CACMIN 12 12 2002 e e IV. CONSENT CALENDAR B. ~ of ~(J.tdJt CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES December 12, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky (excused) Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Tom McGraw Commissioner Elaine Reynolds STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director PUBLIC PRESENT: Bill Hutchins Jaime Rosch Roger Hopkins Jeffery Jurasky II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Financial Report for November B. Approval of Minutes of November 14, 2002 C. Monthly Department Report for October 2002 It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/McGraw to approve the Consent Calendar with one change in the minutes. Unanimous. Commissioner Loudon noted that after the November 14, 2002 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, Commissioner McGraw agreed to work on the performing arts event in the spring. 007 Cultural Arts Commission Me. Minutes e December 12, 2002 Page 2. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Omri and Boni Restaurant Art Piece Commissioner McGraw gave an overview of the visit he and Commissioner Loudon took of Mr. Hopkins' studio after the last meeting. Commissioner McGraw asked if Mr. Hopkins had scaled down the base of the art piece. Mr. Hopkins stated that he had scaled it back two and a half feet from the original proposal. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she would like to see petroglyphs etched into the stone. Mr. Hopkins stated that he would add petroglphs to the top of the art piece, but did not want to add them to the sides. He feels the artwork should be a place of mystery and an intimate garden setting. He will place a polished stone inside the sculpture for people to sit on. Commissioner McGraw stated he is in favor of this art piece. Commissioner Loudon believes this piece is beautiful without any changes. Commissioner Reynolds asked about the base of the art piece and whether it would be set in concrete. Mr. Hopkins stated that the piece will be set in dry concrete about a foot deep, and then applied with water to harden the substance. There will be decomposed granite around the base. Commissioner Loudon asked about the bench under the structure. Mr. Hopkins stated that the bench will be a polished stone and located east of the sculpture. It was motioned by McGraw/Reynolds to forward the recommendation to City Council that the Art in Public Places fund in the amount of $32,000 fund the proposed art piece for Omri and Boni's Restaurant. Unanimous. B. Bruce Thomas Art Piece Commissioner McGraw believes the Bruce Thomas art piece should be located in the traffic circle on Montezuma. He suggested the piece be set in a rock base provided by Roger Hopkins. Mr. Hopkins confirmed that the base and installation would cost approximately $3,000. Commissioner McGraw also stated that the base of the art piece would need to be modified by removing the plate in order to install the rock base. The fiberglass also needs to be repaired and repainted. He suggested the piece remain blue in color. Commissioner McGraw stated that due to the truck traffic to the post office, a pond to display the Thomas art piece is not practical. However, if the post office relocates, a pond could possibly be installed in the traffic circle to display the Thomas piece as originally intended. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.12.12.02.doc uu8 Cultural Arts Commission Me4t Minutes e December 12, 2002 Page 3. Commissioner Reynolds asked if Mr. Thomas was consulted on this site for the art piece. Commissioner Loudon stated that Mr. Thomas gave the City permission to display the art piece as deemed appropriate. Mr. Hopkins asked to view the art piece to better determine an appropriate stone for the base of the art piece. Staff will meet with Mr. Hopkins next week so he can see the piece and measure the base. Commissioner Reynolds stated that the City Council should be allowed to make the final selection of the stone used for the base. Commissioner Loudon recommended that Mr. Hopkins make the final selection before the art piece is taken to the City Council for consideration. It was motioned by McGraw/Reynolds to forward the recommendation to City Council that the Thomas art piece be repaired and repainted blue, placed in a large boulder and located in the traffic circle on Montezuma at a cost not to exceed $6,000. Unanimous. Commissioner McGraw stated that Councilmember Henderson requested Roger Hopkins provide information regarding stone benches and picnic tables for the Cove Oasis Trailhead. Commissioner McGraw asked that pictures of prior work and pricing be provided at the next meeting. C. Spring Performing Arts Event Commissioner Loudon suggested the end of March for the Spring performing arts event. March 29 was proposed for the event. Commissioner Loudon provided information about the Sidestreet Strutters, which are available on this date. Commissioner Loudon reported that their normal fee is $6,000, however, they are willing to perform for $4,000. Commissioner Loudon would also like to have a performing arts act between the Sidestreet Strutters and fireworks. It is anticipated that the performing arts act would be the dance company from the McCallum Theater. Then the event would end with fireworks. Commissioner McGraw suggested that Commissioner Brodsky might know of the strobe light show done at the Disneyland Hotel as an alternative to fireworks. Commissioner McGraw said that show is a wonderful effect without the loud explosions from the fireworks. It was moved by McGraw/Reynolds to recommend to the City Council that the spring event be held on March 29, 2003 with the Sidestreet Strutters, a dance company and fireworks at the Civic Center Campus amphitheater. Unanimous. Commissioner Loudon suggested that the picnic publicity could include the spring event. Commissioner McGraw suggested that the Commission put together a media packet for any special event held by the Commission. A press release with photographs should S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.12.12.02.doc (J'~ 9 Cultural Arts Commission Mee Minutes e December 12, 2002 Page 4. be personally delivered to the media three weeks in advance. Commissioner Loudon will chair this activity. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Commissioner McGraw asked that Luanne Alvarez be sent a "thank you" card from the Commission for assisting with the bands during the Dedication event. Staff will provide the address for Commissioner Loudon. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Loudon asked that the locations for artwork presented as Attachment A to Business Session B be added to a future agenda. Staff recommended that once a development is approved for the site at Washington Street and Fred Waring, the Commission may want to address the art piece at that time instead of placing an art piece in a vacant piece of land. Staff reported that there is a development planned for Washington Street and Miles Avenue. Staff will notify the Commission if the developer would like to include an art piece as part of their development. The Commission would like to review the list of art sites at the next meeting. Commissioner Loudon stated that Mr. Archie Sharp of the Historical Preservation Committee has asked that the historical plaques located throughout the City be identified. According to Commissioner Loudon, the Historical Preservation Committee has discussed this. Commissioner McGraw was directed to contact Mr. Sharp for more details and bring this back to the next meeting. Commissioner McGraw reported that he anticipates having the list of art ready by the next meeting. The information will be sorted by location, artist name, certificate of authenticity, name of art piece and type of artwork. He will research how many directions the information can be sorted. Terry Henderson suggested that the historical plaques be added to this art list. Commissioner Reynolds said that she thought the Dedication went well, and enjoyed the Marine Corp. Band and the High School Band. Commissioner McGraw suggested that in the future, public restrooms have tiles designed by the Foundation of the Retarded installed, perhaps around the border of the tile. He will bring tiles to the next meeting for the Commission's consideration. The City of La Quinta could thereby support a non-profit organization and get good publicity from the project. These tiles could be used inside the restrooms, as a colorful band around the tile. Staff reported that new public restrooms are planned for the Community Park and one at the Library building. Commissioner McGraw will research the cost of the program. Commissioner McGraw reported that he has received many requests from cove residents that the Bear Creek Trail has mileage markers located along the trail. These could be in quarter mile increments and could be color-coded as to the mileage. A six- S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.12.12.02.doc 010 Cultural Arts Commission Mee Minutes e December 12, 2002 Page 5. inch tile with the City seal and mountains would provide mileage markers along the trail. A legend could be provided so that people could identify what the mileage markers represented. These could be affixed to the right side of the trail, using the colors of the City's entrance monument logo. Commissioner Reynolds suggested that Commissioner McGraw bring back the program to the Commission at the next meeting for consideration. Commissioner Loudon reported that the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance had a very wonderful dinner dance on December 5; Mayor Don Adolph and Council Member Terry Henderson were in attendance. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/McGraw to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION January 9,2003 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Agenda items for next meeting: . Spring Event . Possible Art Site Locations . Historical Plaque Locations . Public Restroom Tile Program . Bear Creek Trail Mileage Marker Program . Co e Oasis Trailhead Benches o e Horvitz Community Services Director S:ICommunity ServicesICAC\CACMIN.12.12.02.doc vII