date Tested: 3/3/95 Age, Days: 28 Motstu,+r Dry Aggregate&W. Length Reciewd.lwt Length Bgfbw 0404, Jn&: 7.00" Length AIM' Ins.: 7.50" Diameter,ht: 3.75" Cross-&0d0XWAW i Sq. In.:. 11.04" Max mum bmt Abir•r 42,600 Comp"A"S1ht - PSI: 3,860 2.00 Length to DAw*v Motto: ' + Simngth C Ji'actor: 1.00 Corrected CaftVmm%w Stmogth. PSI(3): 3,860 Design PST; 3,000 i (1) The stolt> QW dUtia®at the time of testing. (2) Nomimm l 00dm iN size of concrc4c aggregate. (3)Corraled#*iNkith to diameter ratios less than 1.94". • Reape��. SMITH-ffiNIM,1**II' RogipOenid t wos No. 44233 RogirtrAtlOa QIFJ 06-30-9'7 oc: City of 1A Dept.of Bldg. dt Sa ty " WTA ORTS A116 SWOMITTED AS YME CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT.CONCLUSIONS.OR CX- TRACTS FIIIOM ON MOAMOINO TMEM I!RESERVEO PENOINO OUR WRITTCN APPROVAL ASA MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS.THE PUBLIC ANO OURSELV CS 02%1E•:'95 1141 B 619 343 1983 R-1 AGGREGATES F. 92 `•:iitsra:• ....:5 .. . .. ... ... :.::.. ... OlinviroarnentR]Sludiaq 0(h,weehnic'.41 hplvcriplltiof Q Afirntopenk'rrr olifHlt,rid s TeXtifW Inspection (.t)Nc RI" "E, MIX 1)1;.41(.N Project No.: 94.001 Date: 3/29/94 Job: Mix DCsign: 5538/55385AII-VO/ Address: N/A Handling: pump' Client: A-1 AOgre(tetAs, Inc. Use: Structural Concrete Architect: N/A Engineer N/A Contractor: N/A Concrote Supplier: A i A gragatPs, Inc. � A-1 A 90•"at $ Days Aggregate Design Strength: -50-0 rps"i Source: Maximum Water Cement Ratio: 0.64 Lb-01-13s. Cement factor: 5.50 Sticks/CV, Yd. Cement: TVPe it or V Maximum Slump: 4 Inches Admixture: Sika, Plastocrete 151 Gradation: Combined Sieve Size 3/8" Rock Rock Rock W.C. Send Grading 2,• 1 1/2" 1" • 114, 1/2" 1OO 100 3/8', Ear, 100 93 ��r> #4 12 95 54 #8 75 38 #16 55 28 p10 36 18 X50 18 9 3 #200 2 1 Specific Gravity: 2,66 2.65 F.M.: 6,033.1 13 4.57 Note: All Aggregate Weights Are Ssturated SUr/srcr: Viy Weights And Any Froq Moisture Must SO Considered As Part Of Total Water. Mix Proportions: Batch Weights, Lbs. Absolute.Volume, CU.Ft. Cement 5.5U Sacks . 517 2.63 Water 40 Gals. 333 5.34 3/8" RoCI: ("i0% 1,577 9.50 Rock ; W/C Sand ,,0`%, 1,577 9.54 Sika, Plastocrete 1 51 3 fl.oz/cwt ce lleiit Plastic Unit Weight: 148.30 Lbs./C:u•ft. 4,004 t.bs. 27.00 Cu-Ft. i Note: Not Pumpable with Mecco,Maxlram or Untrom Typic Pumps. Distribution: (1) Client J. D: I REVIVI?R & ASSOCIATES i 41-440 Allign tor 1'nncf X(n+cl O Lti')rt11ir1n 1)1ur.tc, (',,y ►�:? o (C19).Yr;f1•.5?fh t TAX (909)681-6.531 IIIIIIIIVIIIIIIVIIIIIII 35 IE JOB NUMBER: JOB NAME: S l- (pocD PLACE OF INSPECTION: TYPE OF INSPECTION: - PERMIT NO: p RPT. DATE: 2 -q- 5 Day Date Key 1175,gecleJec DSI S � � Form 101 =ra.�w.�,....+^F.^r-�-ae«�.-�..--;rn_.�.,�.„,�:��W.v►'c.�firrv.^et'.+�x=l:n.;�'��;r+"'.`ar'r-"rr �-,..,--..-. ..—...,. -.,. .-.--ter-...-... .�—,..�, ._r».tiVw^ `y"'�-.aritiS'�W37 w I IIIIIII VIII III VIII IIII 36i _ 1 • IE �W.O. Q C. ' MEMO DATs E 1446 EAST CHESTNUT AVENUE NAME�'� A,rr, K al ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 (714)647-0277 FAX(714)647-0745 HOURS CLIENT _ TRACT LOCATION A VA- SUPT. CONTRACTOR `'� ' V;04 AA�4\' t)UA G)AA 6cR_.41v'\,.rvNA-'i t 6 1 Kk ` R ” �kkt'f VN'k �. t i +11x1 . 3'�N �N ( m-wdkt s c A q-1 0- c 4) r AA- 14F' - "� MA 0.`f i a A c-t 0 { r �.t G�v�-c ►s��. uta �1 c r� `Tkt"' .1 1 n nipLL& --k' 40'A'x A, IJV\,;- A) t�A' yw � c&m- 01Aac_A v6s-I'LQ V_�tA W�W_kc Y), L' I (�04 >r All r+ f3 U In k GeoSoils, Ince f r By- , Page of / MEMO DATE 1446 EAST CHESTNUT AVENUE NAME SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA,92701 (714)647-0277 FAX(79 4 •4�5 ` 4 HOURS •\ CLIENT TRACT ;. "�+ LOCATION �- SUPT CONTRACTOR `� CONTRACTOR �- L�-e •�' n ( ..t 1-- C.I e► ; -tA r , Q,1 &t rJ���t �-. ,,.p 4, N %A ri %r t,, ch L�- rN v,^ A� t- t ' .��, �� ', .0�t 1� �� � ,�( • ,i" ill�', F C_ �- � �t�. . ..� t" 1-21 t- wtc� 11n t N � • r► ir -�-� o ,.t C E( 16A%A �� c ► C� �/�r�. R_ lam. fix," r i Ip%l� it 1� • r 1 �• Au 1,t< - / �7;�••.4 e'+� • A.` <— 44 l� �• f :. E ' >,�r�c.-�:c ,�c ��� . `� �c.to � ', t- �- ' �� �.1 � ��r��, �? ,r cel•�►� � ��t�,r c 1 m u(.j T, 1--co M n GeoSoils, Inc: t f By: i=4, ,J Page of �� f ,